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Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: ou at full strength
« on: February 17, 2010, 10:26:38 PM »
Corn gives us a good gut check and call for focus. A full power OU at OU will not be as kind.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Amazing Idea
« on: February 17, 2010, 05:57:28 PM »
Permeable Patio women are ugly.

We also know that KK is very tied into the athletic department and to many influential donors 

Yeah, Im gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there.

What do you know Capt'n?

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: rivals-mizzou
« on: February 17, 2010, 05:07:17 PM »
UT regained their confidence after the ass whooping they gave to nub.  I think they win comfortably tonight.

False confidence.  They can't strut their way by MU.  It will require hard work.  UT will struggle and win a tight one.

the financial numbers released add fuel to a recent theory I heard on the Kietzman rants about HCFM's contract situation. So here's the theory:

We all know that KK has been the primary champion of the get the extension/pay raise done now crowd. While he hasn't said it, there have been no media reports about it, and neither Currie of HCFM have made ANY comments about it, there seems to be an implication that Currie & Martin are at odds about the extension & raise. 

We also know that KK is very tied into the athletic department and to many influential donors and recently talked about a group of BB donors that were very concerned about the HCFM situation.  Based upon this, the thought was that KK was fueling the fire to re-energize the donor base to open the checkbooks and make donations to fund the salary increase. 

Then today we seen numbers that show from 6/30/08 to 6/30/09, donations are down $1.0MM. 

Hmmmm, could it be that KK, the athletic dept, & major donors are using the excitement about the BB program to erase the hangover from the Krause/Wefald/Prince cluster shazbot!?  If so, I say great.  Anything that can be done to find an additional $500,000 to $1.0MM to lock Martin up is priority #1, even if it means following the Lew Perkins program of fleecing.  If i could find some extra scratch right now (remember, I have DIU expenses, am looking at jail time,and might have to ride a horse to work) I'd be sending it to Currie earmarked for the KFF (Keep Frank Fund).   

Don't prisoners get paid in work for any job they hold while serving?

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: PICKUP BASKETBALL THREAD
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:55:24 PM »
sys and 33 both sounds like guys that make me go pretty much full time defense when they're on my team.

I am not very good at basketball, but play very decent D and will occaisonally will get a steal on a much better player.

How do we feel about on, ball screens if the idea is a pick/roll?

No such thing as an illegal screen in a pick up game. 

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Amazing Idea
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:53:19 PM »
Not a religious d00d and was wondering something. I thought when the rapture came, Jeebus took all believers to heavanville and blew the crap out of everything else?  Wouldn't the pets die anyway :dunno:  I think this guy may be ripping people off.

I was told by a certain OK resident on a certain other board that the believers will go to heaven while the rest of us will be "left behind".  Didn't mention being blown.  I'm down with that.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: PICKUP BASKETBALL THREAD
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:51:52 PM »
I think of myself as a dom sutton type player (cant shoot but hang around the perimeter trying to drive when i should probably be down low banging for rebounds), is this cool? Playing down low is kind of meh when compared to schooling kids off the dribble and finishing at the rim.

+1 on driving from the outside.

I hate banging for boards all freakin game just so some lame ass can pump up threes until we lose the game. 

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Amazing Idea
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:07:16 PM »
This is pretty fantastic. It was online at USA today a month or so ago. He wouldn't say how much money he has made, but said he had clients all over. The comments below the USA today article were awesome.

Money for nothing.  Love it.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: PICKUP BASKETBALL THREAD
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:05:39 PM »
I try to keep the peace as much as possible during pick-up games by never, ever throwing the ball into the post.  People get fouled, tempers flare, and before you know it loafcoacher is chucking the ball at foulee McGees head.  Pick-up game post players demanding the ball while I'm trying to cross some guy up for a fade away three are just the most annoying people in the world.

reminds me why i hated short, no-skills players (aka pickup game points) who told tall, highly skilled players to get in the post.  shazbot! you, pickup game points.

wow, nothing worse than an obvious post player who thinks he can run point.  get in the paint and maybe you can snag a rebound on the off chance I miss one of my step back 3's this game.

Gonna have to side with Sys on this one.  PG's are never what they think they are in pickups.  

IMO, most seem like they are trying to prove why the should have had more PT in gym class.  What they end up proving is why they didn't.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: PICKUP BASKETBALL THREAD
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:42:43 PM »
I played some good ball today, FWIW.  Lots of putbacks (AKA Junkyardmichigancat ball).

Question:  Could Stubbles be more of a douchebag?  :dunno:

Congrats on the good game.

Yes, Stubbles could be more of a douchebag.  I occaisionally play with Stubbles' non-chest shaving twin brother at the gym at work, and one day after doing something along the lines of what you described, all of the rest of us b-ballers get an email later that afternoon from Stub's bro, who was trying to sell his wife's 8 year old BMW 325.

I agree about stubbles being able to be a bigger douche.

Had a guy on my team a few years ago that was a big elbow thrower.  Twice in one season, he sought out a guy after the final whistle and threw a bow.  Basically attacked a guy after the game.  First time, he dropped a guy to his knees by hitting him high in the chest.  Second time was a PG, he knocked out two of the guy's teeth.  Needless to say, he wasn't allowed to play in our league the following year.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Six more to play
« on: February 17, 2010, 02:50:29 PM »
Did we ever take time to pat ourselves on the back for going 4-2 in the stretch that began with Texas, for which most of us expected and would have accepted a 3-3 mark?

My arm is still sore.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: rivals-mizzou
« on: February 17, 2010, 02:36:13 PM »
Horns by 6.  They temporarily put their lameness aside for a decent game.  MU keeps both the horns and themselves under 75. 

Horns 74, Tigers 68

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Flags at games
« on: February 17, 2010, 12:25:34 PM »

Chum is blatantly anti-American.  Suspicions confirmed.

So, tonight is this douche face's last game against the Qhatz since they obv. aren't making it out of the opening round of the B12.  Let's really send him out in style by drowning him in a sea of hate.   :excited:

Poor kid.  Look at him...he needs a hug.

Does Doc hand out hugs at the end of the season?

No, but he does take them out to Pizza Hut for the buffet.

There's no way they're not going to Valentino's.

Nubb AD budget is obviously in better shape than ours if they get a free buffet party for their end of season gathering.

I love love love, everything about Cousins.  Love his bad attitude, physical play, headband, bad attitude, and the fact that he's Erik Martin's nephew.  I can't think of a single player in the country I would rather have on our team.  No one.

He, is perfect for KSU.

Dude is damn good but I gotta say I am glad he's not a k-state wildcat. Dude is a freak on the court but his on court antics and loose cannon attitude would not of fit well imo. Maybe hed be different under Martin but from the many games I've seen the dude is more on the verge of a meltdown than this board on gameday.

He would prolly know the stairs pretty well.

His face does make me angry. Also anyone else think Standhardinger looks like a chubby version of Michael Jackson.

^^^^^Hates snaggle tooth.

So, tonight is this douche face's last game against the Qhatz since they obv. aren't making it out of the opening round of the B12.  Let's really send him out in style by drowning him in a sea of hate.   :excited:

Poor kid.  Look at him...he needs a hug.

Does Doc hand out hugs at the end of the season?

Still don't understand why no news outlet used that as a highlight.

That was one of the coolest breaks I have seen.

Be sure to check out the channel guide because the game isn't on just anywhere tonight.

If it was in HD, it would have made some noise on SC.   :dunno:

Would have loved to see a Cousins/Aldrich scuffle.  :frown:

Cousins + Aldrich = Cousins fouled out in first half.  :curse:    Although, I would have loved to see if Cousins would have gone head hunting for either Aldrich or a ref after the game. 

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: LOST Fans
« on: February 17, 2010, 10:25:26 AM »
why can't bad Locke kill Sawyer according to 'kid Jacob'?  only cuz he's a candidate?
the black/white stone def symbolic of good/evil.  bad Locke definitely on the evil side

I would guess that's it.  There has been refernece to "rules" many times throughout the show (ben when he saw his daughter die, ben when talking to widmore, child jacob to badlocke) not sure if they are the same ones though.  My guess is that it's a "free will" type thing so the rules are that you have to let the canidate decide.    

I wonder if jacob and the man in black were canidates at one point in their "lives" as well.  And they are both looking for canidates to replace them or something.  BadLocke made refernces to being a human and then being betrayed.  But he could just be spouting off a bunch of crap to get his way.  That seems to be the M.O. of everyone on the island…the losties, the others, jacob, badlocke, etc.

I def think that badlocke is looking for a replacement as smokie.  Not to nerd out too much, but I bet the smoke monster represents Death and that the person filling that job can change, but that there always needs to be someone acting as Death.  

Prob the same for Jacob, only the other end of the spectrum.  

Don't know if this was posted already but it deserves to be in this thread too.  How can you not love this guy after watching the video?

This is great: " So, good move State fans, your 1,000 text messages -- or as they call it in the Magnolia state, magic phone letters -- have been well utilized, ensuring that a future multimillionaire wants to beat you worse than he ever would have before."

yes, i think this site should take a stand against posting phone #s before the game.  wait until after the game.  that way we can rub salt in the wound if we get the win and not look like tards when we lose.

It is a decent strategy, however, a player will probably put up with more crap for longer before the game.  After the game, it may only take 2 or 3 calls to get a number changed.  Would have to really plan towards those 2 or 3 calls.  Quality over quantity.

It really is too bad that Cousins is as talented as he is.  Would really love to see a cage match btwn him a Lu.  Never going to happen with The Association calling though.

Don't know if this was posted already but it deserves to be in this thread too.  How can you not love this guy after watching the video?

This is great: " So, good move State fans, your 1,000 text messages -- or as they call it in the Magnolia state, magic phone letters -- have been well utilized, ensuring that a future multimillionaire wants to beat you worse than he ever would have before."

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