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Messages - catbacker 73

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Kansas State Football / Re: Win the Dang Day.
« on: July 26, 2019, 05:43:12 PM »
Two hours left. Of course, our hick fan base loves it.

our hick fan base loves it.

Just the kind of comment I'd expect from a Bloody and Sad.

Message board masturbation right there. Get that man a towel.

2-3 towels would be better. Ain't nuthin' more awesome than an OLB  --- Thanks for recognizing that, IPA4Me.
4th as a 9th grader and 4th as a senior?  Sounds like somebody ignored Goal #4.

Different weight discus + 2 --- T-W-O ----different states. Sorry you don't understand sports, _33. Study harder and you might learn. Ignorance can be cured; Stupid is Forever.

Mr. Catcrapper
You got me, I can't believe I ever doubted you.  I do believe you are a crippled 87 yr old woman.  :cheers:

KatDaddie, thank you for your honesty, and please note, I would never call you a POS, as you did me.
BTW, since I've been a KSU Fan since before you were born, I accept the fact that your brain won't be fully formed and Adult until you reach 25-26. Good Luck.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: July 23, 2019, 10:31:48 AM »
Ain't nuthin' like the sound of Rich Whyte Honkies opening their wallets to prove they're not racist idiots since they support folks what ain't Whyte even though buying what they want "Is A Good Thing." Bless their racist hearts.


You my friend are one of the toughest bogg crap tossers' I Cum across in a long time.  BTW, my sceptic tank is getting full and a stud like you would be the right type to toss the crap out of it and fertilize the backyard at the same time.

You're absolutely correct. I am a total fraud -- an 87 year old woman who lives in Pasadena.

I never had surgery on both knees. I don't have a scar that runs from my xiphoid process in a big semicircle to my left hip. I'm not getting ready to celebrate the 50th Anniversary on the night I died after the 5th game of my Jr. year. I don't have the original letter from Dartmouth offering me a full ride and offering my father a job in New Hampshire and moving expenses plus a house. Nor the letter from Annapolis.

I never placed 4th in the discus as a 9th grader(Jr. High in my home state)at the state track meet. Nor did I place 4th in the discus at the Ks State Track meet my Senior year.    I never got written up in the Emporia Gazette for being the Classic example of the best weight man(shot, discus, javelin) at the District Meet VS the top sprinter as to who would be high point winner. I never played football with the 3rd fastest sprinter in the country(combined 100, 220, 440) in 1970 when I also didn't play football with 3 High School All Americans.

I also didn't get beat out for All State MLB by a guy 6'5" who went to KU.

I never coached with the fella that the Wichita Eagle Beacon named as The Master of the Veer.

I never coached winning teams against the only HS in Kansas still running the single wing while at two different High Schools.

I was never recruited by the Championship Coach to come be his OFF Line/LB coach in college.

There's a whole bunch of other things I "Never" did as well.

Never taught international criminals inside a Correctional Facility. Never taught College classes. BTW, I also don't have 5 stents in my heart due to 3 stress related heart attacks.

You get the picture, I'm just an 87 year old woman in Pasadena.

Thanks for helping me admit all I ever post is untruths. :cheers:

Has no Idea what is in the Constitution of the United States

Time to shoot that dumb Bastard in the forehead with Paint Balls until It Is forced to read the Constitution of the United States of America out loud.

Proof that the Stupid Bastard cannot read:

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Favorite conspiracy theory
« on: July 21, 2019, 06:48:47 AM »
Favorite Conspiracy Theory:
Republic AZZWholes can read and write.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: #1Thread
« on: July 21, 2019, 06:45:50 AM »
probably because you're thought of around here as a huge moron......and you are.....not sure what a cake thread is....sounds like a stupid libtard thing

Or might be an illiterate Republic head stuck up your AZZ on purpose.


Fearful Racists who are afraid of Truth and honesty. Go to Somalia, or Mississippi.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Trump Presidency
« on: July 21, 2019, 06:28:55 AM »
LibDerp Nation:  Concerned about words that aren't said the way they want them to be said while ignoring the actual racism in their own party . . .

It'd be nice if you "dume fucks" would learn how to read.
Ignorance can be cured; Stupid is forever.


The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Killing babies at 9 months
« on: July 21, 2019, 06:18:26 AM »
Killing babies at 9 months
Congrats, libs!

Stupid eff.

Intergalactic Aliens control the Moon and Donnie Jaun Drumpf rapes both his daughters every night in the Lincoln Bedroom.

catbacker 73

Donald Jaun Drumpf is so rough ridin' stupid that History is beyond his keen.

His Grandpa was a Draft dodger and a Pimp. His Daddie was a Kluxer, he lusts after his own daughter while being sued multiple times as a Racist.

Even now, with Combustible (Congestive) Heart Failure, I'd beat the Summitch with a 60% wedge. Kinda Chicketshit we ran off from Prep School Football team back in the 60s

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: MAGA
« on: July 21, 2019, 06:03:53 AM »
Donnie Jaun Drumpf
Chickenshit, illiterate, son of KKK, Grandson of Pimp and German Draft Dodger. Shoot the Muther FuKer whose so stupid when told "My family was killed by ISIS." It's assWhole response was,
Where are they now

Ignorance can be fixed; STUPID is Forever.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Re: Win the Dang Day.
« on: July 19, 2019, 10:59:53 AM »
Dr. Strangelove  take your leather gloved hand and stick it where the moon don't shine.

Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
then go back to 1964 and join Slim Pickens on his ride on the bomb. It's very obvious that anyone emulating or using Dr. Strangelove as an avatar has some very sick ideas about Life, the Universe and Everything.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Something about Coors
« on: July 19, 2019, 05:04:31 AM »
Coors. Rocky Mountain Goat Piss. Owned by the worst family in the US. Y-O-U drink that crap and give money to Racist AzzWholes.

To quote Joseph Coors' statement to group of Black Business leaders in Denver:
Be glad your ancestors were slaves brought to America because now you have the privilege to become Powerful Businessmen. God Bless Slavery.

POS Racist.   I'll allow Coors in my house when ALL Coors descendants and the Insane Orange Madman are drawn and quartered and beheaded with their heads stuck on poles in Washington DC.

Now that's a juicy momma swinging fresh meat.  :excited:

Rough Riding sexist pig.

I was the oldest with 5, F-I-V-E, younger sisters and you were the type of AZZWhole I got to pull out through the driver's side window and have a talk with. But, hey, all my friends will tell you I was a sweetheart of a guy particularly to my sisters' dates.

Odd thing, typical AzzHats didn't have much to say to college shot putters/discus throwers who pulled them out through windows. Even though I was only 5'11'', I followed Al Feuerbach's training regimen since he was the 1st Kansas shot putter to break 65 ft. at the 1968 Razorback Relays. Feuerbach even broke Randy Matson's seven-year-old world record in the shot put by throwing 21.82 meters (71' 7"). From Emporia State and stood 5'11".

To be honest, Feuerbach never broke Matson's 75 ft throw.

Of course, he was even a bigger AzzWhole than Matson. But then, hey, to be the best at nearly anything you have to be a psychopath.

Kansas State Football / Re: Intervention For Catbacker 73
« on: July 18, 2019, 03:24:49 PM »
Hope he's into pregnant chicks 8 weeks away from labor.  :D

There's not many women I hold in higher regard than the men who have attached themselves to those women.

BTW, 420seriouscat69, congratulations. Give your wife a hug and kisses from us for putting up with you.

Kansas State Football / Re: Intervention For Catbacker 73
« on: July 17, 2019, 05:10:16 PM »
I think that's a satanic sex thing, be careful

Hope he's into pregnant chicks 8 weeks away from labor.  :D
  Highest respect for ALL women -- on the whole, men would be absolutely lost without women in their lives.

Black and Tan Cocktail Recipe


    Fill beer glasses with pale ale until half.
    Hold bar spoon with back facing upwards over the half filled glass and pour draught beer over pale ale with out splashing. This will result in two nice and distinct layers of beer.
While chilled beer is good on its own, it becomes much more fun to drink when some element of visual appeal with surprise of different flavors and feel are added. The velvety first sip of Guinness draught and sweet and dry finish of last sip of pale ale makes this black and tan cocktail simply one of the best among beer mixed drinks.

1 Can (12 oz) Bass Pale Ale (Chilled)
1 Can (12 oz) Guinness Draught Beer (Chilled)


    Fill beer glasses with pale ale until half.
    Hold bar spoon with back facing upwards over the half filled glass and pour draught beer over pale ale with out splashing. This will result in two nice and distinct layers of beer.

Kansas State Football / Re: Intervention For Catbacker 73
« on: July 16, 2019, 12:58:52 PM »
Wanting to set Leach on fire is enough to get you banned from this blog site, so tread lightly pal.

Leach is a low IQ AZZHat :ROFL: who can't get out of his own way. Unlike HOFHCBS or 7 Time Natty HCCK, Leach knows only One Way. :facepalm: yep, Leach beat TexAZZ once; how many times did KSU beat TexAZZ? :billdance:                               You take Leach, fold him 5 Times :Woot: and put him where the Sun Don't Shine.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: July 15, 2019, 02:17:21 PM »
These guys are hungry. I think
they're ready to put a Real Quality Field on the Team

But...... But......... I thought that's what they had been doing>>> Burying the team. Ol' Less is gonna bury them even more? Is that even Legal?

Kansas State Football / Re: BITB Today
« on: July 13, 2019, 12:39:18 PM »
meow meow
he's got a house down in Arizona, maybe they have beaches there

I do. Just like the ones in I-OH-Way

In the morning you face your lounge to the East and watch the sun rise over the ocean.
Then in the late afternoon/evening, you turn your lounge 180 degrees to the West and watch the sun set over the ocean.

Only $150,000.00 per running foot.  :runaway: :confused:

Kansas State Football / Re: way too early depth-chart predictos
« on: July 12, 2019, 06:52:15 PM »
Your troll attempts don't face me, shittysockaccount. OMG! This is "Clams! I can tell by the "Damn, son" part.  :curse:

Actually, you've got me curious, now. How can anyone have a decent life with such a negative attitude. Someday, maybe we'll sit down over beers and you can explain it to me. I'll even buy you a Black and Tan.

Kansas State Football / Re: way too early depth-chart predictos
« on: July 12, 2019, 11:11:20 AM »

Damn, son. Did you ever win Any Days?

Thanks for proving me correct.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: July 12, 2019, 11:07:56 AM »
How many times are you and your sock going to respond to that one, Chings?

I'm, admittedly, slow but finally got it. Rooshun Bot and Dump supporter who hates anything positive because the Whole World is out to destroy you. Truly sad.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: July 12, 2019, 04:23:32 AM »
So they didn’t just recruit zero stars? Thanks for proving my point.

Jesus. I really want you on my team. I know I could count on you to be a positive influence on coaches and players alike.

I know, now, that you have NO idea as to the importance of ATTITUDE ON A HS or college football team. Why did HOFHCBS and HCCK
put so much emphasis on attitude of their teams?   

Try and figure that out,420seriouscat69.   

Kansas State Football / Re: way too early depth-chart predictos
« on: July 12, 2019, 12:48:10 AM »
Honestly, everyone’s secondary sucks in this league. It’s a 5 WR set every play and quick slants for 15-20 yards at a time. Shelly got drafted because the league knows this. We’re gonna suck no matter what this year in the secondary. Just hope they can pick a few.

In the years I played and coached football, I really enjoyed having teammates and coaches to compete with who had your positive attitude. It made things so much easier. Like the time (HC in HS) we beat the #3 team in the state 13-7 and we were unranked. Ran the same damned play 5 times in a row over the LT and LG, from different sets. Or the times, NAIA, and Div 2 we kept teams from the playoffs.

Unless it's some pud game like KSU v NDSU or Iowa v NDSU, you go in with the attitude that you're gonna lose.

Damn, son. Did you ever win Any Days?

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