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Messages - CNS

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Fully agree. Wish we pulled that recruit.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Real estate choices
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:07:07 PM »
The one that has a pool or has the most potential to put a pool in.  

Limestone is living with a pool and that's the rule.


Pools are a pain in the ass unless you can afford to pay someone else to take care of it.

Hot tubs are the way to go.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Real estate choices
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:50:38 PM »
Here I go sounding old:

If you plan to have kids, let the quality of the school district be a deciding factor.  If equal districts, then I say the quieter neighborhood, but that is just how I roll.

Hate having people around me.

Now that I think of it, I kinda just hate people.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Disney Princesses
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:32:49 PM »
Even without the tiger...

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Love Songs
« on: February 16, 2010, 10:28:38 AM »
crush - Dave Matthews

Maybe he is talking about the coaches poll?  I don't think it was around when we used to be awesome?

Could have also meant this year.  However, he put some emphasis on "ever before".  I know ESPN loves itself, but didn't rankings exist prior to ESPN?

Duke, and KANSAS STATE!  :pbj:

"Kansas State, ranked higher than they ever have been before"

Yeah, Brent does literally no research before going on the air.

That's not true.  Brent merely meant that KSU is ranked higher than Brent can remember them being ranked before.

Needs to hire you has an interpreter.  Bobby isn't picking up the slack.  He just lets the bullshit float out there unqualified and without interpretation. 

Duke, and KANSAS STATE!  :pbj:

"Kansas State, ranked higher than they ever have been before"

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Alchohol Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 07:58:22 PM »
That's a trick question if I have ever read one before.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Alchohol Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 05:18:48 PM »
secret to LIIT is to use a decent sweet and sour or lemonade that can handle the large amount of booze in the drink.  as a former bartender (in aggieville), i know this.

How much compared to the booze?

whoa, thanks bro.  I will buy you a drink at B12 Pak.


Well executed free drink shake down.  Congrats! :cheers:

lol love the 'clone hate in that article. Ripping on ISU for having FOUR coaches in 15 years. OMG what program can survive that kind of turnover... Also bashing on 'neck for not being able to recruit was hilarious.

Just me, or does that skier have some man-camel toe?

He needs more time!

Pic looks like a goodwill day, where the players are spending time with special needs middle-aged men. 

"I'm to the point where I'm just trying to encourage people, because you can see their body language, like their whole spirit is crushed. They dont want to be at practice, they dont want to go to school. You're 1-9, Big 12 school, not doing good, you're getting crap from everybody. Its easy to fall into a mental slump, you know what I mean?"
-Ryan Anderson

Not gonna lie. I'm picturing a larger girl with ill fitting clothes beaning him in the head with a half eaten Snickers on the way to class and yelling "you frackin' suck!".

Large Nubb women don't part with unfinished Snickers for BBallers.  Now Blackshirts.....

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Alchohol Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 04:07:40 PM »
1/2 oz. Vodka
1/2 oz. Gin
1/2 oz. Light Rum
1/2 oz. Tequila
1/2 Lemon
1 dash Coke/Pepsi/Diet

garnish with lemon


Yours, or one you pulled from Google? 

I am going to go out on a limb here, but I bet it tastes like ass if you make it at home.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Alchohol Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 04:02:04 PM »
Forgot about but had one last night, Long Island Ice Teas, gods gift to my taste buds.

Can you make your own? For all my sarcasm on pissclams/Chingon threads, I'm a hilariously good cook. But I can't make myself a decent LIIT, and it infuriates me.

Right there with you.  I can cook like crazy, but can't make a LIIT taste like anything but straight booze.  Love them when I am out, but do nothing but waste good liquor when at making them at home.  I have tried at least 6 recipes too.

Would love if anyone had a sure thing recipe. 

"I'm to the point where I'm just trying to encourage people, because you can see their body language, like their whole spirit is crushed. They dont want to be at practice, they dont want to go to school. You're 1-9, Big 12 school, not doing good, you're getting crap from everybody. Its easy to fall into a mental slump, you know what I mean?"
-Ryan Anderson

Smoke screen to distract our guys from taking care of bidnez. 

Well played Mr. Anderson.

Although I am a BB fan, as far as the members of the Conf are concerned, FB=$.  $=better conf. 

Whoever may enter the Big 12, they will either have a solid FB team, or have made some sort of a commitment to getting their FB team upgraded. 

I think the Big 12 would look for schools that can be competitive in more than just one sport. The Zags have a great basketball team, but the absence of a football team would affect their running for a Big 12 spot imo.

TCU, Boise St, BYU, Notre Dame would be awesome candidates..

I would lose it and shoot a few coworkers if the Big 12 adds another TX school.

Also, ND is both laughing at you and shamed that they were mentioned as an option to join the Big 12.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Best Emoticon you've seen?
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:39:51 PM »

Another significant "last time ranked #__" reached, now passing a 49 year watermark...

Last time #10 (or better): March 73.
Last time #9: March 73.
Last time #8: November 64.
Last time #7: March 61.
Last time #6: March 61.
Last time #5: March 61.
Last time #4: March 61.
Last time #3: March 61.
Last time #2: March 59.
Last time #1: March 59.

March '61 was a pretty good month.

misinformation god cns casey always pointing fingers

more misinformation from the Misinformation God cns casey

Thanks clams.  Should be noted that both instances were taken off of the radio.   Commenting on what I heard. 

BTW, I like the God ref.

Yea they did.  Place was packed.  Sold out 23,500.

Always wondered how you can "sell out" a free, non-ticketed event.  Unless they charged or did giveaway some sort of tickets.

I thought I saw on sports center that the number was 22K and change.  Either way, if the previous record was shattered by us with 8k, needless to say the UK record will last for quite a while.

Syracuse might break it in a couple weeks vs nova, they have enough room in the carrier dome

Good point.  ESPN radio said yesterday that 'cuse had 33k+ watching them lose this weekend.  They said it was the most fans to watch a D1 BB game this season. 

TX and UNC beg to differ....

key note being that syracuse plays on campus

Good key note.  They did mention the campus component.

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