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Messages - GCJayhawker

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I am excited to watch this Final 4.  I want to see if Kemba can keep up his insane play, can Kentucky continue to win while only playing 6 players really, can Butler win the title this year, and can VCU continue their tremendous performance in the tournament and become the first team to win 7 games in their path to win the title.

Personally I am pulling for Butler

I find it sad that KU fans stick up for Mario Little.  He's such a little bitch.

I just wanted the facts to be straight that's all

Leave him under the bed at the Red Baron hotel? ehhh?  :emawkid:
:surprised: That was a pretty bad time in the ol' GC.  Many counselors at school helping students grieve if they needed it.

GCJayhawker, the next time I go back to Garden to visit my parents, I am going to send you a private message and we're going to hang out.

And by hang out, I mean that I'm going to bash your skull in and bury your still-breathing body under 5 pounds of cow cac at Brookover.

I have new found respect for this guy OK_Cat - VERY imaginitive. I would've just put a shotgun round through his face and left him in the ditch off of hwy 54 with all the other drifters. touche.
:surprised: I'm so glad one person can bring out such murderous rage

GCJayhawker, the next time I go back to Garden to visit my parents, I am going to send you a private message and we're going to hang out.

And by hang out, I mean that I'm going to bash your skull in and bury your still-breathing body under 5 pounds of cow cac at Brookover.

Well as fun as that sounds, I don't live in Garden City anymore so I just don't think it is going to work out for me.  I would prefer not to be buried at Brookover, I think a more news worthy death would involve the pool at Tyson where they soak the cow hides to get rid of the hair and other gunk

Is Jacob still crying?  Is he cuddled up with his blankie on the Cat logo at midcourt?

He waited 'til he got off the court, unlike thug life.

Of his last collegiate game, unlike...

Well considering this said is Mario still crying that would be his last college game too.  Good effort though

Apologies.  I can't keep them straight.  Wrong teary-eyed human batterer.  Let's just sweep it under the rug, k?

All I ask is that you get the names right.  Keep the posts coming, I must say as a KU fan I really enjoy reading goEMAW, it is funny stuff.

Is Jacob still crying?  Is he cuddled up with his blankie on the Cat logo at midcourt?

He waited 'til he got off the court, unlike thug life.

Of his last collegiate game, unlike...

Well considering this said is Mario still crying that would be his last college game too.  Good effort though

Is Jacob still crying?  Is he cuddled up with his blankie on the Cat logo at midcourt?


a different view where you can see hothead Tyshawn Taylor push a Richmond forward (28-30seconds).  Note also how he runs away so other jayhawks can clean up his mess. 
Sorry to be  :opcat:, but it's only inner-city gang culture being used by uk.  It's almost like you expect a team led by the moron twins to be more civilized than your average primate exhibit at the zoo. 
:surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised:  :opcat: :opcat: :opcat: :opcat: :opcat: :opcat: :opcat: :opcat:


Are you from Garden City, KS?

Originally yes I am
i am so sorry

It wasn't that bad of a place to grow up, but thanks for your condolences


Are you from Garden City, KS?

Originally yes I am

You're on a KSU message board during a KU game.

Yes it is this brand new thing called multitasking.  I wouldn't really expect anyone who refers to their stadium as  :doom: to understand such a concept.  Don't worry one day if you are lucky that place may actually come somewhat close to being "DOOM"

What was the score last time your team played there again?

Yeah I get it.  The Cats killed the Hawks in Manhattan this year.  What is the record of all games played in the Allen Fieldhouse West since it was built between KU and KSU?

Says the guy whose team lost to a Badger bunch that shot 1-22 at one point against Butler.  Real tough competition

I was refferring to the fact that instead of watching your team in the NCAA tournament, you're on the message boards of a self described "non-rival".

I never said EMAW was not a rival.  I see the Cats as a rival.  Please do not put words in my mouth based on what others have said

You hate gay people? 

So clever.  I wish I could have retorts that make no sense.

Man, I'd take our team over KU's Elite Eight team any day.  They're so full of cac. Cac.  Cac-a-doodle-doo.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: If you are serious well I have no response because that is just pure silliness.

I was refferring to the fact that instead of watching your team in the NCAA tournament, you're on the message boards of a self described "non-rival".

I never said EMAW was not a rival.  I see the Cats as a rival.  Please do not put words in my mouth based on what others have said

:users: Let's see Elite 8 versus sitting at home.  I will take the Elite 8 with the "dirty" players you speak of.

There's always at least one players on KU's hoops team that should be in jail. MCMW, I guess.

I suppose you can feel that way if you want, but it would be incorrect.  If they were supposed to be in jail they would be, I guess you have never heard of how the judicial system works and that jail time is not always given.

Note: I am not condoning Little's behavior.  It was deplorable, I'm just saying jail doesn't always happen.

You're on a KSU message board during a KU game.

Yes it is this brand new thing called multitasking.  I wouldn't really expect anyone who refers to their stadium as  :doom: to understand such a concept.  Don't worry one day if you are lucky that place may actually come somewhat close to being "DOOM"

 :users: Let's see Elite 8 versus sitting at home.  I will take the Elite 8 with the "dirty" players you speak of.

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