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Messages - fatdamon

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32]
Will all of the off-the-field crap @ BU one thing we don't hear mentioned much is how Baylor is going to be real bad for the next couple of years on the field.  Probably not Guy Morriss bad, but give them a couple years.  With Jim Grobe's new system (flexbone lol), transfers, and recruits jumping ship, I don't see another win after KU.

Northwestern State
at Rice   
Oklahoma State   
at Iowa State   
Kansas* (Homecoming)   
at Texas   
at Oklahoma   
Kansas State   
vs. Texas Tech   
at West Virginia

welp called that one

Kansas State Football / Re: Gems of the Texas Game Thread
« on: October 24, 2016, 10:02:49 PM »
Playing KSU as always = death by a thousand cuts


With all of the off-the-field crap @ BU one thing we don't hear mentioned much is how Baylor is going to be real bad for the next couple of years on the field.  Probably not Guy Morriss bad, but give them a couple years.  With Jim Grobe's new system (flexbone lol), transfers, and recruits jumping ship, I don't see another win after KU.

Northwestern State
at Rice   
Oklahoma State   
at Iowa State   
Kansas* (Homecoming)   
at Texas   
at Oklahoma   
Kansas State   
vs. Texas Tech   
at West Virginia

Kansas State Football / Re: Briles > Snyder
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:08:03 PM »
They're QB before Boykins was a drug addict, pvegs.


Kansas State Football / Re: do you consider coach snyder a wildcat?
« on: October 19, 2015, 01:41:26 PM »
I mean it can't be argued that he has devoted a decent part of his career to K-State. I'm thinking honorary wildcat? I grew up a mile from the stadium, went to K-State, and attended almost every home game from kindergarten through college, so I am technically a real wildcat, but yes, I think I would be okay with Snyder coming to an alumni meeting as some kind of +1 or something.

True, but he also didn't spend his freshman year at KU like SOME PEOPLE


Kansas State Football / Re: Elijah Lee is a majestic human being.
« on: September 21, 2015, 05:09:19 AM »
someone lurking on this blog taught him everything he knows in middle school football


well consider my breath bated

OMG just drop the next track already

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: July 31, 2015, 02:16:46 PM »
Don't they bury the Ugas in that cemetary

UGAs are actually entombed in a mausoleum inside the stadium. 

lol@ this n00b and his LSSIQ

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:38:56 PM »
I enjoyed these videos very much.  Two things:

1.  You need to update from the old "garage door opener" K-tag to the new one that's essentially a band-aid
2.  I couldn't actually believe that the far NW rows of 2 seats were real until I saw them with my own eyeballs

Kansas State Football / Re: KSU Football player interaction thread
« on: June 16, 2015, 12:17:05 AM »
1.  Once Hickman's monthly issue of "Anabolic Insider" accidentally came to our house

2.  We "shared trash" with them, which meant that they brought their trash over to our house on a weekly basis so they didn't have to pay the trash company.  I think they gave us like 10 bucks a couple of times but that was it.  Now that I look back on it those guys were kind of jerks, but they played football, so

3.  Also on the day we moved in me and my roommate went to a garage sale that the MHS drama teacher was having.  We bought a prop electric chair, a female mannequin head, and a giant fish pillow.  Since we didn't know what to do with the mannequin head the roomie climbed a tree in the front yard and slipped her over the end of a branch that had been cut off (think: thimble on a pinky). Josh Buhl came over to introduce himself.  He was like, "I'm Josh....(looks around, sees electric chair, fish, and mannequin head) y'alls some weirdos?"

Kansas State Football / Re: KSU Football player interaction thread
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:57:18 PM »
All of the following happened in one calendar year when I lived with a certain stadium enthusiast next door to Bryan Hickman, Terry Pierce, and Josh Buhl (College Hts. 4 LYF):

1.  Terry Pierce had a giant super-scary rottweiler that barked his ass of constantly and lived on a half-unrolled piece of Wagner Field

2.  Josh Buhl came over to our house once and was all like "is it cool if I borrow your lawnmower" and I was all like "sure" but I thought it was for one time not EVERY GODDAMN TIME HE NEEDED TO MOW THE LAWN FOR THE NEXT CALENDAR YEAR

3.  Once Josh invited us to a party at his house.  Rather than go through the front door, me and our other roommate (not the stadium enthusiast) came from another party through the backyard and entered the back door.  We walk into the living room and there's nothing but 2002 KSU greats smoking weed.  Seriously, all of them.  Name one.  He was there.  And me and my buddy were the only white guys in the joint, and when we busted in everybody was silently like "OH SNAP WHO'S THESE WHITE GUYS THEY MUST BE COPS" and were trying to hide the weed and stuff.  Needless to say there were a couple of very uncomfortable seconds for everyone involved.  It was clear that Terry Pierce didn't even know who we were and I was thinking "come on terry i've lived next to you for like 7 months."  Then, finally Josh Buhl recognized me and was like, "AW, FD, MY N****, GET OVER HERE" and he gave me a high five/half-hug and all tensions were eased and it was easily the best moment of my life.  Then we met JB's dad and called/texted back and forth for several calendar years.

***edit***in retrospect i see that i used the term "calendar year" several times.  not sure why.  not changing it tho

When I was a young FD at a KSU football camp, I was told by late-80s EMAW longsnapper Matt Hemphill that their defensive strategy against Oklahoma was to let them get to midfield so the RBs would slip and fall when they tried to cut.

True Story:

In 2004, when we lost to KU for the first time in 13 years in football, I was with Catzacker in Lawrence at the game.  At the end of the game, he just looks over at me and says "Well, Jim Wooldridge just got fired." 

He was essentially correct...the fan base immediately turned it sights to basketball, and became enraged at the idea (overnight) of not being competitive in basketball...AND Tim Weiser TRIED to fire Wooly that Spring, but Weefs stepped in and prevented it.  A year later, he was fired.

I was there too.  It was a feeling like nothing I'd ever experienced.  I was literally sick to my stomach watching their celebration.  I was in a sickening, bizarre daze.  Just a terrible feeling.

Was also there.  Can confirm that on the way back to the car I had to stop and sneak into a random backyard so I could cry like a bitch for 10-18 minutes. 

Kansas State Football / Re: If your ass is wider than 18"...
« on: September 04, 2012, 01:10:32 PM »
this thread is bull crap :shakesfist:

Can someone please "tweet" this song to Schultzie and Curr-dogg?  And also can someone make sure Whitney walks down the aisle to it?  tia.

Only if you promise to quit stroking your own dork by bumping this thread to the top, you dirty applause whore.

Kansas State Football / Re: ESPN College Football Bowl Mania
« on: December 12, 2010, 05:48:41 PM »
Link doesn't work. You copied a shortened url from some other forum.

That's because I'm a thousand years old and don't know how to use a computer.

Kansas State Football / ESPN College Football Bowl Mania
« on: December 10, 2010, 05:47:47 AM »
You guys want to join the party with a bunch of 30-somethings in jorts listening to Dave Matthews Band? 

Create/sign in, then search for the group  There is no password.

Kansas State Football / Re: who got a screenshot of dice boy?
« on: October 16, 2010, 12:01:00 PM »
from the screenies thread:

If we have an equivalent, we need to take him out back and shoot him now before normal people see him. 

For personal reasons, I STRONGLY disagree.





and quite possibly the best K-State tailgating song/video evarrrrrrrr

Kansas State Football / here's this
« on: August 28, 2010, 07:35:04 AM »
(only blinky for one minute or so, audio still good)


 (not blinky)


 (not blinky)


 (blinky as crap)

sorry i'm computarded and can't post links

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