
General Discussion => The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit => Topic started by: MakeItRain on March 28, 2017, 12:56:16 PM

Title: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: MakeItRain on March 28, 2017, 12:56:16 PM

This attention whoring lady pissed at the TSA hits all that is wrong with shitty parenting.
1. Her son has sensory processing disorder but she's subjecting him to commercial flight?
2. She is offended by something that literally millions of people have been subjected to.
3. She is apparently concerned about her son being embarrassed but she has no problem making him a national story by posting his "horrifying" ordeal on her social media. Did that kid look horrified?

I can guarantee you that every adult that has to deal with this woman with regard to her son hates her.

Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: MakeItRain on March 28, 2017, 01:25:04 PM
Wait. Forget about that, this is the worst thing I have ever read. AWFUL

Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: everyone shut up on March 28, 2017, 01:49:10 PM
my neighbors let their kids get fat
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: Emo EMAW on March 28, 2017, 04:58:55 PM
My friend purposely commutes an hour each way so that his son can might make the varsity baseball team.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: star seed 7 on March 28, 2017, 05:22:30 PM
I once read about a father that forced his like 3yr old to walk from city park to bsfs
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: MakeItRain on March 28, 2017, 08:04:20 PM
I once read about a father that forced his like 3yr old to walk from city park to bsfs

Sounds like this person will raise tough, elite kids that won't have the problem that everyone shut up's neighbors have.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on March 28, 2017, 10:23:58 PM
Yeah, I'd have no issue asking a 3 year old to make that walk.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: catastrophe on March 29, 2017, 09:19:10 AM
Wait. Forget about that, this is the worst thing I have ever read. AWFUL


I agree, and would like to make clear for the record that I have long been against throwing babies out of windows.

Title: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: catastrophe on March 29, 2017, 09:25:42 AM
Also makes you wonder if she had anything like PP available in her area so she could have just accomplished the exact same goal a few days earlier in utero like a perfectly normal upstanding citizen.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 29, 2017, 09:35:23 AM
Makes me wonder what kind of home life this girl had if she was willing to quietly give birth in her room and then throw the baby out the window, just so she wouldn't have to tell her parents.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: Cartierfor3 on March 29, 2017, 09:49:39 AM
Kids haven't changed, we've changed, the adults.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: everyone shut up on March 29, 2017, 12:09:36 PM
i've heard childbirth can be quite messy. how did she hide it?
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: yoga-like_abana on March 29, 2017, 12:15:10 PM
Makes me wonder what kind of home life this girl had if she was willing to quietly give birth in her room and then throw the baby out the window, just so she wouldn't have to tell her parents.
16y/o are irrational as is but this girl sounds batshit crazy.. especially sending a text to her bf saying she has a miscarriage and they can try again.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 29, 2017, 12:53:53 PM
i've heard childbirth can be quite messy. how did she hide it?

She used a towel.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: everyone shut up on March 29, 2017, 12:55:42 PM
i've heard childbirth can be quite messy. how did she hide it?

She used a towel.

so like, at the hospital they just hand you a towel and say good luck?
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 29, 2017, 12:57:34 PM
i've heard childbirth can be quite messy. how did she hide it?

She used a towel.

so like, at the hospital they just hand you a towel and say good luck?

Well usually there's a lot of screaming too (especially without drugs) but she kept quiet enough that her parents didn't find out.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: MakeItRain on March 29, 2017, 02:01:42 PM
i've heard childbirth can be quite messy. how did she hide it?

She used a towel.

so like, at the hospital they just hand you a towel and say good luck?

Well usually there's a lot of screaming too (especially without drugs) but she kept quiet enough that her parents didn't find out.

She was alone in this apartment at the time, also keep in mind she had this kid 2 months early so it is perfectly within the realm of possibility that people couldn't tell by looking at her.

Also whomever asked about PP, if fairly certain they have PP in Omaha.
Title: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: The Big Train on March 29, 2017, 02:41:31 PM
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: SkinnyBenny on March 29, 2017, 05:35:43 PM
You guys know there was a dumpster baby kind of thing at ksu cats u. circa 2003 or 2004, right? Can't remember if it was at Kats U....I think maybe it was at her parents' house in KC or something? She was either a student or had been a student but hadn't re-enrolled that semester or something. Shocked at how little pub it got, honestly.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: MakeItRain on March 30, 2017, 10:22:40 PM
Had no idea. I moved from MHK in August of 2003.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: Tobias on March 30, 2017, 10:34:27 PM
i do not remember that
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: terrypippa on January 06, 2022, 09:48:03 AM
Oh, remember this sad story. Hope they will suffer more than this mother.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: Youngfei on January 06, 2022, 10:01:02 AM
Raising children is very difficult. Of course, many do not know why they conceived a child and will have problems with the upbringing of their children. But at the same time, no one and nothing can guarantee you that there will be no problems with the child's growing up. I went to motherhood for a long time and read a lot of useful books. But one thing is clear for sure, everyone has problems. They need to be able to overcome and breast correctly to everything.  A year ago, I turned to adoption specialists (https://fosterplus.org) when I realized that I was ready to become a mother. But even I know it won't be easy.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: steve dave on January 06, 2022, 10:21:55 AM
There was a broken clothes hanger sitting in the middle of my hallway and I asked my 5 yo daughter what happened and she told me “we’re not talking about that right now”. The audacity. I mean, we didn’t talk about it right then but come on.
Title: Re: Tales of 21 century parenting gone wrong
Post by: MakeItRain on January 06, 2022, 03:36:55 PM
yo wtf