Author Topic: Kill the weed killer. Round up. People gonna starve stupid evironuts!  (Read 780 times)

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Offline renocat

  • Pak'r Élitaire
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Keep reading about the environment leftist fight against Round Up. 
Some guy won a big lawsuit against Monsanto about Evillage of Round Up.
Big headline about it being in kids cereal
Gawd lordy ban the cancer causing schitzledge!
These nut bastards don't give a rat fart about the starving children that won't have food.  They don't give a squirrel testicle about the farmers they will put out of business.  The don't give the puss from a zit abut rivers becoming polluted with topsoil because farmers have to use extensive tillage.
Kill the weed killer at the expense of killing the world.
Stoopid bastards. :shakesfist:

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