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Messages - I_have_purplewood

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 117
been on bluesky a bit more lately and it is funny how funny people there are complaining about reply guys not understanding what jokes are

It's hard to tell with SD these days but I always appreciate you trying to be clever.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Shows that have you by the balls, or vag...
« on: January 13, 2025, 04:28:54 PM »
The wife and I binged it this last weekend.  Not sure I really liked the ending but we enjoyed it.

Trump will have to BIGLY eff up to derail this economy. We are as hot as we’ve ever been folks. Feels good.

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So hot!!  And like Dax has said, you're not bright enough to understand that there are definite warning signs of an impending crash mostly due to Yellen's fiscal policy.

Kansas State Basketball is hard / Re: Bad Cats bball squads.
« on: January 12, 2025, 11:52:43 AM »
Why didn't I bet against them?  Talk about easy cash.  I'll have to look how we're doing ATS.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: MEGA MAGA
« on: January 11, 2025, 01:14:25 PM »
Not sure why he'd go out on a ledge with a conspiracy theory like this when all he has to do is point the finger at the buffoonery that is the Democratic Party.  :dunno:. Btw, have any of you criticized the decision making that's happened or is happening out there?  :confused:

19% of men aged 25 to 34 are living with their parents. That's even worse than I thought.,almost%2019%20percent%20of%20men.

Is this because the current administration has made it almost impossible for people this age to have their own place or are they just losers?

Please tell us what decisions made by the Biden administration led to Gen Z not being able to buy houses.

19% of men aged 25 to 34 are living with their parents. That's even worse than I thought.,almost%2019%20percent%20of%20men.

Is this because the current administration has made it almost impossible for people this age to have their own place or are they just losers?

i think the last survey i saw was like 48% of gamers identifying as conservative to 38% liberal

0% are getting laid

lol. Hopefully they will be too busy with games instead of trying to procreate.

Video games: A domain dominated by generational peak #blueanon - but somehow, some way, #blueanongE has turned it into a MAGA thing  :lol: :lol:

Gamers are very maga as a demographic. Most of them have never been laid.
Yeah, gamers are a MAGA stronghold

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It's why gen z is so conservative. They live with their parents smoking weed and playing video games all day, just seething with jealous rage when they find out Old Man Joe is laying pipe at the White House 24/7. At least Trump has to pay for sex.



I'm expecting to hear crickets about our old pal Zuck now bowing down to MAGA :Chirp:.  It's going to continue to be hard for most people on this board to wrap their head around what a dipshit President Jill and her cronies were about their agenda.  Plus they will be too busy coming up with zingers about gaming/Musk and posting on the MEGA MAGA thread. :blank:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It's kinda sad to see them reduced to this.  I mean tazing some nut sacks?  Ok sure, but gaming?  :sdeek:

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: LOL DEMOCRATS
« on: January 09, 2025, 08:39:25 AM »
Is not to the level of Tex Ags questioning Trump, but it is definitely something to keep an eye on if one is a liberal political fan.

Ha, agreed.

I hope Donald Bonaparte takes a look at the Gaza Strip for a phase 2 conquest. 

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Trump Presidency
« on: January 08, 2025, 01:33:32 PM »
He’s not gonna do crap.

Rationale human beings know this. I just get a kick out of an old man yelling nonsense and his cult picking and choosing which things he says are supposed to be believed.

You think you're having a deja-vu moment from the last 4 years?

He's making Putin jealous.  :fistpump:

Hey everyone, let's get this guy!!  I know there wasn't one person on this board who thought this was a good practice in the first place and have been criticizing him for years but here's our chance to really pile on him!!  And he's going to try and have it be more like "X"??  You bastard!!!  :buh-bye:

Another hot-take by pwood.  :fistpump:

(didn't mean to steal your thunder SF)

Purp do you bother to do even some cursory fact checking before you go firing off these hot takes? (I’m just yankin your chain! I know you don’t)

Hot takes? :lol:
Do you ever comprehend what you read? Of course you don't. Mcat was talking about using money to influence the political landscape.  It started with talking about Musk and I brought up some others.  2020 doesn't count?  Grats to those guys for being smarter this time around I guess?

Why are you weirdos talking about one of the richest men in the world who is trying to use his money and platform to influence global politics? Sheesh obsess much?

Let's only do it for people who have right leaning views though.  Who cares about Bezos, Zuck or new Medal of Honor winner because their intent is special..

Didn't Bezos and Zuck both donate $1M to Trump's inauguration?

How much did they spend on the dems in 2020?

I can't find any indication that either one donated anything

If you don't think they didn't donate to the dem cause you are incredibly naive.

Why are you weirdos talking about one of the richest men in the world who is trying to use his money and platform to influence global politics? Sheesh obsess much?

Let's only do it for people who have right leaning views though.  Who cares about Bezos, Zuck or new Medal of Honor winner because their intent is special..

Is this a serious post? Regardless, it appears we are on the same page and we should get rid of citizens united and get the money out of politics no matter which side. Glad to have you on board PW.  :cheers:

I'm all about this but good luck.

Why are you weirdos talking about one of the richest men in the world who is trying to use his money and platform to influence global politics? Sheesh obsess much?

Let's only do it for people who have right leaning views though.  Who cares about Bezos, Zuck or new Medal of Honor winner because their intent is special..

Didn't Bezos and Zuck both donate $1M to Trump's inauguration?

How much did they spend on the dems in 2020?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Insurgency Watch 2025
« on: January 06, 2025, 01:10:43 PM »
Seems like everything went fine. :dunno:

The day isn't over..  :ohno: :ohno:

Why are you weirdos talking about one of the richest men in the world who is trying to use his money and platform to influence global politics? Sheesh obsess much?

Let's only do it for people who have right leaning views though.  Who cares about Bezos, Zuck or new Medal of Honor winner because their intent is special..

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: January 06, 2025, 11:19:24 AM »
Tongues are wagging now - and the 3rd largest disinformation campaign in US history is unraveling.

The coverup of the cognitive decline of Joe Biden - spearheaded by co-President Jill Edith Wilson Biden


571 days on vacation during his term and still counting

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Some of the funniest crap I've read on this board lately is all the stuff about Trump bowing to Musk as if he's the prez.  Big crank Biden has been emasculated by Jill for the longest time and no one realized it or cared.  Was she the one calling the shots because we know Kamala was incapable?  No one knows who yet but it will come out and anyone involved in that cover up should be convicted of treason and thrown in jail with our insurrectionists.
You two are absolute chucklefuck losers.

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Man, you got us with this one.. :lol: :lol:. You seem to be a little testy with this almost to a Wackcat level which doesn't surprise me.  I'll also note that you're a fan of Dr. Biden. 

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