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Messages - Volfan120

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they owe him 5 million unless they can prove cause for termination, hopefully they can.

Officially he is suspended by the university. Hopefully that is in some way going to lead to cause.

At least gE.c rumors are cheeky and fun. Like when we started that rumor that Weber was dumping us for the Marquette job. But to so flippantly accuse someone of enabling child molestation... That's just tragic and sad.

Tennessee didn't flippantly accuse anyone of enabling child molestation, all of that information in the court documents was made available in 2016. There were plenty of other reporters and outlets claiming he was involved well before you THINK Tennessee just fans made it up. If you want to throw daggers then throw them at Keith Sargeant at , or throw them at Mike McQueary, or throw them at Paul Myerberg of USA Today or countless other outlets that were reporting that info.

It's a good day guys! Currie got sent packing!


Tennessee was 16th in the country in 2007, that's not elite.

Your definition of elite would be?

Was it Phil Fulmer that KSU destroyed in the 2001 Cotton Bowl Classic?

You beat us but at 35-21 "destruction" is quite an overstatement.

The best part of all of this is the victors then turning the sword on themselves.

The fact that so many Vol fans believe that UT is some kind of elite football program is pretty comical.   UT hasn't done crap in 20 years.

Who wants to go work at a school that literally eats their own at the drop of a hat?  Nobody beyond mediocrity, that's who.

Plus, the whole coaching search was so John Currie, I can just see that little weirdo telling himself he had this over and and over.

TN is actually is an elite football program, it just hasn't appeared that way since 2007.

Maybe you can get that tumor growing out of Peyton's forehead to come coach for you.

Lol! That's another small faction of misinformed fans among Volnation, Peyton Manning's forehead becoming the head coach at TN or Peyton Manning himself. The man is a legend but he has no interest in becoming the head coach at TN. Why risk possibly tainting your legacy by becoming the head coach of TN where it "might" work out? Realistically if he wanted to coach he'd could probably succeed as a decent OC. He'd obviously be an excellent QB coach as well(of which he's technically already been with the QB camps that he runs). Again though, he's not interested.

And that’s why people talk crap on Vols fans. You guys were never truly interested in Schiano’s connection to the Sandusky scandal, you just needed an excuse to crucify a guy who wasn’t Jon Gruden.

Btw, while you’re here, run down for me why everyone thought Gruden was the guy. (I don’t follow nfl enough to truly understand it.)

Ok, The Gruden thing is insanity. Everyone DIDN'T think Gruden was actually the guy it was a select delusional few that actually did. The reason it blew up in the media is because nobody definitively said otherwise on either side to shoot down the rumors. Gruden never openly said he wasn't coming to TN, his latest quote was "never say never". John Currie or someone else in UT's administration could have shot down those rumors before they exploded but chose not to. Ultimately that decision probably hurt him. Here is the real kicker though, this isn't the first time the Grumor nonsense has occurred. The whole Gruden thing played out for the first time back in 2012 during the coaching search that would ultimately hire Butch Jones. Naturally everyone that was gullible and hopeful that Gruden would take the job was heartbroken and devastated when it didn't pan out. You'd think people would have learned from the first time around but apparently not so round two was birthed and it drew even more interest.


Spend less time reading this board and maybe read just one article on the McQueary deposition.

I'm good, that ship has sailed.

Phillip Fulmer just became the new AD at TN.

Also, Tennessee is a good enough job that the fans should expect the school to at least try to get a coach that will compete for championships and not immediately go after Schiano as soon as Jon Gruden turns them down. The "who do they think they are?" talk is pretty ridiculous.

Yes! Thank you!


some of us (myself included) were unimpressed with the flimsy pedophilia reasoning for criticizing the potential schiano hire.

Ok, long story short... Mike McQueary testified under oath that Schiano saw something. Schiano was never deposed but was asked and denied the claim that he saw anything. You've got one guy testifying under oath, under possible penalty of perjury and the other guy who was never sworn in who denied it. Whether or not Schiano truly saw anything or not none of us will probably ever know for sure. The point is doubt was cast against his character and it's become questionable at best. I personally was not among the group either on campus or online who was actively spreading word.

You guys think you are Bama, but really you're more like Vanderbilt. Not sure what the confusion is  :dunno:

No, we do not think we're Bama but we're historically a prominent and passionate, D1, SEC football school that pulls in enough money to be in the mix for proven coaches. The real problem Tennessee fans have now are with the administration and one booster in particular, Jimmy Haslam. This guy has dictatorship like control over our program and we're done with it. Haslam has a say in every major decision that UT makes. He gets to hand pick his administration(Beverly Davenport, John Currie, Reid Sigmon) and these people are basically his yes men. UT fans didn't want John Currie, we had zero input into that. That was all Haslam. Because Haslam doesn't know what he's doing(which is woefully evident by his continued ramming into the ground of the Cleveland Browns) he wouldn't know what a good head football coach was if one hit him upside the head. We are frustrated with losing and being a down program and that fool is perpetuating it by trying to cram through his friends and acquaintances simply because that's what he wants and he's got his daddy's money to do it.

I've been lurking around this thread for a while now. There seems to be a lot of judgement being thrown around in here about TN fans. What's the deal?

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