Author Topic: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???  (Read 1304 times)

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Post #22915
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Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
If so, what is that point and is it before you start seeing sharia law implemented into US we have seen beginning already in many areas of this country...and in the white house, as was showcased today at the UN.

I believe you have another couple of years to deny it, but will it take rioting mooslims on US soil in mass for you to begin to see their goals...or is there a point before that which may make you understand they are the biggest threat to humanity we face today. (Besides liberals of course)

You find it odd at all that liberals and mooslims both hate America's Christian heritage and that you both basically blame the US and Christianity for everything bad in this world?? (Even though the truth is absolutely the opposite)

Where would our standard of living be if we had relied on the mooslim world or African culture to produce advances to civilization??  Cultures in these places live much as they did over a 1000 years addition to constant civil wars fought over basically nothing...and no dinbats...nobody "stole" anything from them in order to create the majority of the wealth in this country.  Blacks in America live astoundingly better lives today than their kinsmen back on the African the whole reparations for slavery canard is garbage.


Todd M.
9/25 9:38 PM | IP: Logged
All-Big 12 performer
Post #8649

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply

    Originally posted by ksucatinokc:

    Where would our standard of living be if we had relied on the mooslim world or African culture to produce advances to civilization??  Cultures in these places live much as they did over a 1000 years addition to constant civil wars fought over basically nothing...and no dinbats...nobody "stole" anything from them in order to create the majority of the wealth in this country.  Blacks in America live astoundingly better lives today than their kinsmen back on the African the whole reparations for slavery canard is garbage.

O's brother agrees, and this is why George gets no help from brother Barry.  They have completely different views on the effects of colonialism, so Barry wants nothing to do with him.
9/26 8:10 AM | IP: Logged

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Post #10566
Phoenix, AZ

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
(Not sure where I found this a while back...)

The Muslims are not happy!

They're not happy in Gaza ..
They're not happy in Egypt ..
They're not happy in Libya ..
They're not happy in Morocco ..
They're not happy in Iran ..
They're not happy in Iraq ..
They're not happy in Yemen ..
They're not happy in Afghanistan ..
They're not happy in Pakistan ..
They're not happy in Syria ..
They're not happy in Lebanon ..

So, where are they happy?

They're happy in Australia .
They're happy in Canada.
They're happy in England ..
They're happy in France ..
They're happy in Italy ..
They're happy in Germany ..
They're happy in Sweden ..
They're happy in the USA ..
They're happy in Norway ..
They're happy in Holland .
They're happy in Denmark .

Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is.

And who do they blame?

Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.


They then want to change those countries to be like .... THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY.

Sounds logical.

9/26 3:23 PM | IP: Logged
Post #3060
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
There are so many things wrong with this statement I don't even know where to begin.  Every paragraph has another piece of misinformation and I don't know what is the biggest.  Is it the implementation of sharia law already happening in the US?  Is it complete lack of historical knowledge on the advances produced by Middle Eastern countries (and other non-'Christian' countries)?  Is it a complete ignorance of the atrocities that Christianity has wrought? 

Sadly, sometimes ignorant hatred is too deeply ingrained to even attempt to fight.  The funny thing is, if you put OKC's comments up against...oh, I don't know, Al Qaeda's comments, they are shockingly similar.
9/26 4:42 PM | IP: Logged

A solid starter
Post #4601
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
Glad to see that money spent on all that fear mongering and paranoia pushing was totally wasted. Leave it to the Okies to buy it.
9/26 6:18 PM | IP: Logged
Post #1957
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
Since liberals, as opposed to conservatives, are governed by reason much more than emotion, probably never.
9/26 10:59 PM | IP: Logged

GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #18341
chithole, USA

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
and the bizzare world of libs keeps getting weirder.

libs driven by reason, now that's a new one.

and liberals are fiscally responsible
and liberals follow law and order
and liberals love their country
and liberals will work hard for their own hullabaloo
you get the picture......
9/27 5:15 AM | IP: Logged

GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #18342
chithole, USA

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
please enlighten us on the Christian atrocities....
9/27 5:17 AM | IP: Logged

GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #18343
chithole, USA

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
9/27 5:19 AM | IP: Logged
GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #22921
Currently in Lawton, OK
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
Ok, I'm going to go with "no"...there is no line mooslims can cross to scare the true dingbats until they are actually able to enslave and/or kill them.

Your pro-is-lame card is not going to protect you down the road.

You have been warned.

EVERY knee will bow before Christ on judgement day, but it would appear that the dingbats are more than willing to allow themselves to be forced to bow before their mooslim oppressors before then in this earthly body.  It's strange out satan can blind people so completely, you can show them the error of their ways, and then they just double down on their ignorance.

Only prayer is going to win this election in November.

If barry and the dingbats win it, then we will get to see soon enough how the masses in this country react to economic collapse.  Although, to be fair, the system is going to collapse any's only a matter of how many more civil liberties are stolen by the feds as it goes down.


Todd M.
9/27 6:50 AM | IP: Logged

Post #100
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
What Muslims have you talked to to learn this? Has someone asked you for reperations? My neighbor is black and asked for a 1/4 drill bit, should I be pissed?
9/27 8:08 AM | IP: Logged
Post #1958
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
In the real world, yes.  In the fevered imaginations of conservatives, no.  Liberals have a reasoned view of all those things you mentioned.

Compare to Conservatives and the magic tax cut.  Everything is fear- fear of Muslims, fear of gays, fear of government, fear of health care, fear of undocumented immigrants.

This post was edited on 9/27 8:37 AM by Firehazzard
9/27 8:31 AM | IP: Logged
Post #3061
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
Depends on how you want to view it.  I was specifically speaking to historical atrocities done on behalf of Christianity.  Now you can say that that's in the past, but the fact is saying Islam is doing something unspeakable that has never been done before completely ignores the Christian actions that are every bit as bad (likely worse).

But you can also look at it through the lens of the everyday Muslim in the ME.  They see and hear reports of the US killing scores of civilians, starting wars with Muslim nations, and probably even heard about the Mosque burnings and fear mongering over Islam in the US.  They see statements by US Representatives, Senators, and even Presidential candidates going on Muslim witchhunts or talking about how the US needs to more closely adhere to the Bible.  They see the US trying to impose actions that are considered human rights issues, but they view as Christian ideals.  And then, again, they look back at the wars and the civilian killings and see not a country trying to rid the world of problem actors, but a Christian country killing Muslims. 

You and I can say, "that's not the intent and that's not Christianity" as the actions are done in the name of a sovereign, not a religion, but they can easily say, "well, you attribute every terrorist act to Islam, when that is not Islam."  It's a viewpoint and where I don't see it necessarily as a 'Christian created atrocity' a huge number in the world will and it's certainly as valid as attributing every terrorist attack by a brown person to Islam.  They bomb us screaming "Praise be to Allah", we bomb them and say, "God bless America."  It's all perception. 
9/27 1:02 PM | IP: Logged
GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #22922
Currently in Lawton, OK
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
Does the fact a majority of blacks want reparations mean they all do dingbat??  Of course's one reparations program...only a start to be sure.

As for the moosims, I have read the translations of the, it's basically just doing basic research.  Plus, I have talked to former mooslims that have come out of that evil enslaving false religion, in addition to several Christians from Pock-ee-ston and Egypt that still go back as missionaries.  Although they do go back quietly because if they were found to be spreading the gospel and possessing Bibles, they would be killed.  (cuz of mooslim tolerance and all that)

For the record, somebody did say that they deserve to be paid back for slavery and that if it has to be with my tax dollars...that's fine.

So, to answer your question...yes, they have.

Of course this canned dingbat response is giving you the benefit of the doubt that you haven't ever heard of Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and barry's own pastor...


I appreciate dingbat responses, but why do you do this to yourselves???


Todd M.

Link: 9/27 2:46 PM | IP: Logged
GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #22924
Currently in Lawton, OK
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
Give specific examples in the last 50 to a 100 years.

Links, dates, etc...



Todd M.
9/27 2:49 PM | IP: Logged
Post #3063
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
Examples to what?  Historical Christian atrocities?  For one, I don't know why you wanted to limit it to 50-100 years.  I suspect because you at least have the basic knowledge to know if we go throughout the history of Christianity it is far from supportive of your side.  But if you want a recent example, read up on the Spanish Civil War, there is no shortage of massacres there done under a Christian flag (by both sides). 
9/27 3:33 PM | IP: Logged

GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #18344
chithole, USA

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Re: the magic tax cut?   Reply
the one that raised treasury revenues 45% over a 5 year stretch?  how's you guy doing?
9/27 9:04 PM | IP: Logged

GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #18345
chithole, USA

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Re: so nothing in particular, not even one little thing?   Reply
my perception is you prefer nonsense.

in order to view our troops killing in the name of God, you'd have to buy into we are a religious country, driven by love of God and I don't see that as the case.

this is hardly a Christian country.

I missed the last muslim witchhunt, who was that?  you don't have to list lots, just the last one.
9/27 9:10 PM | IP: Logged

GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #28790
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply

    Originally posted by ksucatinokc:
    If so, what is that point and is it before you start seeing sharia law implemented into US we have seen beginning already in many areas of this country...and in the white house, as was showcased today at the UN.

    I believe you have another couple of years to deny it, but will it take rioting mooslims on US soil in mass for you to begin to see their goals...or is there a point before that which may make you understand they are the biggest threat to humanity we face today. (Besides liberals of course)

    You find it odd at all that liberals and mooslims both hate America's Christian heritage and that you both basically blame the US and Christianity for everything bad in this world?? (Even though the truth is absolutely the opposite)

    Where would our standard of living be if we had relied on the mooslim world or African culture to produce advances to civilization??  Cultures in these places live much as they did over a 1000 years addition to constant civil wars fought over basically nothing...and no dinbats...nobody "stole" anything from them in order to create the majority of the wealth in this country.  Blacks in America live astoundingly better lives today than their kinsmen back on the African the whole reparations for slavery canard is garbage.


    Todd M.

    I fear tyranny in whatever form it takes. People who live in the USA will follow our laws. 

    Sharia Law will not become the law of land in this country.  Just as certain Jewish Law is not allowed,  or some other religious practice such as poligamy or burning people at the stake.  I have no doubt there will be outlaws and criminals who will try to hide behind religion,  but they will find it will not work in the light of day and will not stand up in our courts.   

9/28 12:47 AM | IP: Logged
Post #3064
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Re: so nothing in particular, not even one little thing?   Reply
Not one little thing?  Seriously, do one second of research on the Spanish Civil War and the atrocities Franco brought about in the name of the Church.  His troops literally went into opposing cities and massacred the population.  If you want a specific example, look into the massacre of Cordoba or how the Francoists reacted at the start of the war.

If you want a more recent example, look up Milosovic.  He murdered 8000 Muslims in Srebrenika in the name of God.

And you need to reread my post.  To you and I, it's not a Christian country, but if you're from the ME looking at the US it's pretty easy to say we are.  For starters, we're clearly a predominately Christian country with Christian leaders and we frequently invoke God, from songs, to our money, to the standard, "God Bless America" comment.

As for a Muslim witchhunt, look at Bachmann and her ilk calling out Abedin saying, in essence, she's Muslim so she must be tied to a terrorist network.  You also have the jackass Peter King holding hearings on Muslim radicalization.  Hell, anywhere you look on this board or with the GOP on the national stage you see some sort of Islamophobia driving comments or actions. 
9/28 4:24 PM | IP: Logged
GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #14948

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
9/28 5:49 PM | IP: Logged
Post #3068
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
Wow, so the right has already come out with a cartoon taking a quote out of context - the context being let's have peace - and using it as an attack.  (sigh) how sad and pathetic...
9/28 5:57 PM | IP: Logged
GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #14950

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply

    Originally posted by hills5:
    Wow, so the right has already come out with a cartoon taking a quote out of context - the context being let's have peace - and using it as an attack.  (sigh) how sad and pathetic...

Maybe he just ought not say anything that can be misconstrued.  It seems to be what the media always says about Romney.
9/28 7:45 PM | IP: Logged
Post #3070
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply
Sadly you may be right, I'm clearly expecting far too much of the Right if I'm expecting them to read and understand context and not stoop to isolating quotes and lying about them.
9/28 8:02 PM | IP: Logged
GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #14952

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???   Reply

    Originally posted by hills5:
    Sadly you may be right, I'm clearly expecting far too much of the Right if I'm expecting them to read and understand context and not stoop to isolating quotes and lying about them.

The context was clearly against first amendment speech.
9/28 8:18 PM | IP: Logged
Post #1960
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Re: the magic tax cut?   Reply
He's kept the tax cuts.

Now, if you are going to argue that the Bush tax cuts raised revenue, (which was actually the result of a bubble economy), then you also have to accept that the Bush tax cuts led to the current recession.
9/29 12:33 AM | IP: Logged
GoPowercat Ring of Fame member
Post #14953

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Re: the magic tax cut?   Reply

    Originally posted by Firehazzard:
    He's kept the tax cuts.

    Now, if you are going to argue that the Bush tax cuts raised revenue, (which was actually the result of a bubble economy), then you also have to accept that the Bush tax cuts led to the current recession.

It's the micro-economy, stupid.
9/29 8:22 AM | IP: Logged
Post #1961
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Re: the magic tax cut?   Reply
Its correlation, and its correlated to the business cycle.
9/29 9:10 AM | IP: Logged
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2012, 04:40:49 PM »
That fact that that discussion exists makes me pretty sad.

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2012, 04:50:50 PM »
I'm debating whether we should only allow posts of this type on the politics board. Seems like a great idea. Mods?

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2012, 05:28:37 PM »
That fact that that discussion exists makes me pretty sad.

Yeah it's disgusting. I stopped reading after he mentioned Sharia Law. Suggesting Sharia Law will make its way into0 US) law is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, and it doesn't surprise me that racist butt hurt "conservatives" and religious zealots would eat that crap up.

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2012, 06:23:54 PM »
you dingbats won't be laughing when the mooslims cut off your head for drinking soda pop.
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2012, 06:59:30 PM »
That makes me so sad. All of it.

That hills guy though, he seems alright.

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2012, 09:32:08 PM »
you dingbats won't be laughing when the mooslims cut off your head for drinking soda pop.

Happened to my uncle. But it was for Hawaiian Punch, not soda pop.

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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2012, 03:43:49 PM »
How can people like Hills even be a part of that board?  How can anyone here ever think to log back into that place? How could any of you make it 1/4 of the way into reading that?
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2012, 04:42:47 PM »
How could any of you make it 1/4 of the way into reading that?

same reason i used to listen to rush/hannity.  ridiculous entertainment.  and it's also fun to hear what the other side is lying about.
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Re: Is there a point where dingbat liberals will begin to fear mooslims???
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2012, 05:13:01 PM »
How could any of you make it 1/4 of the way into reading that?

same reason i used to listen to rush/hannity.  ridiculous entertainment.  and it's also fun to hear what the other side is lying about.

Yeah, MSNBC is fun to watch for a few minutes.