Author Topic: DWS is right to condemn violent Bern supporters  (Read 3365 times)

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Offline sonofdaxjones

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Re: DWS is right to condemn violent Bern supporters
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2016, 09:50:25 PM »
So dictatorial she's pixelized (apparently not a word).   (we've gone plaid)

Offline MakeItRain

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Re: DWS is right to condemn violent Bern supporters
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2016, 03:21:29 AM »
Sure, Hillary probably would win the nomination even without any shenanigans, but that's kind of like someone hitting a 500 ft home run with a corked bat and then saying "it's like I basically didn't even cheat since the ball would have gone 400 even if I played by the rules."

Great analogy.

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Re: DWS is right to condemn violent Bern supporters
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2016, 03:40:57 AM »
Having seen coverage of what went down at the Nevada convention, I think the Sanders crowd showed an admirable amount of restraint.

You mean Hillary getting more votes than Bernie in the primary?

Troll better.

I just want to know like what constitutes deserving death threats? 2 measly delegates that won't matter in the long run?

The outrage was over how the convention was run, not the delegate math. A lot of folks see it as a microcosm of how you would expect things to turn out if one candidate had the ear of most significant political forces and the other was only supported by individual constituents.

I had not heard anything about death threats, but 2 seems like a modest number considering the number of people (most not even Bernie supporters) that dislike Hillary.

i get your line of thinking, i really do. but like Bernie just joined the democratic party last year. And while it may very well be corrupt (DWS cough cough), i just dont understand this view that Hillary is stealing anything. She has 12 million votes to Bernie's 9 million. Did Bernie supporters just expect the party to just cave to him?

I also dont like how Bernie uses revolution alot. I get it people are unhappy. But i dont think a revolution is necessary, just some changes to laws/tax code to make things more fair.

People who spout the number of votes received nationally drive me crazy. You realize that in many caucus states a vote total was never divulged, right? In Iowa, the chair of the Iowa Democratic Party, who has a license plate that reads HRC2016, refused to divulge the vote total. Hillary Clinton ended up with two more delegates statewide, this is out of like 5000 delegates here, but even the vice chair of the party has said that Bernie received more total votes.

As a delegate I've been involved with this process from the start and it is stunning the lengths Hillary supporters will go to in trying to rig this process and it's happening on all levels of the party structure. Bernie is supposed to be leading some movement but believe me when I tell you about how cultish the Hillarystans are, it's scary, there is nothing they won't do to get her elected which is perfect because there's nothing she won't do to get elected. This election has made me think twice about whether or not the Clintons killed Vince Foster. These people are scary.

Offline renocat

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Re: DWS is right to condemn violent Bern supporters
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2016, 04:39:29 PM »
Old radical leftists from the sixties have overtaken the Democratic party.  These leftist have ties to the old SDS; Students for Democratic Socialism.  These are groups behind the riots and unrest of the sixties and early seventies.  SDS was reconstituted in 2010, and now have 150 chapters nationwide.  Anarchy has been the stealth weapon of socialslist trying to replace liberty with satanist control.  This was used to birth the USSR, Castroland, and Valenzuela.  Modernist socialists tie the hidden agendas to issues & groups like militant HMT feminism or Black Guys Matter.  Social issues such as skewered genderism.  Like a slow boiling pot, things will boil over eventually.  IMO it will be soon.


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Re: DWS is right to condemn violent Bern supporters
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2016, 08:10:59 PM »
Weird the picked the Democrat party in the sixties considering the Supreme Democrat at the time was George wallace
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