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Messages - Deez Nutz

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Someone please fill me in on what is so bad about Lon Floyd.  I knew him long before he started working for KSU, and he always seemed like a great guy to me. 

You're white, aren't you?

Yeah, so?

Not jewish?

So you simply want people fired for no reason.  That's what I thought before; just wanted to confirm.  Thanks.

He's an open and outspoken racist and anti-semite bro. 

Oh really?  According to who?  Link?  That's a pretty serious charge to throw out there just for the hell of it.

According to me.  And I'm in no way throwing it out there just for the hell of it.

So are you just waiting for me to ask what you apparently heard him say, or is it a secret?

Someone please fill me in on what is so bad about Lon Floyd.  I knew him long before he started working for KSU, and he always seemed like a great guy to me. 

You're white, aren't you?

Yeah, so?

Not jewish?

So you simply want people fired for no reason.  That's what I thought before; just wanted to confirm.  Thanks.

He's an open and outspoken racist and anti-semite bro. 

Oh really?  According to who?  Link?  That's a pretty serious charge to throw out there just for the hell of it.

Someone please fill me in on what is so bad about Lon Floyd.  I knew him long before he started working for KSU, and he always seemed like a great guy to me. 

You're white, aren't you?

Yeah, so?

Not jewish?

So you simply want people fired for no reason.  That's what I thought before; just wanted to confirm.  Thanks.

Tell me, why were the people ignored?

I can answer that.  The people were ignored because the Democratic leaders reject anything and anybody who stands in the way of more government control, whether it be the will of the people, the constitution, or the states.  They are willing to take the backlash in this election cycle because once this bill gets implemented, more and more people will become dependent on the federal government.  Much of the public is easily fooled into thinking it is simply about insuring the uninsured, but that is clearly not what it's about.  There are far easier and more practical ways to achieve that without taking over the entire health care system.  It's about running private insurance companies out of business so that pretty soon everyone will be under the public option......except for the members of congress who voted on it of course who have exempted themselves from the plan.     :flush:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Best screen name???
« on: March 23, 2010, 04:20:49 PM »
One Eyed Willie gave me a good laugh the first time I saw it.

The only thing about West Virginia that comes close to adorable is Huggs' effortless, yet expert execution of the hillbilly pimp panache.

The black tracksuits fit him well.

Huggie is in his element being back in the hills with easier access to all that moonshine.

Someone please fill me in on what is so bad about Lon Floyd.  I knew him long before he started working for KSU, and he always seemed like a great guy to me. 

You're white, aren't you?

Yeah, so?

Someone please fill me in on what is so bad about Lon Floyd.  I knew him long before he started working for KSU, and he always seemed like a great guy to me. 

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Obama
« on: March 16, 2010, 05:56:43 PM »
That's it; we are totally screwed now.   :curse:   :bang:


Not every school can say they were home to Meat Loaf.  SCOREBOARD.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure KSU alumn Kirstie Alley could beat up Meat Loaf.  Stew on that.

You won't have the second-toughest-venue-to-win-at-in-the-Sun-Belt-behind-Western-Kentucky to save you on Thursday!

Props on Kirstie. If she were to sumo up against Meat Loaf, I'll grant that the smart money would be on her.

But we don't fight fair. And we've also got RoboCop as an alum.

Who is Kirstie going to call for help? That talking baby? Scoreboard... AGAIN.

To tell you the truth, I don't think Kristie even spent a year at KSU.  Our truly famous alumnus is Gordon Jump, the boss on WKRP in Cincinnatti.


To think he could be a JR in college this year.

A Senior in terms of playing basketball for KSU, though.  Hard to say if he would have gotten the medical redshirt. 

Obviously he wishes he had come to play for the Cats. 

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Question?
« on: March 13, 2010, 08:07:01 PM »
Loved the anticipation call on Taylor's and 1 in the 2nd half.
yeah that was my favorite.

That was such a BS call.  He really was not fouled on that.   :curse:

Great, I'll have to go see if the Tards have a thread about what a great job he did . . . glossing over what amounts to one of the most un-ethetical moves in non-profit history, aka THE senior administrator of that non-profit orchestrating a sweet heart $500K loan for himself from that non profit's funds.

And paying it all back with interest netting the university $23K.  His mentally impaired successor then throws millions down the toilet in a secret deal with Prince.  No comparison there in my book.  Oh, and by the way, it was not a "sweetheart" deal since he was paying a market rate of interest.   


Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Baylor Hate Thread
« on: March 12, 2010, 06:14:28 PM »
Warm up your Ann Richards dead corpse you motherfrackers.

Sorry, K-State has historically earned the claim to being one of the top 25 basketball programs in the country, we only have to apologize for allowing it to go dormant for so long.  That 25 years takes into account over 25 years of neglect, we'd be top 10 if our administration had focused on the importance of basketball after Lon Kruger left.

I agree with all of that except that the program was not dormant for 25 years.  I mean, the maximum you could argue for is 20 years from the 1988 Mitch Richmond team to the 2008 Michael Beasley team.  But keep in mind we still had some good teams in the early 1990's.  Went to the NCAA tournament in 1989, 1990, 1993 and 1996 as well as the NIT in 1992 and 1994.  So I honestly consider the period of true dormancy to be from the first year of the Big 12 (1997) to when Bob Huggins was hired (2006), a span of 10 years.  No need to exaggerate and make it sound longer than it actually was.

Due to the timing of this thread and your title for it, I was almost certain you were referring to this:


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