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Messages - KSUblacklab

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ksublacklab you are the best.  holding people accountable.  it is what a true #boss must do.

Everyone except racists it seems.

 :shakesfist: :bang:

 :Woohoo: :cheers: :Woot:

I'll go first. Sunny_Cat I'm sorry for calling you a douche.

blacklab, slow down, we're running out of clown suits!

Not true
Sunny_Clown brings his own.
So we have an extra.

Sunny_cat is a very good clown. But he's no Bozo.

Jesus Christ, you're obsessed with me.

If the clown suit fits. Wear it.

I will forgive you if you apologize for calling me a sock. And telling me to eff myself.

blacklab, slow down, we're running out of clown suits!

Not true
Sunny_Clown brings his own.
So we have an extra.

Sunny_cat is a very good clown. But he's no Bozo.

"I think it's fair to say we can expect a BlackLab post every time we win a basketball game."-Negative_Cat

May I have your attention please.

mmm yeah.
Can you feel it baby?
I can too.

Once again this is not rasict. If you think it is you are a moron. Embiid started this and people from his region people kill things with spears. Some people think he fibbing.

If self said this about a black kid from the states it could be rasict.

I hope you morons are just trolling.


Amboseli National Park, Kenya

In Kenya, conflicts between animals and people are also a big issue. Here, the Leo Foundation is involved in a collaboration project with Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) around Amboseli National Park. The Park is completely surrounded by Masai, a community of warriors. To become a man, it is tradition amongst the Masai to spear a lion. And, as in the Cameroonian study lions are killed in retaliation of attacking livestock. Thus, lions that appear near Masai settlements are killed more quickly than in Cameroon.

As lions are a huge tourist attraction, Kenyan government tries to keep lions to their assigned but restricted areas and lion populations up to the mark. Because if local people keep killing lions, the government looses a significant source of income.

With support of the Leo Foundation five lions have been GPS/radio-collared in Amboseli National Park between July 2007 and August 2008. We saw that the animals left the Park in November and December in 2007 and 2008. During this time, the researchers got reports of conflicts from the local people. The collars have an SMS function which enables researchers to alert local Masai that lions are in their vicinity. This tool is directly beneficial for Masai during ongoing research and provides researchers with a way of informing local people about lions in their awareness campaigns.

Other culture's tradition are weird to other culture's. I dont see a problem with it. and he did use a spear. And self was having fun with it. non issue.

Did any body on here ever think that maybe he told his team that he killed a lion back home. maybe joking maybe not. And now self is making a joke out of it.

How was this racist?

We're gonna need another truckload of body bags by the time blacklab is done massacring the board puds in this thread.

Now, let me clear my throat.... Hgm Hgm GOD DAMN.

Haters gonna hate.

I think it's fair to say we can expect a BlackLab post every time we win a basketball game. How about you save this kinda bump for when we beat someone good like OSU or KU?

Not as dumb as I thought you were.

updated link to the better version

We're gonna need another truckload of body bags by the time blacklab is done massacring the board puds in this thread.

Now, let me clear my throat.... Hgm Hgm GOD DAMN.

Haters gonna hate.

Not white iron. not enough support. maybe wood or plastic. looks like it only has one side supported.

KSUblacklab is DRUNK



I meant to use it sarcastically.

I agree with ChiTown.

The right needs to focus on economic issues and leave extensions of religious views out of it.  The paranoia and persecution complex is getting old too.

Kansas State Football / Re: Purpose of a message board?
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:39:27 AM »
What is it?  Seriously, I'm not sure what we are all doing here.

Are we supposed to just come on here and say Rah Rah Rah KSU, Go Cats?  Aren't we supposed to offer opinions?   Offer suggestions for what we think would be in the best interest of Kansas State football?

I'm old as hell but I grew up in the "question authority" generation.  I might agree with my president or my governor or my boss, on most issues, but, as an American I always feel like I hold the authority to disagree with their opinions on some issues as well--AS LONG AS I DO IT IN A RESPECTFUL MANNER.

Is this respectful disagreement OK in LHC LHC Bill Snyder Football?  What Coach Snyder has accomplished here is absolutely legendary in the sport.  Does that place him above input and opinion from his fan base?

I don't write this as an attack on ANY of the posters here.  I just really would like to know what you'all get out of posting here and what you think our responsibilities are when posting and interacting.  I'm definitely as guilty as anyone else on here for over-stepping my bounds on occasion--just like in real life.

I enjoy the insight of other posters here, and on occasion, actually feel like I've learned something from some of the ideas posted. Obviously, there are some posters who come here just to get a rise out of the rest of us. They are easily ignored.

I think most of us would just like to share our thoughts and impressions--just like we do when we are sitting at The Bill during a live game--about what's going on in the game or with the program.

We don't have mods now.  Wonder is we are mature enough to moderate ourselves.

The point of this forum is to bag on low post count members. Not judge them on how strong the swim.

I don't like when people use "fans" in quotes or say some people "aren't real KSU fans". Its lame.
Are the fans of oscar Weber? No.  :tongue:

I don't like when people use "fans" in quotes or say some people "aren't real KSU fans". Its lame.

Me too. :frown:

We all love the 'Cats!
I thought you were out?

Got owned? (tbag face)

Nevermind, guys. Just saw that he called me a #douche. I'm out. :frown:

You'll be missed!

Let me preface this by saying that I have lots of love for Frank....  But, he's not here anymore and ain't coming back.

oscar Weber is the best coach we we could get at the time. And still is.

Don't cry over spilled milk.

In conclusion, if we have the best b-ball coach we can or could get. Why all the bitch'in?

Support THIS team. EMAW NOW.

Be Loud, be Proud, be PURPLE.

I'm out.


 :facepalm: :emawkid: :th_twocents: :buh-bye:

This is by far the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life.



Do you legitimately think oscar Weber was our best option? If so, I feel sorry for you.

Name one negative nancy.
Gottlieb, Pearl, Martin(if they actually made an attempt to keep him).  You must have really low expectations for our university.  You're the worst kind of fan.

We weren't going to hire Pearl on a show cause.  That is an invalid option.

I would have accepted Tad Boyle.

Tad Boyle and even Brad Underwood would have been much better options than oscar Weber.

I would agree that Brad could have done a good job. But, he needs to be a head coach at a mid major and then win before he comes back to us.

And so,
Tad Boyle-134–104 (.565)
oscar Weber-347–166 (.676)

even then Tad Boyle is at his dream job (his words). He's from CO. He's home. We couldn't get him period.

So your choice would've been a guy that hasn't been a head coach... ever.(Unless you count when Frank was thrown out of a game)

p.s. you did a good job.

ass hat(mumbled under breath)

Overall record talking point…

 :facepalm: :jerk:
um no.. we couldnt get tad. so it's not just the record that is the talking point. try again?

And, if I could add just one more thing. It would be that if we would have announced that BW was going to be our b-ball coach in lieu of Huggy. Fans would've be very doing back flips.

 But, since the fans have now had a taste of being good. They think that we would do better than BW.(I would wager that those fans are in college/young. And have no idea that women's basketball was more popular then mens. For a long time.(no offense to our lady cats))

Also fans and donors are still a little sour on how things went down with Frank.(which I totally get)

But, It's about effing time that our "fans" and donors get on the BW train and help this team win with our support. Rather then bitching about "What could have been".
 :th_twocents: :buh-bye:

crap, guys. Has to be a sock, right?
sunny_cat= :jerk:/ :Rusty:/ :blah:

everyone taking shots at sunny as of late
he's the one throwing the 1st punches. #douche douche

And, if I could add just one more thing. It would be that if we would have announced that BW was going to be our b-ball coach in lieu of Huggy. Fans would've be very doing back flips.

 But, since the fans have now had a taste of being good. They think that we would do better than BW.(I would wager that those fans are in college/young. And have no idea that women's basketball was more popular then mens. For a long time.(no offense to our lady cats))

Also fans and donors are still a little sour on how things went down with Frank.(which I totally get)

But, It's about effing time that our "fans" and donors get on the BW train and help this team win with our support. Rather then bitching about "What could have been".
 :th_twocents: :buh-bye:

crap, guys. Has to be a sock, right?
sunny_cat= :jerk:/ :Rusty:/ :blah:

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