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Messages - Porkchop

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Heard from a fairly reliable source it’s turf toe.  Take it for whatever it’s worth

What group does a hullabaloo swastika offend the most?  Shouldn't Jews be offended more? 

What if it was a hullabaloo Rebel flag?  Who would that offend?  I'm guessing it would offend those who fly the Rebel flag the most, not African Americans.  The fact that it was made with hullabaloo implies non support or rejection.

It's all a matter of perspective.

If you aren't offended by a crap swastika being wiped onto the wall of the building that you live in, regardless of what race you are, then there is something wrong with you.

It's clearly offensive & disgusting, but is it racist?   There must be bigger issues at Mizzou & within the state of Missouri. 

What group does a hullabaloo swastika offend the most?  Shouldn't Jews be offended more? 

What if it was a hullabaloo Rebel flag?  Who would that offend?  I'm guessing it would offend those who fly the Rebel flag the most, not African Americans.  The fact that it was made with hullabaloo implies non support or rejection.

It's all a matter of perspective.

“A man is only as faithful as his options”  - CR

Bill has a lot of options, therefore he's gonna whore around.  Drive down Mass St in a limo with Doug & pick up coed's?

Kansas State Football / Re: We're still not out of it
« on: November 20, 2012, 11:08:34 AM »
When/if Oregon does not make it to the Pac 12 title game how will that impact the human polls?  I'm guessing a talking point around the country will be "they didn't even play for the championship of their own conference, how can they play for the BCS title"

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Tunnel Dance
« on: October 24, 2012, 10:01:34 AM »
I sat with Martavious at the Catbacker event in OP last month & he confirmed they will be doing the tunnel dance.

Will you support him if half the team leaves?

The quicker the fan base stops supporting the basketball program the quicker we can get rid of him. There is only 2 positive outcomes going forward  He sucks really bad really fast and he gets the boot,  or he is really good really fast. Anything else means 5+ years of mediocrity.  He's not capable of the latter.

Is it unusual for Angel to be making the inbounds pass on the baseline with 3 seconds left against a long team?  By leaving Angel in after all the mistakes seems like a message being sent to him...this is going to be your team sink or swim!  I guess it's better to find out now if he can handle the job.                   

Kansas State Football / Re: Lawrence Kansas Thoughts:
« on: October 25, 2011, 12:00:52 AM »
I had an older (50+) KU fan kick us down 2 seats when we had about 50 open seats surrounding us.  Apparently he had to sit in "his" seats.

There were 3 different incidences were KU & KState fans nearly came to blows.  All started by KU fans of course.

The ticket taker guy was really cool when he busted me trying to bring 2 beers into the stadium.  He said I know your Johnson isn't that big.

And, we paid a KU band member to play us a song on his trumpet at our house tailgate after the game.  I have a video of it is anyone wants a good laugh.

His chick is hot too!

He's a pledge brother of mine.  Good guy...he's loyal. 

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: JHR
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:39:16 AM »
What is JHR's favorite thing in the entire world?  Dribbling the basketball.  Loves it.  His absolute favorite thing.

Maybe he should lobby to play PC...Ralph Sampson????

True...but you have teams like MU, A&M, BU & KSU (sorta) that should win some road games.  These are/were ranked teams.  Then you have OU & Tech who have not looked good at all and they are holding serve.

I just looked up the road numbers for the Big 12 and it’s really unbelievable.

If you exclude UT & KU the remaining 10 teams have a combined 5 road wins out of 76 games…that’s 6.6%.  Of those 5 road wins 3 have come against ISU.  If you remove ISU from the equation the remaining 9 Big 12 teams are a combined 2 of 73…that’s 2.7%.  The other 2 road wins are A&M over OU(early in the season) & CU over KSU.
How do these numbers compare to previous years?

Kansas State Football / Re: RIP Dylan Meier...
« on: April 20, 2010, 09:04:23 AM »

He's a pledge brother of mine. Good guy and the success is deserved. He's worked really hard since his KState days.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: denis
« on: March 26, 2010, 12:15:52 PM »
Jake & Denis = 88 minutes 2 TO

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Black Eyed Peas
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:01:22 AM »
He was an ATO at K-State in the early-mid 90's...Tim Izo Orindgreff.

It sounded like Jake didn't have a clue about new uni's and Frank was playing coy.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: TMG leaving
« on: March 24, 2010, 01:05:35 PM »
Great for him.  I didn't realize the Euro's had a draft. 

LOL.  You guys couldn't even beat KU once in your best basketball season in 20+ years. 

Get out the brooms!


But we beat KU in their best season ever just 2 years ago?  Nice Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) logic.

Love this guys sense of humor.

From Esquire

Gilbert Arenas: What I've Learned

The suspended Washington Wizard opens up on how the whole guns-in-the-locker-room thing went down

Published in the April 2010 issue, on sale now.
It started on the plane. Over a game of five-card spades — we call it boo-ray. Javaris Crittenton was losing money. He jumped in the middle of a conversation between two other guys playing and I didn't want to hear it no more. So I throw my cards down in the middle of the hand, tell them all, "I'm done. I'm getting on up." Javaris is saying, "No, this is some street crap. Where I'm from, you gotta finish the game. My money's on the line." He and another guy say it's a misdeal and they want me to match the pot. "You gotta pay that debt," Javaris says, "or we gotta take it outside." Take it outside? He said, We gotta fistfight. I start joking. I put on some music. Michael Jackson. "You wanna be startin' something ..." Everyone's laughin'. He's like, "Nah, nah, homey. This is real. You ain't gonna joke with this. You owe me my money." So I start to play "Beat It."

It continues on the airport trolley. "We're gonna have to fight," he's saying. I said, "Man, it's snowing out there. I got on white Louis Vuitton shoes. If we get in a fight and one of my shoes falls off in the snow, I'm not gonna be able to find it. I'm gonna get frostbite. Before I get into a fistfight, I'll burn your car." He said, "You burn my car and I'll shoot your knees."

Brendan Haywood is saying, "Javaris, just leave it alone. You keep talking, he's going to keep irritating you."

Next practice I come real early, and I get word that Javaris is there. When I see him, my mind says, Boo yow! My guns, put them on the chair. That's where the problem came in — with the "boo yow!" I wasn't using longevity thinking.

Rewind. I had a big gun collection. About four to five hundred guns. The guy I bought it from was in his seventies. He'd been collecting them for years. He had First World War guns. I bought his whole collection and added to it. I didn't need a license to keep them in my house. There was an officer who would come by and look out for them. The door was reinforced and a security system was set up. But when my kids came, I said, I can't have these guns around. We put everything in storage, but I kept four: a gold Desert Eagle. There was a Smith & Wesson 500. A Kimber. The other was an old gun with a long clip. None of them were loaded. I kept them in a lockbox in the empty locker next to mine.

I put my four guns in my backpack so nobody could see them. I wrote the note: "Pick one." Put the guns on a chair where Javaris would find them. I go in the training room where he was. I can see him — "What's this? What's this?"

"You said you were gonna shoot me in my knee. I'm giving you the guns to do it."

"I don't need you to give me nothing. I've got my own gun." He pulls one out and puts the clip in. That's when some of the other players are saying, Man, I gotta get out of here. But then he puts his earphones in and starts singing. So I pick my guns up. From there, everything settled down. He goes into the Jacuzzi. You know what? I gotta warm my knee up anyway. I go in and sit with him. We're just sitting in there talking. We didn't have no problem. It was just some fun that got out of control.

It's like I told David Stern: Anything that happens in my life, I'm always looking to see, What can I make funny out of this? But I said, I know you need to set an example. He said he wasn't trying to make me an example. He said, "I know your personality. I've got to get you out of the limelight because you're not gonna let it go. When you come back, then we build." We talked about it for three minutes, and then for the rest of the time he told me about what he wants to do with the league.

I'm in, got a SW flight Fri am.  Still need tix. 

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