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Messages - OB_Won

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Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Cryptocurrency Master Thread
« on: April 15, 2024, 05:40:41 PM »
The halving is this week, guys!

We are about ~600 blocks out from block height 840,000.  :Woohoo: :excited: :driving: :cheers:

Here's a countdown clock:
Is now a good time to put $50K on BTC? Asking for a friend who knows almost nothing about Bitcoin.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: April 08, 2024, 10:23:26 PM »
It’s all sports. Sports aren’t for the poor.
too broad of a brush.  sports absolutely offer a ray of hope and opportunity for underprivileged children.
These HBO Real Sports segments paint a different picture, where only the very most athletic unprivileged kids will have a chance.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: April 08, 2024, 02:23:48 PM »
I have the hype -10. I think its last years version. Am I screwed too? If so, I now understand why I got such a good deal.

not yet, just the -5 so far. reviews all say the -5 is the hottest so probably will be good.
Oh good deal. My son has the drop 10, but I was guessing that would be following soon.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: April 08, 2024, 02:08:10 PM »
PG banned the Hype Fire -5, USSSA will most likely follow suit. Imagine spending $400 on a bat and you can't even use it.

MF...yes, imagine  :facepalm:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Total Solar Eclipse 2017
« on: April 08, 2024, 02:05:07 PM »
Got lucky that the clouds cleared here at the house just long enough.
Same here. Admittedly, it was a little cooler than I gave it credit for. @DBT, I think it's awesome that you are jazzed for it, and out there living your best life at all these various travels. You're my hero! Side note, I'm a dumb dumb. I was expecting it to get much darker. Anybody else? It definitely made me appreciate how dang powerful the sun's light is.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Total Solar Eclipse 2017
« on: April 08, 2024, 09:52:44 AM »
I must be dead inside. I visited the Grand Canyon with my wife during our Fiesta Bowl trip of 2013, and I thought it was neat, but didn’t exactly have a spiritual moment. I’m in the path today and will be jacked up for my son, but not overly excited in all honesty. Should I look into prozac?

I have seen Drew on Reddit a bunch. Other than winning, Drew seems like the exact opposite of a Kentucky coach to me.

Lots of Evangelicals there. The question is: if Drew goes to UK, does Tang go to Baylor?

I would imagine the answer to that question is 100%, give or take 0%.
I wonder if Drew even wants Kentucky? He already won a title, and I wonder if he’s content in a small town and conservative campus. I hope he uses it for a raise, and finishes out at Baylor.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: April 04, 2024, 12:29:44 AM »
8U son has a CatX 29” -10 one piece alloy for practice/cage/cold and a 29” -10 hype fire for games.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: ksu ladycats
« on: March 31, 2024, 09:36:35 PM »
Wouldnt Lee likely make considerably more money with much less competition if she stays?

A couple of things here. First, her choice wasn't between staying and going to the wnba. Her choice was between going into her career as a counselor full time, or playing one more year while continuing to work, part time. Second, if the choice was between the wnba and coming back to play and collect some nil, she likely would have made more in the wnba, even with the tiny salary of $72,000 that she would have gotten. Endorsement deals aren't specific to college athletes and she wasn't just handed 6 or 7 figures, for nothing, like some college athletes are.
Ok, that makes more sense. I’ll take your word on the finances part. I just read a couple mocks that projected her around pick #20, and one speculated she’d likely start off from the bench as a role player. Said she needs to work on more mid-range shooting and ability to run the floor?? I live in an area that has a wnba team and I dont recall seeing players in ads or print. It’s almost nonexistent, but I’m admittedly not looking for it either. That lead me to guess a role player probably wouldnt make much as a wnba spokesperson. I hope Im mistaken.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: ksu ladycats
« on: March 31, 2024, 02:01:59 AM »
Wouldnt Lee likely make considerably more money with much less competition if she stays?

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / PORTAL KOMBAT
« on: March 27, 2024, 04:05:33 PM »
This thread is turning out NOTHING like I thought it would a year ago. Same can be said for the “Dudes” thread. Just our luck, we finally get a dynamic salesman, but the game changes to “show me the money.” And it’s not the $50k duffel bag and a caddie lease like it used to be. That and UP “the dick”. FML

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: PORTAL KOMBAT
« on: March 25, 2024, 03:31:17 PM »
Didn’t think I’d be nervous to see this thread bumped.

Is this all being released again because our administration is trying to get out in front of Tang leaving?

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: White people name, White people shame
« on: March 13, 2024, 04:22:59 PM »

They went into a "soft lockdown" at my kids' school yesterday because someone had a medical situation in a bathroom so they wanted everyone out of the hallways while paramedics attended to the sick student. This just retraumatizes kids over and over (they just assumed someone was coming into the school to slaughter them). My kid's history teacher explained to the class how she has filing cabinets positioned so that they can rapidly barricade the door and towels ready to protect the students' hands if they leave the building thru broken windows. I have another kid whose kindergarten class was taught to arm themselves with scissors or hide on top of a toilet in the bathroom during an "intruder drill". Grownups (the legislators who refuse to do anything meaningful to stop gun violence) are failing our kids so badly. It is incredibly messed up.
It is so unbelievably frustrating that roughly half our government refuses to take even the slightest steps toward what every other country in the world has figured out. Don’t put me on a watch list, because I’m not advocating violence, but I think the only way they change is if the problem comes to them. Otherwise they’ll gladly keep accepting the bribes…I mean campaign contributions.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: competitive little kid sports
« on: March 05, 2024, 01:56:10 PM »
Wrestling is good, overall. Girls wrestling is probably even better, v glad it's growing in popularity. Here's a breakdown:

Peggy Po's:
Nancy Neg's:
Peggy Po: If the crap should ever go down as they age, nearly every fight results in a wrestling match at some point. There are very few people that actually know how to box or do martial arts (beyond a year or two as an elementary kid). Most of the time it's a swing or two, then taking each other to the floor to see who can get top position before commencing ground and pound.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: yes pls, i'll have more of this
« on: March 04, 2024, 09:34:24 PM »
I realize they are there to hold the thermal cameras, but I like how these chuds are wearing military helmets. Like the hogs are going to shoot back.

The staff shakeup is definitely #2 on the things to watch. #1 is whether Daniels will be healthy for the actual conference portion of the season. He's looked great against inferior teams but despite being there like 3 seasons now he's more of an unknown than Avery is.

Based purely on recruiting rankings, their QB room is pretty bad with the exception of their incoming true freshman. But, even if their next-in-line QB outperforms the rankings, there's nobody near Bean's capabilities to save them if Daniels goes down again.
I thought Ballard did ok for a freshman getting thrown into action unexpectedly.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Religion And Politics
« on: February 23, 2024, 02:04:29 PM »
The legacy of the Democratic party is one of legions upon legions of deep thinkers.   :lol: :lol:

Feelings and emotions are not deep thoughts.
The trick was always about making it "us" vs "them". There are plenty of fairly intelligent and unintelligent people on both sides. I hope someday for leadership that strives to find common ground, and lift expectations. This country is best when we try to work together.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Religion And Politics
« on: February 23, 2024, 01:30:17 PM »
There are plenty of Christians who sacrifice their finances and time for others. They treat others with dignity and respect, regardless of race, religion, orientation, etc. I believe many people are just trying to be decent human beings, not wage holy wars.

Yes. Also plenty that for some reason worship Donald Trump
I will NEVER understand this. I don't think it's any secret the US is becoming more persuadable and unintelligent by the minute. Many schools have essentially removed critical thinking from education in order to pass tests to secure funding. Also, the internet / social media is an EXTREMELY powerful medium.

The areas that are removing standards the fastest are dominated by (D) Democrat politicians.
I'm a fence sitting centrist who can lean either direction depending on the topic. I'm saddened by my choices on both sides.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Religion And Politics
« on: February 23, 2024, 01:23:41 PM »
There are plenty of Christians who sacrifice their finances and time for others. They treat others with dignity and respect, regardless of race, religion, orientation, etc. I believe many people are just trying to be decent human beings, not wage holy wars.

Yes. Also plenty that for some reason worship Donald Trump
I will NEVER understand this. I don't think it's any secret the US is becoming more persuadable and unintelligent by the minute. Many schools have essentially removed critical thinking from education in order to pass tests to secure funding. Also, the internet / social media is an EXTREMELY powerful medium.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Religion And Politics
« on: February 23, 2024, 01:01:58 PM »
There are plenty of Christians who sacrifice their finances and time for others. They treat others with dignity and respect, regardless of race, religion, orientation, etc. I believe many people are just trying to be decent human beings, not wage holy wars.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: February 22, 2024, 03:12:17 PM »
We hosted a 2 World Series and 5 AFC Championship games. Amaze.
And a MLB all-star game

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: February 16, 2024, 11:40:43 PM »
Should probably be moved because this went way off the rails.  I didn't expect so many people would take it so personally.  Should probably discuss with a therapist why they feel the need to obsess over a pocket change donation a billionaire stranger made.

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How much did the Hunt’s donate? How about Patrick Mahomes? If anything, I’d take issue with her publicly donating, not the amount. However, MIR is probably right that she made it public knowing that many of her followers and general public would chip in a few dollars as well.  Hell, the family only asked for $75K total, and she went above and beyond that on her own.

Walmart paying an employee low wages, as it greatly benefits from their production is no way comparable to a stranger gifting another stranger $100K. Odd take, and I dont even necessarily care for Swift.
I didn't invent the wal-mart comparison, itt.  Again, I don't care whether she donated $1 or $1,000,000.  I just think it's weird how middle-class people fawn over the wealthy tossing around their pocket change like they are saints.  And I'm not attacking TS like you are trying to make it out.  I think if she really wanted to do that she would just tweet out the link to her 95m Twitter followers.  It was just an observation that some of you decided to take very personally.

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I disagree with your opinion, and I’m offering my contrasting opinion. I don’t think anybody here is taking this personally. But, if you feel that strongly about it, the fact the Chiefs, the Hunt’s  Foundation and the NFL only donated $200K is muuuuuch worse in comparison.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: February 16, 2024, 10:44:01 PM »
Should probably be moved because this went way off the rails.  I didn't expect so many people would take it so personally.  Should probably discuss with a therapist why they feel the need to obsess over a pocket change donation a billionaire stranger made.

Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk
How much did the Hunt’s donate? How about Patrick Mahomes? If anything, I’d take issue with her publicly donating, not the amount. However, MIR is probably right that she made it public knowing that many of her followers and general public would chip in a few dollars as well.  Hell, the family only asked for $75K total, and she went above and beyond that on her own.

Walmart paying an employee low wages, as it greatly benefits from their production is no way comparable to a stranger gifting another stranger $100K. Odd take, and I dont even necessarily care for Swift.

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