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1 angel, 2 Rods, 2 JHRs and a Will to mop up their sweat. 

1. Self
2. Huggs
3. Barnes
4. Drew
5. Lonnie
6. Clyde
7. Mayor
8. #firejohncurrie
9. Ford
10. Frog Coach

"I would be surprised if he took someone with kstate ties unless too much pressure.  I really like Greg McDermott,  sean sutton & of course Bob Chipman"

Source of mine that is really close to the basketball program and ads office.

Non committal for Lieb but asked in a smartass way what qualifications he had.

Your source must be a 5 year old with Down Syndrome because none of that is true.

Sorry if too harsh.

No problem. This source introduced me to Frank Martin, His family, bunch of people I never heard of, Chuck Neinas, Ernie Barrett and Larry Brown recently. This person IS in the know. I think that was given to me as an educated opinion rather than anything telling. But my source is LEGIT and has been confirmed before with exchanging info with someone on KSU. To be fair, this source was VERY close to the Martins and wasn't happy that he left.

 :facepalm: I've introduced people to Frank before. And your right its legit opinion and nothing more

Have you eaten at Frank's house or been invited?....just sayin.

This has to be a sock.  MOD?!

Not to rain here, but you may want to get the paperwork lined up for "peaceful assembly".  Two reasons...they can't make you leave and the police will likely be there.  Will make it eve more edgy and interesting to the 'tuck crowd!


I am told Currie has stopped looking at his tweets.  Although, the president hasn't.  Include both Currie and Schultz in all future #Gottlieb4KSU tweets. 

Also, I believe we should start tweeting some other members of the media (non-townies) but still regional/local.  Just effing flood their timeline. 

You have your orders.  Let's do this!

Who besides BITB?

While I hate some of these people:

Jack Harry
Frank Boal
Lance Veeser
Nick Wright

I am told Currie has stopped looking at his tweets.  Although, the president hasn't.  Include both Currie and Schultz in all future #Gottlieb4KSU tweets. 

Also, I believe we should start tweeting some other members of the media (non-townies) but still regional/local.  Just effing flood their timeline. 

You have your orders.  Let's do this!

"I would be surprised if he took someone with kstate ties unless too much pressure.  I really like Greg McDermott,  sean sutton & of course Bob Chipman"

Source of mine that is really close to the basketball program and ads office.

Non committal for Lieb but asked in a smartass way what qualifications he had.

Your source must be a 5 year old with Down Syndrome because none of that is true.

Sorry if too harsh.


there is a chance.

eff you, don't toy with my emotions like that.

I do not toy.  There is a chance. The two sides will speak....."soon."


there is a chance. 

I am more #Gottlieb4KSU than I was #Pearl4KSU. 

I mean my do you not hire this guy?!?!?!  Srsly...HOW?!?!?  And I hate Soren.  HATE HIM!!

Why does he sound out of breath?  I freakin love him!!!!!!

If this doesn't happen, I'm going to freakin lose it.  I mean, i don't even...i can't even.....I will just effing lose it.   

If we somehow pull this off....who's comin with me from KC to Manhattan for the presser.

Interns don't say old timey things like that you dumbass!!!!!  Get on the bandwagon or GTFOOMMFF.

In real life, I think I would kind of hate Frank Martin.  But in real life, I think oscar and I would be BFF's. 

Eff it.  Where can I buy a good torch?

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Frank watch 2012:
« on: March 26, 2012, 01:55:09 PM »
Quote from: Kevin Kietzman
I'm hearing Currie is not negotiating to keep Martin. That's real hatred, if true.

Not true. But has given up at this point.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Frank watch 2012:
« on: March 26, 2012, 01:27:46 PM »

It's "not about money.  It's about respect."

Do not Stay Calm.

is this a post from one week ago that just got bumped or are most of you guys really just coming around to this and figuring this thing out?

Guise, it's not about whether we are just now figuring it out or if the jackasses in the AD are just now figuring it out.  I'm just telling you all what they told me.  It appears they thought they could buy their way out of the situation and were told otherwise.  Don't shoot the messenger.

well i could have told them a week ago that they couldn't and i have never spoken to either frank martin or john currie in my entire life. this can't be a surprise to them. it just can't. i mean it makes sense that it could though given the absolutely mind rough ridin' ineptitude of what has transpired over the past two weeks.

I think all along they thought they could simply buy their way out of the situation.  Turns out money isn't everything to everyone. 

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Frank watch 2012:
« on: March 26, 2012, 01:17:14 PM »

It's "not about money.  It's about respect."

Do not Stay Calm.

is this a post from one week ago that just got bumped or are most of you guys really just coming around to this and figuring this thing out?

Guise, it's not about whether we are just now figuring it out or if the jackasses in the AD are just now figuring it out.  I'm just telling you all what they told me.  It appears they thought they could buy their way out of the situation and were told otherwise.  Don't shoot the messenger.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Frank watch 2012:
« on: March 26, 2012, 01:10:06 PM »

It's "not about money.  It's about respect."

Do not Stay Calm. 

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Frank watch 2012:
« on: March 26, 2012, 12:22:06 PM »
I will say this...the 2 people I've talked to in the Ath Dept said the situation is "salvageable." 

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Frank watch 2012:
« on: March 26, 2012, 11:55:14 AM »

Stay Calm. 

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Farewell Fatty
« on: March 04, 2012, 08:09:19 AM »
It says a lot about a guy, that he could leave his mark on so many people that he never even met.  I am one of those people.  I have lurked on the boards for a long time and have enjoyed fff for just as long.  He was clearly just as good of a person as he was K-State fan.  And he is in the Top 5 of fans that I have ever met or not.  Prayers for his friends and family.  I can't imagine their pain considering how I feel.

Kansas State Football / Re: "Fake" Nike Pro Combat Helmet
« on: February 07, 2012, 11:39:44 AM »
We need to get the mirrored helmets like Oregon had in their bowl game with a flat black or flat purple powercat on the side.  Done and done.

I kinda viewed the t-shirt idea as a anti-drug commercial.  Kinda like saying, see kids...don't be like Thomas Robinson's mom and do lots of drugs and stuff or you will die.  Maybe I'm just a Peggy Po.  Nevertheless, I will be WTW at least as hard as Trob's mom would be if she was alive and sober/clean enough to be at the game.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: crap KU Fans Say
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:19:25 PM »
iPhone or Android?  Tough choice.

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