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Topics - PIPE

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Kansas State Football / This coaching staff is
« on: October 07, 2017, 10:09:45 PM »
Old and outdated.

Let’s run the worst 2 minute offense in the history of football. Oh, wait, we have never been able to run that under Snyder/ dimel

I want someone that brings a creativity on offense and quits running 1000 QB draws

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Weber and the time out
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:30:36 PM »
Weber lost this game when he called the time out when we finally went on a run and the crowd was into it.

He has always done that . What coach is such a bafoon that he tries to kill his own teams momentum. What a clown

Let me first say that when Martin bailed the first thing I thought of was"they better not hire that recently fired loser from Illinois".

Frank failed as a recruiter.  Weber has partially failed. 

Spradling.....never has been a good shooter and is slow......frank
Southwell.....decent but needs someone to shoulder the load.......frank
Gipson......slow, no moves, gets more fouls than anyone......frank
DJamer......project and warm body...late, last minute
All frosh, except the ugly kid that starts witha K......potential is there, wait and see......Weber
Ugly kid that starts with a
Dumb point guard not playing, unknown, but better be better than

Look, IMO, frank would not have won the conference last year.  Weber did.  Weber has his problems and sounds like a Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) mouse, but I think the future looks brighter....but this year sucks monkey ball.

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