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Messages - cat_scratch18

Pages: [1]
Kansas State Football / Re: Injuries
« on: November 11, 2012, 08:37:55 PM »
i don't think he has a broken fibula.  the dude walked off the field on his own power right next to lockett and there were no trainers around either of them.  i don't think a person can walk on a broken fibula.

Not true... Info from medical sources...
"However, even with more severe injuries, early partial weight bearing is low risk since the fibula is not a primary weight bearing structure"

For athletes w/ fibular fractures: "For athletes, splinting continues for three to four weeks followed by a few weeks of rehabilitation. Training resumes at six weeks and full training usually starts at approximately eight weeks. When the fracture is minor, the pace of the rehabilitation schedule can be increased considerably based primarily on pain tolerance. After the first week of splinting, many athletes can run or train at reduced intensity while wearing a light-weight stirrup. Exceptions to this rapid return to sport include sports like soccer in which the lower leg is subjected to high torsional stresses and direct trauma."

Dudes not back til at least the NC.

Weber and Currie are at the k-state baseball game. In case you want to wait outside and have a chat with them afterwards...

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