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The Concrete Man
« on: October 24, 2011, 09:01:58 PM »

Item #: SCP-014

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-014 is to be kept in Site-??, in a chair with arms, preferably facing a window. Music should be supplied on a regular basis, preferably constantly. This music should not include pieces originating after 1937. A security camera should be present in SCP-014's room.

Description: SCP-014 is a Caucasian male, appearing to be approximately 30 years of age, with black hair, brown eyes, and a somewhat round face. Records indicate his name to be Robert Chetford, confined in 1915 to the Norwich Asylum in Connecticut for delusional insanity, claiming that he had been cursed to live forever, and was slowly turning into concrete in consequence. The asylum closed in 1937, and the patients were transferred to various other facilities. SCP-014 came to Foundation attention in 19??, from rumours of a patient who seemed to be entirely immobile and showed no signs of aging. Further investigation determined that acquisition was warranted.

SCP-014 is to all outward appearances a normal man, but he does not appear to age, and shows no signs of possessing a metabolism. He does not eat, drink, perspire, or in any other way demonstrate life functions. He breathes only to speak, and apart from his eyes and vocal apparatus, is to all appearances utterly immobile. He has never shown any evidence of pressure ulcers despite his position not having varied for several decades; neither do his muscles appear atrophied. He can converse normally, but shows little knowledge of or interest in events since his confinement.

Note: Frankly, were I to interview this man without knowing his history, I'd think he was a perfectly sane and well-adjusted individual who happens to be quadriplegic. As it is, I have to conclude that he's the ultimate proof of the idea that the mind rules the body. He thinks he's concrete, and will live forever, and so he's as close to both as he can be. Somehow. Dr. ?????

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Re: The Concrete Man
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 09:04:33 PM »

Item #: SCP-134

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-134 is currently contained within a specially outfitted humanoid-containment cell, measuring six (6) meters by eight (8) meters. Since SCP-134 is completely blind, special safety precautions must be taken with the room's furnishings. SCP-134 is reasonably accustomed to the position of all objects in the cell and navigates mostly from memory. Any personnel moving furniture "for a laugh" will be transfered to Keter clean-up duty. SCP-134's room currently contains:

One (1) single bed with additional mattress padding.
One (1) pink bed set including sheets, comforter, and pillow with "Hello Kitty" mascot print. (Note: though blind, SCP-134 is able to feel the printed pattern and prefers it.)
One (1) wardrobe and one (1) chest of drawers containing clothes in Youth Extra-Small. All drawers are to be labeled in Braille and raised-print English.
One (1) dollhouse with dolls and interior furnishings.
Eight (8) stuffed animals (three cats, two dogs, a giraffe, a dolphin, and a panda)
A selection of children's literature in Braille.
One (1) chair and one (1) table.
A craft station with modeling clay and building blocks.

SCP-134 may request additional items, all of which must be approved by a staff member with Level 3 clearance or higher. If any items are added to the room, SCP-134's handlers must be informed ahead of time to prepare her for the addition of something new to the environment. SCP-134 is to be tutored on a regular basis both in general education appropriate for the subject's age and in Braille.

Description: SCP-134 seems to be an Asian girl between the ages of ? and ?, with short black hair and a slight build. The subject seems normal in most respects and has all the biological requirements of a human child (food, sleep, etc). However, where SCP-134's eyes should be are two black pits, covered by a transparent membrane similar in appearance to a human eye's membrane; ophthalmological testing has shown that the membranes are between 150 and 200 times more resilient than for a normal human. SCP-134 lacks eyelids and thus does not blink, nor can SCP-134 see anything through these black areas. Attempts to examine the back of SCP-134's eyeball have failed, as no retina can be seen. In normal lighting conditions, they appear completely black, but in darkness, very faint lights have been seen within them. Further study with long-exposure photography and light amplification revealed that the lights are actually stars and galaxies, visible as though SCP-134's eye sockets are somehow looking out into deep space. To date, no astronomical formations have been recognized, though research by staff astronomer Dr. ??????? is ongoing.

Sonar examination has revealed no unusual cavities within SCP-134's skull; however, [DATA EXPUNGED], confirming the presence of [DATA EXPUNGED] eye sockets being the local termini and intergalactic space being the remote termini. Parallax measurements indicate that the remote termini are between twenty (20) and two thousand (2000) meters apart, and are moving at between twenty (20) and forty (40) times the speed of light; this does not appear to be linked to SCP-134's position, movement, or metabolism.

Spectrographic analysis indicates that the remote termini periodically [DATA EXPUNGED] new location; the cause of this is not yet known. The shortest interval measured between shifts was six days, while the longest was five weeks. As of yet, no termini shifts have been observed in progress.

SCP-134 has not shown any hostile behavior, and seems unaware of any unnatural condition. SCP-134 shows behavioral symptoms similar to those seen in high-functioning autistic children, including patterned behavior and resistance to change. As such, SCP-134 has been assigned a childhood development specialist to help work with these issues; the specialist has suggested that proper childhood development requires a personal name, and has nicknamed SCP-134 "Stella". SCP-134 has learned to associate being referred to by her SCP number with being subjected to physical tests, and becomes upset and less cooperative when this is done by individuals who have previously referred to her as "Stella"; consequently, personnel are urged to not refer to her by name unless they wish their interactions with SCP-134 to be limited to interview sessions.

The specialist has since been terminated from employment for taking too close an interest in the SCPs assigned to him. Any staff found referring to SCP-134 as 'Stella' will be severely reprimanded.

When questioned about her eyes, SCP-134 claims no knowledge of any deformation, even when allowed to feel normal human eyes for comparison.

SCP-134 has to date volunteered no information about parentage or identity, though when acquired by the Foundation, SCP-134 was called "????". SCP-134 has proven docile and cooperative, and as such staff should display all the normal courtesy they would to any other guest. SCP-134 was taken into Foundation custody based on reports of a deformed child left at the ?????????? orphanage in ???????, Yokohama, Japan. SCP-134 has been in Foundation custody since 200?, at which time orphanage staff claimed SCP-134 was ? years old. Since then, SCP-134 has learned conversational English, in addition to the Japanese already known, and has demonstrated facility with Braille, though instruction is ongoing.

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Re: The Concrete Man
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 09:09:27 PM »

Item #: SCP-099

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-099 is kept in a 1 m by 75 cm wall-mounted, fireproof case in Gallery 27. Standard climate and humidity controls apply to this section of the Gallery. Due to its properties, SCP-099 can only be viewed within the gallery by Level 2 staff or higher, and only from a distance greater than five meters and for a period not to exceed five minutes per day. When not being viewed, the case is to remain shut and electronically locked.

Description: SCP-099 is a 73 by 50 cm painting titled "The Portrait." Created in 1935 by surrealist painter René Magritte, the original painting possesses memetic properties that trigger acute paranoia and lingering psychological effects when viewed for too long or from a distance of approximately three meters or less. The painting depicts a simple still life, with the addition of a single eye staring back at the viewer.

A reproduction of the work currently hangs in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, with critical elements removed to prevent the paranoia trigger. For a detailed description of the changes, refer to Document 099b. Detailed reproductions and photographs of the original work retain its memetic properties.

Those who have viewed the painting for too long or from too close of a distance become subject to the delusion that any being or depiction of a being with eyes is staring at them. In extreme case, subjects report that inanimate objects are making eye contact.

The condition is so severe that subjects will even report making eye contact with individuals whose heads are completely turned away. Depending on the length of the original exposure to the painting, subjects may suffer from this condition until death, resulting in severe paranoia and enochlophobia.

Addendum: SCP-099 was recovered from the private collection of Kay Sage, another surrealist painter. Recovery was preformed by MTF Theta-6 "Pink Panther." Mrs. Sage was unaware of the recovery and replacement of SCP-099, although pre-recovery investigation suggests she was aware of its properties and was either immune or careful not to look too closely.

Magritte was still alive at the time SCP-099 was stored in Gallery 27. He remained under Foundation surveillance until his death in 1967. Research suggests that the painting's memetic trigger was intentionally created, although the effect and power of the trigger was likely unintentional. The Foundation has studied the rest of Magritte's work and found no anomalous memetic properties to this date.

Weaponized Replication: [DATA EXPUNGED]

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