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Messages - hudagph

Pages: [1]
Essentially Flyertalk / What do you think of loyalty?
« on: February 12, 2015, 01:14:29 AM »
I've been studying ethics for the past two months, and we've started talking about loyalty. I'm not entirely sure how exactly I feel about it at the moment, but I've also been reading about it from several different perspectives. I just kind of wanted to throw it out there as a general question to see what people here (being of a slightly different mindset than the people I interact with otherwise) think about it: what's your opinion on loyalty? Are there different kinds of loyalty? When is it good and when is it bad?

Essentially Flyertalk / What NFL team should i root for?
« on: February 12, 2015, 01:13:25 AM »
Guys i've been watching football for a long time i play fantasy football and everything but my city doesn't have an nfl team so i can't decide.

New Orleans Saints
Carolina Panthers
Dallas Cowboys
New England Patriots

I can't decide because i don't know if i like the players or the teams.

Essentially Flyertalk / bocce ball
« on: February 12, 2015, 01:12:45 AM »
Good afternoon everybody. Last night I have got some information about beach bocce ball set and it makes me interested about the games. Now I want to get details information about the games. Can someone please give me some details information about the games?
Thanks in advence.

Essentially Flyertalk / NFL Question!
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:54:05 AM »
What NFL team do you think will be the next big thing? What I mean by this is the way Seattle emereged in 2012.
Also what do you think will be the next massive downgrade? What I mean by this is the raiders and rams being good in the early 2000s and now they suck.

Essentially Flyertalk / Can someone please help me?
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:53:35 AM »
An announcer at an NFL playoff game made a comment that the defensive line was so small that they had no chance of stopping the quarterback on a run. The average quarterback has a mass of 100 kg. The smaller size defensive linemen have a mass of 113 kg.

a. If on the play in question, the quarterback was able to run 12.5 meters in 0.6 seconds, with an average velocity of 7.4 m/s what would his applied force be?
b. What would the top speed of the defensive lineman have to be less than, in order for him NOT to have enough force to stop the quarterback?

Essentially Flyertalk / furnace filter
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:52:30 AM »
A furnace filter is a filter that protect the furnace. It also contributes to good health and well-being by cleaning the air circulating through the house. Furnace filter designs and rating systems vary. Some of the filters remove large, heavy particles from the air but allow smaller particles to flow through. Large particles include lint, pollen, and mold spores while medium particles include dust, animal dander, and bacteria. The smallest particles (0.3 microns and below) include smoke, smog, and viruses. By comparison, a human hair is between 3 to 200 microns. For more information please visit the website neverbuyanotherfilter.
Thanks a lot.

Essentially Flyertalk / Business continuity planning
« on: February 07, 2015, 02:03:52 AM »
The business continuity plan (BCP) is the plan to continue operations if a place of business is affected by different levels of disaster which can be localized short term disasters, to days long building wide problems, to a permanent loss of a building. Typically such a plan explains how the business would recover its operations or move operations to another location after damage by events like natural disasters, theft, or flooding. BCP sets out how the business will operate following an incident and how it expects to return to ‘business as usual’ in the quickest possible time afterwards. Please click here for business continuity planning template.
Thanks a lot.

Essentially Flyertalk / Top 10 best laptops
« on: February 07, 2015, 01:56:03 AM »
Good morning everbody, here I am found a list of top 10 best laptops. But I am not sedisfied with their list. I shall be greatful if you please share your top 10 best laptops here.
Thanks a lot.

Essentially Flyertalk / iso 13485
« on: February 07, 2015, 01:55:25 AM »
Good morning everboyd. I am talking about ISO 13485. It is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard, published in 2003, that represents the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices. This standard supersedes earlier documents such as EN 46001 and EN 46002 (both 1997), the ISO 13485 published in 1996 and ISO 13488 (also 1996). Though it is tailored to the industry's quality system expectations and regulatory requirements, an organization does not need to be actively manufacturing medical devices or their components to seek certification to this standard, in contrast to the automotive sector's ISO/TS 16949, where only firms with an active request for quotation, or on the bid list, of an International Automotive Task Force supply chain manufacturer can seek registration. Please click here for more about iso 13485 auditor training.
Thanks a lot.

Essentially Flyertalk / Header of my website
« on: February 01, 2015, 05:22:25 AM »
Hello Everybody,
Good morning. I have a website of my business organization. My website is two years old and now I have decided to change the header of the website. I like the header of the website and want to use it in my website. So, I shall be grateful if someone please help me to implement it in my website.
Thanks in advance.

Essentially Flyertalk / Headshot printing
« on: February 01, 2015, 04:58:03 AM »
Headshot printing or photographic printing is the process of producing a final image on paper for viewing, using chemically sensitized paper. The paper is exposed to a photographic negative, a positive transparency (or slide), or a digital image file projected using an enlarger or digital exposure unit such as a LightJet printer. Alternatively, the negative or transparency may be placed atop the paper and directly exposed, creating a contact print. Photographs are more commonly printed on plain paper, for example by a color printer, but this is not considered "Headshot printing". For more information please visit the website
Thank you very much.

Essentially Flyertalk / Royalty Free Music
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:31:10 AM »
Royalty Free Music refers to a type of music licensing that allows the purchaser to pay for the music license only once and to use the music for as long as desired.

Most of the time the term “Royalty Free” is confusing for more reasons than one. In fact it simply means “Free of Royalty”. The term is in opposition to “rights managed” licensing where the purchaser pays fees (royalties) according to the number of times it will be used as well as the size of the territory. With Rights Managed licensing or “Needle Drop” licensing you would need to pay a fee every time the music is used or as the old term expressed every time the “needle is dropped” on the record.

Please click here for more about royalty free music.
Thanks a lot.

Essentially Flyertalk / managed vps hosting
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:30:11 AM »
Basically as your business grows and your web presence becomes more advanced, looking after a web hosting server can be very time-consuming. Though browser-based control panels are able to automate and streamline the essential tasks involved in getting your web hosting up and running, the more complex tasks associated with a virtual private server (VPS) hosting or dedicated server hosting plan often require a great deal of specialized expertise. Between time and expertise, managing your own VPS hosting plan can also be expensive but managed VPS hosting is a way to save your time, reduce your expenditures, and ensure the well-being of your virtual private server. Please click here for your managed hosting solutions.
Thanks a lot.

Tech Support and Suggestion Board / Link in signature
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:26:12 AM »
Good afternoon everybody. Can I include any link in my signature? I want to include the following link with the anchor text in my signature: polaris ranger fuel pump.
Thank you very much.

Kansas State Football / Re: intro:-):-)
« on: October 24, 2014, 11:37:28 PM »
Thank you all for warm welcome!

Kansas State Football / intro:-)
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:44:03 AM »
Good morning everybody.
I am a new member from Bangladesh.
Please welcome me.

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