
General Discussion => Essentially Flyertalk => Topic started by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 07:50:18 AM

Title: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 07:50:18 AM
Having recently moved, and with combo-Heath season off to a roaring start, I am interested in hearing about all of gE's commutes to work (school, day-care, etc.).

What form of transportation do you use?

How long does it take?

Does morning vs evening or day of the week change your commute significantly?
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Tobias on March 24, 2016, 07:54:16 AM
i drive my lambo and have one stop sign and one stoplight i hit.  it takes about six minutes each way with little traffic #itchy
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 24, 2016, 07:54:45 AM
Time of day can almost double my commute time. If I leave the house by about 7:00am is is 20 minutes, but if I leave after 7:15 it's closer to 40 minutes. Also, there's a bunch of construction on my way now with no good way around it.  :shakesfist:
Title: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 07:54:52 AM
I now live close to my office, so my commute is about an 8 minute, half-mile walk both ways. Because it is so close, I've been walking home to have lunch, which is nice and saves quite a bit of $$.  :)

On the other hand, Ms. 8mp drives 32 miles each way, which takes 45 minutes in the morning and between 1-2 hours in the evening.  :(
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: puniraptor on March 24, 2016, 07:57:32 AM
If I am running late, I drive my car 20 minutes at 40 km/h, hitting 6 red lights,  and enjoy the ocean view while praying that today is not the day that a scooter maniac kills themself on my car. The worst part is a right turn on the busiest road in town. Basically have to wait for the yellow then ten cars drift King that crap at a time. The only difference in the evening is that I have to wait out a congested crosswalk to turn left.

If I wake up early, I stroll 7 minutes to the train station, take 2 stops and switch trains to the express then get off at the second stop and stroll 25 minutes to the office, enjoying the sights and sounds of a busy morning. If it's cold, I get a hot can of coffee from a vending machine to warm my hands.

Normally I just miss the train I meant to get on and have to wait 10 for the next one. Best case 45 mins if I hit the station just right.

The only difference in the evening is that I have to wait out a congested crosswalk to turn left.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 07:58:47 AM

i drive my lambo and have one stop sign and one stoplight i hit.  it takes about six minutes each way with little traffic #itchy

Was that you I saw driving the new Lamborghini Huracán on my walk home yesterday? <---actual thing that happened
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 08:00:35 AM

If I am running late, I drive my car 20 minutes at 40 km/h, hitting 6 red lights,  and enjoy the ocean view while praying that today is not the day that a scooter maniac kills themself on my car.

If I wake up early, I stroll 7 minutes to the train station, take 2 stops and switch trains to the express then get off at the second stop and stroll 25 minutes to the office, enjoying the sights and sounds of a busy morning. If it's cold, I get a hot can of coffee from a vending machine to warm my hands.

Fascinating! This is great stuff, and sounds like a fairly enjoyable commute
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: IPA4Me on March 24, 2016, 08:00:39 AM
I work from home when I'm not traveling. I get real annoyed when I have a meeting scheduled early and I have to be in rush hour traffic. Otherwise it's ten steps to the coffee pot and another twenty steps to the basement office.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: puniraptor on March 24, 2016, 08:02:17 AM

If I am running late, I drive my car 20 minutes at 40 km/h, hitting 6 red lights,  and enjoy the ocean view while praying that today is not the day that a scooter maniac kills themself on my car.

If I wake up early, I stroll 7 minutes to the train station, take 2 stops and switch trains to the express then get off at the second stop and stroll 25 minutes to the office, enjoying the sights and sounds of a busy morning. If it's cold, I get a hot can of coffee from a vending machine to warm my hands.

Fascinating! This is great stuff, and sounds like a fairly enjoyable commute
Edited to answer questions
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Phil Titola on March 24, 2016, 08:05:59 AM
Half mile walk. To work is all down hill... So uphill on the way home but isn't that bad since I'm walking away from work for the day. 10 minutes from out the door to my office including coffee stop.

If I get to the office earlier, I'll take a bike share to work as I barely have to peddle.

Pretty enjoyable part of my day.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on March 24, 2016, 08:22:08 AM
Having recently moved, and with combo-Heath season off to a roaring start, I am interested in hearing about all of gE's commutes to work (school, day-care, etc.).

What form of transportation do you use?

How long does it take?

Does morning vs evening or day of the week change your commute significantly?

It's the rough ridin' worst, 8 man. No matter what route I take, it's an easy 30-40 minute commute.  I either leave from downtown to I-35 or 71 highway south to 435 east or west (stand still) and then either get off on state line or roe.
Title: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 08:24:14 AM
30-40 doesn't sound so bad. Crank some tunes, listen to your favorite podcast, and before you know it, you're sitting at your desk!
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on March 24, 2016, 08:25:44 AM
 :thumbs: My guys on 810 make it easier.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: ChiComCat on March 24, 2016, 08:27:20 AM
I get into work about 5 minutes early most days.  If I leave any later I am behind a school bus most of the way and will be at least 5 minutes late.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 08:36:54 AM

Half mile walk. To work is all down hill... So uphill on the way home but isn't that bad since I'm walking away from work for the day. 10 minutes from out the door to my office including coffee stop.

If I get to the office earlier, I'll take a bike share to work as I barely have to peddle.

Pretty enjoyable part of my day.

Walking has made mine so much better! Even when it was about 25 minutes train/walk it wasn't bad at all, but this is great.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: CHONGS on March 24, 2016, 08:39:22 AM
8 min drive in my F350
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 08:41:19 AM

8 min drive in my F350
You forgot to log in to your Ptolemy account
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: CHONGS on March 24, 2016, 08:42:55 AM

8 min drive in my F350
You forgot to log in to your Ptolemy account

I haven't had my coffee yet!
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: nicname on March 24, 2016, 08:47:11 AM
It takes me exactly 28 minutes to drive to and from work everyday. I never have to deal with traffic. My commute time is going to increase soon with road construction. My commute is also almost all highway.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: XocolateThundarr on March 24, 2016, 09:07:30 AM
I drive about 30 miles which is all highway.  Usually on the phone the whole time.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 09:08:50 AM

I drive about 30 miles which is all highway.  Usually on the phone the whole time.

Hang up and drive!
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on March 24, 2016, 09:10:49 AM
I get so pissed when Ms. wacky or anyone texts me on the way to work, as I get blown up with emails at the same time. That crap can wait. It infuriates me. Especially in my shitty car. I need to be alert.

Not preaching, xcolate. It's just a pet peeve of mine. I obviously can't multi-task enough.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: XocolateThundarr on March 24, 2016, 09:10:58 AM

I drive about 30 miles which is all highway.  Usually on the phone the whole time.

Hang up and drive!

Hands free tho.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: TCUHornedFrog on March 24, 2016, 09:12:54 AM
DFW traffic sucks. 

35 mile commute takes me 40 minutes with non-rush hour traffic.  One to one and a half hours with rush hour.  If it rains, then it is usually about an hour and a half at minimum. 
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 24, 2016, 09:15:08 AM
I get so pissed when Ms. wacky or anyone texts me on the way to work, as I get blown up with emails at the same time. That crap can wait. It infuriates me. Especially in my shitty car. I need to be alert.

Not preaching, xcolate. It's just a pet peeve of mine. I obviously can't multi-task enough.

Just because someone texts or emails you while you are driving doesn't mean you have to look at it immediately. Have some self control.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: slobber on March 24, 2016, 09:19:04 AM
13 minutes. Light traffic. 18 up to 22 minutes in heavy traffic. No interstate. Pretty leisurely drive. On the way, if it is heavy traffic, I take one route to hit a stop light so I can take a protected left turn. If non-peak traffic, I go on a different road and take an unprotected left on to the main road. Really spices things up and gets the juices flowing.

Gonna win 'em all! (using Tapatalk)
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 09:21:14 AM
Wow! Juicy commute deets! Thanks dobber
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Phil Titola on March 24, 2016, 09:21:59 AM
One block of a sidewalk is blocked for construction right now... Its adding at least 35 seconds to my commute  :shakesfist:

Id bike more but the bus traffic gets too heavy the normal time I'm headed to work and I'm not a fan of sharing the road with buses w/o a bike lane.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on March 24, 2016, 09:22:23 AM
I get so pissed when Ms. wacky or anyone texts me on the way to work, as I get blown up with emails at the same time. That crap can wait. It infuriates me. Especially in my shitty car. I need to be alert.

Not preaching, xcolate. It's just a pet peeve of mine. I obviously can't multi-task enough.

Just because someone texts or emails you while you are driving doesn't mean you have to look at it immediately. Have some self control.
I have zero self control. My CEO has been bragging to my manager how on top of everything I am and I don't wanna lose my edge, you know? She'd think I was dead if I didn't respond right away.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Asteriskhead on March 24, 2016, 09:22:53 AM
I have an 8 mile drive that takes about 15 minutes. I can make it in about 9 minutes, if people don't get in my way. The commute home is usually worse than to work. I try to plan most of my activities with the main goal of avoiding people. I dislike most people.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: puniraptor on March 24, 2016, 09:23:51 AM
How is anyone supposed to know what you are doing when? Do you use hash tag X?
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: cfbandyman on March 24, 2016, 09:28:19 AM
Depends on biased (against my traffic) 3 lights on Roe, Mission, and State Line, and whether or not someone is not in front of me preventing me from turning right onto 95th from Lee at a red light. If all those are in favor, I've made it to work in 6 minutes once, but that was once. Average closer to 10 minutes, worst case is 12 minutes. But it's a pretty good drive, not a lot of traffic, and it still doesn't take that long when things aren't totally going my way.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: michigancat on March 24, 2016, 09:30:51 AM
Depending on the day, I either bike-BART-bike or bike-BART-walk. Takes 40-50 minutes door to door. It's impossible to get my bike on Bart at my home stop during peak hours because I'm fairly close to the city and the cars are too fill. Bart is incredibly packed and really needs a second transbay tube. But overall it's pretty great. Most days I can just shove my way onto the train puni style and read a book or listen to music or podcasts.

Sometimes when it's raining, I'll take a bus that goes straight to the city from a block away from my house but it's quite a bit slower. Like an hour+.

I've never driven to work in 4 and a half years of living here. Toll across the bridge is $6, traffic is an unpredictable nightmare, and parking costs $15-20/day unless you're moving your car from meter to meter every two hours.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 24, 2016, 09:39:54 AM
Depending on the day, I either bike-BART-bike or bike-BART-walk. Takes 40-50 minutes door to door. It's impossible to get my bike on Bart at my home stop during peak hours because I'm fairly close to the city and the cars are too fill. Bart is incredibly packed and really needs a second transbay tube. But overall it's pretty great. Most days I can just shove my way onto the train puni style and read a book or listen to music or podcasts.

Sometimes when it's raining, I'll take a bus that goes straight to the city from a block away from my house but it's quite a bit slower. Like an hour+.

I've never driven to work in 4 and a half years of living here. Toll across the bridge is $6, traffic is an unpredictable nightmare, and parking costs $15-20/day unless you're moving your car from meter to meter every two hours.

I have low city-life IQ but what do you do with your bike on the "walk" part of bike-BART-walk? Is it a bike-share thing or your own bike?
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: michigancat on March 24, 2016, 09:41:12 AM

Depending on the day, I either bike-BART-bike or bike-BART-walk. Takes 40-50 minutes door to door. It's impossible to get my bike on Bart at my home stop during peak hours because I'm fairly close to the city and the cars are too fill. Bart is incredibly packed and really needs a second transbay tube. But overall it's pretty great. Most days I can just shove my way onto the train puni style and read a book or listen to music or podcasts.

Sometimes when it's raining, I'll take a bus that goes straight to the city from a block away from my house but it's quite a bit slower. Like an hour+.

I've never driven to work in 4 and a half years of living here. Toll across the bridge is $6, traffic is an unpredictable nightmare, and parking costs $15-20/day unless you're moving your car from meter to meter every two hours.

I have low city-life IQ but what do you do with your bike on the "walk" part of bike-BART-walk? Is it a bike-share thing or your own bike?

Bart station has bike lockers and bike valet. I usually use the valet.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: HerrSonntag on March 24, 2016, 10:28:47 AM
If I am running late, I drive my car 20 minutes at 40 km/h, hitting 6 red lights,  and enjoy the ocean view while praying that today is not the day that a scooter maniac kills themself on my car. The worst part is a right turn on the busiest road in town. Basically have to wait for the yellow then ten cars drift King that crap at a time. The only difference in the evening is that I have to wait out a congested crosswalk to turn left.

If I wake up early, I stroll 7 minutes to the train station, take 2 stops and switch trains to the express then get off at the second stop and stroll 25 minutes to the office, enjoying the sights and sounds of a busy morning. If it's cold, I get a hot can of coffee from a vending machine to warm my hands.

Normally I just miss the train I meant to get on and have to wait 10 for the next one. Best case 45 mins if I hit the station just right.

The only difference in the evening is that I have to wait out a congested crosswalk to turn left.
Because Japan, right?   Left side driving is so quaint!  :D

My drive is about 15-20 minutes.  It starts and ends OK, neighboorhood/parkway drive and the interstate all the way up to the office, but in the middle is a stretch of 9 stoplights along 1 mile of pavement.  Nine!  The road i take is all timed lights (a block north is all sensor, so during non-rush hour traffic its alright) so sometimes you can hit it just right and breeze through all of them but also sometimes you hit every one  :curse:
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Mikeyis4dcats on March 24, 2016, 10:55:38 AM
14 minutes, suburban street, rural 2 lane highway, I-70, suburban 4 lane highway, access road.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Kat Kid on March 24, 2016, 11:07:28 AM
25-30 min door to door depending upon leave time and traffice

I have a great route and my commute might possibly get down to 18-20 door-to-door based on likely new house.

I get weekly complaints from one of my coworkers that I pass him on the way to work.

I have one ticket driving to work over 8 years and it was when I had to use an alternative route that was a lower speed limit. 

I basically just try to enjoy the scenery on the drive.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: TownieCat on March 24, 2016, 11:22:04 AM
It takes me 9 minutes to get to work, but 11 or 12 to get home. One time it took 15 minutes and I almost lost my crap  :curse:
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: The Big Train on March 24, 2016, 12:39:08 PM
Guess who I'm texting tomorrow morning :Keke:
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: AbeFroman on March 24, 2016, 12:43:59 PM
I drive south from downtown on I35 at about 8:20, get off at 75th street and am usually at work by 8:40 unless there is an accident. Reverse the route for going home. It's nice to have the opposite route to the majority of people. Driving north on I35 at 8:20am looks awful.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on March 24, 2016, 01:01:55 PM
Guess who I'm texting tomorrow morning :Keke:
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: everyone shut up on March 24, 2016, 01:13:17 PM
Time of day can almost double my commute time. If I leave the house by about 7:00am is is 20 minutes, but if I leave after 7:15 it's closer to 40 minutes. Also, there's a bunch of construction on my way now with no good way around it.  :shakesfist:
kellogg/west st?
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 24, 2016, 01:21:12 PM
Time of day can almost double my commute time. If I leave the house by about 7:00am is is 20 minutes, but if I leave after 7:15 it's closer to 40 minutes. Also, there's a bunch of construction on my way now with no good way around it.  :shakesfist:
kellogg/west st?

Nope. I-235/Zoo Blvd.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: everyone shut up on March 24, 2016, 01:25:44 PM
Time of day can almost double my commute time. If I leave the house by about 7:00am is is 20 minutes, but if I leave after 7:15 it's closer to 40 minutes. Also, there's a bunch of construction on my way now with no good way around it.  :shakesfist:
kellogg/west st?

Nope. I-235/Zoo Blvd.
also terrible. also, we probably pass each other every day.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: pissclams on March 24, 2016, 01:28:51 PM
Depending on the day, I either bike-BART-bike or bike-BART-walk. Takes 40-50 minutes door to door. It's impossible to get my bike on Bart at my home stop during peak hours because I'm fairly close to the city and the cars are too fill. Bart is incredibly packed and really needs a second transbay tube. But overall it's pretty great. Most days I can just shove my way onto the train puni style and read a book or listen to music or podcasts.

Sometimes when it's raining, I'll take a bus that goes straight to the city from a block away from my house but it's quite a bit slower. Like an hour+.

I've never driven to work in 4 and a half years of living here. Toll across the bridge is $6, traffic is an unpredictable nightmare, and parking costs $15-20/day unless you're moving your car from meter to meter every two hours.

did you see the bart tweets from like a week ago when someone was bitching at them and they were basically like, "ya we know, our crap was maxed out 25 years ago"
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: michigancat on March 24, 2016, 02:07:52 PM

Depending on the day, I either bike-BART-bike or bike-BART-walk. Takes 40-50 minutes door to door. It's impossible to get my bike on Bart at my home stop during peak hours because I'm fairly close to the city and the cars are too fill. Bart is incredibly packed and really needs a second transbay tube. But overall it's pretty great. Most days I can just shove my way onto the train puni style and read a book or listen to music or podcasts.

Sometimes when it's raining, I'll take a bus that goes straight to the city from a block away from my house but it's quite a bit slower. Like an hour+.

I've never driven to work in 4 and a half years of living here. Toll across the bridge is $6, traffic is an unpredictable nightmare, and parking costs $15-20/day unless you're moving your car from meter to meter every two hours.

did you see the bart tweets from like a week ago when someone was bitching at them and they were basically like, "ya we know, our crap was maxed out 25 years ago"

Yeah. I saw an interview with the guy writing those tweets that is basically saying he's using the platform to convince people they need more funding.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: star seed 7 on March 24, 2016, 02:14:39 PM
14 minutes, suburban street, rural 2 lane highway, I-70, suburban 4 lane highway, access road.

16 minutes.

Starting next month google estimates my commute to be 20-60 minutes
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 24, 2016, 02:16:14 PM
14 minutes, suburban street, rural 2 lane highway, I-70, suburban 4 lane highway, access road.

16 minutes.

Starting next month google estimates my commute to be 20-60 minutes

That's a pretty big range.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: star seed 7 on March 24, 2016, 02:19:54 PM
I agree.

It's going from waldo to basically Shawnee mission pkwy and 435 north.  It's either city streets for 12ish miles or highway for 20ish miles and the highway is full of WackyCat08's
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Asteriskhead on March 24, 2016, 02:22:50 PM
14 minutes, suburban street, rural 2 lane highway, I-70, suburban 4 lane highway, access road.

i drove down some of those roads at excessive rates of speed as a teenager.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Shooter Jones on March 24, 2016, 02:41:21 PM
18 miles.. out of downtown Denver, onto interstate, then merge onto 6 lane highway which now has a toll/HOV lane which basically gets me there.. takes 23 minutes door-to-door (with a little traffic, jump in the toll lane to take the same amount of time, but pay a few bucks, or just ride it out to get my mind right for the day).

Pretty much the exact same story going home.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Emo EMAW on March 24, 2016, 02:50:49 PM
I agree.

It's going from waldo to basically Shawnee mission pkwy and 435 north.  It's either city streets for 12ish miles or highway for 20ish miles and the highway is full of WackyCat08's

Just stay the eff outa my way!  :shakesfist:
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: star seed 7 on March 24, 2016, 02:52:26 PM
Where do you work Emo, maybe we can grab some lunch and talk about things
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: DQ12 on March 24, 2016, 02:58:44 PM
Almost always take the bus (!!!!) which picks me up right outside my building and drops me off a block away from my office.  There are two busses that do this, but they take slightly different routes and the difference is usually only 5 minutes.  I take the first available either way.  Usually about a 40 minute trip to and from. 

During baseball season, I try to keep an eye on the Cubs home schedule, as that adds a ton of traffic to the bus route and adds another 45 minutes or so to my trip home.  Hour and 15 - hour and a half to travel 4 miles.  So frustrating.  So on Cubs home games, I take the train and just hoof it for the .7 mile walk from the train stop to my place.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Emo EMAW on March 24, 2016, 02:59:17 PM
I work in KCK ( :facepalm:) but at least we have some tasty food places.  Do you like Mexican food?  Right now I am really high on San Antonio:

Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: mocat on March 24, 2016, 03:03:15 PM
If i drive it's 12 mins. Bus is about 25
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Brock Landers on March 24, 2016, 03:09:43 PM
My commute is generally quite pud.  I kinda zone out as soon as I get on I70 so it makes a 30 minute commute feel like about 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: asava on March 24, 2016, 03:31:40 PM
bike. every day. rain or shine. max 10 minute ride.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: KCFDcat on March 24, 2016, 03:48:31 PM
going to the FD:
If I leave early enough (6:30) takes about 12 minutes as I miss all the school zones and there's 0 traffic. weekends are also great for this.
If I leave 6:50 or later it's at least 20 min as school zones are in effect at that point (4 of them!) and traffic is getting heavier. I usually don't go straight home after work (8am is great errand running/grocery shopping time)

going to the brewery:
lots of options, sometimes I take the mainstreet MAX. which is enjoyable for the most part until it gets crazy packed and stinky. avg time 27 min
usually hop on 71 as long as rush hour is over. avg time 13 min
sometimes I'll take oak/gillham if I feel like cruising through some awesome neighborhoods and looking at $$$ houses. has been happening more and more lately. avg time 16 min

as a general rule i turn my phone on silent and toss it on the passenger seat, so I don't have to worry about it for awhile. car time is like the only time I get to myself so I usually listen to 810. Started doing this about a year ago and it's pretty great. I hate being plugged in all the time, I need some time for myself.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: yoga-like_abana on March 24, 2016, 04:02:26 PM
Takes me exactly 10 minutes.. Once I made it in 7 because I got green lights on both traffic lights  :D
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Emo EMAW on March 24, 2016, 04:07:25 PM
I need some time for myself.

That is important.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: KCFDcat on March 24, 2016, 04:08:03 PM
I need some time for myself.

That is important.

it really is!  :)
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Emo EMAW on March 24, 2016, 04:10:03 PM
I need some time for myself.

That is important.

it really is!  :)

Last night it wasn't until 9PM that I was finally getting some "me" time (to workout) and my wife jumped me about something in the middle of my workout and I kinda lost my cool.  I shouldn't have done that, but she shouldn't have done that either.  Ya know?  Anyway, me time, get it, protect it, and never waste it.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: star seed 7 on March 24, 2016, 04:12:19 PM
I have way too much and waste a majority of "me" time
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 24, 2016, 04:17:24 PM
People who say they have to use their driving time as their only me time make me sad. Damn kids taking up all your time.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: KCFDcat on March 24, 2016, 04:19:05 PM
I need some time for myself.

That is important.

it really is!  :)

Last night it wasn't until 9PM that I was finally getting some "me" time (to workout) and my wife jumped me about something in the middle of my workout and I kinda lost my cool.  I shouldn't have done that, but she shouldn't have done that either.  Ya know?  Anyway, me time, get it, protect it, and never waste it.

I feel your pain dude. my wife used to travel for work a lot. anytime she was out of town my buds would want me to party. most of the time I was like "nope, gonna stay in order waldo pizza, eat the whole thing and watch whatever I want on tv, maybe read a book."
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: KCFDcat on March 24, 2016, 04:19:29 PM
People who say they have to use their driving time as their only me time make me sad. Damn kids taking up all your time.

I don't even have kids!!
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: KCFDcat on March 24, 2016, 04:21:04 PM
People who say they have to use their driving time as their only me time make me sad. Damn kids taking up all your time.

I don't even have kids!!

there was a tad bit on exaggeration in my post, but sometimes it feels that way!
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Emo EMAW on March 24, 2016, 04:23:00 PM
Kids are great tho.  A great way to spend your time. 
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Tobias on March 24, 2016, 04:26:11 PM
i spend all my spare time preserving greater prairie chicken habitat but to each their own i guess
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Emo EMAW on March 24, 2016, 04:29:36 PM
He has this little ball that I juggle on my head soccer style.  Well now he walks up to me and throws it at my head.  We try not to laugh because that would only encourage him.  So last night he pegs me right in the forehead.  I grab him, get eye contact, calmly explain we don't throw balls at peoples' heads.  So he runs and grabs the ball, walks around behind me, and hits me in the back of the head.   :D
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: KCFDcat on March 24, 2016, 04:30:37 PM
He has this little ball that I juggle on my head soccer style.  Well now he walks up to me and throws it at my head.  We try not to laugh because that would only encourage him.  So last night he pegs me right in the forehead.  I grab him, get eye contact, calmly explain we don't throw balls at peoples' heads.  So he runs and grabs the ball, walks around behind me, and hits me in the back of the head.   :D

totally adorbs
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 24, 2016, 04:48:55 PM
He has this little ball that I juggle on my head soccer style.  Well now he walks up to me and throws it at my head.  We try not to laugh because that would only encourage him.  So last night he pegs me right in the forehead.  I grab him, get eye contact, calmly explain we don't throw balls at peoples' heads.  So he runs and grabs the ball, walks around behind me, and hits me in the back of the head.   :D

He sounds like an bad person.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 'taterblast on March 24, 2016, 04:51:32 PM
i get out of bed, walk to kitchen and start coffee, and then walk 15-20 steps to my desk.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: hemmy on March 24, 2016, 04:55:05 PM
Joco, about 6-10 minutes depending on traffic, which there is usually none.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: slobber on March 24, 2016, 05:26:36 PM
I'll bet KCFDcat is a badass driving that big red fire truck around. Red light? Ha!

Gonna win 'em all! (using Tapatalk)
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: nicname on March 24, 2016, 05:45:36 PM
Almost always take the bus (!!!!) which picks me up right outside my building and drops me off a block away from my office.  There are two busses that do this, but they take slightly different routes and the difference is usually only 5 minutes.  I take the first available either way.  Usually about a 40 minute trip to and from. 

During baseball season, I try to keep an eye on the Cubs home schedule, as that adds a ton of traffic to the bus route and adds another 45 minutes or so to my trip home.  Hour and 15 - hour and a half to travel 4 miles.  So frustrating.  So on Cubs home games, I take the train and just hoof it for the .7 mile walk from the train stop to my place.

I bet your KC friends are horrified when you tell them about this.  :lol:

Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: star seed 7 on March 24, 2016, 05:46:29 PM
Nic needs to read the kc things thread I guess
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: nicname on March 24, 2016, 05:50:57 PM
Nic needs to read the kc things thread I guess

They're talking about Italian restaurants in KC. (White) People in KC aren't terrified of the bus anymore?
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: wetwillie on March 24, 2016, 05:52:56 PM
Nic needs to read the kc things thread I guess

They're talking about Italian restaurants in KC. (White) People in KC aren't terrified of the bus anymore?

Tread lightly nicname, lots of white folks on this blog.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: nicname on March 24, 2016, 05:55:32 PM
Nic needs to read the kc things thread I guess

They're talking about Italian restaurants in KC. (White) People in KC aren't terrified of the bus anymore?

Tread lightly nicname, lots of white folks on this blog.

Including myself. Never got the bus hate tho.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: star seed 7 on March 24, 2016, 06:12:31 PM
there's about 20 pages of bus talk in there, maybe 'bias can provide a link
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Emo EMAW on March 24, 2016, 07:24:10 PM
I think someone printed the thread if the link isn't available.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: mocat on March 24, 2016, 07:31:04 PM
When Phil saw this thread title do you think he got an irl actual erection, or just maybe smiled and cracked his knuckles
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: KCFDcat on March 24, 2016, 07:40:04 PM
I'll bet KCFDcat is a badass driving that big red fire truck around. Red light? Ha!

Gonna win 'em all! (using Tapatalk)

Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Phil Titola on March 24, 2016, 08:05:41 PM
When Phil saw this thread title do you think he got an irl actual erection, or just maybe smiled and cracked his knuckles

 :ck: ????
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: wetwillie on March 24, 2016, 08:06:20 PM
Oh come on man
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 24, 2016, 10:06:53 PM

I think someone printed the thread if the link isn't available.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 25, 2016, 09:13:00 AM
What do you guys listen to on your commute? (Local radio, XM, audiobook, etc.)

I usually listen to XM. Hits 1, Faction, or Caliente channels.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Emo EMAW on March 25, 2016, 09:14:57 AM
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Phil Titola on March 25, 2016, 09:22:32 AM
What do you guys listen to on your commute? (Local radio, XM, audiobook, etc.)

I usually listen to XM. Hits 1, Faction, or Caliente channels.

Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Institutional Control on March 25, 2016, 09:51:43 AM
My commute is not too bad right now.  It's about 15 miles and it takes about 25 minutes.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 8manpick on March 25, 2016, 10:00:07 AM
I guess I knew that given the location of the majority of this board's posters it would be mostly driving, but I'm still surprised there aren't more walk/bike/public transit people.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: DQ12 on March 25, 2016, 10:06:16 AM
I listen to podcasts, and when I'm waiting for new episodes, I'll listen to my Spotify discovery playlist.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Tobias on March 25, 2016, 10:08:42 AM
I'll put on a song and hope to finish it or catch up with my boy rush
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Gooch on March 25, 2016, 10:19:56 AM
Time of day can almost double my commute time. If I leave the house by about 7:00am is is 20 minutes, but if I leave after 7:15 it's closer to 40 minutes. Also, there's a bunch of construction on my way now with no good way around it.  :shakesfist:
kellogg/west st?

Nope. I-235/Zoo Blvd.
This 15 - 20 min drive everyday makes me irrationally angry when I get to work.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: star seed 7 on March 25, 2016, 02:20:36 PM
Opie and Jimmy on xm or am wacko right wing stuff
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Asteriskhead on March 25, 2016, 02:45:39 PM
I guess I knew that given the location of the majority of this board's posters it would be mostly driving, but I'm still surprised there aren't more walk/bike/public transit people.

I've been thinking about getting a moped for mine. I would have to be a much better cyclist than I am to ride a bike to work.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: michigancat on March 25, 2016, 03:12:05 PM
I read on the train and don't listen to anything when I bike
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: star seed 7 on March 25, 2016, 03:14:09 PM
I guess I knew that given the location of the majority of this board's posters it would be mostly driving, but I'm still surprised there aren't more walk/bike/public transit people.

I've been thinking about getting a moped for mine. I would have to be a much better cyclist than I am to ride a bike to work.

Scooter would be great for mhk
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Gooch on April 01, 2016, 08:23:20 AM
Somebody is going to die by my hands before this construction is done on I-235. :angry:
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on April 01, 2016, 10:32:44 AM
On the way home yesterday, traffic came to an almost an immediate stop when approcahing 69 north. I was like "wtf is going on? I left work 30 minutes late?!" So as I approach the car that has created this mess, I notice she slowed down so she could take rough ridin' selfies in her car. She was driving, in traffic, at 5:30 and slowing down traffic because she was taking selfies in her car!!!! I was irate!
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Shooter Jones on April 01, 2016, 10:36:24 AM
What do you guys listen to on your commute? (Local radio, XM, audiobook, etc.)

I usually listen to XM. Hits 1, Faction, or Caliente channels.

I realized yesterday that I haven't turned up the stereo in my truck in probably a month.. and very few times in the last 2 months
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: mocat on April 01, 2016, 10:39:49 AM
Somebody is going to die by my hands before this construction is done on I-235. :angry:

Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: AbeFroman on April 01, 2016, 11:00:17 AM
What do you guys listen to on your commute? (Local radio, XM, audiobook, etc.)

I usually listen to XM. Hits 1, Faction, or Caliente channels.

XM garage, Michael Des Barres has a good morning DJamer voice. Although I miss Andrew Loog Oldham, he was like listening to your cool Grandfather that used to manage the Stones in their heyday
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: Asteriskhead on April 01, 2016, 11:43:35 AM
Somebody is going to die by my hands before this construction is done on I-235. :angry:


he creeps across the land.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on April 26, 2016, 08:22:23 AM
Ms. Wacky and I are starting to look south already.  :frown: Like maybe the plaza or waldo. I can't do this drive anymore. It's 40 minutes minimum these days, no matter what route I take. It's infuriating.  :curse:
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: pissclams on April 26, 2016, 08:43:05 AM
i'm surprised you aren't allowed to WFH/remote
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on April 26, 2016, 08:44:48 AM
i'm surprised you aren't allowed to WFH/remote
I had talked about that early in the hiring process and it sounded like they'd be on board with it, but since we're in transition with some of our regional directors, I have to be here to work with my executive team. Maybe they'll loosen that up as time goes on.
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: star seed 7 on April 26, 2016, 08:46:13 AM
Just get a 4br in olathe and be done with it
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on April 26, 2016, 08:47:59 AM
Just get a 4br in olathe and be done with it
Title: Re: Tell me about your commute!
Post by: The Big Train on April 26, 2016, 08:56:42 AM
This could just as well go in the huskguy thread, but at a stoplight there were back to back cars beside me with 'Bossin' and 'Kickin' as their license plate