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Messages - Dugout DickStone

Pages: 1 ... 1944 1945 [1946] 1947 1948 ... 1950
The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Scott Horton
« on: February 06, 2010, 01:11:51 AM »
Just what is Obama doing?  He has some explaining to do.

Is there a junkyard cats one?

Have been told that Rodriguez plays the game with multiple speeds. He's not like Clemente, and that's not a knock on Denis. He just changes gears more, doesn't always play fast. I believe I've said it before on here, but Rodriguez has drawn comparisons to J.J. Barea's game. Long way to go for that obviously. Just initial projections at this point.

Great, but does this mean he is coming to KSU?

« on: February 05, 2010, 10:41:03 PM »
As you know, we have been awarding periodic, random, prizes for various "milestone" members.  The latest award goes to our 275th member, sdbro.

Congratulations sdbro!  You win a free Tiger costume...tag's still on it, so feel free to exchange it if you already have one.  Thanks for signing up!  :thumbsup:

Hate to ruin the surprise but if you look, you can see the prize for our 311th member behind Pete.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Winter Kill Storm 2010
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:39:55 PM »
Well, out here in SW Ks.  Accuweathers latest forecast is for 12inches of snow with 25 MPH wind for Sunday evening.  Lots of guys are just getting into spring calving right now, and I expect a lot of dead calves if the forecast is correct.  A lot of my friends and I are pretty nervous about this one, the 12" of snow this past week have already made a mess of things.

Prayers for kincat.  Give us an update tomorrow.   :pray:

On the bright side, could be a good Veal year.

don't they have to be trapped in a suitcase sized pen and force fed milk to get really delicious? 

Ya, if you want them to feed a few people...but newborns are kinda the "personal pan pizza's" of the Veal world.

well let's hope it gets below freezing so kincat can get them to my skillet while still fresh.  :mousewithdeadclafandlantern:

scissor sisters


Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Winter Kill Storm 2010
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:33:18 PM »
Well, out here in SW Ks.  Accuweathers latest forecast is for 12inches of snow with 25 MPH wind for Sunday evening.  Lots of guys are just getting into spring calving right now, and I expect a lot of dead calves if the forecast is correct.  A lot of my friends and I are pretty nervous about this one, the 12" of snow this past week have already made a mess of things.

Prayers for kincat.  Give us an update tomorrow.   :pray:

On the bright side, could be a good Veal year.

don't they have to be trapped in a suitcase sized pen and force fed milk to get really delicious? 

Kansas State Football / Re: Official Cosh Family Album Thread
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:29:15 PM »

Rolling down moro, honking at some tri-delts.

"hey ladies, this is my son billy.  he's single and ready to mingle!"

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Winter Kill Storm 2010
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:23:51 PM »
Well, out here in SW Ks.  Accuweathers latest forecast is for 12inches of snow with 25 MPH wind for Sunday evening.  Lots of guys are just getting into spring calving right now, and I expect a lot of dead calves if the forecast is correct.  A lot of my friends and I are pretty nervous about this one, the 12" of snow this past week have already made a mess of things.

Prayers for kincat.  Give us an update tomorrow.   :pray:

« on: February 05, 2010, 10:21:33 PM »
The nepotism on this board makes me sick.  I vote we change sdbro's name to "Tate"

Poor Xavier, lost at least 3 mill thanks to self. 

No way Selby makes the same mistake.

Who is a worse parent, Carl Henry or Toni Mitchell's mom?

I'd say Carl Henry because look at what Cal is letting Wall do.  He has basically turned him into the #1 overall pick. 

Kansas State Football / Re: BLSPPOAT?
« on: February 05, 2010, 01:24:34 PM »
The pictures made me very happy.  Not gonna lie.   :love:

Next projext for _Fan is to have that DT picture transferred onto a pillowcase for me.

If I lived where Fan lives I wouldn't ever miss a game.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Finish a Basement
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:11:02 AM »
Time to get off your ass and get it done so I have a place to sleep and clean up my junk for the CWS paker.

I should tell you, I suck at Guitar Hero, is this a problem?

Kansas State Football / Re: Official Cosh Family Album Thread
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:03:05 AM »
Getting my vote for one of the GTOAT.

I have talked to the mods and it is official.  This thing has some serious upside.


#1: I'm  :curse: about not hearing about the poetry contest. PS contest doesn't concern me because I have no PS capabil'ys.

#2: How did 'zacker win with that thing? That was more like a missive and basically nothing like a poem. No offense, zacker, but when we're talking about free _fan shirts as the prize, it's worth calling someone out.

Please, don't be a Nebraska fan about this.

He does have a voice of a god, ranging somewhere between that of George Clooney and Morgan Freeman.

if you locked mitch's voice and tully corcoran's voice in a darkened room, each with a 6" blade, which voice would come out alive, and would it be pregnant?

The answer to this will keep me up at nights.

Kansas State Football / Re: WELCOME HOME ARTHUR
« on: February 04, 2010, 03:45:18 PM »
Same conference, same state.

can you give any journalistic insight on why they just didn't say he was released to go to KSU only?

Tomato soup can do crazy things to a fella.

Kansas State Football / Re: Totally suing Bill
« on: February 04, 2010, 02:54:44 PM »
It's surprising that Bill sucks at recruiting.

I wonder how he'd do selling insurance or financial products?  I'd argue that those two take some "trust" of the salesperson and an impression that the salesperson knows their crap....which is what most folks generally point to as Bill's only positive attributes in the "sales" process of recruiting.

He would sell great to old people who live in Blue Rapids but got broke selling to anyone under 50.

Kansas State Football / Re: Totally suing Bill
« on: February 04, 2010, 10:55:28 AM »
For causing me to doze off and get in a wreck this morning while listening to his interview on 810.


[email protected]


They are 8 deep and growing with a list of posts disagreeing with Rusty.   :runaway:

Yeah, this pretty much proves that somewhere deep inside a large number of fans really want a SLTH as well.  They want to win, but most gravitate to a SLTH line of thinking, probably b/c that's how they played at their 2A HS or whatever.

I blame the movie Hoosiers.  Everything Gene Hackman did, was like, the miracle formula for winning basketball games "the right way".  Except for the technicals and ejections.

Banging the sister of one of his players was pretty jinked up too...

I'm with Rusty.  Denis is going to leave some crap on the court both good and bad but the good outweighs the bad.  I expect him to have a strong second half.  There is no comparo with Walker.  Frank loved Walker because it is literally impossible not to love Bill Walker.  He loves Denis because Denis bleeds for this team.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Articles of Freedom
« on: February 03, 2010, 09:28:51 PM »
Did they wear powdered wigs and try to play characters or did they write like that on purpose?

Pages: 1 ... 1944 1945 [1946] 1947 1948 ... 1950