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Messages - imgoing2vomit

Pages: [1]
I give you Hitler finds out K-State hired oscar Weber

Thanks Bucket - first real laugh I've had all day....

I am sick, sad, devastated, full of despair - words can not describe the anguish I am feeling.  What scares the hell out of me is that I'm not sure any of us can fully comprehend the magnitude of negative ripples this hire is going to have on our university for a very, very long time.

One thing is painfully clear - the egotistical, slimy excuse for a human, John Currie, is not a KStater, will never be a KStater and does not care one eff about our university or the true KSU fans.  The longer he remains as AD, the more pain we will have to endure, and I'm not sure how much more I can take.

I think I'm going to  :barf: again.

Barf Bubbles has a certain ring to it.....

Funny how things are relative...I would be so happy with Underwood at this point

Never cared much for Keady anyway - effing hate him now

KU can only go up after the Gill disaster.....we are now in a screaming head-first nosedive toward an epic crash landing.

The only good that will come out of this is we'll be able to get rid of Currie in a couple of years.  eff currie, eff weber, eff schulz, eff keady and all the other jackasses that had anything to do with this...

"haven't seen twitter lately" - eff you Currie  :barf:

I was hoping for a homerun, more realistically expecting a triple or double - this is a freaking 3 pitch strikeout!!!!!!!!  :barf:

Currie just sealed his fate - at least we know now what we have in him.

 Just :barf: ed - and this loser is still talking, here it comes again.....

Seriously, is there anything, and I mean anything, positive about this?

This is the absolute, most effing disappointing moment in my 50 years of being a Kansas State fan.  I feel sick, real sick, real real sick. @#$%

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