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Messages - Headinjun

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: late night pit
« on: March 04, 2015, 10:24:04 PM »
lol. No. Also, She doesn't want me to be there right now per se, but she wants to hear that I'm motivated enough to someday want to get in that range. She kept brining up that we make over 100K combined right now and we can't afford to do anything fun with our bills. <-------(This is not true. I'm being responsible and saving my money).

How in the hell can a couple with 100k combined and no kids not have enough money for fun?

Where are all these bills going too? 

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: late night pit
« on: March 04, 2015, 03:14:11 PM »
Tell that meal ticket hooch to bounce!!

Sounds to me like she doesn't know the real world.   

Stay single with no kids and you'll thank yourself later.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: StL County Cops Shoot Teen
« on: March 04, 2015, 03:04:40 PM »
Some of you are just awful. 

What about the dogs, tazers, searches, arrest for petty crimes, and racist emails?

You're not supposed to include the link.

Why did I know YOU would point that out?   Its my first foray.. Next time I might just have you do it.

All fans stay in their seats and chant repeatedly: "Go to your room, Jayhawks. Go to your room" as the opposing players and coaches shake hands postgame and the losers head dejectedly toward the locker room.

Change the team name and the chant works for every win against every team.
Such a chant precludes rushing the floor, endangering anyone, and is not an embarrassment to our team and university. Hell, it might even become a new KSU tradition.

I'd go back and break Madison Bumgarner's stupid legs and face and arms.
:curse: yeah me too

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Obama sez No to Keystone
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:28:27 PM »
I've talked about filibusters?


In your diatribes you complain that Obama had both houses of congress at one point but fail to acknowledge this  2/3rds majority requirement. 

I derstand Judith Miller did some time and that Obama is being a dick about Snowden, but I have yet to see the United States government shutdown a media outlet or arrest somebody because they didn't agree with what they said on the Internet.

Now tell me how specifically does net neutrality affect freedom of the press ?

No it us who should forfeit and apologize

(sorry if luked)

I don't think I've ever seen someone Luke a previously luking.  This might be unchartered waters.

Sorry, didn't have time to shift through the rift raft.

Hey, just think, U.S. net-neutrality could drop the United States out of the Top 50 in World Press Freedom (currently 49th and falling).

What a glorious day for the "Most Transparent Administration in History".

Quit being a douchebag.


Quit avoiding reality
Reality tells me that the regulation of TV and radio has never threatened freedom of the press but only made it stronger. 

I don't expect anything new or different with the Internet that drastically changes this. 

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Obama sez No to Keystone
« on: February 25, 2015, 03:34:56 PM »
I think the 60+ avoids a filibuster.

Off topic here but will you mention this to Dax.  I don't think he quite understands this when he's doing one of his diatribes. 

Hey, just think, U.S. net-neutrality could drop the United States out of the Top 50 in World Press Freedom (currently 49th and falling).

What a glorious day for the "Most Transparent Administration in History".

Quit being a douchebag.

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure  :Carl:

Definitely. I'm sure it'll just be an "ounce" of regulation. Or however much 300 pages weighs. Not as much as Obamacare, that's for sure!

I really can't believe anyone who likes fast internet wants COMCAST to start rough ridin' with it.

So let me get this straight - Comcast and Verizon throttled the speed of the largest consumer of bandwidth on the planet - Netflix - so now we need the government to step in and regulate the internet like a public utility? Are you really so libtarded that you actually believe government intervention, as opposed to the free market, is going to make this better?

Free market will not correct an industry with local monopolies and a recent history of mergers.

I know that we are better off because of publicly regulated energy, water, and sewer.

With the Internet being a medium for banking, job searches, government payments, learning etc it has become a standard for the business of conducting life.  All of us should have reasonable broadband and no single person, business, or entity should be priced out because of a private monopoly.

Internet providers use public right of ways and because of that the public should have a say.

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure  :Carl:

Definitely. I'm sure it'll just be an "ounce" of regulation. Or however much 300 pages weighs. Not as much as Obamacare, that's for sure!

I really can't believe anyone who likes fast internet wants COMCAST to start rough ridin' with it.

Kansas State Football / Re: It's time to dump the "family" thing
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:33:35 PM »
and currie confirms why it's small timey and heartland'y  :frown:

“I’m just not ready to go there yet,” Currie said [of beer sales at football games]. “I think that we have a baseball situation that is different from football and basketball. I think we have created some controlled areas in football and men’s basketball where we do provide the opportunity to purchase beer and wine, but I’m just not sure that we are ready for that inside LHC Bill Snyder Family Stadium everywhere throughout the game.

“It is named Family Stadium and we do want to protect that family atmosphere.”

John Currie: "Poor cats can get mumped! "



Show of hands. - anybody still think that the federal government regulating the internet like a public utility is a good idea?

Yes.  I want the next Amazon and Netflix to form and grow.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Slow day in the pit
« on: February 20, 2015, 06:37:48 PM »
yes, kansas counties are way too small.  they should have a 100k population minimum per

I think they are set up pretty logically. Everyone has easy access to their county seat. The locals get the services/ordinances they want. The idea that people are subjected to more beaurocracy because there are more county governments is laughable.

I think the idea of having less sheriffs, less school administration, and less state funding of county governments is a great idea. 

It could be a quite a local/county tax savings for the people in those areas if they would just collaborate.

Not really. They would still have to fund all of those services and they'd have to either send their kids to a school hundreds of miles away or pay for a similar amount of administrators as they are already paying for.

Did you just say "hundreds of miles away"? We're talking about consolidating counties - not states.

I don't think you know just how big Kansas is. He was talking about reducing the western half of the state to 16 school districts.

Maybe 16 is too low, but I think one Superintendent with a decent sized staff to run a central office can handle a large population of students who are widely spread apart geographically.  There's site managers (principals), and sufficient technology to handle such a task. 

Think of the buying power the larger districts could achieve in terms of supply.   

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Slow day in the pit
« on: February 20, 2015, 01:09:40 AM »
yes, kansas counties are way too small.  they should have a 100k population minimum per

I think they are set up pretty logically. Everyone has easy access to their county seat. The locals get the services/ordinances they want. The idea that people are subjected to more beaurocracy because there are more county governments is laughable.

I think the idea of having less sheriffs, less school administration, and less state funding of county governments is a great idea. 

It could be a quite a local/county tax savings for the people in those areas if they would just collaborate.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Slow day in the pit
« on: February 19, 2015, 03:17:13 PM »
I think we just have a lot of land that is sparsely populated, giving us more counties per capita than most other states.

I think the western half of the state could be divided into four counties and possibly 16 school districts. 

Obama's strategy for defeating ISIS is... exactly what you would expect from an empty-suit, media-obsessed, community organizer.

"You gotta get cooler, man! Twitter, Hashtags, Facebook, Social Media! Hell, I suckered an entire generation to vote for me based on a dopey three-word slogan!"

Do you think you could have a beer with him?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Slow day in the pit
« on: February 19, 2015, 01:15:22 PM »
I bet you're a fun neighbor KSU.

We didn't get a TV slot last night. 

That's pretty Missouri Valleyish in my mind and is a result of some recent pathetic performances.

Well I stand corrected, it was on TV last night, but apparently it was sandwiched between some cooking and military hardware channel. 

Kinda Sun Belty.   

We didn't get a TV slot last night. 

That's pretty Missouri Valleyish in my mind and is a result of some recent pathetic performances.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: 13-14
« on: February 19, 2015, 12:38:18 AM »
Somebody cut a rough ridin' check and get this oscar clown out of Manhattan

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Who are you obsessed with?
« on: February 19, 2015, 12:31:13 AM »
MIR is the cream of the crop folks, with Flelix and Michcat vying for 2nd.

Skinben is great too whenever he decides to show up.

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