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Messages - nosejob

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Kansas State Football / THE BUFFS will get the blow game
« on: November 15, 2010, 01:09:39 PM »
Heres why:we han a coach he is taboo and has been waiting behind the curtain for 28 years to make his move. We wim this week, he already made the Red off limit this week too he plan ahead! We win next week too at the stinkoln and we in the blow game. CU has much  WIN. Am I you agree I right?
So he plan ahead for the red and he good coach did I say he wait 29 year for the moment has arisen?
He good at the plan let the platers play and no hard feelings this the saturday but we FULL OF WIN!
Did I sat he make the red oaf limits NOW but he don't say the purple so we lick you guys but the it ok you wear the purple just no red.
We can RUN the ball too!
Just go have the good time just not hard feeling we full of win and go the blow game.
Good in future.

Kansas State Football / Re: Boise State I hate their guts and libers
« on: November 12, 2010, 11:04:58 PM »
And beside THE BUFFS we have an iflatable faculty that they get to practice in and it warm inside too.

Kansas State Football / Boise State I hate their guts and libers
« on: November 12, 2010, 10:54:32 PM »
The basturds think they good and all that, but all they do is hide on the Blue Turf and play the Junior High Teamd am I right haha.
And they don't knewt jack about the Mountains, they fell they all that but they don't know squat we got The Flatrons and we don't even need The Blue Terf to hide on right haha.
Boulder is All That and Boise is a bunch of puddies froilicking on they need camoflagged turds to blends with their fancy smancy uniforns right haha.
Mama and we saw them on The hiding Blue Turd and we laughed and laughed they looked so not right.
Then the tv man he planned the camara over the Boise Mountans and we got the Better Flatrons so we laughed and laughed.

Kansas State Football / Re: Dear queerfaggots
« on: November 12, 2010, 10:09:48 PM »
Youy're gay.

you making me angry, and you wouldn't lick my spanky.
Not that there's anything worf with that.

Kansas State Football / Re: Quick, I need the Himlick Maneuver done to me!
« on: November 12, 2010, 10:05:46 PM »
This isn't vintage nosejob. Methinks it's a sock.

Methimks thou should nuzzle my beanbag.
BUFFS droll tomannow any bet?hahaha

Kansas State Football / Quick, I need the Himlick Maneuver done to me!
« on: November 12, 2010, 12:57:04 AM »
Erik Bienermi(soon to be knowm as the Eric Bianiamal HAHA) will soon by stated to be announced as the mew Head Coach of THE BUFFS! Be glad THE BUFFS are moving east to the green greener pastuerd of the PAC 12, and rest easy of that because if not this Son Of A Gun could(and would)toastly smock the big 12 in general and the CATS in particular into the next day!
He as the runningback lead THE BUFFS to many titles and in general caused the trouble for all to see.
He taught Adrian Peterson how to run the ball!
The dominoes have fell into the places, friends. Be vert very glad THE BUFFS were took the bribery to move east to the PAC 12.
That be all till latter, it veteran day and my door is lookng at me. You know what that meant.

Kansas State Football / Fing Dong the Cooch Hawkims is hone!
« on: November 09, 2010, 08:47:25 PM »
p00t p00t!
Oddly enough, I'll mist that craxy cat and his motive speaches when we did rum the tables on the Big 12.
He tool THE BUFFS one time to almoust won the Big 12 against the Texass I thimk but know you can breed easy know that THE BUFFS will move everomward to the Green Gren Pasturds of the Mighty PAC 12.
I just hop it's noot Mangino that fat prick won't fat on the bus anyway right haha? We could always mabe charted a tugboat and float the fat ass to the coast if that were the case right haha? But who neds that right becaust we all knew the LEsticle Miles will come running with a purpoise and his game plan tucked under his arm because we all knewt and can admit THE BUFFS is a premere job to hell with the mediat or that bastard Cody what doest he know he only 5'6 and got the runt complex anywat right haha.

« on: November 03, 2010, 05:22:39 AM »
ellohay iendsfray, Iyay eelfay I'myay ettinggay iredtay ofyay Oachcay Anday akingmay ayay essmay ofyay ymay ampionshipchay optay alibercay eamtay
Haha right?

Kansas State Football / Re: Nebraska dirty hits
« on: November 03, 2010, 12:26:25 AM »
Oh the horrer, I almost pooped myself hearing those pads pooping.

Kansas State Football / too manty paint chips too many too many tto manty
« on: October 29, 2010, 04:54:50 PM »

Ging to that big touchdown jebus in the sky.

What scary is the beebee dont lick anybody but the texas, and we of not the texas dont get licked, then we out in the rain on cold windy day.
And as a bunch of the Buffalo we the fans have the higher priority of getting a new cooch in the town not worry about the beebee sending use out into the rain an a cold the windy day too.
New cooch and the PAC can not will come sooneer than latter I hop.
This is a load in pants right haha 

Kansas State Football / Re: school stuff
« on: October 28, 2010, 12:57:28 AM »
Plud the Cross Country Titie, don't forget it.

Kansas State Football / Ack!Fttht!Spttt!
« on: October 27, 2010, 02:40:06 AM »
Har in my troat yak yak.

Kansas State Football / The Coach Hawkins wife only gets on top
« on: October 23, 2010, 11:36:10 PM »
All he can do is eff UP

Kansas State Football / Re: Good in future againgain the Baylor!
« on: October 22, 2010, 08:31:11 PM »
Oh yeat weel thee Jerk Stort ran out of YOU!

Kansas State Football / Re: Good in future againgain the Baylor!
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:47:39 PM »

Kansas State Football / Re: Good in future againgain the Baylor!
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:42:56 PM »
Yar, go ahead a laugh, try poosting with oonce eye opel and the grape jam smeemed on thou keyboarf. If i fail thou hit thou E fastly enough them it stinks and I geeeeet too many EEEEEE beecausee thou bitch brung home the chimp breath and noot the wonderbread which leaks lick a mofo and I'm stink of thou retrasted E buttom having to be strocked so haRD.
Silly woman, trafeee heeeree for a slinky if I could, tight?  Bettet tiim prrrronaly hah!
Fun know thou rrrrrrrrrrr is rrrr

Kansas State Football / Re: Mu to host Gameday
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:26:00 PM »
GaymeDay at the MU is retraded.

Kansas State Football / Good in future againgain the Baylor!
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:24:02 PM »
Whore is the btten tean? KSU, I say this yeat at least. Fart what it be worst, I bet my %%% on the KSU, and that I'll be sememing the green slid across the table at me haha!
Just needed to lost this before I get the drunk and the DUD gets to me going again. Og yeah, lull for THE BUFFS buy not the Cooch Hawkins please.

Kansas State Football / Re: Typical Cornhole . . .
« on: October 21, 2010, 01:43:26 PM »
I think a suicide pact is in order for these two. Who's with me? :jerk:

Kansas State Football / Re: Typical Cornhole . . .
« on: October 21, 2010, 12:12:08 AM »
 I thought Texas was the only school getting a check? :popcorn:

Kansas State Football / Re: NICE!!!!!!
« on: October 21, 2010, 12:04:20 AM »
Without watching the video, I can say it's probably not as lame as the KSU Willie video or as bad as anything to do with your powertowel thingy.
Just sayin.

I don't think NU gave him too much of a choice on that matter.

so i def misread the title as colorado rather than colored.
Well that too and that sucks. As long as the Cooch Hawkins is there, at least. Probably another 10 years at this rate.

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