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Messages - Jabeez

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Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Kansas City things
« on: May 28, 2015, 09:35:17 PM »
Big 12 tourney through 2020!
Dammit,  my source on all kc sports things  is out of town.  Normally, I'd have scooped this for goEMAW.

what, they don't have phones out of town?
I've already said too much...

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Kansas City things
« on: May 28, 2015, 07:19:57 PM »
Big 12 tourney through 2020!
Dammit,  my source on all kc sports things  is out of town.  Normally, I'd have scooped this for goEMAW.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:30:19 PM »
Every single one of the quarterbacks he listed would have killed in our offense.

For Christ's sake, Devin Gardner had almost 3500 yards of total offense in his junior year at Michigan.  He would have had more because he was injured and didn't play against us in the BWW Bowl.

If Banks is anything like ANY of the QB's he listed, he'll be an all-conference QB at some point while he's here.
What's more ridiculous is that everyone else over at rivals saw his discipline and passing improve enough to warrant 4 stars, versus just giving him a generic 2 or 3 stars. 

Does rivals or gpc has some super secret database of videos to watch?  Need @robcassidy or @jeremycrabtree to confirm.

Basically, I just hate wally and fitz bc they suck at their jobs. So when it benefits me as a 'cats fan, I hope they are wrong.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:11:19 PM »
The more DJamer Wall-E does analysis on banks saying he sucks, and the more tuck fans joining on the suck wagon, The more I'm putting my money in the Banks.

Is he still slamming Banks?

Are you serious?

Yes, he is basing it off of highlights from high school and juco year and says he didn't improve.  Clearly, if only watching highlights, he improved on everything he talks about.  In his Juco highlights he doesn't run around as much and makes throws that are easy catches for his receivers compared to his high school highlights.  He may have a point on lofty balls. I don't know how Wally takes himself seriously,  the guy has literally never been right on anything. That is what I mostly "Banks" on.

Quote from: DJWALLY
By no means am I trying to (nor would I ever) supersede LHC Bill Snyder's taste in football players.

 My opinions are solely derived from watching Banks' highlights, both high school and junior college.

 Didn't see a whole lot of improvement in his passing style. His motion is obviously a little janky, but what bothers me more are how many passes he hangs. The ball seems to have far too much touch on it and floats down into tight coverage, forcing his receiver to make a big play. I've also noticed that his deep throws aren't terrific (limited strength), but then again K-State doesn't need a QB with a cannon considering the receivers this year. He's like the opposite of Daniel Sams, who had a good arm but wasn't accurate enough.

 Banks also has happy feet, which can be good at times and bad for others. I like mobile QBs, but mobile QBs with poise in the pocket until the play needs a change of direction. Banks wants to bail too quickly if his first read isn't open.

 I saw where his coach compared him to a combination of Cam Newton and Colin Kaepernick, but honestly he appears more similar to the likes of Jacoby Brissett, Devin Gardner, Tevin Washington, or a slower version of Jeff Godfrey. Newton and Kaepernick are completely unfair for Banks.

46 ? GPCwallace, Yesterday at 3:45 PM 

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:10:52 PM »
Can we just start call our offensive line wall street right now?

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:09:41 PM »
The more DJamer Wall-E does analysis on banks saying he sucks, and the more tuck fans joining on the suck wagon, The more I'm putting my money in the Banks.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Obama
« on: May 27, 2015, 02:58:45 PM »
Q: What do Barack Obama & Tiger Woods have in common?
 A: They are both trying to screw everybody!

Q: Why won't Obama release his real birth certificate?
 A: He accidently smoked it.

Q: What do you call a Nebraskan who hates Obama?
 A: A CORNservative.

I found these jokes online. Thoughts?
I had to order a new birth cerificate because my old one was torn to pieces.  Thanks, Obama!

I want a free copy.  I love books like this.  The left behind series is my favs fringe Christian truth novel series.  Could this surpass it?

The old testament is pretty much the same as the Quran(sp?), except they had different translators after the Christians decided christ was the true prophet and muslims thought it was Mohammad, right? 

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Shame Yourself
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:29:53 AM »
I bet those sumifs were a bitch huh
Haha, completely forgot it for a few minutes,  sum(if( wasn't working. Pivot tables are more useful for my purposes.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Shame Yourself
« on: May 25, 2015, 10:11:15 PM »
Last two jobs, the pee test is prior to the offer.  But the interview was also in virginia, and they said they send it to labcorp... I dunno, I was surprised too.

It was a fun interview to do.  Had several different interviews with different groups of people. They gave me some business cases prior to coming in and went through them with the manager.  Then they had me prove I am an excel expert and some gmat/lsat type questions. All on 4 hours of sleep, since I got to the hotel at 1:00am.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Shame Yourself
« on: May 22, 2015, 06:09:28 PM »
If i were drunk, it wouldn't be in the shame yourself thread :( my flight to the place got in at midnight, i was at the hotel around 1, running on like 4 hours of sleep.  It'll be a miracle if i get the offer.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Shame Yourself
« on: May 22, 2015, 04:19:48 PM »
So I'm in an interview, finished up my second panel interview of the morning and they ask me to take a pee test.  So I fill the cup uneventfully and move it from the stream but my aim was at the wall at this point.  So I'm peeing all over the wall and toilet and finally settle down and finish and clean up the disaster.  Then I didn't put the lid on tight and i get pee all over my hand.  Just an incredibly embarassing moment. Luckily, they trusted me enough to do it alone.

Won the elementary school geography bee in 5th grade. Super stud move beating the 6th graders out.  The idiot thought China s leading export was eggplants.  It's obviously soy beans, because they love giving out soy sauce at their restaraunts.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: May 21, 2015, 11:49:04 AM »
Why is tuck nation in such a rush  to make Banks change positions?  Because he's not a native son?

If our receiver and rb situations are as bad as we think, having an extra QB  competing with delton who looks really fast, can make people miss, and can find people on the run, is better than Ertz and bazooka joe.

Granted this is all based on complete unkowns,  but generally, 4 stars are better than 2 and 3 and no stars.  I'm excited to see how it pans out.  Go 'cats!

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: May 21, 2015, 11:03:42 AM »
Why is tuck nation in such a rush  to make Banks change positions?  Because he's not a native son?


My friend liked this very cartoon today as well.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: May 19, 2015, 10:16:11 PM »
Could Johnathan Banks be to the the 'cats what Adam Banks of the Mighty Ducks was?

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: travel thread
« on: May 18, 2015, 07:26:02 PM »
Screw yelp.  Go to beale street get some drinks and listen to tunes, then get bbq from whatever place tickles your fancy after you've drank enough to not care about taste.  There will be live music and fun. If you have kids, same rules, just go in the afternoon.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: travel thread
« on: May 18, 2015, 04:46:00 PM »
Where should my 8manGF and I eat dinner in NYC on Memorial Day?  Staying in Midtown / Hell's Kitchen, but doesn't have to be right there.  Would prefer to keep it around or under $100 (excluding booze, duh) for the two of us.
Locanda Verde.  Their meatballs are the best ever.

If you can find a hip hop brunch place, everyone gets drunk out of their mind and the place is basically a club of millenial scum by 3 in the afternoon.  I haven't witnessed it, but I'm told it's a real thing and it's fun.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Anyone have questions for PoetWarrior?
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:58:16 PM »
I didn't realize that pw was a prophet who has interpreted the word of God from the Bible as God intended.  goEMAW is #blessed

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: The Royals
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:32:37 PM »
Oh btw, going to the game at Yankee Stadium on Memorial Day, and probably the day after arty:
Don't sit in the bleacher seats, they will murder you, probably.  Also,  Yankee Stadium sucks, so prepare to be underwhelmed.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Kansas City things
« on: May 11, 2015, 01:39:47 PM »
Well be third tallest bldg in kc

It's getting a lot of help from the hill it will sit on and rendering's only a 23 story building.  Guessing it will be in the top 8 or so though if they keep that huge roof topper thingie.,_Missouri
I did this same thing right after the announcement came out. If I'm ever a trillion aire you can bet I'll build kansas city's own Burj Khalifa.

Addressing at least two of the claims in the chart:

"Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”


15 Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”

16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
Where does it explain what sexual immorality is?  Because I think there is a whole slew of things most every couple, straight or same sex do is "immoral" in the bible.


I think it's actually more of a bias based on evolution(need to find the link) that people fear what is different than what they're used to.  But i also, think there's a difference between bias vs. Racism.  Racism is learned and conscious. Bias is more inherent.  Both aren't great for race relations, but being aware of a bias you hold is better than being white male reverse racism guy.

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