
General Discussion => The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit => Topic started by: renocat on March 29, 2016, 06:43:36 AM

Title: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: renocat on March 29, 2016, 06:43:36 AM
Equal opportunity is being replaced by equitable opportunity.  The first emphasises removing barriers that prevent, with some help like scholarships and grants, can take the initiative to better themselves.  The second the state insures equity.  Obama started.thjs with the dept of education.  Libs are sneaky.
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: renocat on March 29, 2016, 11:19:17 PM
Equity means equal.access and.opportunity in guaranteed by allocating resources tess privileged who have barriers in their way.  As an article iread said everyone under equal opportunity has access to the starting line,but government levels.the lanes that are two steep for the.downtrodden peons.  Sound.someone robbing.your Peter to give to paul.  We all need to learn about the buzz phrase equity and opportunity.
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: renocat on April 01, 2016, 06:58:41 PM
Dawgnabbit.  Most poor people can use free transportation to go to a free public library and use free,internet.  But to the FCC that ain't equitable.  It isn't fair that ricb folk have access to the internet and poor people don't.  Obama phone has now morphed into the Obamanet.  We giving the poor internet because it is equitable.  What is next cars?
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: star seed 7 on April 01, 2016, 07:13:25 PM
most public transportation isn't free
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: ednksu on April 01, 2016, 09:35:35 PM
yeah eff those poor people.  they shouldn't have access to the place that has fundamentally reshaped the human condition, or where a lot, if not most, place are moving to put their job applications.  what are they trying to do, get a job? 
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on April 02, 2016, 06:41:21 AM
I think it's abundantly clear that they're using it to login in to goE, not to get a job
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: sonofdaxjones on April 02, 2016, 07:12:08 AM
Many telecoms already provide Internet for as low as $10 a month in low wealth situations.   
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: Institutional Control on April 02, 2016, 10:40:54 AM
Why can't they just use their free Obamaphone for a wifi hotspot?

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Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on April 02, 2016, 05:04:37 PM
Obama is a pejorative, heh
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: renocat on April 03, 2016, 08:29:19 AM
Somehow we've gone from affirmative action to affirmative accommodation.  We no longer take action to prepare disadvantaged people to succeed when given an opportunity, and now to lower standards.to.accommodate their lack of.abilities so they can have an opportunity. To me this subtle change is admission of the left.that their "action programs" have failed.  The expectations that poor or folks of color can't do what us gifted caretakers can do is stealth racism at its.worst.
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on April 03, 2016, 08:49:10 AM
In Obamas 'merica you have the plight of the poor, lower middle class and the now expansive part time worker class. His policies have caused an enormous amount of hardship. Which is exactly what the Democrats want.
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: FranklyFrankYou on April 06, 2016, 06:24:52 AM
Somehow we've gone from affirmative action to affirmative accommodation.  We no longer take action to prepare disadvantaged people to succeed when given an opportunity, and now to lower standards.to.accommodate their lack of.abilities so they can have an opportunity. To me this subtle change is admission of the left.that their "action programs" have failed.  The expectations that poor or folks of color can't do what us gifted caretakers can do is stealth racism at its.worst.

Your statement is abundantly false. There are many programs in place to provide the disadvantaged work experience, many times in an OTJ situation. As a guy with a nephew with Downs I find your statement horrendously misinformed and offensive. I'd also urge you to meet me at the Ernie Barrett Statue at some date to discuss this statement further.
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: renocat on April 14, 2016, 11:14:10 AM
First Frank it's sad that the term disadvantaged has been co-opted by socioeconomic militants who are applying it to race and minority inequities. Persons with mental or physical limitations should be given assistance that helps them attain their best potential. Today Hillary Clinton said we white people are more privileged than other people their show and therefore should be humble. What does humble mean? I think to her it means given things to anybody who is not white and making it easier for them not to have to meet the same standards to get what is privileged folk have. I honestly don't have that much. Lowering standards for the inequitablely disenfranchised on schooling, getting licenses, or jobs imo not right.  That is what MG is saying.  This is a.step beyond opportunity.
Title: Re: Drip by drip to socialism. Meet equitable opportunity.
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on April 14, 2016, 09:02:44 PM
Don't worry Reno, all nonretards knew you weren't referring to retards.