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Messages - jrod_06

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Kansas State Football / Re: Is there a LA Tech predicto thread?
« on: September 18, 2015, 01:59:43 PM »
35-9 Wild wildcats

« on: August 17, 2015, 12:18:15 PM »
Clearly you all dont remember the time that Carsy Coff answered the bell vs Middle Florida...
Carson Coffman redux.  :party:

CC was a good QB (molasses sweep aside) that scored enough...our defense was a train wreck though.

good isn't a word I throw around as glibly as you do

Serviceable is probably more appropriate. The thing though was CC teams had Daniel Thomas and we don't have an equivalent for that at RB. The WRs also were better than too (Quarles, Frosh TT, Salute Hilburn). That being said those CC teams did score a lot.

Kansas State Football / Re: KSU Football player interaction thread
« on: June 18, 2015, 11:04:08 AM »
So While I was in College, 06' - 14'(No not a PHD, more like Vanwilder) I got the opportunity to leave and party with multiple purple cat players. The group of guys I lived with were all brothers with a couple of other friends from our Home town, and three of the five brothers had something to do with Kstate athletics. One was part of the Willie squad and I could go in to great detail the hilarity that ensues when drinking and people whip out the mascot head, but thats not really player related. Another brother ran the Audio Video at both Fball and BBall games and the stories he could tell would break goEMAW's server. The youngest brother was a walk on during the prince era and that is where all my personal experiences come from.

1. Yes, Freeman was quite the party animal. One time in particular was the next morning after a party most of us where sitting upstairs being hungover and all of a sudden a striking young filly performs the walk of shame from the basement and out the door. Now all of us roommates were sitting upstairs and we couldn't figure out who else was there. All of a sudden Freeman comes up and is high as hell and just tells us "Man, sorry about your couch but she had to be done man. She wouldn't leave me alone. You might want to throw that couch out." Then he just walks out. We all sit there staring at each other and burst out laughing. Also he signed our living room wall the size of a freaking poster.

There are many more, but this is getting to DNR.

I have a sneaking suspicion that we're from the same town jrod....
You must be from the great town of Holton Kansas where current LB stud Trent Tanking and former LB stud Brooks Barta Hang their collective hats.

Kansas State Football / Re: KSU Football player interaction thread
« on: June 17, 2015, 01:33:05 PM »
Freeman loved to get baked and sit in my bedroom during parties. I had one of those mushroom chairs that could swallow you up and he would just sit in it and be like martin lawerence in Bad boys 2 when he's high on EX sitting in will smith hot rod talking about how sweet the leather is. Josh would just say" man this is a sweet chair, how much time do you sit in this chair?" and other silly things like that.

Josh Cherry loved top show up and just creep on thick girls at the bar we had in our house, kinda weird. He wasn't a bad guy its just that he always had a thing for a girl that had a little extra weight.

Lamark lived at our house for a semester or so. This is before he even played and I walked in one day and there's this 6'4" black spartan sleeping on your couch and I'm like "uh, whats up man?" Cool dude though. we would take him back to our small town just to freak people out.

DJamer fulhage left is balmese python at our house once cause he was going to be out of town for a while and never came back to get it.

It would be easier to name a player from that era and I probably have a story about them.

Kansas State Football / Re: KSU Football player interaction thread
« on: June 17, 2015, 12:56:50 PM »
So While I was in College, 06' - 14'(No not a PHD, more like Vanwilder) I got the opportunity to leave and party with multiple purple cat players. The group of guys I lived with were all brothers with a couple of other friends from our Home town, and three of the five brothers had something to do with Kstate athletics. One was part of the Willie squad and I could go in to great detail the hilarity that ensues when drinking and people whip out the mascot head, but thats not really player related. Another brother ran the Audio Video at both Fball and BBall games and the stories he could tell would break goEMAW's server. The youngest brother was a walk on during the prince era and that is where all my personal experiences come from.

1. Yes, Freeman was quite the party animal. One time in particular was the next morning after a party most of us where sitting upstairs being hungover and all of a sudden a striking young filly performs the walk of shame from the basement and out the door. Now all of us roommates were sitting upstairs and we couldn't figure out who else was there. All of a sudden Freeman comes up and is high as hell and just tells us "Man, sorry about your couch but she had to be done man. She wouldn't leave me alone. You might want to throw that couch out." Then he just walks out. We all sit there staring at each other and burst out laughing. Also he signed our living room wall the size of a freaking poster.

There are many more, but this is getting to DNR.

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:30:43 PM »
Dat setting though! :excited:

Kansas State Football / Re: Trent Tanking a future stud walk on?
« on: July 28, 2013, 05:02:52 PM »
Ive talked to former cats great and Holton  head coach Brooks Barta about Trent. He said that Trent is twice the high school athlete that he was coming out of smith center. The only problem is that the speed of the game has changed so much since then. He thinks Trent will have the hardest time adjusting to the spread offenses because he likes elite quickness, but is very impressed with everything else. Wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't red shirt and get some pt on special teams this year.

Kansas State Football / Re: Status/Twitter/Etc. Thread
« on: July 27, 2013, 08:16:17 PM » ?@sportsinkansas 2m
Trent Tanking (LB) of Holton good as advertised. 6 tackles (3 for loss) at the half. Our 4A DPOY last fall headed to Kansas State.
Stud, boss, etc :lynchmob:

Kansas State Football / Re: High School Football Question:
« on: July 18, 2013, 08:15:03 PM »
Small 4A, pretty much every snap. But we also had super studs and lots of depth so we rotated a lot of guys in on defense. Went to Holton. 06' grad

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:33:30 PM »
Guys, I had the day off of work and also a kind of shitty week. To cheer myself up I went thru this entire thread. Much like the beautiful rolling flint hills, this thread has had many ups and downs. But in the end the west side castle will end up looking glorious and this thread has left me  :D

So I have an internship in Fayetteville for the summer, and I've around town checking out pig aggie land. It's ok for the poor hillbillies that live here, but im more like  :dunno: Anyways I'm sure you've noticed how Mizzou is all proud to wear their SEC gear now with all the other teams. Also if you got to a couple of the mizzou bars in wesport they have changed everything to SEC helmets and flags. Well every sportsbar Ive been to here has all the SEC schools EXCEPT Mizzou. They have cult aggie, but not meth aggie :lol:

When during the pregame the announcers are like "well Sams is a hell of an athlete, but not not much of a passer." Then listening to them try to justify him throwing for 300+ yards to tlbl and tt.  :sdeek:

I'll say it again, at this juncture I'll just settle for one alternate with only color changes on uniform and helmet.

Even teams like Ohio State have used alternate jerseys

Mostly agree w/ this. Would like if there was one black alternate for 1 home game a year, and an alternate white/silver combo for 1 road game a year.

Anyone good w/ photoshop - can you create an enlarged powercat on a black helmet, like what Boise State has done w/ their logo?

Okay, so, first post - I apologize if it isn't up to community standards.
Is this what you were thinking of?
Holy Crap IllumEMAWti, those are awful. You need to talk to somebody about your 'shop skills. :gocho:

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:37:52 AM »
For the tucks out there;
Trent Tanking ?@Ttank15

I have committed to play football next year at KSU! #PurplePride #EMAW

Holton kid(Brooks Barta). probably be a similar situation to mueller. The coaches love him but he is going to walk on and will redshirt. Pretty good athlete, just has a nose for the ball. Probably not a star, just a good contributor.

Kansas State Football / Re: Waters/IWCC videos
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:36:50 PM »
Mostly short passes. Would have liked to have seen some more deep bombs.
Check out the vids from the iowa elite guys, tosses some bombs to wr #1

Kansas State Football / Re: Waters/IWCC videos
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:29:47 PM »
These guys (iowa elites) have a ton of great video on IWCC.

Kansas State Football / Waters/IWCC videos
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:12:19 PM »
All I can say is wow, much better runner than I thought. Also makes great decisions and throws a beauty of a ball.

Kansas State Football / Re: Favorite non-starter Cat (think ST players)
« on: December 10, 2012, 08:40:22 PM »
I like Morgan Burns, too.
Good call there, he was always able to run down guys. Prob one of the fastest guys on the team.

Kansas State Football / Re: Favorite non-starter Cat (think ST players)
« on: December 10, 2012, 08:34:39 PM »
Truman= beast, also loved watching Heibert #17. Just love watching guys that take advantage of st.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: December 10, 2012, 08:33:09 PM »
Guise, just got done chatting with my friend who is the OC at coffeyville and he said nothing but good things about him.
 In his words, "Really good tackler, pretty instinctive. He is a very hard worker and a really good kid. Gets what he gets because he works hard and pushes himself."
He also said that He thinks that Marshall is the next RG3 and put up over 400 yards of total offense against them. Says he has heard that he is very high on the cats, but definitely wants to be the guy.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: KS Highschool Football Thread
« on: November 15, 2012, 05:58:52 PM »
Guys, none of you can compete with the powerhouse school I am a proud alum from. Holton would smash all of your pud high school teams and it wouldn't even be close.

Kansas State Football / Re: Let's talk scenarios
« on: November 10, 2012, 09:50:12 PM »
Ok, still upset by the lack of execution, by the offense tonight. But I realize TCU threw the kitchen sink at us tonight.. IF we win out, and we should, we punk Oregon's Offense by 30. Go Cats

Kansas State Football / Re: Offensive line?
« on: November 10, 2012, 09:29:17 PM »
I ( surprisingly)am going to agree with Zacker. awful game, second worst of the year behind Iowa st. game.No passion no emotion today.

Kansas State Football / Re: Need to get SH*T together
« on: November 10, 2012, 09:25:43 PM »
Worst offensive game since 09. Get your crap together OC's

Last year's Texas game was like 10 times worse.
True, But Coming from a Barta offensive,a really a snyder sytem, I hate seeing a wait and see mentality.

Kansas State Football / Re: #1
« on: November 10, 2012, 09:23:37 PM »
I am Peggy Po, but we played not to lose. Thats bad, always play to win.

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