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Topics - cork_sniffer

Pages: [1]
Even at Illinois Weber could at least get some 4 star guys every class.  WTF is going on?  It looks like he hasn't even got one decent in player in the pipeline for two or more years.   Are all these 2/3 star players 'underrated' or something?  they seem like bench warmers to me. 

then again maybe my standards are too high. 

Just think of how great it will be if the team pulls together and finishes strong.  It could happen right?    :ksu:

1) pullen now has chip on his shoulder
2) if anyone was worried about this team being over confident and lacking determination you don't have to worry anymore
3) Martin now has a game tape full of things to work on defensively and offensively over winter break rather than 2nd semester
4) The team knows what is out there and the level at which they need to practice and play to be successful
5) A wake up call loss now is far better than one in January, February or March. 

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