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Messages - BobBarker

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if post Briles Baylor != pre Briles Baylor, the price is wrong.

Kansas State Football / Re: KU football is hurting
« on: June 23, 2014, 11:11:54 PM »
Pretty big leap of faith that the track removal will help increase attendance to "crowd" levels, IYAM.

At least they were realistic with the rendered crowd.

Kansas State Football / Re: Latest Husker police blotter
« on: June 16, 2014, 01:15:57 AM »
The 3rd place team from the shitty "Legends division" of the Big 10? Who cares.  :dunno:

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: April 26, 2014, 02:37:57 PM »

no, the sliver of green in this photo. just looks like they forgot to extend the seating.

I like the outdoor seating they are adding on the sides of the WSC press level too.

So it had everything to do with losing the game. Got it.

Probably not. I know I would be pissed if I ordered pitchers of beer but the waitress kept bringing me pictures of beer instead.

Kansas State Football / Rant of the day brought to you by flood aggie elite.
« on: September 01, 2013, 12:42:54 AM »
This post is from MC CrappinHawks

You're Cyclone BAR is not quite the bar you speak of Mr. Chris Williams. They have rude and clueless owners and table assistance (what you would normally call waiters). I asked a gentleman standing behind the bar, why is the game skipping and why can't we see it on all TV's?? He replied that its online and they just cant make it work. This is where the problem started. I have seen may games there through the ****** internet connection, but never have I watched a game there that froze every 30 seconds. I have gone to the Keg Stand for 3 years now, watching the clones and laying down my hard earned money. I make 30k a year tops. I go there to support ISU atheletics and the University as a whole. I have always spent a minimum of about 30 or 40 dollars a visit. This may not be big money like you are used to, but its more than I can afford, but I do it, because you say it helps Cyclonefanatic and I LOVE my Clones. I love Cyclonefanatic and I love my CYCLONES. I have NEVER, NEVER in my life been treated like I was treated like I was tonight. I got there around 5:30. I asked the gentleman behind the counter what was the deal, that we could always see the games last year on all the tvs, why not this game. It was only being shown on the projector. He answered that this is the way it is and basically too bad for you. I said ok and ordered a picture like I always do because a six dollar picture to watch my CLONES is something that always seems like a good deal. Tonight was NOT A GOOD DEAL AND THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAME. I was halfway through my first picture with a buddy of mine and calmly asked for another one. It was brought to my table with no warfare. Then about 15 minutes later I was simply chatting with my buddy that came with me (hes a hawk fan) and the owners wife walked past us and stopped while we were chatting. I thought it was odd, but kept talking. Remember I am talking to my buddy exclusively. There was no "whos he talking to?" This young blond stopped and said you are DONE, you have been HARRASSING Pablo all night and you need to leave. I said, "What are you talking about?" She replied with the same thing. I said, "Who is Pablo" and she went on to tell me again, "You have been harassing Pablo all night and its time for you to leave. Remember, all the bar tenders know me and my buddies because we have been there on a regular basis since the KeG STAND became a cyclone bar. We tip well and treat people with respect. This blonde, who I had never talked to before, but had seen (only in the last year) was telling us we had to leave. I of course said "OK" and went straight up to pay my tab. I told the bar tender that we had to leave because this lady told us to. She was completely embarrassed and went on to confront the woman. The lady then followed me to the bathroom, I came back, got my buddy, said its not worth it and we headed towards the front door. This is where the whole thing becomes even more ridiculous and reprehensible. I'm walking out and shes standing in the door way ( why, I have no idea) and of course I look at her because Im walking out the door. She the says, " What, are you gonna hit me?", as I simply glanced at her because I walking towards the door. Nothing was said or murmured or anything. I simply wanted out at that point. I thought this woman is straight up crazy and I need to cut my losses. I walked right past her and everyone within earshot heard what she said. I could not believe the venom with which this person spoke. It was like I killed her father in a sword fight. I have never been kicked out of a bar in my life and I was completely sober. I have never been treated like that, ever, not in Iowa City , not in a big city, nowhere. Luckily my buddy had internet on his phone and we found a place. It was called "Tufts". I have never been there, nor heard of the place, but I was in for a big surprise. They were friendly as could possibly be and welcomed us in. They also had a living room type set up in one corner with comfy chairs and couches and no witch to ruin the night for you. We spend over a hundred dollars a piece and had a wonderful night despite the obvious loss downer. My point is that a bar is as good as its patrons. I had been going to THE KEG STAND for 3 seasons now and most people knew me and because the owners wife was in a bad mood and a obvious control freak, we were told to go somewhere else. I have NEVER IN MY LIFE FELT SO EMBARRASSED AND WRONGED, ESPECIALLY IN A CYCLONE ATMOSPHERE. We simply went down the street to TUfTS and had a welcoming and awesome experience. I feel sorry for The Keg Stand tonight. Des Moines finally had what they call a "CYCLONE BAR", and they just for no reason kicked out two of their biggest supporters for what I see as what only could have been a misunderstanding. We never gave any reason to be kicked out. VERY DISSAPPOINTING AND DISGUSTING HANDLEING OF TH SITUATION. I WILL NEVER SET FOOT IN A Keg Stand again. What I found even more disturbing is that the crazy lady that kicked us out was highly disturbed and her ISU husband/owner wouldn't even listen to our side of the story. He basically said, I don't care that you support this bar and CYCLONES, period. He made our decision quite easy for next time. Shame on you, Jason or whatever your name is. You have NO cyclone bar without its patrons and you and your wife were complete pompas ******** tonight.

This guy took bitching about the video stream because of a loss to a new level.

Kansas State Football / Re: HCIW Bronze LHC LHC Bill Snyder
« on: September 01, 2013, 12:30:23 AM »
JFC get over it, you lost to a crappy team. it happens sometimes, move on!


Kansas State Football / HCIW Bronze LHC Bill Snyder
« on: September 01, 2013, 12:05:17 AM »
How surprised would you be if it came out that the bronze statue was basically head coach this game in place of Bill? It would make sense why the special teams were so bad, amongst other, more obvious, coaching deficiencies.

Kansas State Football / Re: Targeting rule
« on: August 31, 2013, 07:56:08 PM »
yeah, but this is how they get everything started and it will eventually lead to them taking away all of our guns.

Kansas State Football / Re: Assessment of Waters
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:45:37 PM »
I would guess Waters time is already over judging by Snyders post game. He doesn't usually say things like that. Waters might make beautiful passes but if he can't handle the pressure (and our highly touted O-line sucks balls like it did tonight) it is time to move on to a QB who can scramble.

I will also bet the Bill will never again reign in the deep pass so early in the game vs a lesser opponent.

Point 3: the KU alum built statue that looks like Bill with downs has to go.

anyone else seeing nascar on foxsports 1 stream on firstrow?

That is what is on until kickoff... great pregame fox.

Sorry to let everyone down for this first game. I have some Amazon EC2 space that I am going to setup private streams for our games in the future. It will require a password to use, but I'll PM it to people who ask for it in the future. Hopefully it will ready by the conference games (I have things that make me money that need completed before that). If traffic gets too great I'll have restrict its use (or maybe take donations to up the EC2 instance type), but it will be streaming in 720p if your internet is fast enough.

Kansas State Football / Re: we're across the street from bill stadium
« on: August 30, 2013, 04:59:45 PM »
just tapped a keg of Labatt beer. Going down good. Come on over and have some. Can we come out at halftime to chug down a few more? It's one hot sob out here, but should cool off soon. Glad the visiting players on the West side of the stadium. The East side will be hot the whole game...advantage if we need any   :grin:
:lol: directions are hard!

please tell me our players are not in front of your unruly little bastard student section. that ain't fvkcing fair

Please tell me you have a guy on the team who will keep trying to taunt the students even when they’re down 30+… those are the best

we will be up the whole game and you fcking a our players will taunt the students

I hope you brought headsets for your press box phones. If you didn't your QB is never going to be able to hear the OC between series.

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: August 30, 2013, 04:54:01 PM »

skip to 0:20 otherwise you will get briggsed

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: August 30, 2013, 01:59:44 PM »

The artist failed to account for the viewing angle, that's all.  Btw, this picture is hilarious and does nothing to dispel the warlock whispers:

That looks like a statue of George H. W. Bush as Dr. Evil. Did a KU grad make this?

Kansas State Football / Re: BSFS Expansion Thread
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:08:33 AM »

What a stud suit.  :ksu:

Kansas State Football / Re: Tuttle Creek
« on: August 28, 2013, 12:53:53 AM »
Just to make sure, since all the Bizon are so prideful on their great pronunciation, it's AGGIville not EGGYville. (or in this case AGGIESville not EGGYSville)  :drink:

Kansas State Football / Re: Props to NDSU fans
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:50:44 AM »
Props to us for knowing how to win a NATIONAL title you guys should try it sometime.

The thing is 90% of our great countries college football fans don't even know who you are. If NDSU was somehow magically transported to ANY one of the BCS conferences they would finish at the bottom year after year. Winning a NC at that level means nothing outside a 100 mile radius of NDSU campus
The thing is, 90% of the people in your life thinks you're pud.

You guys might be the tallest lollypopkids, but you will always be half the height of us.
Nah..You have to be short

and I thought you were starting to get it.
I had high hopes, but you let me down :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

Kansas State Football / Re: Props to NDSU fans
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:37:29 AM »
Props to us for knowing how to win a NATIONAL title you guys should try it sometime.

The thing is 90% of our great countries college football fans don't even know who you are. If NDSU was somehow magically transported to ANY one of the BCS conferences they would finish at the bottom year after year. Winning a NC at that level means nothing outside a 100 mile radius of NDSU campus
The thing is, 90% of the people in your life thinks you're pud.

You guys might be the tallest lollypopkids, but you will always be half the height of us.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: GPC Wabash Station Thread Title Of The Day
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:10:03 AM »

Re: FB team toured WSC today   Reply

Is the West Stadium Center a new addition to the stadium or something?
8/26 12:10 PM

Re: FB team toured WSC today   Reply

I can't believe how out of touch people are...The WSC is an addition to the BTF...wowza...
8/26 12:50 PM

that place sucks

Eighth, oscar and Chet have this commercial to an instrumental version of the Animal's "House of the Rising Sun."   They owe the Animals, and Eric Burton in particular, an almost limitless apology.  Shame on you oscar and Chet.  Shame on you.

Let's see where we all stand.

I bet this guy has some OLD BALLS.   :cheers:

We didn't even have to touch them to make them lay down on the field in 2010.

And that was with Carffman at QB.

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