
General Discussion => The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit => Topic started by: gatoveintisiete on February 04, 2016, 07:12:02 AM

Title: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 04, 2016, 07:12:02 AM
Based solely on how much you would like to stab yourself in the eye when the plane lands, no smell test here.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 04, 2016, 07:19:51 AM
Let's try to keep this non-partisan, trying to uncover the worst conversationalist in the pit.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: star seed 7 on February 04, 2016, 08:18:29 AM
We already have an edn pile on thread
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 04, 2016, 09:17:13 AM
Oh there is far worse than edna, how would you like to talk reparations with some dude that just polished off a large bag of hot fries, and when he finally gets the hint 5 hours in that ydgaf he goes to sleep, but he's about 50 lbs over weight and breathes REALLY heavy. 
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on February 04, 2016, 09:25:11 AM
It's kind of a trick question tho. Because I don't talk politics IRL and i'm definitely not going to share my views with some ass hat stranger.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 04, 2016, 09:37:21 AM
No tricks here Wacky, just pick a poster that posts in the pit that you would least like to sit next to on a long plane ride.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on February 04, 2016, 09:38:00 AM
Well that's easy. It's lib^7 of course.  :D
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Emo EMAW on February 04, 2016, 09:41:22 AM
MIR.  Seems most likely to get hostile and delay the flight.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 04, 2016, 09:43:00 AM
Well that's easy. It's lib^7 of course.  :D

You don't pit much do ya, lib7 would be fine.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on February 04, 2016, 09:44:06 AM
I do, we just have opposite viewpoints on just about everything. He's great IRL, so it's kind of an unfair question, but yeah, maybe i'll change my vote.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Cartierfor3 on February 04, 2016, 10:30:45 AM
I'd be fine with anyone. If I got bored talking politics I'd just put on headphones.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 04, 2016, 10:43:23 AM
MIR.  Seems most likely to get hostile and delay the flight.


I'd be fine with anyone. If I got bored talking politics I'd just put on headphones.

I don't get people who don't immediately put on headphones, talking to randos on planes is :Yuck:
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: CNS on February 04, 2016, 10:46:01 AM
Yes.  Immediate headphones.  I even have them in when noting is playing, and I am reading, just so no one gets any wrong ideas.

Given this, I would go with whoever of you guys is the absolute smallest and whoever doesn't need a bunch of crap from the attendant. 
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: star seed 7 on February 04, 2016, 10:47:58 AM
Emo wears a size 30 belt so he's probably the smallest
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: CNS on February 04, 2016, 10:48:33 AM
I think EMO and I would get a long on a flight just fine.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: mocat on February 04, 2016, 10:53:42 AM
Emo seems least likely to ask for coffee in a weird container, i agree cns
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: sys on February 04, 2016, 10:59:02 AM
cns makes a great point about poster size.  he seems like a fine person, but i would not want to sit next to him on an airplane.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: CNS on February 04, 2016, 11:06:56 AM
Yes, I should be your last choice.  I basically require all arm rest and my shoulder will be all up in your biz/grill.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: sonofdaxjones on February 04, 2016, 11:18:28 AM
I'll humor someone who wants to chat it up for exactly 4.7% of a 12 hour flight.   

Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: 8manpick on February 04, 2016, 11:26:55 AM
Does Tonya go into the Pit much? That guy sucks
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: DQ12 on February 04, 2016, 11:29:40 AM
I don't get people who don't immediately put on headphones, talking to randos on planes is :Yuck:
Disagree.  Planes are one of my favorite locales to interrogate people about their level of education. 
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: K-S-U-Wildcats! on February 04, 2016, 11:35:53 AM
If anyone on here is obese or an armrest hog, I pick those guys. Talk as much as you want but don't touch me with your elbows, knees, or fat rolls. That's all I ask.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: star seed 7 on February 04, 2016, 11:36:47 AM
Ksuw sounds like a beta
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Emo EMAW on February 04, 2016, 12:05:19 PM
I think I'm a size 32 belt now.  Also, I always offer my seatmates a piece of gum as we taxi to takeoff and as we are descending. 

Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Emo EMAW on February 04, 2016, 12:48:23 PM
Probably.  One time I sat next to Denny Brauer.  Did not talk to him though.  :frown:
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 04, 2016, 12:49:46 PM
Is talking to your seatmate one of those white midwesterny things?

Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 04, 2016, 12:50:47 PM
Talking to the stranger next to them on a flight.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Cartierfor3 on February 04, 2016, 12:55:48 PM
i like talking to strangers.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 04, 2016, 12:57:44 PM
i like talking to strangers.

are you a white midwesterner?
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Cartierfor3 on February 04, 2016, 12:59:25 PM
i like talking to strangers.

are you a white midwesterner?

Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 04, 2016, 01:22:38 PM
I don't talk to my seatmates, but I'd say I'm more of a westerner than a midwesterner.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: star seed 7 on February 04, 2016, 01:31:59 PM
I don't even acknowledge that someone is sitting next to me
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: steve dave on February 04, 2016, 01:38:52 PM
you know who I like to sit by? pilots hitching a ride. I chat them up and nerd out about airline industry stuff. remember when SW was hinting at Hawaii flights? a pilot of a rival airline told me that was at least multiple years out no matter what SW PR was saying. HE WAS RIGHT! Also discussing specific planes and airlines and their little quirks. super fun. and they generally seem to enjoy chatting with me about it!
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 04, 2016, 01:43:39 PM
I don't even acknowledge that someone is sitting next to me
I only communicate via body language when they annoy me.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: ChiComCat on February 04, 2016, 01:55:11 PM
you know who I like to sit by? pilots hitching a ride. I chat them up and nerd out about airline industry stuff. remember when SW was hinting at Hawaii flights? a pilot of a rival airline told me that was at least multiple years out no matter what SW PR was saying. HE WAS RIGHT! Also discussing specific planes and airlines and their little quirks. super fun. and they generally seem to enjoy chatting with me about it!

Agreed.  From my limited MHK airport experience, pilots are the best. 
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: sys on February 04, 2016, 03:10:23 PM
12 hours is a long flight.  it's hard to maintain complete aloofness on such flights.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Institutional Control on February 04, 2016, 03:27:52 PM
I think the obvious answer for most everyone is K-S-U. He's a terrible human and a complete bore. 
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 04, 2016, 03:46:57 PM
keep in mind you would be at a minimum familiar with this pit'er from interaction with him in the pit, so not complete and utter stone cold white midwestern stranger.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 04, 2016, 03:52:02 PM
sat next to Tom Osborne, his hands have busted blood vessels in them and are black in those areas, looked really really old 10 years ago, its unbelievable hes still alive really.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Trim on February 04, 2016, 03:56:05 PM
A 12-hour flight's over in 12 hours.  The pit's going on 6 years.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 04, 2016, 04:15:41 PM
When I flew back from London two weeks ago, I sat next to this woman who was like 5'3" 130 and she insisted on using all of both arm rests, I was heated. I let her do it for about 3 hours before I muscled her out and took my rightful half. I also later gave her my caramel brownie from our dinner. I did all of this without making eye contact or taking my ear buds out.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 04, 2016, 04:17:30 PM
12 hours is a long flight.  it's hard to maintain complete aloofness on such flights.

Only if you're on a shitty, cheap AA jet with no personal entertainment device.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Institutional Control on February 04, 2016, 05:27:46 PM
When I flew back from London two weeks ago, I sat next to this woman who was like 5'3" 130 and she insisted on using all of both arm rests, I was heated. I let her do it for about 3 hours before I muscled her out and took my rightful half. I also later gave her my caramel brownie from our dinner. I did all of this without making eye contact or taking my ear buds out.

Sounds heavenly compared the Indian gentleman I sat next to from Frankfurt to Dallas.  30 minutes in, he removed his shoes and his feet stunk. Didn't put his shoes back on for about 4 hours when he got up to use the bathroom. The good part was, he and his wife never said a word to anyone not even to each other the entire flight and never once turned on their TVs.  Just sat there staring at the back of the seat.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 04, 2016, 05:31:20 PM
everyone takes their shoes off on flights over 6 hours. It's pretty much expected.

I sat on an SFO-Tokyo flight once and the Japanese couple also stared at the back of the seat for 10 hours. Didn't turn on the TV, crack open a magazine, nothing. Crazy.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 04, 2016, 05:32:29 PM
12 hours is a long flight.  it's hard to maintain complete aloofness on such flights.

Only if you're on a shitty, cheap AA jet with no personal entertainment device.

not having a personal entertainment device ready to go on a long flight is almost as disastrous as not wearing headphones.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 04, 2016, 05:42:28 PM
12 hours is a long flight.  it's hard to maintain complete aloofness on such flights.

Only if you're on a shitty, cheap AA jet with no personal entertainment device.

not having a personal entertainment device ready to go on a long flight is almost as disastrous as not wearing headphones.

Imagine my horror when I flew to London and I was on an AA flight to London that was so old that they didn't have them, just the tv's like every five rows, even in first class. This plane is so old it still has the telephones with the credit card slider, that's what we put our buds in to watch rough ridin' Annie and the Fantastic Four. Luckily I had my tablet with an e-reader and I was tired.

Thank God for British Airways for my flight back.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Institutional Control on February 04, 2016, 05:51:26 PM
I flew AA to London and it had probably the best entertainment system I've ever had, in coach.  The plane was pretty new though.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 04, 2016, 05:54:24 PM
12 hours is a long flight.  it's hard to maintain complete aloofness on such flights.

Only if you're on a shitty, cheap AA jet with no personal entertainment device.

not having a personal entertainment device ready to go on a long flight is almost as disastrous as not wearing headphones.

Imagine my horror when I flew to London and I was on an AA flight to London that was so old that they didn't have them, just the tv's like every five rows, even in first class. This plane is so old it still has the telephones with the credit card slider, that's what we put our buds in to watch rough ridin' Annie and the Fantastic Four. Luckily I had my tablet with an e-reader and I was tired.

I was on a United flight from Hong Kong to SFO that had the same arrangement, but the system died 3 hours into the flight! I had plenty of TV preloaded on a tablet, but I still got 2500 bonus miles out of the deal.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Kat Kid on February 04, 2016, 06:09:45 PM

Is talking to your seatmate one of those white midwesterny things?


It absolutely is not.

Foreigners talk on planes to strangers constantly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: sys on February 04, 2016, 06:11:55 PM

Is talking to your seatmate one of those white midwesterny things?


It absolutely is not.

Foreigners talk on planes to strangers constantly.

yeah, that's true.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 04, 2016, 06:25:28 PM
Maybe a Caucasian thing? Never seen this in Asia.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: sys on February 04, 2016, 06:31:57 PM
not a european thing, imo.  more like third world thing, i'd say.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 04, 2016, 07:42:25 PM
Talking to the stranger next to them on a flight.

This, all you pretend travelers shut up.  The white Midwesternery guy next to me is trying to chat.  I'm not buzzed enough
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 04, 2016, 07:44:15 PM
"So, is Kansas City home?"   :buh-bye:
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Tobias on February 04, 2016, 07:45:32 PM
ask him about mexicans
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: mocat on February 04, 2016, 08:04:44 PM
Ask him about troost area
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: sonofdaxjones on February 04, 2016, 08:12:08 PM
If fly from the MW to the SE often, you'll invariably be sitting next to the people going to catch a cruise ship, and they're really excited.

Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: star seed 7 on February 04, 2016, 08:15:12 PM
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 04, 2016, 08:29:36 PM
When I flew back from London two weeks ago, I sat next to this woman who was like 5'3" 130 and she insisted on using all of both arm rests, I was heated. I let her do it for about 3 hours before I muscled her out and took my rightful half. I also later gave her my caramel brownie from our dinner. I did all of this without making eye contact or taking my ear buds out.

Sounds heavenly compared the Indian gentleman I sat next to from Frankfurt to Dallas.  30 minutes in, he removed his shoes and his feet stunk. Didn't put his shoes back on for about 4 hours when he got up to use the bathroom. The good part was, he and his wife never said a word to anyone not even to each other the entire flight and never once turned on their TVs.  Just sat there staring at the back of the seat.

We glossed over this, it is very gross. Was the plane sold out? I would have done the dip. And I totally disagree that it's okay to take off your shoes. I take my shoes off the second I walk into my office but I won't do it on a plane, too many people have expressed objection to it.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: sys on February 04, 2016, 08:31:37 PM
on my last long flight the airline passed out complementary slippers.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: SdK on February 04, 2016, 08:34:17 PM
Am I a pit'er?
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 04, 2016, 08:35:32 PM
on my last long flight the airline passed out complementary slippers.

That's fantastic. Air Asia?
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: sys on February 04, 2016, 08:38:15 PM
turkish air.  they treat the coach passengers well.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: star seed 7 on February 04, 2016, 08:41:52 PM
I wear sandals when I fly unless it's under like 10 degrees
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 04, 2016, 09:10:09 PM
This thread isn't quite going the way cat27 wanted it to
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Institutional Control on February 04, 2016, 09:29:03 PM

When I flew back from London two weeks ago, I sat next to this woman who was like 5'3" 130 and she insisted on using all of both arm rests, I was heated. I let her do it for about 3 hours before I muscled her out and took my rightful half. I also later gave her my caramel brownie from our dinner. I did all of this without making eye contact or taking my ear buds out.

Sounds heavenly compared the Indian gentleman I sat next to from Frankfurt to Dallas.  30 minutes in, he removed his shoes and his feet stunk. Didn't put his shoes back on for about 4 hours when he got up to use the bathroom. The good part was, he and his wife never said a word to anyone not even to each other the entire flight and never once turned on their TVs.  Just sat there staring at the back of the seat.

We glossed over this, it is very gross. Was the plane sold out? I would have done the dip. And I totally disagree that it's okay to take off your shoes. I take my shoes off the second I walk into my office but I won't do it on a plane, too many people have expressed objection to it.
It was a full plane. Nowhere to move to.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 04, 2016, 10:42:07 PM
This thread isn't quite going the way cat27 wanted it to

Good threads go where they go man, they can't be controlled.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: _33 on February 04, 2016, 10:55:45 PM
I wish I flew more, or knew more about flying.  It seems cool.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 05, 2016, 01:39:47 AM
I usually wear slip on vans on long flights. Basically slippers. Also, taking your shoes off at work is ridiculous, what is wrong with you. Long haul flights are disgusting cesspools no matter what so go for max comfort and take off your shoes if the flight is 6+ hours.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: slobber on February 05, 2016, 05:20:29 AM
If they give you socks, then taking your shoes and socks off must be expected.

Gonna win 'em all! (using Tapatalk)
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: steve dave on February 05, 2016, 07:43:46 AM
I have some AA socks and Lufthansa slippers and pajamas at home.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: star seed 7 on February 05, 2016, 08:20:27 AM
I take my shoes off at work  :shy:
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Emo EMAW on February 05, 2016, 08:30:20 AM
One time flying out of Tel Aviv the plane was entirely full, except the seat next to me.  What rough ridin' luck!  I was sitting on the outside aisle, can't remember if it was 2 or 3 seats on my side, but I was the aisle seat.  Anyway, last minute, this older Jewish dude boards the plan all huffy and hustles back and gives me the "scoot over" hand gesture.  I say no and start to get up.  He scowls at me and tries the gesture again, with even more middle eastern gusto.  I repeat hey man I'm the aisle seat.  He gets in and is all dejected for the entire flight.  I know the rough rider spoke English, too.  I love the Jews, but they'll try to screw you every time they can.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: K-S-U-Wildcats! on February 05, 2016, 08:35:44 AM
On a trans-Atlantic flight a few years back, a got on with terrible BO. I guess this happens a lot - cultural no showering thing. Anyway, flight was only about 2/3rds full so the flight attendants kinda discretely relocated people to other parts of the plane. Didn't 100% fix the situation but it sure helped. Good for them.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on February 05, 2016, 08:42:02 AM
JFC, K-S-U-Wildcats, you're the rough ridin' worst!
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 05, 2016, 10:25:41 AM
Of course emo and ksuw have to come in here and mess everything up
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: sys on February 05, 2016, 11:29:59 AM
One time flying out of Tel Aviv the plane was entirely full, except the seat next to me.  What rough ridin' luck!  I was sitting on the outside aisle, can't remember if it was 2 or 3 seats on my side, but I was the aisle seat.  Anyway, last minute, this older Jewish dude boards the plan all huffy and hustles back and gives me the "scoot over" hand gesture.  I say no and start to get up.  He scowls at me and tries the gesture again, with even more middle eastern gusto.  I repeat hey man I'm the aisle seat.  He gets in and is all dejected for the entire flight.  I know the rough rider spoke English, too.  I love the Jews, but they'll try to screw you every time they can.

my wife has a great story of an old turkish guy (turkish air again) who refused to allow the flight attendant to reseat any other passengers into the exit row that he had to himself.  he stood his ground and apparently won the day, keeping the row to himself (the passengers they were trying to reseat got moved to first class).  caused a 20 minute delay and police boarded the plan to calm the situation, but he won.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 05, 2016, 02:28:54 PM
One time flying out of Tel Aviv the plane was entirely full, except the seat next to me.  What rough ridin' luck!  I was sitting on the outside aisle, can't remember if it was 2 or 3 seats on my side, but I was the aisle seat.  Anyway, last minute, this older Jewish dude boards the plan all huffy and hustles back and gives me the "scoot over" hand gesture.  I say no and start to get up.  He scowls at me and tries the gesture again, with even more middle eastern gusto.  I repeat hey man I'm the aisle seat.  He gets in and is all dejected for the entire flight.  I know the rough rider spoke English, too.  I love the Jews, but they'll try to screw you every time they can.

my wife has a great story of an old turkish guy (turkish air again) who refused to allow the flight attendant to reseat any other passengers into the exit row that he had to himself.  he stood his ground and apparently won the day, keeping the row to himself (the passengers they were trying to reseat got moved to first class).  caused a 20 minute delay and police boarded the plan to calm the situation, but he won.

People are the worst, all people
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 05, 2016, 04:41:31 PM
 All the flight stranger talkers trying to pretend they are the Arch Duke of Canterbury  :ROFL:
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: slobber on February 05, 2016, 04:46:32 PM

On a trans-Atlantic flight a few years back, a got on with terrible BO. I guess this happens a lot - cultural no showering thing. Anyway, flight was only about 2/3rds full so the flight attendants kinda discretely relocated people to other parts of the plane. Didn't 100% fix the situation but it sure helped. Good for them.
You had the BO? WTF is wrong with culturally?

Gonna win 'em all! (using Tapatalk)
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on February 06, 2016, 08:39:12 AM
Whichever of you doesn't intend to drink yourself to sleep
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: SdK on February 06, 2016, 08:47:01 AM
Can I get a list of all of the pit people?


Who else?
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 06, 2016, 11:20:50 AM
Whichever of you doesn't intend to drink yourself to sleep

I can't drink alcohol on flights, can't drink while playing golf either.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 06, 2016, 11:23:56 AM
Can I get a list of all of the pit people?


Who else?

steve dave
Kat Kid
Michigan Cat
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: SdK on February 06, 2016, 04:29:50 PM
Ok. Off the top of my head I'd go with edn. Though he/she and o agree on more issues than not.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on February 06, 2016, 10:19:35 PM
Whichever of you doesn't intend to drink yourself to sleep

I can't drink alcohol on flights, can't drink while playing golf either.

Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 06, 2016, 10:51:23 PM
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: michigancat on February 06, 2016, 11:10:26 PM
I'm the same. I don't enjoy drinking on flights. I have to pee like crazy the second I finish a beer.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 07, 2016, 12:02:06 AM
Lol at can't drink and play golf, I pound a beer per hole in the summer and maintain a 4 handicap.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 07, 2016, 12:07:51 AM
I bet you do, you and Kim Jung Un both.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: bones129 on February 07, 2016, 12:15:06 AM
Lol at can't drink and play golf, I pound a beer per hole in the summer and maintain a 4 handicap.

Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Tobias on February 07, 2016, 12:19:34 AM
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 07, 2016, 12:21:55 AM
You don't have to believe it, idgaf.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: bones129 on February 07, 2016, 12:26:21 AM
You don't have to believe it, idgaf.

Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: gatoveintisiete on February 07, 2016, 12:33:50 AM
Full disclosure, I'm not any better sober.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on February 26, 2016, 01:55:32 PM
Sitting next to Tiki Barber, oddly enough he isn't a headphone guy.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: SdK on February 26, 2016, 02:50:50 PM
Maybe it's your similar hair styles that has him with his guard down.
Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: MakeItRain on March 19, 2016, 07:26:02 PM
Rich Homie Quan also not an earphon'r

Title: Re: Pit'er you would least like to have to sit next to on a 12 hour flight
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on March 19, 2016, 07:50:22 PM
Rich Homie Quan also not an earphon'r


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