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Messages - EMADUB

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Kansas State Football / YOU SHALL NOT PASS
« on: September 22, 2017, 05:24:20 PM »
Does any one get excited when we force a 3rd down in BSFS and they play those movie clips that end with DRIVE STOPPER? I like Gandalf's the best. Kurt Russel's AND HELLS COMING WITH ME is a close second. Hope all is well with you all.

Grace and Peace


Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: K-State Track
« on: May 14, 2017, 09:09:07 PM »
 :ksu: Our Lady Track/FIELDcats are your 2017 Outdoor T&F Big12 Champs!

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Happy Easter
« on: April 16, 2017, 07:53:16 AM »
Peter: Hey nerd, you done writing your book yet?
John: Just like your running ability, this takes time
Peter: What are you talking about
John: 20:3-10 :gocho:

Kansas State Football / Re: Oklahoma State
« on: November 06, 2016, 12:04:15 AM »
We aren't better than them, and we probably will lose by 4-7 points and it'll be gut wrenching.

When the cats punted the ball away after they pulled within 37-35, I remembered reading this post and thinking scottwildcat better not be some kind of prophet cause this will suck.

I had no idea we could kick an onside after a safety. I think I made up a rule in my mind that the other team had to gain possession after a safety. Learn new things everyday!

Remember when K-state released that hype video(I think for the Texas Bowl) that went to "Welcome to the Black Parade"?  I have searched everywhere, and I can't find it.

Kansas State Football / Re: Wild Wildcats in 2016 NFL Draft
« on: May 17, 2016, 03:28:57 PM »
Undrafted CB Morgan Burns, who signed with #Titans last week, is retiring to pursue a career in the ministry.- @terrymc13

Will be interesting to see what church can pick him up as a duel threat pastor/church intramural league mvp.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: The Distance Running Thread
« on: April 22, 2016, 01:44:34 PM »
I enjoy reading this thread and seeing all the miles Goemawers are crushing. OKC marathon on Sunday. Last time I ran, my quads said game over at mile 23 and I hobbled to the finish line. I am running at a lot slower pace this time so hopefully I can prolong bonking for as long as I can. Can't wait to eat my Gu energy blocks, listen to Bill Simmons discuss sports, and eat at Whataburger with my medal on.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: the wild crusaders of manhattan
« on: February 29, 2016, 06:16:05 PM »
Have you ever fallen behind in your daily reading plan and had to end up reading the sub titles and guess what the premise is? Well prepare your hearts and minds for an Elijah-like whirlwind of information regarding the tenacious Thunder of Manhattan Christian College.
Lukewarm Start

The beginning of the 2015/2016 season had both its Sinai Highs and Dead Sea Lows. After failing to win the conference the year before, the Thunder got revenge on the defending champion Faith Baptist Bible and did so convincingly. This came a week after the Thunder traveled to Moberly where they have had great success against another conference foe: Tre-C-B(Central Christian College of the Bible). I did not witness the game but only received information passed down. We shot as well as Peter’s promise keeping skills in the first half and failed to make a comeback in the second half. Just as Samuel’s ghost haunted Saul, so did this loss on the Thunder’s season.

Thunder begin their ministry

By ministry, I mean domination. After falling to 5-6, the Thunder had one New Year’s resolution: be really freaking good at the game at basketball. Unlike Solomon, who probably made it a goal every year to not marry any more women, the Thunder were successful with their resolution. The thunder went 15-3 in the regular season games, including a season sweep of our un-accredited rival Ozark and a win against the top ranked team in all of NCCAA Division 2.

MCC reinstates themselves as kings of the MCCC

Remember when I said the CCCB loss haunted the Thunder? Despite splitting the season series with our in-state rival Barclay, our loss to CCCB ended up placing us in 2nd place as Barclay only dropped one game in the conference. In the conference tournament in our other home court(Ozark), both the Bears and Thunder marched their way into the championship game. Some people predicted a fantastic close game between the two rivals. Jesus said there would be false prophets and he was correct, we won by 25 and cut down the nets.

The Road to Ankeny

With the Thunder picking up momentum towards the end of the season and playing some really freaking good basketball, they had one more roadblock before Nationals. Win the region. 3rd times the charm is not in the Bible and it did not work for Baptist Bible College in the regional semifinal. We faced Tre-C-B for the fourth time this season and second time in a week. Despite having the home crowd and some valiant comebacks, the Thunder defeated CCCB and won the Central region for back-to-back seasons for the first time in school history. Today the teams were announced for the tourney and the Thunder are the #2 seed. 10 teams, 0 scholarships, 1 true champion. #rollthunder 

Need a comparo to MCC though.

It does not get any classier than to have both teams pray together afterwards, IMHO. We did have a sign one time at an Ozark game that said "Our Credits Matter" in reference to that MCC is an accredited school and Ozark is not.

This is Mrs EMADUB and I's first Christmas and I want to start some new traditions to celebrate our Savior's  birth that actually may have happened in Septmeber. Does anyone have any cool traditions? Is there a thread already about this?

Yeah, we've began using an illegal wedge for KO returns. Burns has the same skills he did 2 years ago.

Saw a WVU fan complain about this and was curious to what the rule is.  Definitely got away with a 3-man wedge against WVU.  Watched the other ones and did not see a clear 3 man wedge, a lot of two man wedges.  I am a bit biased when it comes to Burns, great guy, hard worker and it is awesome to have seen him make k-state history as well as lead the FBS in KO touchdowns and yards.

Illegal Wedge Formation
ARTICLE 10. a. A wedge is defined as two or more players aligned shoulder to
shoulder within two yards of each other.
b. Free-kick down only: After the ball has been kicked, it is illegal for three or
more members of the receiving team intentionally to form a wedge for the
purpose of blocking for the ball carrier. This is a live-ball foul, whether or
not there is contact between opponents.
PENALTY—Noncontact foul. 15 yards, spot of the foul, or 15 yards, spot
where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B if this is
behind the spot of the foul. 15 yards, previous spot with the
down repeate

 :Woot: Sat in the same spot for the last 100 laps watching my guy Kyle dominate the championship4. What  a crazy/awesome season for #RowdyNation: Broken Leg/Baby Brex/Championship. Pumped Kyle got the "can't win in the Chase" monkey off his back. Grew up a KB fan but always had respect for Jeff, can't wait to hear him on Fox next year. Have a great Thanksgiving week everyone. Daytona can't come soon enough.

Here is a letter one manhattan great (mcc's prez) got from another(  :billdance: ). Pretty sure the quote "easy to see why MCC is so successful" will be on all the  doorframes and gates that are on our beautiful campus.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Best thing that has ever happened to you
« on: August 05, 2015, 11:34:17 AM »
Getting down on one knee to ask the love of my life to spend the rest of her life with me. She said yes..and when I looked back at the trail I had placed memorable stuff from our past on, I saw random people looking at the stuff and touching it. Fun times. Great question bones129, hope all is well with you.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: the wild crusaders of manhattan
« on: April 22, 2015, 12:13:18 AM »
Sorry for being as “silent” as the first 30 minutes in the new heaven. Lots has happened at the corner of 14th and Anderson over the past few weeks. There has been a time for joy and a time to mourn. We lost one of our own to cancer. Larry Olson was my dorm dad, my cross country coach and my friend. He and his wife were surrogate parents to 80 men every year. He was born on April Fool’s day and lived up to being a prankster throughout my life and always had a fun conversation with the guys in the dorm when pranks happened. He helped all of us know how to love those close to us well and he was the most selfless man I knew. While I helped coach Cross Country this past year, he pushed through the pain and came to every meet he could. I learned a lot from Larry and will be eternally grateful I got the chance to hang out with him for four years. If you pass by MCC or see this thread in the near future, send your thoughts and prayers for his family and the guys in the dorm. You guys rock more than Petra.

If you are a bit sad after reading this, watch this video.  The old will be gone (City Auditorium), the new will come (We better come up with a super duper awesome name for our gym). No idea when all this is taking place but as the Reverend Stephen Curtis Chapman once said "Saddle up your horses, we got a trail to blaze."

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: the wild crusaders of manhattan
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:46:39 PM »
Tired of watching your basketball team fall short of the glory of JYC?

Tomorrow night, journey your way over to City Auditorium to watch the best Christian Skirmish since Paul and Barnabas disagreed in Acts 15:36-40

7pm. 2/6/2015. The City Auditorium. #BeatOzark

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: What's your Myers-Briggs personality type?
« on: February 01, 2015, 03:29:55 PM »
Introvert(100%)  Sensing(31%)  Feeling(25%)  Judging(11%)

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: the wild crusaders of manhattan
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:34:24 PM »
Were you locked in the upper room terrified with fear thinking that Manhattan Christian College Thunder season was dead? Well Doubting Thomas, gaze your eyes on these scores! Despite starting 2-11 and losing two conference games, your rootin-tootin thunder have gone into three towns in Missouri and got three important victory while shaking the dust off of our shoes.  Pretty sure the NIV had only one version the last time we lost to CCCB and our streak continued getting a victory 70-47. The other team in our region, Baptist Bible College will not get free pastries at the local coffee shop as they failed to score 70 in our fourth win of the year(76-68). Our fifth win came against the one school that always breaks the ninth commandment by coveting our athletic ability. Ozark, or Krazo(their name backward, lolz), had a great shot to grab a win against us at home. But their potential game winning layup fell Zacchaeus short and the accredited school from the west got a huge road win in City Auditorium East.

Our final two away games of the year will be played over the next few days against Calvary and Union. Then the walls of City Auditorium will be filled with the Holy Spirit/crazy loud M-C-C *clap* chants for 8str8 games. With the conference and region title on line, this last month of basketball may be better than the time I met Bibleman in person.

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Essentially Flyertalk / Re: The Distance Running Thread
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:35:37 PM »

Any advice on the mental aspect of running 6/7/8 miles? It's hard for me to imagine those distances.

Hi CatsNShocks, glad you have found a passion for running. If at all possible, find a loop where you can run long distances without repeating the same path. Nothing worse than going out 4 miles  knowing you have to go back the same 4 miles. Reward your self for making it half way.. Stop for water.. Eat something.. Shed a your favorite jam. I always back sure either the fountain in Kstate Gardens or Bill's statue is around the half way point. Good luck with your training!

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Official NASCAR 2014 thread
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:55:03 PM »
Sarah Koenig just found her case for Season 2 IMO.

Kansas State Football / Re: how many more 11am games do we have this year
« on: December 30, 2014, 10:16:07 PM »

 :surprised: Can this actually happen? If so, lets write letters to Brownback!!

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Q&A with _Fan
« on: December 23, 2014, 12:18:01 PM »
1. Have you ever thought of having a podcast called Fencing with _Fan?

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