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Messages - Alpinist

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Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: The Royals
« on: December 25, 2013, 09:31:34 PM »
Here's some news.  My wife saw Billy and his wife at LuluLemon @ 119 yesterday.  He wears an XL jacket, his wife is only so-so for a pro athlete's wife, but her rock is "ginormous" (I hate this made up word).
Its 2 words, that are already synonyms, needlessly combined into one new word, that still means the same thing.
"enormic" is a much better version

Essentially Flyertalk / I am sure I missed it but...
« on: December 25, 2013, 09:29:42 PM »
Bit what is a "spider" and why are 6 of them on the board right now?

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: 2013 Darwin Awards
« on: December 25, 2013, 09:21:28 PM »

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: December 18, 2013, 09:19:44 AM »
CheckLuke Hayes signed this morning

« on: December 05, 2013, 07:51:58 PM »
Welchers are the worst.  landon is a welcher, therefore landon is the worst.  If not banned, then change his name to welcher or welcherhawk.  Either one is fine.
dude will never post here again

you owned him!

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: December 03, 2013, 07:50:38 PM »


Post #2086
Add Buddy
Ignore Demarlon Morris Reply

Texted with Demarlon today and it was a pretty riveting conversation.

I asked him how recruiting was going and where K-State sat at the moment and Demarlon responded that K-State is his #1.

When I continued along and asked when he would be making his decision, Demarlon said "Idk".

I then asked what's holding him back from doing anything more. Demarlon said, "Idk".

I honestly don't know what to make of any of that, but he clearly isn't in the mood to discuss recruiting at the moment. I tried calling him to hear him out and see if he'd be more open through conversation rather than text, but he's chosen not to even receive phone calls at this time.

Therefore, it's hard for me to decipher just how seriously him naming K-State as his leader right now even is.

Welcome to December recruiting.

Kansas State Football / Re: Auburn, OhSt, FSU owe The Wizard
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:54:02 AM »
yes, playing Virginia Tech completely destroyed Alabama's chances at a title this year.
and what was Missouri thinking when they scheduled Indiana? nightmare.
don't even get me started on Baylor scheduling traditional MAC powerhouse Buffalo. Briles needs to have his head examined.
most FBS losses in history? :dunno:

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: November 25, 2013, 07:43:31 PM »
I can't find positive confirmation of this little gem that was posted in the gridiron forum at, but if this is real.... It's rough ridin' classic!!!

In the postgame, Jeff Woody (ISU fullback) was chuckling and said during the 2nd quarter he looked at #55 and said, "You don't even want to be out here, do you?" The guy shook his head no.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:
that's our babysitter's brother.  :frown:

also he's probably their best player on defense.  he and his dad were super emaw but we only offered him a grey shirt.

I always thought the Heeney kid (drunk driver) from Hutch was their best player on defense...   :dunno:

Regardless, see if you can confirm the above story or at least get their side of it.  Could make for good comedy!

can confirm Reynolds dad is a lazy eff, I believe this story 100%

Kansas State Football / Re: TLBL!!!!
« on: September 28, 2013, 07:12:24 PM »
Happy birthday squirt! :party:

Kansas State Football / Re: To all the dumbasses
« on: September 23, 2013, 08:27:48 AM »
He's earned the right to do whatever he wants.  We would be nothing without him.

If he wants to drive this thing straight into the ground, he can.  I just want him to be man enough to stick around and prove whether it's all lost, or whether there is still something left.

It's up to him.  We'll see what he is made of...last time around he quit when it got tough.
Something left?  Come on Pete, we suck this year sure, but there is a lot to hope for in the upcoming seasons tbh.  LBs will be significant upgrade, we need some serious development of course and some serious DLine recruiting soon but it's not like the program is dead.  This was going to be a bad year no matter how you look at it, you can't lose 10 of 11 on D with the 1 being Tre...and lose a heisman finalist and not take a significant step down unless you are Bama, which we aren't.  We should at least have some hope.

Kansas State Football / Re: Texas
« on: September 20, 2013, 07:38:55 PM »
David Ash is starting.

Having a concussion won't limit him from turning and handing off.
The D-Line can get pressure?

From Shaggy:
"If Snyder and Mack were ever locked up together, he'd be sucking Snyder's $#@! within about 15min. He's Snyder's bitch. We could have our 2005 team against this team of his and I'd be nervous."

Kansas State Football / Re: Is KU football the worst program of all time?
« on: September 15, 2013, 04:05:35 PM »
Also, 1/4th of M^2 posts pertain to me. Kinda weird obsession, but anyways, back to the topic. KU is pretty garbage.
How are you this big of a douche? Wallace is this you?

Kansas State Football / Re: Does the O-line want Sams at QB
« on: September 02, 2013, 07:21:55 PM »
Of course they do, he is the best quarterback on the team.

Kansas State Football / Re: Does the O-line want Sams at QB
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:23:32 PM »
Of course they do, he is the best quarterback on the team.

Kansas State Football / Re: Wildcat Hand Signal
« on: August 25, 2013, 10:15:31 AM »
Looks like those idiots are jacking someone off, beyond embarrassing. The only hand signal I need is :lynchmob:

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: August 19, 2013, 05:32:55 PM »
probably luked but I didn't see it on here.

seems like this guy committed too. seems like a nice pick-up

Kansas State Football / Re: We be coming
« on: August 17, 2013, 06:54:27 PM »
NDSU fans are gonna love us so much after we pound their little team.We're gonna have more t-shirt fans in ND than KU has t-shirt fans all over the nation.

LOL, you know you can be a fan of a team without having to attend college there.
That is true, but why would you want to support something you have never really been a part of?

Kansas State Football / Re: Ron Prince stories
« on: July 24, 2013, 07:15:04 PM »

Kansas State Football / Re: Our top 10 players on NCAA 14
« on: July 06, 2013, 08:14:22 AM »
Chris Harris?
Bill whittemore?
John Hadl?
Bobby Douglass?
Isaac Byrd?
Jon Cornish?
Dane Crist?
This is tough.

Kansas State Football / Re: Our top 10 players on NCAA 14
« on: July 05, 2013, 10:01:24 AM »
Not in my demo
Bama v. VaTech
Ohio State v. Michigan
Oregon v. aTm

Kansas State Football / Re: O/U Win Totals for All FBS Teams
« on: June 29, 2013, 10:46:16 AM »
good line on us, venture most bet the under
maybe the line will drop befor the season

Kansas State Football / Re: Attention Bisonville Visitors
« on: June 25, 2013, 01:25:59 PM »
We scheduled an Arena League team?  :sdeek:

Will their players realize that playing in Manhttan will require them to play on a 100 yard field rather than their 30 yard field? Do they realize they can't use out of bounds as a complete catch?

Well, our offense is used to playing on a "short field"-->know what I mean there Abe?!?!? Give it some thought, it's not that hard to figure out, provided you know something (or anything for that matter) about football!!  :cheers:

I must admit that I think it's kind of cute that y'all think you're going to bring your little undersized bunch of boys that can't make a BigXII caliber roster and are going to just waltz in and beat us at our own game.

LHC LHC LHC Bill Snyder has forgotten more about game management, winning special teams & TO battle, and exploiting opponents weaknesses than Craig Bohl may ever learn. 

Have you even seen our turnover ratio for the past 2-3 seasons?


When did I ever say we were going to do that?!? Sounds like we have coaches with very similar philosophies. The one thing I can say without hesitation is that WE WILL GIVE YOU A WAY BETTER GAME THEN MOST OF YOU SEEM TO THINK-->WAY BETTER!! I will not be surprised if we lose, but I will also not be surprised if we win. Whatever the scenario, this will not be a blow out or walk in the park for KSU, it just won't, and I am betting LHC LHC Bill Snyder already knows that give the kind of coach he is. Listen to what he says, that's what I would do!!

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