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Messages - KSUftw

Pages: [1]
Kansas State Football / Re: Wichita Eagle
« on: September 01, 2010, 03:23:51 PM »
Typical   :facepalm:

Kansas State Football / Re: Just realized...
« on: August 25, 2010, 04:27:16 PM »
Nebraska plays a pretty weak nonconf, then starts with us at home on our first Thurs game (assuming the game will be loud and emotional)
We get UCLA, ISU and ... [spoiler]UCF[/spoiler] before them.   :lick:

I like my 7 win prediction more and more!

We are not beating Nebraska. 

Fine  :frown: back to 5 wins   :gocho:

Kansas State Football / Just realized...
« on: August 25, 2010, 04:21:59 PM »
Nebraska plays a pretty weak nonconf, then starts with us at home on our first Thurs game (assuming the game will be loud and emotional)
We get UCLA, ISU and ... [spoiler]UCF[/spoiler] before them.   :lick:

I like my 7 win prediction more and more!

Hey all - not trying to be a gossip monger but I have it on good authority that Carson Coffman may have pulled up limp yesterday in practice with what team doctors are calling a "severe shoulder hernia" - no information on when or if he'll be back this season but suffice it to say that the kid is strong and wants to be back on the field asap.  The chance to play behind the best offensive line in the history of the program excites Carson and he told me (through my friend), that he thinks his shoulder hernia will heal before the UCLA game.

Here's a photo taken with my buddy's camera phone.  Notice how low Carson's shoulder is dipping in the picture and how unnatural his howitzer looks in this evidence/picture:

Has anyone on the board had a shoulder hernia and can you pls comment in this thread (no BS pls, tia).

I have not had a shoulder hernia but I did have a similar injury it was a shoulder impingement back in my playing days.  Actually it was a single impingement in my throwing arm and a double impingement, or DI, in my other shoulder.  My throwing was not affected and I had full strength and range of motion.  The problem was that the doctor said I could no longer moonwalk.  So if Coffman does have this injury he may be limited to three step drops, he may be able to get to 5 step drops with therapy but I think 7 steps are not an option w/o surgery.  Sucks to say but we may have to revamp the offense and really limit what we can do.   :bang: :bang:

So...... you are saying we should go full blown PISTOL FORMATION!!   :excited:

Kansas State Football / Re: Enjoyable kansas state football review
« on: August 23, 2010, 09:09:00 PM »

Kansas State Football / Re: Crushing Husker Skulls
« on: August 20, 2010, 02:32:05 PM »
Last year when a lot of husker fans were walking around all proud of their .01 moment, I had a good time one day I must share.  I was playing some GTA and doing nothing but running over pedestrians and having a :runaway: good time.  You know?  Anyways, I thought about the husker fans that have claimed a few of the corners in town for business and wanted to rid the streets GTA style.  Sure enough, after  :driving: around and owning faces I came across a guy with one of those corn head things on, and as usual, it made him look the part of the :jerk: husker fans.  I did my business and GTA :driving: style owned him and WTF.... his corn head acted as a helmet and saved him.  Here’s the catch.. it got stuck on his head permanently.  Well to shorten the story, he woke up one morning and actually and finally looked himself in a mirror and realized.... wow he looks Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) with that on and took his own life.  Mission accomplished I must say.

Kansas State Football / Re: Crushing Husker Skulls
« on: August 20, 2010, 01:54:12 PM »
Does anyone else find themselves cratering the faces of Female Nebraska fans at bars, little league games, picnics, etc.?  I always seem to get into scraps with them and, trust me, I'm not someone who goes out looking for a fight.  Why do they always seem to be tempting fate?  Like the other day, my oldest boy had a little league game and some Female Nebraska fan shows up and starts heckling the kids.  What am I supposed to do?  Sit there and let her do it?  So, I do what every normal Gay-State Cat would do, I walk over and beat her to within an inch of her life.  The paramedics were called and they were none too pleased to have to get Husker blood on their hands.  That night at the Gay bar the local PD that showed and I were having some beers laughing about how that poor SOB would probably never see again out of his right eye when, wouldn't you know it, another Female Nebraska fan walks into the bar.  Said something about how the guy I destroyed was her brother or some crap and, pulls a gun.  Well, I grabbed the paramedics dick and twisted it out of his hand like I'm known to do.  Next thing you know I got this guys dick head shoved through my ass in the bar and I'm running my tongue over his neck  while the bar patrons cheer me on.  Anyway, that guy may die of shame according to the medics.  Typical.  I hope this season I don't have to punish some poor Female rube in front of her husband and kids like last year up in Lincoln but, you know, I probably will. 
Fixed it for ya.

Actually, this isn't as typical as I originally thought.  Huskerpride is pulling out some Arkansas style beat downs.  He starts with a beating on a fellow husker female(maybe), then finds out it was a chicks x-dressing husker bro. :facepalm:  I don't understand all they do up their, but this is borderline  :opcat: scary.

Kansas State Football / Re: Crushing Husker Skulls
« on: August 20, 2010, 01:45:30 PM »
Man, Nebraska fans are really into beating women  :frown:
That is so typical, you know?

Kansas State Football / Re: Official Cosh Family Album Thread
« on: August 20, 2010, 11:45:56 AM »

Makes me come out of my trolling cage to toss a  :lynchmob:   Bravo

DANGITTTTT, should of freaking joined up.  Already locked up 1st in my work bracket for some $$ and am currently leading this bank contest for a 60" HDTV though its using ESPN's stupid scoring system, so I could lose if Duke wins it all. 

I had my bracket filled out prior to the first game, but didn't know it would lock me out from joining later... doesn't make much sense imo.  Anyways, I see you guys used Yahoo, not sure which way you scored it, but from the default scoring I have 86 of 128 points (46 Correct).  Still have WVU playing in the champ game, but not winning.

Anyone mind posting scores instead of just the rankings?  Thanks!

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / EMWCAW
« on: March 26, 2010, 10:02:55 AM »
So as I was reading all the articles of our greatness, I came across a article below that quoted "Every man, woman and child a Wildcat!"  Could this catch on??  :confused:

Maybe EMCWAW..... I just don't see it working.

Not sure who checked out prices to hit up the regional games vs the Final Four games, but its about 1/3 of the price to go to Indy.  I was in OKC, but no way am I paying 600+ per person in plane tickets.  Indy flight tickets are around 300 which is cheap, considering you can't put a price on watching KSU win its first NC.

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