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Messages - broXcore

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 44
Falcao tore his ACL. :goodbyecruelworld:
the dude that did it is receiving death threats. he isn't even a professional.

Hopefully they don't kidnap and murder him. (Who did it btw?)
some center back named sonor ertek. the amateur club they were playing was named Monts Or Azergues.

Falcao tore his ACL. :goodbyecruelworld:
the dude that did it is receiving death threats. he isn't even a professional.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: How would you rate yourself as a poster?
« on: January 22, 2014, 08:52:34 PM »
i'd say i am a solid five talent-wise, but my k-state affiliation has me posting above my talent level

hows mata even going to sign the contract with all of those crap pens at united?
i hope at least you made this up and not some fake twitter thing.  :angry:
i am not nearly clever enough for something like that  :blank:

hows mata even going to sign the contract with all of those crap pens at united?

roma with a 1-0 win over juve in the coppa italia. suck it juve :cool:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Beer Connoisseurs
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:15:37 AM »
Picked up some Founder's Breakfast Stout today. Very excited to try.

hopslam shipped to kc today. should be hitting the stores tomorrow/wednesday.

Put my name on the list for this as well
you find breakfast stout in kc? last time i saw it was at berbiglia.

still waiting for gomers to tweet about hopslam.

do not want to lose capoue or holtby.  :frown:

would rather offload sigurdsson before either of these two
still don't think those reports are accurate. i think it's just trendy in the journalism world to link players away from the lane because we have so many players.

will someone leave? probably, but i dont think it's going to be some exodus like the media wants.

charlie adam in turkey would be the most hilarious thing ever

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Beer Connoisseurs
« on: January 13, 2014, 09:15:05 PM »
hopslam shipped to kc today. should be hitting the stores tomorrow/wednesday.

hey guys. expect the lamela era to start picking up steam here soon.

or else i'm going to cry.

those hotspurs, right?

cardiff supporters deserve better than vincent tan. this was their away support at anfield. they sang this for 20 minutes.

don't sack mackay, malky mackay
i just don't think you understand
and if you sack mackay, malky mackay
you're gonna have a riot on your hands

so happy that thudd was finally able to cut his hair

Yup. I think this entire blog is #teamthudd and #teamhulltigers

so happy that thudd was finally able to cut his hair

also, spurs back on track with the two striker system.

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