
General Discussion => The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit => Topic started by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 09:49:03 PM

Title: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 09:49:03 PM
Hi everyone!

I am new to this part of the board, and don't intend to hang around and read any other threads, but I thought that this might be a good place to get some input on an idea that I keep having.  Namely, the idea of the United States breaking up into smaller parts.

What would be the downside of this?

I really don't want to live with people from the far right.  And, I don't think they want to live with people like me.  Maybe we should just go our separate ways?

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: puniraptor on July 16, 2015, 09:50:52 PM
I want to live underground
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 09:53:38 PM

I want to live underground

Like literally, or figuratively because you got stuck on the "wrong" side of the breakup?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: puniraptor on July 16, 2015, 09:54:17 PM

I want to live underground

Like literally, or figuratively because you got stuck on the "wrong" side of the breakup?
Literally the right side and underground.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on July 16, 2015, 09:54:25 PM
Pete, I am all for it.  Give them AZ,  NV, and NM.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Title: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:03:57 PM
Pete, I am all for it.  Give them AZ,  NV, and NM.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Yep, they would go with TX, the SEC, and probably the plains states. I figure California, the Northeast and Northwest would be willing to work together in some fashion if they didn't join up formally.

California would probably break into parts, with the right wing using force to obtain port access in Southern California.  Apart from that, it could be pretty peaceful.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:08:40 PM
You can go to hell.  I will stay in Texas.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on July 16, 2015, 10:10:53 PM
We should keep TX and Trail of Tears them to AZ, imo.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on July 16, 2015, 10:11:39 PM
Same with most of SEC country

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:13:16 PM

You can go to hell.  I will stay in Texas.

I did not expect that.  Even if the country broke apart?

I just assumed one would have to be an affluent sociopath or destitute to want to stay in Texas in this sort of hypothetical situation.  No?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on July 16, 2015, 10:15:16 PM
I think the best part of Pete's vision is the Mad Max I-70 gauntlet from Chicago to Denver.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:15:35 PM

You can go to hell.  I will stay in Texas.

I did not expect that.  Even if the country broke apart?

I just assumed one would have to be an affluent sociopath or destitute to want to stay in Texas in this sort of hypothetical situation.  No?
Not sure why you would assume that. State your principles, Sir.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 16, 2015, 10:17:23 PM
Cause texas sucks
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:19:58 PM

I think the best part of Pete's vision is the Mad Max I-70 gauntlet from Chicago to Denver.

I KNOW!  A very unpredictable area.  It will be "controlled" by billionaires who have zero interest in the local population, apart from minimizing  disruptions to revenue streams...apart from that, anything would go.  The population isn't large enough for the billionaires to really concern themselves at all with the "morale" or the political inclinations of the area.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on July 16, 2015, 10:23:35 PM
Dallas would be the crown jewel of the break away.  Two hundred years from now, a Jerry Jones statue gets taken down along with the great wall as e pluribus unum returns.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:23:56 PM
I really dont know much about Texas beyond Austin (and Dallas to a lesser extent).  You may be right, but you're probably just crazy.
Title: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:24:00 PM

You can go to hell.  I will stay in Texas.

I did not expect that.  Even if the country broke apart?

I just assumed one would have to be an affluent sociopath or destitute to want to stay in Texas in this sort of hypothetical situation.  No?
Not sure why you would assume that. State your principles, Sir.

I mean, it's a land that seems pretty comfortable with the idea that everyone must fend for themselves and that only the strong should survive,  AND/OR that the week are somehow serving their natural purpose by submitting to their betters.  That isn't just a Texas thing though, that's an SEC thing.  So, I am mostly talking about white Texans.

I take back my earlier thoughts on a peaceful divorce.  I think the SEC would go to war with the Latinos areas of the Southwest.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:26:33 PM
Southwest Texas, New Mexico, and Southern Arizona might just go it on their own.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: michigancat on July 16, 2015, 10:27:29 PM
Southwest Texas, New Mexico, and Southern Arizona might just go it on their own.

well, we did pretty much steal all of that land from Mexico
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:28:34 PM

Southwest Texas, New Mexico, and Southern Arizona might just go it on their own.

well, we did pretty much steal all of that land from Mexico

And it is still feeling the cultural impact of that!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:29:09 PM

You can go to hell.  I will stay in Texas.

I did not expect that.  Even if the country broke apart?

I just assumed one would have to be an affluent sociopath or destitute to want to stay in Texas in this sort of hypothetical situation.  No?
Not sure why you would assume that. State your principles, Sir.

I mean, it's a land that seems pretty comfortable with the idea that everyone must fend for themselves and that only the strong should survive,  AND/OR that the week are somehow serving their natural purpose by submitting to their betters.  That isn't just a Texas thing though, that's an SEC thing.  So, I am mostly talking about white Texans.

I take back my earlier thoughts on a peaceful divorce.  I think the SEC would go to war with the Latinos areas of the Southwest.
So what's the thrust of your hypothetical? Because everyone is already free to move to other states and regions.  So, if I'm reading between the lines, your question is about the dissolution of federalism and the relinquishing of all governance to states/regions and the resulting States (slightly different use of the word) that would form?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 16, 2015, 10:30:19 PM
The wall would be interesting to see
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:31:26 PM
Because if that's what you mean, I heartily would not support that. We need the tension and dialectic that is born from the antagonism between state and federal governments.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on July 16, 2015, 10:31:49 PM
Southwest Texas, New Mexico, and Southern Arizona might just go it on their own.

Would be funny to see them try and then the other two countries yoink their water.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:35:22 PM
Federalism isn't for everyone.  Some areas of the U.S. appreciate it, some do not.

The SEC, in particular, has a very different value system from the Northeast and Northwest, and these divisions are making both pretty unhappy.

I am wondering if the populations would be better off if we just let them do their own things? 

I would expect the Northeast and Northwest to operate generally like the current Federal United States.

The SEC would ravage itself and likely settle on a parliamentary system or just break into a bunch of truly confederated states.

Frankly, that is probably what should have happened instead of the civil war.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on July 16, 2015, 10:36:36 PM
Federalism isn't for everyone.  Some areas of the U.S. appreciate it, some do not.

The SEC, in particular, has a very different value system from the Northeast and Northwest, and these divisions are making both pretty unhappy.

I am wondering if the populations would be better off if we just let them do their own things? 

I would expect the Northeast and Northwest to operate generally like the current Federal United States.

The SEC would ravage itself and likely settle on a parliamentary system or just break into a bunch of truly confederated states.

Frankly, that is probably what should have happened instead of the civil war.

Pete have you ever thought of writing an amazon kindle book about this?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:36:52 PM

Southwest Texas, New Mexico, and Southern Arizona might just go it on their own.

Would be funny to see them try and then the other two countries yoink their water.

Holy crap, that is a biggie to put in the "negative" column.  Good point.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:40:02 PM

Federalism isn't for everyone.  Some areas of the U.S. appreciate it, some do not.

The SEC, in particular, has a very different value system from the Northeast and Northwest, and these divisions are making both pretty unhappy.

I am wondering if the populations would be better off if we just let them do their own things? 

I would expect the Northeast and Northwest to operate generally like the current Federal United States.

The SEC would ravage itself and likely settle on a parliamentary system or just break into a bunch of truly confederated states.

Frankly, that is probably what should have happened instead of the civil war.

Pete have you ever thought of writing an amazon kindle book about this?

I got the idea from a different book I read, that merely focused on the different "cultural nations" of North America.  MichCat read it too (it gets super dumb and preachy at the end, but the early factual historical stuff was fun).

It would take a bunch of plagiarism for me to do it.  I don't know that I have the balls to take on the actual primary source research and all that hard stuff.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:41:38 PM
What is this BS anti-American thesis that argues that nations should not have a plurality of different and often conflicting cultures?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:42:16 PM
I call those opportunities to learn. Pass it on.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: michigancat on July 16, 2015, 10:42:44 PM
after thinking about this more, I think we should eliminate all borders and merge w/ Canada and Mexico. I mean why not?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:43:45 PM

What is this BS anti-American thesis that argues that nations should not have a plurality of different and often conflicting cultures?

I guess I am just coming around to the idea that "anti-Anerican," as YOU are seemingly defining it, is not a bad thing.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on July 16, 2015, 10:44:24 PM

Federalism isn't for everyone.  Some areas of the U.S. appreciate it, some do not.

The SEC, in particular, has a very different value system from the Northeast and Northwest, and these divisions are making both pretty unhappy.

I am wondering if the populations would be better off if we just let them do their own things?  Like, you got Rand McNally?  You should be good.

I would expect the Northeast and Northwest to operate generally like the current Federal United States.

The SEC would ravage itself and likely settle on a parliamentary system or just break into a bunch of truly confederated states.

Frankly, that is probably what should have happened instead of the civil war.

Pete have you ever thought of writing an amazon kindle book about this?

I got the idea from a different book I read, that merely focused on the different "cultural nations" of North America.  MichCat read it too (it gets super dumb and preachy at the end, but the early factual historical stuff was fun).

It would take a bunch of plagiarism for me to do it.  I don't know that I have the balls to take on the actual primary source research and all that hard stuff.

Pete I think you would do better with a free-wheeling action book.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:45:10 PM
You want to live with a bunch of people who are exactly the same as you? Doesn't seem very diverse.  Almost seems bigoted.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:46:36 PM

Federalism isn't for everyone.  Some areas of the U.S. appreciate it, some do not.

The SEC, in particular, has a very different value system from the Northeast and Northwest, and these divisions are making both pretty unhappy.

I am wondering if the populations would be better off if we just let them do their own things?  Like, you got Rand McNally?  You should be good.

I would expect the Northeast and Northwest to operate generally like the current Federal United States.

The SEC would ravage itself and likely settle on a parliamentary system or just break into a bunch of truly confederated states.

Frankly, that is probably what should have happened instead of the civil war.

Pete have you ever thought of writing an amazon kindle book about this?

I got the idea from a different book I read, that merely focused on the different "cultural nations" of North America.  MichCat read it too (it gets super dumb and preachy at the end, but the early factual historical stuff was fun).

It would take a bunch of plagiarism for me to do it.  I don't know that I have the balls to take on the actual primary source research and all that hard stuff.

Pete I think you would do better with a free-wheeling action book.

Following the protagonist who is just stuck in the middle, or geopolitical type stuff?  Would have to be the former I think.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:48:00 PM

You want to live with a bunch of people who are exactly the same as you? Doesn't seem very diverse.  Almost seems bigoted.

I am mildly comfortable with cultural bigotry.  Is there a word for that?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:48:47 PM

You want to live with a bunch of people who are exactly the same as you? Doesn't seem very diverse.  Almost seems bigoted.

I am mildly comfortable with cultural bigotry.  Is there a word for that?
Jingoism? No, that's not it.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:50:13 PM
What about the economic impacts?  What am I not thinking of here?  I assume there would be a very difficult restructuring for all the Nations.  But am I wrong in thinking that they'd all have as just as good of a shot to rebound as Eastern Europe did after the Cold War?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:50:57 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:51:30 PM


Maybe, but I am not afraid of the others, I just don't like them.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on July 16, 2015, 10:52:04 PM
I think a trucker as protagonist would be pretty great.  Motorcycle pirates, IEDs, checkpoints, Humvee escorts, gas station forts, WOW PETE!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:52:28 PM


Maybe, but I am not afraid of the others, I just don't like them.
It can mean fear or disliking.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:53:39 PM
I guess I don't get the point, Pete. Is this thought experiment supposed to be instructive, or are you just venting?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:54:30 PM
Are Arizonans really rough ridin' with your crap that much, or are you just annoyed?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on July 16, 2015, 10:55:12 PM
What about the economic impacts?  What am I not thinking of here?  I assume there would be a very difficult restructuring for all the Nations.  But am I wrong in thinking that they'd all have as just as good of a shot to rebound as Eastern Europe did after the Cold War?

I mean, it would be pretty disastrous for everyone even if it was just somewhat contentious.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:57:07 PM
Hey guys, it's all good. We might even end up like Estonia.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:57:27 PM
Economic alliances with other established countries would help smooth transitions.

The Northwest would likely find a friend in Korea and Japan.  As well as Canada.  The Northeast with Canada and Western Europe.

The SEC with China.

Latin North America would probably have to whore out with Venezuela or some other oil and agriculturally rich group of South American countries.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 16, 2015, 10:58:18 PM

You can go to hell.  I will stay in Texas.

I did not expect that.  Even if the country broke apart?

I just assumed one would have to be an affluent sociopath or destitute to want to stay in Texas in this sort of hypothetical situation.  No?
Not sure why you would assume that. State your principles, Sir.

I mean, it's a land that seems pretty comfortable with the idea that everyone must fend for themselves and that only the strong should survive,  AND/OR that the week are somehow serving their natural purpose by submitting to their betters.  That isn't just a Texas thing though, that's an SEC thing.  So, I am mostly talking about white Texans.

I take back my earlier thoughts on a peaceful divorce.  I think the SEC would go to war with the Latinos areas of the Southwest.

Yeah I love central Texas and Austin but if Texas went independent I'd be getting the eff out with a quickness. This place would turn into a theocracy like instantly and the rural people would straight up march on the big cities with all their guns. No thanks.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 10:59:14 PM

You can go to hell.  I will stay in Texas.

I did not expect that.  Even if the country broke apart?

I just assumed one would have to be an affluent sociopath or destitute to want to stay in Texas in this sort of hypothetical situation.  No?
Not sure why you would assume that. State your principles, Sir.

I mean, it's a land that seems pretty comfortable with the idea that everyone must fend for themselves and that only the strong should survive,  AND/OR that the week are somehow serving their natural purpose by submitting to their betters.  That isn't just a Texas thing though, that's an SEC thing.  So, I am mostly talking about white Texans.

I take back my earlier thoughts on a peaceful divorce.  I think the SEC would go to war with the Latinos areas of the Southwest.

Yeah I love central Texas and Austin but if Texas went independent I'd be getting the eff out with a quickness. This place would turn into a theocracy like instantly and the rural people would straight up march on the big cities with all their guns. No thanks.
Which is why I love living in Austin, in Texas, in the USA.  Great balance in all things.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 10:59:53 PM

What about the economic impacts?  What am I not thinking of here?  I assume there would be a very difficult restructuring for all the Nations.  But am I wrong in thinking that they'd all have as just as good of a shot to rebound as Eastern Europe did after the Cold War?

I mean, it would be pretty disastrous for everyone even if it was just somewhat contentious.

Like, how disastrous?  Like we have to pay the same gas prices as people in London or Glasgow?  Or we slip into an impoverished status?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:02:31 PM
The Confederate flag crowd got me really thinking about this.  I merely thought, maybe they are right.  Maybe we don't belong together.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:05:25 PM
Maybe I should start one of those kick starter initiatives to raise money for the startup costs for the Confederacy (or whatever the non-United States entities want to be called), just to help smooth their transition.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 16, 2015, 11:06:03 PM
Pete, just wait for the really whiny conservative boomers to die out and we'll be good in like 30 years until China invades us over [insert scarce natural resource here] and then we can all make the Fallout series come to life and I can finally explode giant mutant scorpions with football helmets shot out of a vacuum cannon
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 11:13:42 PM
Pete, just wait for the really whiny conservative boomers to die out and we'll be good in like 30 years until China invades us over [insert scarce natural resource here] and then we can all make the Fallout series come to life and I can finally explode giant mutant scorpions with football helmets shot out of a vacuum cannon
When I was a young boy growing up in Kansas, I had an old racist war vet barber, and we had the following conversation:

Orwvb: Do you know why China would never invade the US?

Me: I like football!

Orwvb: Because they look at every single citizen as a potential soldier, since we have the constitutional right to own firearms.

Hopefully that doesn't change in 30 years.
Title: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:14:20 PM
The most significant economic obstacle is probably the emotional impact on decision making in foreign relations and trade between the Nations.

I bet there (sp) would be some very irrational behavior that would stifle trade.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 16, 2015, 11:16:35 PM
Pete, just wait for the really whiny conservative boomers to die out and we'll be good in like 30 years until China invades us over [insert scarce natural resource here] and then we can all make the Fallout series come to life and I can finally explode giant mutant scorpions with football helmets shot out of a vacuum cannon
When I was a young boy growing up in Kansas, I had an old racist war vet barber, and we had the following conversation:

Orwvb: Do you know why China would never invade the US?

Me: I like football!

Orwvb: Because they look at every single citizen as a potential soldier, since we have the constitutional right to own firearms.

Hopefully that doesn't change in 30 years.

I think we had the same childhood
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:16:41 PM

Pete, just wait for the really whiny conservative boomers to die out and we'll be good in like 30 years until China invades us over [insert scarce natural resource here] and then we can all make the Fallout series come to life and I can finally explode giant mutant scorpions with football helmets shot out of a vacuum cannon
When I was a young boy growing up in Kansas, I had an old racist war vet barber, and we had the following conversation:

Orwvb: Do you know why China would never invade the US?

Me: I like football!

Orwvb: Because they look at every single citizen as a potential soldier, since we have the constitutional right to own firearms.

Hopefully that doesn't change in 30 years.

Well, China can still prohibit that right and simultaneously arm an invasion force that quadruples our population, right?

I think we are safe from China until we have something that they need.  Right now, we would be nothing but a pain in their ass. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 11:18:33 PM
We should probably just roll with the status quo is what I'm thinking.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:18:45 PM
New York City would probably turn into a hell hole, OR the greatest free trade zone the world has ever seen (improving upon itself).
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:19:41 PM

We should probably just roll with the status quo is what I'm thinking.

Don't be lazy, Spracne.  We might be onto something here.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:20:57 PM
Canada builds the Keystone pipeline in this model.  No stopping that.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:21:54 PM
Canada then doubles down with two water pipelines to California and New Mexico.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 11:23:13 PM
I dont like it, Pete. I don't like it at all.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:24:54 PM

I dont like it, Pete. I don't like it at all.

What is your favorite part of the SEC?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:25:28 PM
I mean culturally, and what you "get" from those areas.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 16, 2015, 11:26:43 PM
I like living here, Pete. I wouldn't mind living in MHK again. Why take those options away?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on July 16, 2015, 11:27:05 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:28:25 PM

I like living here, Pete. I wouldn't mind living in MHK again. Why take those options away?

It wouldn't HAVE to be taken away. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 11:29:53 PM

I dont like it, Pete. I don't like it at all.

What is your favorite part of the SEC?
I appreciate the regulation of the banking industry.  What are you getting at?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on July 16, 2015, 11:30:45 PM
The Confederate flag crowd got me really thinking about this.  I merely thought, maybe they are right.  Maybe we don't belong together.

1850s America needed gE.

This is probably too complicated now.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:34:26 PM

I dont like it, Pete. I don't like it at all.

What is your favorite part of the SEC?
I appreciate the regulation of the banking industry.  What are you getting at?

You rascal!  The South you silly willy!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 16, 2015, 11:34:51 PM

I like living here, Pete. I wouldn't mind living in MHK again. Why take those options away?

It wouldn't HAVE to be taken away.

I'm a nonbeliever and fairly liberal and sometimes outspoken about it. I also don't own a gun. I also live in a city that the rest of Texas resents the hell out of and the legislature tries to crap on it every chance it gets. You can understand how this would make me uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 11:35:23 PM
I dont have an affinity for the south at all.  I guess the Florida Keys.

@Pete re: fave part of SEC question
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:36:42 PM

The Confederate flag crowd got me really thinking about this.  I merely thought, maybe they are right.  Maybe we don't belong together.

1850s America needed gE.

This is probably too complicated now.

"Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall." 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sys on July 16, 2015, 11:37:31 PM
i like the idea of adding canada, mexico and the eu.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:37:46 PM

I dont have an affinity for the south at all.  I guess the Florida Keys.

@Pete re: fave part of SEC question

Exactly!  Let's just let them leave and then we can all move on!  You won't even miss them.  I promise.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:39:02 PM

i like the idea of adding canada, mexico and the eu.

What about merely joining the EU in a member state that is formerly part of the U.S.?  I am OK with that.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 16, 2015, 11:39:59 PM
The Confederate flag crowd got me really thinking about this.  I merely thought, maybe they are right.  Maybe we don't belong together.

1850s America needed gE.

This is probably too complicated now.

let's just find a few thousand more ethical people and we'll interview every potential migrant from the dumbass region prior to admission.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:40:42 PM

I like living here, Pete. I wouldn't mind living in MHK again. Why take those options away?

It wouldn't HAVE to be taken away.

I'm a nonbeliever and fairly liberal and sometimes outspoken about it. I also don't own a gun. I also live in a city that the rest of Texas resents the hell out of and the legislature tries to crap on it every chance it gets. You can understand how this would make me uncomfortable.

The Lawrence Kansas of Texas.  Yes, I know that feeling.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 11:41:08 PM

I dont have an affinity for the south at all.  I guess the Florida Keys.

@Pete re: fave part of SEC question

Exactly!  Let's just let them leave and then we can all move on!  You won't even miss them.  I promise.
I believe in the status quo.  Liberals need conservatives to balance out their ideas, and vice versa.  Again, tension is a good thing. when all else fails, let the Judicial deliver change like a lightning bolt of justice.  I like our current setup. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:43:06 PM
OK, I need to turn in for the night, but I still desire to stay up and solve this problem.  Can I trust you guys to work out how we can break off part(s) of the country into a euro zone Pete friendly area until I wake up tomorrow?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on July 16, 2015, 11:45:48 PM

The Confederate flag crowd got me really thinking about this.  I merely thought, maybe they are right.  Maybe we don't belong together.

1850s America needed gE.

This is probably too complicated now.

"Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall." 

Adding/merging seems a lot easier than splitting.

An area would have to be sure it could be self-sufficient, or could at least get by without its former U.S.-mates, and that area could initiate the process.

You should get that WV Dude involved with this.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:46:40 PM

I dont have an affinity for the south at all.  I guess the Florida Keys.

@Pete re: fave part of SEC question

Exactly!  Let's just let them leave and then we can all move on!  You won't even miss them.  I promise.
I believe in the status quo.  Liberals need conservatives to balance out their ideas, and vice versa.  Again, tension is a good thing. when all else fails, let the Judicial deliver change like a lightning bolt of justice.  I like our current setup.

All across Red states they are decrying the "un-elected judiciary."  You are advocating ideas that are hated most by the people you want to keep close.  There will always be differing ideas in a Society that has aligned cultural values.  Sweden does just fine, for example.  Canada too.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:48:46 PM

The Confederate flag crowd got me really thinking about this.  I merely thought, maybe they are right.  Maybe we don't belong together.

1850s America needed gE.

This is probably too complicated now.

"Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall." 

Adding/merging seems a lot easier than splitting.

An area would have to be sure it could be self-sufficient, or could at least get by without its former U.S.-mates, and that area could initiate the process.

You should get that WV Dude involved with this.

I think the south thinks it can do that.  I vote we just let them be the guinea pig.  If it works, then let NV, NM, AZ, etc knock themselves out.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 11:49:07 PM

I dont have an affinity for the south at all.  I guess the Florida Keys.

@Pete re: fave part of SEC question

Exactly!  Let's just let them leave and then we can all move on!  You won't even miss them.  I promise.
I believe in the status quo.  Liberals need conservatives to balance out their ideas, and vice versa.  Again, tension is a good thing. when all else fails, let the Judicial deliver change like a lightning bolt of justice.  I like our current setup.

All across Red states they are decrying the "un-elected judiciary."  You are advocating ideas that are hated most by the people you want to keep close.  There will always be differing ideas in a Society that has aligned cultural values.  Sweden does just fine, for example.  Canada too.
Pete, it hurts me to say this, but it sounds like you're talking out of your behind
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:51:16 PM
Am I?  Do we not have confederate flags flying across vast portions of this country, and an entire political party rallied by the actions of what they are calling an unjust judiciary?  Seems like they want out. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 16, 2015, 11:53:02 PM
If we let the south go, maybe we regret it, maybe we don't.  The only thing that would be certain is that they would be gone, and that is a big win!

Seriously, work out the details, the devil is in those parts.  I will check in later.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on July 16, 2015, 11:56:08 PM
I must have missed the credible overtures of secession.  Also, stop insinuating I am a Southerner.  I will fight you.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on July 17, 2015, 12:06:34 AM
I think I'd take a long hard look at moving to Alaska in this scenario. I'm just not sure I'm man enough to handle the winters.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: michigancat on July 17, 2015, 12:45:03 AM

I dont have an affinity for the south at all.  I guess the Florida Keys.

@Pete re: fave part of SEC question

Exactly!  Let's just let them leave and then we can all move on!  You won't even miss them.  I promise.
I believe in the status quo.  Liberals need conservatives to balance out their ideas, and vice versa.  Again, tension is a good thing. when all else fails, let the Judicial deliver change like a lightning bolt of justice.  I like our current setup.
There will always be tension among politics. I mean San Francisco politics is ridiculously contentious considering everyone is basically a flaming liberal. For example.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on July 17, 2015, 05:55:32 AM
I want to live underground

Well duh
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 17, 2015, 07:17:49 AM

I want to live underground

Well duh

You guys are ruling out CHUD's?  I suppose we cannot live our lives in fear.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 07:37:20 AM
The Cool Kids: CA, OR, WA, HI

Brownbackistan: KS, OK, NE, MO, IA, ND, SD, AR

Texas: Texas

Desertville: NM, AZ, NV (gambling and retirees from brownbackistan.)

Bears: CO  :cry: , WY, ID, MT, UT (CO wants to be with the cool kids but geography, you know?)

Lakesantonio: MN, IL, WI, MI, IN, OH (PA should probably go here but it would cut off some states from the NE so they don't)

Racistville: LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, NC, VA, FL, TN, KY, WV

The Part With People: All the tiny/NE states, plus NY and PA. also DC.

New Russia: Alaska

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: puniraptor on July 17, 2015, 08:31:11 AM
Did Utah ascend into heaven or should it go with the bears?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 09:01:52 AM
Did Utah ascend into heaven or should it go with the bears?

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Tobias on July 17, 2015, 09:20:25 AM

(sorry, new russia & 1/4 cool kids)
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 17, 2015, 09:30:56 AM
I think most southerners like Spracne and 42 know that their country would look like Afghanistan within a few years if there was a split so they just talk big but don't actually want to leave
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on July 17, 2015, 09:31:40 AM
The south is way too dependent on the federal gov.  Would crumble
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 17, 2015, 09:33:47 AM
I think bears would be a surprisingly pleasant place to live
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 17, 2015, 09:38:24 AM
i'm moving to bears.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 17, 2015, 09:40:21 AM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 17, 2015, 09:41:20 AM
the problem with bears is, that there is a significant portion of the population that we have to trail of tears back to racistville, but they're holed up, up there in the mountains with a bunch of high-powered rifles, meth and that other racist flag that nobody has flown in public for years.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 17, 2015, 09:42:28 AM
Also Utah should be desertville
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 17, 2015, 09:42:38 AM
'bias can you highlight that portion of bears that we need to put a fence around to keep the drugs, guns and violence out?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 17, 2015, 09:43:09 AM
Bears also should take the dakotas
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 09:45:14 AM
Bears also should take the dakotas

maybe on some annual bear states opposite day. good grief with this terrible pairing.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 17, 2015, 09:46:29 AM
Bears also should take the dakotas

it should be a colony of lakesantonio. one thing is for certain, brownbackistan definitely should not be in control of that large of portion of this continent's natural resources. those people are idiots.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 17, 2015, 09:46:49 AM
I meant by force, for oil
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Tobias on July 17, 2015, 09:47:54 AM
'bias can you highlight that portion of bears that we need to put a fence around to keep the drugs, guns and violence out?

most everyone's pretty pud... biggest threat probably weirdo arizona desertville militia types or racistville sneaking across the brownbackistan panhandle?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 09:50:46 AM
the dakotas are 100% culturally brownbackistani. there is nothing you or anyone else can do to remove them from their brownbackistani roots. if anyone's going to be leaving brownbackistan it's going to be MO or AR going to racistville.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 17, 2015, 09:51:22 AM
'bias can you highlight that portion of bears that we need to put a fence around to keep the drugs, guns and violence out?

most everyone's pretty pud... biggest threat probably weirdo arizona desertville militia types or racistville sneaking across the brownbackistan panhandle?

i'm putting a forty-foot high fence around that red dot to control the peckerwood population.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 09:52:17 AM
UT could also go desertville but culturally it doesn't fit very well and it has awesome mountains so I think it's a better Bears fit.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Tobias on July 17, 2015, 09:53:52 AM
we can just annex them into racistville or northern brownbackistan as an island territory and put up a wall?  maybe talk with the cool kids and see if we can get that perimeter fence thing / smoke monster from Lost?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 09:55:55 AM
There's also a chance Texas gobbles up OK and makes Texas just a bigger Texas. That would probably send AR to racistville for sure because it would be such a geographic outlier.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 17, 2015, 09:56:36 AM
Ok deserves that
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 09:57:09 AM
but I don't want that happening because I don't want racistville to have that much right angle/straight line border. it just wouldn't be right.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on July 17, 2015, 09:57:40 AM
Couldn't you just throw out the current state borders? I mean eastern IA and western IA have no business being in the same country, IMO.   Central TX would probably be a great state on it's own.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Tobias on July 17, 2015, 09:57:41 AM
would also make for great enjoyment from UT groaning
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 09:58:44 AM
Couldn't you just throw out the current state borders? I mean eastern IA and western IA have no business being in the same country, IMO.   Central TX would probably be a great state on it's own.

wtf is that IA crap? The entire state is exactly the same. nobody is splitting up IA. JFC. and no part of Texas no matter how you slice it is going to be a great state. maybe if austin teleported to cool kids I guess.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on July 17, 2015, 10:00:10 AM
This would kill the NBA
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 10:02:33 AM
I mean, you could take the state of IA and flip it upside down and literally nobody outside of the state of IA would notice. or take the IA box and shake the crap out of it so all the cities go to one corner and the only people wondering WTF just happened would be the stupid iowans.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 17, 2015, 10:02:48 AM
the more that I think about the vatican city of racists smack dab in the middle of bears, the more lakesantonio appeals to me, but that place would be so rough ridin' cold, and it's so close to actual racistville.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 17, 2015, 10:04:21 AM
It's bears or cool kids for me. The rust belt has nothing of interest
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 17, 2015, 10:05:19 AM
and how are bears and the cool kids supposed to trade with lakesantonio and the place with people if brownbackistan, texas and racistville control the entire middle of the continent?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 17, 2015, 10:05:38 AM
stupid iowan: OH crap! Corning is over here and Creston is over here now? And what happened to Cedar Falls!?

everyone else in the entire world: nobody knows what you're talking about idiot.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on July 17, 2015, 10:06:22 AM
and how are bears and the cool kids supposed to trade with lakesantonio and the place with people if brownbackistan, texas and racistville control the entire middle of the continent?

Berlin airlift style bro
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 17, 2015, 10:07:33 AM
and how are bears and the cool kids supposed to trade with lakesantonio and the place with people if brownbackistan, texas and racistville control the entire middle of the continent?

Canada bro
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Tobias on July 17, 2015, 10:08:10 AM
the good news for bears is that the BLM wasn't able to thwart all of their very own dugout dick's subterranean network :Wha:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on July 17, 2015, 10:13:30 AM
Cavers shall inherit the earth
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on July 17, 2015, 10:26:45 AM
Cavers shall inherit the earth

There is an argument that Racists could attract AK and MO and change the entire countries name to Cavers.   :dunno:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: michigancat on July 17, 2015, 10:32:19 AM
I think you could split up PA and New York.

Also Bears rely way too much on the fed. govt, just like RacistTown
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 17, 2015, 10:40:17 AM
I think you could split up PA and New York.

Also Bears rely way too much on the fed. govt, just like RacistTown

bears will just keep everyone intoxicated enough that they won't realize we're a bunch of mooches.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 17, 2015, 11:50:42 AM
I'll support this plan if you airlift the entire Austin MSA out to Bears or Cool Kids but leave Kyle, Buda, Bastrop, and Round Rock/Leander/Pflugerville/Cedar Park/nobodygivesafuckburbs behind (doing that is VERY IMPORTANT)
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 17, 2015, 03:27:25 PM

There's also a chance Texas gobbles up OK and makes Texas just a bigger Texas. That would probably send AR to racistville for sure because it would be such a geographic outlier.


Texas takes over OK and then shazbot!'s the crap out of it until it is even more of a tornado ridden wasteland.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sys on July 17, 2015, 03:36:47 PM
i don't think we should be trying to start a war between texas and oklahoma.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on July 17, 2015, 05:20:38 PM

i don't think we should be trying to start a war between texas and oklahoma.

No, I agree with you.  That would be bad.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on July 17, 2015, 06:08:44 PM

i don't think we should be trying to start a war between texas and oklahoma.

No, I agree with you.  That would be bad.

For Oklahoma.

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Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 18, 2015, 11:47:01 PM
All of our sleeper agents in Oklahoma would end that fight within like an hour
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: OK_Cat on July 19, 2015, 08:49:39 AM
Your mother
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: slobber on July 19, 2015, 07:15:37 PM

You can go to hell.  I will stay in Texas.

I did not expect that.  Even if the country broke apart?

I just assumed one would have to be an affluent sociopath or destitute to want to stay in Texas in this sort of hypothetical situation.  No?
Not sure why you would assume that. State your principles, Sir.

I mean, it's a land that seems pretty comfortable with the idea that everyone must fend for themselves and that only the strong should survive,  AND/OR that the week are somehow serving their natural purpose by submitting to their betters.  That isn't just a Texas thing though, that's an SEC thing.  So, I am mostly talking about white Texans.

I take back my earlier thoughts on a peaceful divorce.  I think the SEC would go to war with the Latinos areas of the Southwest.
surely somebody has pointed out that racist Pete makes if sound like the Latinos are not allowed out of the Southwest. Wouldn't they want to move away from that hell just like your common whitefolk?

Gonna win 'em all!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 20, 2015, 12:41:59 PM
Your mother

also colorado
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: puniraptor on July 20, 2015, 01:06:46 PM
I am excited to announce that the Underground State of Submerica has completed the last leg of our intercontinental tunnel network. We are now booking shipments completely under brownbackistan, racistville, and texas to avoid any absurd tariffs or societal interaction whatsoever.

also taking reservations for targeted sinkholes anywhere on the continent (priced by the sq ft, call now for free estimate)
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on July 20, 2015, 01:13:00 PM
You just built Sam's new sewer

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 20, 2015, 02:40:33 PM
Brownbackistan Breakout

When the United States Suffers a major socioeconomic collapse, a power vacuum sweeps the country. A newly radicalized Christian Government rises to power in the Great Plains and renames the Central United States Brownbackistan. News spreads about a newly created state to the west called "Bears"  that is super awesome causing Premier Brownback to quickly to seal the borders of Brownbackistan.

In the thick of these Political Maneuvers, Steve Dave, a prominent BBS'r living in Omaha makes a break west for the newly created state of "Bears". With the major Interstates turned into Mad Max Zones and armed only with his trusty 16 gauge shotgun(No Ammo) Steve Dave will need to travel a perilous 350 miles undected to reach safety.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 20, 2015, 03:02:56 PM

"What do you mean you aren't accepting Frequent Flier miles at this time?" The strain was getting to Steve Dave, it had only been 5 days since Premier Brownback had created Brownbackistan but he desperatly wanted out.

"I'm sorry sir, but being an emerald gold select member means nothing now since we do not service Brownbackistan. We are estimating it will take 4-5 weeks before we can print a mini bible for each seat to comply with Brownbackistan Bill 78.32."

In 4-5 weeks every border along Brownbackistan would be sealed he thought, I need out now. After thanking the AA Emerald Gold Select attendant he immediately started thinking of the dangerous trip to "Bears" ahead of him. His IRL bud Pete had recently made the trip across I-70 and reported a Mad Max like scene with refugees being rounded up by BrownShirts and sent to "Born Again" Camps. Pete had narrowly escaped being "Born Again" when he was saved by Queen Winters and her family.

He would have to avoid the major highways, and he would have to leave fast.

When he got home he started packing. 4 Miller lite screw tops later he had loaded up his family and all of his George Brett Memorabilia into their jeep and was ready to go. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 20, 2015, 03:16:34 PM
Would buy  :love:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 20, 2015, 05:01:17 PM
oh my
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: slobber on July 20, 2015, 06:03:26 PM
Dear ben ji,
Please devote 78% of your time to finishing this story and 22% of your time to dog pictures and fishing.

Gonna win 'em all!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on July 20, 2015, 06:05:24 PM
ben ji, your latest piece of literature and i are going to set record numbers at #FF16
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 20, 2015, 07:32:43 PM
could a person ride a cow all the way to bears?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on July 20, 2015, 08:11:07 PM
in Brownbackastan that would look like a local.  Once you got to Bears, that would attract the bears, so maybe have a cow ditching plan for the boarder.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on July 20, 2015, 08:15:52 PM
Cows are only good for eating. You would either need a horse or oxen and a wagon. Only a 4Her would try to ride a cow.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 20, 2015, 08:50:13 PM
Sneak peak into chapter 3 "Somewhere outside Lincoln" of the soon to be NYT Best Seller "Brownbackistan Breakout"

Steve Dave continued west on highway 92, thinking it best to avoid I-80 and the BrownShirts who may be manning the roadblocks. It was 6am before he realized he only had 1/8th a tank left and decided he had to risk a stop at the next town to refuel. Twenty miles later he pulled into the only gas station in Brainard NE.

Scoping out the parking lot he saw that the only other vehicle in the lot was a 1987 Ford Bronco with a "HUSKGER" tag and a Larry the Cable guy bumper sticker. Pulling up to the gas pump he got out and inserted his Hilton Honors reward card...nothing happened. He tried his AA super double bonus points card next but still, nothing happened. As he reached for his Marriott Premium Diamond Club card the lone worker, barely over 16 and wearing wrangler jeans and a cutoff BrownShirt walked up.

"Cxuse me sir, My name is Jaxson, you having trouble here" Steve Dave explained that something must be wrong with the pumps as none of his cards were working and he needs to get to "BEARS" asap.

Jaxson slowly backed up and reached for the side arm holstered on his hip. "Hold it right ther sir. Did ya ya not hear that Premier Brownback says that anyone trying to get to "BEARS" is a terrorist?! Ima need you to stay right here until Constable Pearlman or Sheriff Osborne can get here."

Jaxson neverously eyed the man in front of him, little did he know that Steve Dave had trained for 10 years at the Sidewinder DoJo with his best buds Limestone and Rick Daris. Years of training had made Steve Dave the most feared fighter at the annual Ernie Barrett Statue Throwdowns. The second Jaxson turned his head there was a loud SMACK as a flying roundhouse kick sent him into the engine block of SD's 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee limited.

Before Jaxson could catch his breath he was pummled by fists and feet flying faster than Tom Cruise in Top Gun. 30 seconds later Jaxson was a crumpled heap of a boy with crap stained pants. 

SD decided he needed to leave, sooner or later Constable Pearlman and Sheriff Osborne would show up while making their rounds. He jumped in his vehicle and turned the key....nothing happened. His violent disposing of Jaxson had cracked the engine block. To reach the promised land of "BEARS" he would have to make it on foot.

He roused the wife and SD jr, still wearing his Eric Hosmer Jersey, and started walking west.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 20, 2015, 09:08:45 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 8manpick on July 20, 2015, 09:20:07 PM
Shows true commitment to a high moral character that sd didn't take the HUSKGER Bronc'
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on July 20, 2015, 09:21:38 PM
holy crap
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on July 20, 2015, 09:38:27 PM
I enjoy the protagonist
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 20, 2015, 10:18:38 PM
OMG, Someone just leaked part of Chapeter 5 "A Place To Stay" from the soon to be NYT Bestseller "Brownbackistan Breakout"

It was unusually cold that November as SD settled in for what would become the longest winter of his life. It had been a stroke a luck that he even had a roof over his family's head. While walking along a county road 20 miles south of Hasting Nebraska Steve Dave had come across Cow Farmer Jenkins being harassed by 2 young BrownShirts.

Listening from the distance he gathered the Brownshirts were demanding to know where Cow Farmer Jenkins guns were, according to the registry Cow Farmer Jenkins had 2 guns that were unaccounted for. "Well Mister Jenkins, you registered these guns 6 months ago when Infidel Obama mandated it but now you can't find them?!? You know there are "BEAR" rebels all over this county and we need to make sure all the guns stay out of their hands. WHERE ARE THE GUNS COW FARMER JENKINS?!?"

"crap" SD wispered, EmoEmaw had been right, the whole point behind registering guns was to confiscate them. SD secretly wished he had a couple of rounds of 16 gauge shells to take out the BrownShirts but between traveling to Hawaii and Mowing his Lawn he had never gotten around to buying some...That's alright he thought, Obama and Brownback can take COW FARMER JENKINS guns but they can never take these, as he slaps both biceps.

SD slowly made his way forward along the ditch line, by the time the BrownShirts heard the stick crunch it was already too late. SD took both of them out with a single leg sweep before pouncing on them with the ferocity of a Wild Wildcat. 75 kicks/punches to the groin later both BrownShirts were incapacitated and had crap their pants.

Cow Farmer Jenkins looked on in amazment as the flurry of blows came to an end. "My gawd, that was impressive, whats your name young man and where did you learn to do that?"

"The name is Steve Dave sir, and I've been kicking taints since Micheal Bishop was QB, Its just a way of life. Speaking of LIFE, do you think I could transfer to your place for the winter?"

Cow Farmer Jenkins thought long and hard about it, sure this man had just saved him from a "Born Again" camp but could he actually be an asset on the Cow Farm Over the winter?

"Well Mr. Dave, I run a large cow farm operation here in Central Nebraska. I don't think I could keep a city slicker could be much help. Do you know anything about cow farming"!?!?

A wide smile formed over SD's face.......As they rode away in COW FARMER JENKINS John Deere 9360R SD jr noticed something glittering on the road behind them, if he would of had his Mickey Mouse Binoculars he would of seen his fathers AA Double Gold CC/Chase Saphire Delta CC along with 15 other cards laying on the road behind them.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 20, 2015, 10:26:56 PM
the tension  :love:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: hjfklmor on July 20, 2015, 10:27:40 PM
:love: :love: :love: :love:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on July 20, 2015, 10:34:44 PM
Jump forward 66 days....

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Tobias on July 20, 2015, 10:35:47 PM
will this be homoerotic enough to revive bread? :users:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 20, 2015, 11:03:03 PM
My cousin in laws best friends brother is a big time publisher in NY and just sent me this excerpt from Chapter 7 "The Long Winter" from "Brownbackistan Breakout"

As 2016 rolled around things were looking bleak on the Cow Farmer Jenkins homestead. 3 months of continuous blizzards had decimated the cow farm and put it's inhabitants on the verge of starvation. The long days stuck inside gave Steve Dave plenty of time to think, Maybe SonOfDaxJones had been right and global warming wasn't real? If LHC Bill Snyder had coached at Alabama or KU how many national titles would he have won? Did John Currie Intentionally run Frank Martin off?

After exhausting all these mental exercises and with 3 more months of winter ahead of them SD and Cow Farmer Jenkins Son Alonzo decided something had to be done.

There had been rumors a Union Pacific Grain Train stuck on the tracks 20 miles east of their location but no one could reach it due to the snow drifts. With no other options SD and Alonzo decided they would head east to find the infamous grain train.

After finding the tracks at the end of the second day SD and Alonzo continue east, 4 days of strenous travel later the rumored grain train comes into view......

As they approach the train Alonzo senses something is wrong, slowing their advance he points to a single corn husk laying atop the snow. "Someone has been here recently, it snowed 2 days ago but this corn husk looks fresh atop the snow" SD immediately realized they had walked into a trap but it was too late.

The next sound they heard was guns being chambered as 11 soldiers in Blackshirts rose from all around the train. "Quote me John 3:16" a voice from the back said....SD and Alonzo exchanged confused glances, They had spent their entire lives as agnostics and were utterly unprepared for life in Brownbackistan.

"Thats what I thought, your coming with us now, time for you to be BORN AGAIN" The voice said. As the blackshirts surrounded SD he caught a glimpse of the man who had spoken. He was old and balding with a crap eating grin. The wheels in his brain turned as he tried to place a name with this voice he had just heard....Finally it hit him like a brickwall.....


"Take them back to lincoln" He said. "We have room for him and 86,999 more"
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 20, 2015, 11:21:31 PM
crap, how's he going to get out of this one?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on July 21, 2015, 01:22:06 AM
Lighting a candle and playing this for the safe return of steve dave

http://digg.com/video/airmazing-grace-horn (http://digg.com/video/airmazing-grace-horn)
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on July 21, 2015, 08:49:52 AM
ben ji, did you find any more chapters yet?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 21, 2015, 09:20:31 AM
ben ji, did you find any more chapters yet?
Should be published tonight.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on July 21, 2015, 10:01:33 AM
If this thing gets printed and bound it will break a record at FF
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 21, 2015, 10:21:31 AM
Chapter 9, “Game On”


Memorial Stadium in Lincoln NE had once held 87,000 college football fans, today it held 30,000 dissidents including Steve Dave and Alonzo. Despite only arriving 3 days ago they had already got their routine down. Up by 0600 for morning prayer, always sure to face the rising sun in the east, next was a quick breakfast of Corn Kernels soaked in water that never quite filled them up. The remaining hours were a blur of Christian Extremism and Corporal Punishment. Their only respite came between the hours of 3-5 when they were allowed “Free Time”. Most of the dissidents spent this time in additional Bible Study hoping for an early release, SD and Alonzo had other ideas.


For 3 days they had scoured the stadium hoping to find a way out. What they found was a stadium completely sealed off from the outside world, the only way in and out was through a fenced Metal Tunnel that was guarded 24/7 by the vaunted BlackShirts. Late on the third day Alonzo’s face lit up with excitement. “SD, GET OVER HERE NOW, I’ve got an idea”


SD rounded the corner and saw Alonzo holding the door of a supply closet open. Peeking inside the supply closet all SD saw was a Herbie the Husker costume and some old balloons and inflatables “I’d rather have Dobber follow me around all day then put that stupid Husker Costume on” he scoffed. “Think harder” Alonzo Said…”Think balloon boy”.


Later that night they snuck out from their bunks and headed to the supply closet. 2 hours later they had fashioned a crude dirigible out of balloons and an inflatables Herbie Husker. SD and Alonzo climbed on the 6ft tall Herbie Inflatable and cut the supports. A year before Husker Faithful had released thousands of red and white balloons before every game.  Tonight those same balloons would carry SD and Alonzo away from this hell hole and hopefully back to their family.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 8manpick on July 21, 2015, 10:23:16 AM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 21, 2015, 11:02:51 AM
Chapter 10

Sheriff Osborne silently paced around the lobby, Constable Pearlman would no doubt be furious about the Recent escape from Memorial Stadium. Just 2 weeks ago Premier Brownback promoted Harvey Pearlman to Constable of all Nebraska and the Dakota’s, He must fix this he thought as the door to the Constable’s office opened up.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE GONE?!? Just GONE?! UP AND FLOATED AWAY HUH?!?” Constable Pearlman was livid, in fact Sheriff Osborne couldn’t remember him being this distraught since LHC Bill Snyder ran up the score in 2003. “IT WAS THAT DAM SOLICH” Pearlman shouted. “I KNEW HE WAS INCAPABLE, but YOU insisted he run the Largest Born Again camp in the country” The tongue lashing continued for what seem like days.


Finally Sheriff Osborne had the opportunity to speak. “I can fix this, SD and Alonzo can’t be far” He calmly replied. “I have an elite team of BlackShirts I’ve been training for just such a mission. They are waiting for my word to go…but first I have a request. Lawrence Phillips, a transfer from Cal State Pen, I need him back on my team”


Constable Pearlman was flabbergast “WHY? You couldn’t control him last time he was here and now you want him back?!?”


“I need him” Osborne stated firmly “With him nothing will stop us from reaching the Rockies”


“Fine” Pearlman said, “But you are responsible for him”


“Good, he is already on a plane headed here” Osborne said with a grin reaching across his face.


When Sheriff Osborne entered the clubhouse the Blackshirts immediately halted their activities and stood at attention. “Christian Peter. Grant Winstrom. Tracey Winstrom. Mike Rucker. Please step forward, I have a special mission for you….But first, lets go pickup an old friend from the airport”
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: slobber on July 21, 2015, 01:21:39 PM
Chapter 9, “Game On”


Memorial Stadium in Lincoln NE had once held 87,000 college football fans, today it held 30,000 dissidents including Steve Dave and Alonzo. Despite only arriving 3 days ago they had already got their routine down. Up by 0600 for morning prayer, always sure to face the rising sun in the east, next was a quick breakfast of Corn Kernels soaked in water that never quite filled them up. The remaining hours were a blur of Christian Extremism and Corporal Punishment. Their only respite came between the hours of 3-5 when they were allowed “Free Time”. Most of the dissidents spent this time in additional Bible Study hoping for an early release, SD and Alonzo had other ideas.


For 3 days they had scoured the stadium hoping to find a way out. What they found was a stadium completely sealed off from the outside world, the only way in and out was through a fenced Metal Tunnel that was guarded 24/7 by the vaunted BlackShirts. Late on the third day Alonzo’s face lit up with excitement. “SD, GET OVER HERE NOW, I’ve got an idea”


SD rounded the corner and saw Alonzo holding the door of a supply closet open. Peeking inside the supply closet all SD saw was a Herbie the Husker costume and some old balloons and inflatables “I’d rather have Dobber follow me around all day then put that stupid Husker Costume on” he scoffed. “Think harder” Alonzo Said…”Think balloon boy”.


Later that night they snuck out from their bunks and headed to the supply closet. 2 hours later they had fashioned a crude dirigible out of balloons and an inflatables Herbie Husker. SD and Alonzo climbed on the 6ft tall Herbie Inflatable and cut the supports. A year before Husker Faithful had released thousands of red and white balloons before every game.  Tonight those same balloons would carry SD and Alonzo away from this hell hole and hopefully back to their family.
Oh man! What if dobber really shows up and helps sd!?!?!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on July 21, 2015, 01:51:20 PM
I am just waiting for SD to encounter some other gErs.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 21, 2015, 02:19:36 PM
I am just waiting for SD to encounter some other gErs.
Been working on that, may have have something up my sleeve once they leave COW FARMER JENKINS homestead.

It would be easier if some gE people lived in western NE.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Fedor on July 21, 2015, 02:24:01 PM
I am just waiting for SD to encounter some other gErs.
Been working on that, may have have something up my sleeve once they leave COW FARMER JENKINS homestead.

It would be easier if some gE people lived in western NE.
Time for some deus ex machina to get SD to SC Kansas at Fedor's prepped out to the max hobby farm.  Bonus points awarded if SD shows up on a brew day.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on July 21, 2015, 02:50:59 PM
I am just waiting for SD to encounter some other gErs.
Been working on that, may have have something up my sleeve once they leave COW FARMER JENKINS homestead.

It would be easier if some gE people lived in western NE.

My caves stretch everywhere under BRownbakistan
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 21, 2015, 02:56:49 PM
I am just waiting for SD to encounter some other gErs.
Been working on that, may have have something up my sleeve once they leave COW FARMER JENKINS homestead.

It would be easier if some gE people lived in western NE.

My caves stretch everywhere under BRownbakistan
Interesting, could you give me a little more detail about the caves? Access through manhole? Lights or darkness?

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 21, 2015, 02:58:34 PM
Are these caves used for smuggling?

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Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 21, 2015, 02:59:23 PM
Can you drive a vehicle in them? Im assuming premier Brownback knows they exist but cant find them?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 21, 2015, 03:10:06 PM
The roving warlord known only as fake sugar dick :ohno:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: slobber on July 21, 2015, 03:20:35 PM
Wife is from Colby, KS...the shortcut to Denver!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on July 21, 2015, 03:20:51 PM
I am just waiting for SD to encounter some other gErs.
Been working on that, may have have something up my sleeve once they leave COW FARMER JENKINS homestead.

It would be easier if some gE people lived in western NE.

My caves stretch everywhere under BRownbakistan
Interesting, could you give me a little more detail about the caves? Access through manhole? Lights or darkness?

access through very exclusive clubs
you can drive in them
He does but is too afraid to venture down there
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: slobber on July 21, 2015, 03:21:49 PM
Monument Rocks as a look-out tower for Blackshirts!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: slobber on July 22, 2015, 05:09:45 AM
I need somebody to check on ben ji STAT! He may have gotten too into this new book/screenplay he is writing.

Gonna win 'em all!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 22, 2015, 10:29:40 AM
Lets go back to chapter 2 of Brownbackistan Breakout "Tunnels"

“Let’s keep it moving. Goods destined for Lakesantonio on the left, BEARS goods on the right!” Dugout Dickstone shouted. The eccentric billionaire had spent the last 10 years digging tunnels across the Midwest, eventually acquiring the nickname “Dugout”. What started as a hobby quickly progressed after Brownbackistan was formed and now constituted the most efficient form of transport through hostile Brownbackistan. Everything from 70 inch Flatscreen TV’s to Refugees flowed in a steady stream through the 10 ft wide tunnels. Premier Brownback knew the tunnels existed but lack the intestinal fortitude to confront the problem, electing to secure his hold on power above before venturing below.


While Brownback consolidated his power above Dickstone used his underground passages to help his friends escape into BEARS. Just 2 days ago Queen Winters group had Rescued Pete from the Chaos on I-70 and helped him reach safety through the tunnels. Now he had to figure out a way to get his IRL bud Steve Dave and his family to safety.


The call had come last night but Dickstone was too busy pounding brews with his Bro’s to notice he had a VM. He was behind the 8 ball but he knew the path SD would take to reach BEARS, he also had just the man for the job….


“WackyCat! Get over here! And bring your buds 8manpick and TTHOTUC, Steve Dave needs our help”
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 8manpick on July 22, 2015, 10:40:18 AM
well that's a power trio if I ever saw one.  No way SD doesn't make it to BEARS
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on July 22, 2015, 10:42:42 AM
Benji should move Hollywood today and become a screenwriter.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on July 22, 2015, 11:22:27 AM
I wonder what happened to SD's family in the later chapters.  :users:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on July 22, 2015, 11:23:05 AM
the dialogue crackles with real life intensity
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 22, 2015, 01:00:11 PM
Chapter 4 - Turkey Hunting

Wacky, 8man and TTHOTUC made their way west from Manhattan, in a few minutes they would be at Queen Winters Compound to pickup up the supplies they needed for their mission. The Queen’s compound was a veritable gold mine, a 60 acre site bursting from the seams with Ammo/Food that had been slowly acquired by her parents over the last 30 years. In addition to the Queen and her family the compound was also home to Winters, Nicname, and the rest of Kings Court trivia team (2015 Fatty Fest Runner up).


All of a sudden Shots rang out in the distance, “Everyone down” Wacky whispered. Another volley of shots rang out as Wacky and his team neared the compound. When they crested the hill they could see the compound under attack below them. There were six attackers, all wearing digital camouflage and slowly working their way closer to the compound. “Its go time gentlemen, 8man and TTHOTUC sweep around the back side, looks like someone is pinned down by the barn and needs help. I’ve got the guy ahead of me by the creek”


Winters did indeed need help, he had been out milking the cow when the surprise attack came. Wood shattered and bullets flew over his head as he took cover elbow deep in cow crap. 2 shots rang out from what seemed like right next to him, this is it he thought, I’m a goner. Instead Winters looked up to see 8manpick and TTHOTUC Standing next to him PEW PEW PEW’n away at the bad guys.


Meanwhile across the compound Wacky looked down his sight at the man taking cover by the creek, he had never killed a man before but today he faced no choice.  He calmly gazed down the barrel of his shotgun and squeezed the trigger. “BOOM” Wacky couldn’t remember a gun being this loud and momentarily lost his focus, by the time he looked back down the barrel the bad guy was face down in the creek.


Facing fire from 2 sides the remaining back guys quickly fled on their motorcycles.


Wacky slowly approached the bad guy laying in the creek. His one shot had grazed the bad guy on the knee cap, certainly this could not have killed the man. Inspecting closer Wacky came to the realization that after being the shot the man had fallen into the creek head first and drowned in the 2 feet of water. Just like turkey hunting Wacky chuckled.


Wacky started walking way when something on the bad guys neck caught his eye. Pulling back the dead mans collar he saw a tattoo.


  Property of

Fake Sugar Dick
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on July 22, 2015, 01:08:29 PM
OMG wacky killed a guy!!!

What about steve dave and Alonzo?! Can they get away from the Blackshirts and reunite with the family?

Will wacky 8man and TTHOTUC find SD in time?!

Who are the bad guyz with FSD tattoos? !?!


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Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 22, 2015, 02:02:46 PM
That chapter hasn't made it to the fact checker yet I guess
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on July 22, 2015, 02:27:02 PM
Is there a difference between Brownshirts and Blackshirts?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on July 22, 2015, 02:29:56 PM
I think the brownshirts are like the ss and the blackshirts are just a regional/nebraska sub division of the brownshirts
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on July 22, 2015, 03:05:07 PM
Is there a difference between Brownshirts and Blackshirts?

One can stop a team with a running game and the other can't.   :dunno:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on March 15, 2016, 10:21:59 PM

found it
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Tobias on March 16, 2016, 12:16:27 AM
thank god.  was away from technology and worried for a min there
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on March 16, 2016, 12:18:14 PM
How did I miss this thread?  :lol:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on March 16, 2016, 12:29:24 PM
thank god.  was away from technology and worried for a min there

Clearlakehorn thinks a 10th grader made it
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 420seriouscat69 on March 16, 2016, 12:30:46 PM
ben ji is so rough ridin' talented!  :love:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on March 16, 2016, 12:35:08 PM
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Tobias on March 16, 2016, 12:41:50 PM
thank god.  was away from technology and worried for a min there

Clearlakehorn thinks a 10th grader made it

just caught up on that :lol:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on March 16, 2016, 04:38:45 PM
starting to see the benefits of underground
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on March 16, 2016, 06:57:33 PM
ben ji is so rough ridin' talented!  :love:

What If I told you that the completed book would be available at fatty fest?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Asteriskhead on March 18, 2016, 11:12:23 AM
ben ji is so rough ridin' talented!  :love:

What If I told you that the completed book would be available at fatty fest?

i can't wait to be the sole owner of ben ji's first editions.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Mrs. Gooch on March 18, 2016, 11:36:16 AM
Is this book going to be an auction item or will we just be able to buy copies at the door?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on April 15, 2016, 07:53:41 PM

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on April 15, 2016, 10:33:35 PM
Chapter 13 "Lawrence Phillips Died"

Despite the early arrival of a warm spring breeze Sheriff Osborne could not relax. The state of Brownbackistan had been in constant turmoil since its creation over 9 months ago. He had lost one of his best blackshirts, Lawrence Phillips, when Dugout Dickstones men rescued Steve Dave from cow farmer Jenkins place. For the past two weeks he was right on SD’s trail but as soon as he arrived in McCook the trail had gone cold.

Now his shaking octogenarian hands held a telegram from Premier Brownback. 

His frail fingers creased the manila envelope.

Sheriff Osbourne-

Let us forget our past failures. New intelligence from FSD points to rebel activity underground near Colby KS. My Brownshirts are monitoring radio traffic and believe a large concentration of known terrorists including the Ace of Spades(Dugout Dickstone), The Jack of Clubs(Wacky Cat), Queen of Hearts(Queen Winters) and your nemesis the King of Clubs(Steve Dave) are heading for the border.

Take your remaining men and stop them at all costs. I have removed 50 million from the University of Kansas Endowment fund to cover any costs you may incur.

Do Not Fail me!

In God We Trust,

Sam Brownback
Premier of Brownbackistan

"GREEN, MACKOVICA" Osborne shouted. "Round up the rest of the blackshirts, we're headed south"
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: TheHamburglar on April 16, 2016, 09:39:16 AM


I would kill for that Dallas-OKC-Tulsa-KC rail system.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on August 15, 2017, 04:16:33 PM
When's this thing happening?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Phil Titola on August 15, 2017, 04:29:06 PM
Can you guys take us with you? We have grain.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: renocat on August 15, 2017, 08:20:56 PM
Hutchinson should be fine for a capitol.  use an old.grain elevator.  Trump could live in the salt mine.  Poor Internet down their.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on October 05, 2017, 10:37:26 AM

http://www.people-press.org/2017/10/05/the-partisan-divide-on-political-values-grows-even-wider/ (http://www.people-press.org/2017/10/05/the-partisan-divide-on-political-values-grows-even-wider/)
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: SdK on October 05, 2017, 12:53:02 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on October 26, 2017, 11:45:46 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on October 27, 2017, 06:13:46 AM
I don’t think Boston would make my top 10.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on October 27, 2017, 07:15:45 AM
I don’t think Boston would make my top 10.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: wetwillie on October 27, 2017, 08:03:24 AM
West coast is the best coast
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on October 27, 2017, 08:11:54 AM
I have never been to San Jose but
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on October 27, 2017, 12:47:56 PM
San Jose is great mocat.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: slackcat on October 28, 2017, 04:40:38 AM
This doesn't bode well for the Great Plains.  :frown:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on October 28, 2017, 06:50:31 AM
The only cool cities on that list are San Diego and NYC
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on October 28, 2017, 09:08:31 PM
The only cool cities on that list are San Diego and NYC

Lol  :Carl:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on October 28, 2017, 09:39:48 PM
San Jose is great mocat.
Was it like pretty much invented in the 50s tho? Gross
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: SkinnyBenny on October 29, 2017, 01:26:30 PM
I don’t think Boston would make my top 10.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


lolfart @ Boston being on that list but not Austin
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on October 29, 2017, 02:14:04 PM
I only posted that in support of the "cool kids" name for that region in gE's new america.

Anyway, here's the data: https://www.forbes.com/sites/samanthasharf/2017/10/26/san-francisco-tops-our-list-of-americas-coolest-cities/
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on October 29, 2017, 02:40:01 PM
San Jose is great mocat.
Was it like pretty much invented in the 50s tho? Gross

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: The Big Train on October 29, 2017, 04:13:36 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on June 05, 2018, 10:12:06 PM
@Trim not even in Brownbackistan :facepalm:


White Nationalist Who Marched In Charlottesville Elected To Local GOP Office
James Allsup took part in the white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally last year.

White nationalist James Allsup is now an elected officer in the Republican Party of Washington state

Look at this herb
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on June 05, 2018, 10:55:42 PM
Whitman County is basically Idaho (Bears).
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on March 01, 2019, 09:14:17 PM
So I recently started reading some more end of the world shoot em up dime books and got inspired to revisit this story. I've knocked out a couple of chapters and think I can get "Brownbackistan Breakout" finished by the end of the weekend. Will start a new thread and post everything in chronological order.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on March 01, 2019, 09:25:52 PM
Chapter X "Out of the Sky"

It had been over a month since Wacky and his crew had left the Queens compound along with Winters, Nicname and the rest of the 2015 Fatty fest trivia runner up team. First they headed north to Kearney then redirected East towards SD’s home base of Omaha looking for any sign of where SD had been.

As they passed the only Gas Station in the small town of Brainard NE Dlew noticed a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited with a busted engine block and a “My other car is a free flight from Churning” Bumper Sticker.

“Check it out you studs” Dlew said as he pointed his tactical light laser (that only people with tactical glasses can see) at the Car. “I think we finally found our first sign of SD”

Just then gunshots rang out and they hit the ground. From the distance it sounded like shotguns mixed with the muffled grunts of 2 large fat ugly men sprinting.... As the gunshots grew closer Wacky and his crew noticed something strange in the Air.

Up in the air SD and Cow Farmers Jenkins son Alonzo were getting worried. The Winds were in their favor and had carried them far away from the Born Again Center in Lincoln but now that they had been spotted they were sitting ducks for the brownshirts on the ground. As the shotgun pellets burst the Balloons keeping them afloat SD and Alonzo both said prayers to their own gods (Michael Bishop / Rain Clouds)

“WE’RE GOING DOWN” Steve Dave shouted!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on March 01, 2019, 09:28:35 PM
Chapter X “The Meetup”

And SD/Alonzo were going down alright, and in a field next to the gas station where he had left his vehicle a couple of months earlier. The dirigible crashed with the force of when Mario Smith Sketti Brained that BYU player, both SD and Alonzo were ejected and out cold.

Wacky and his crew rushed to the scene and saw 2 men in brown shirts and Larry The Cable guy hats coming out of the woods with shotguns. Without a word being said Wacky, Winters and the 2nd place trivia team went right while 8manpick, dlew and TTHOTUC headed left.

The two groups met in a pincer move just as the brownshirts reached the men who had fallen from the sky. “OOO Boy Claxsen! These are them 2 the Blackshirts are looking fo! You better call up Corporal Pelini and let him know!”

Right as the final digit was being pressed Claxsen found his arm broken in half as Winters karate chopped him so hard he crap his pants at the same moment Wacky began kicking his shins with the speed of a woodpecker. 8manpick made a textbook ruby tackle on the second brownshirt before letting TTHOTUC finish him off with a stone cold stunner so powerful the Brownshirt shot a log of crap straight down it pant leg and into his steel toed boot.

After slapping hands then waiting for Dlew to call them all Studs Wacky and his crew finally got around to looking at who the people were that fell out of the sky. They were shocked to realize it was Steve Dave and some random cow farmer.

“My family, the farm near Hasting” SD whispered “We need to go to BEARS”. That was the last words he said before he sketti brained out again and was loaded into Wackys vehicle.

Corporal Pelini heard the whole conversation on his Samsung Galaxy 9-4 and alerted the troops. Soon Lawrence Phillips and the blackshirts were heading west towards Hastings NE.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on March 02, 2019, 11:01:39 AM
I love great literature.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on March 04, 2019, 09:18:33 PM
Completed book is here https://goEMAW.com/forum/index.php?topic=41353.msg1900110#msg1900110

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 8manpick on June 21, 2019, 07:55:46 PM
The Cool Kids: CA, OR, WA, HI

Brownbackistan: KS, OK, NE, MO, IA, ND, SD, AR

Texas: Texas

Desertville: NM, AZ, NV (gambling and retirees from brownbackistan.)

Bears: CO  :cry: , WY, ID, MT, UT (CO wants to be with the cool kids but geography, you know?)

Lakesantonio: MN, IL, WI, MI, IN, OH (PA should probably go here but it would cut off some states from the NE so they don't)

Racistville: LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, NC, VA, FL, TN, KY, WV

The Part With People: All the tiny/NE states, plus NY and PA. also DC.

New Russia: Alaska
I'm moving to The Part With People this weekend! Goodbye Lakesantonio!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 8manpick on December 05, 2019, 11:05:30 AM

The 11 Nations of the United States (https://www.businessinsider.com/the-11-nations-of-the-united-states-2015-7?utm_content=buffer7c6e9&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer&fbclid=IwAR12cbRiw27GJ9FzEGsNL80p0c7mPzmdERftXtryNI2fMkVV69mZKg5Hu2M)
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Phil Titola on April 22, 2020, 12:52:31 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on April 22, 2020, 02:25:58 PM
You have a LA Times account? Imma pass on that, can you c & p the article?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on April 22, 2020, 02:27:40 PM
APRIL 22, 20205:10 AM
On Monday night, I was watching TV coverage of the pandemic, first on MSNBC then on Fox News, and a thought occurred.

We are so helplessly, irrevocably divided, it’s time to quit talking about coming together as one and do the only sensible thing.

Roughly 30 years ago, the USSR came to grips with its irreconcilable regional differences and broke apart, splitting into 15 independent republics.

Why can’t we do that here?

All those who love the man currently running the United States of America would become residents of the Kingdom of Mar-a-Lago.

Good luck to ye all.

If this sounds delusional, maybe it is. Maybe I’ve got a case of cabin fever and it’s eating at my brain. But we’re five weeks into this and it seems like an eternity.

Oh, how I long for the days when I could roam free and focus on more positive news than coronavirus, like the arrest of the L.A. City Councilman jammed up in a federal corruption probe or the rat infestation at City Hall.

I’ve seen people suggest that any of us who are complaining about our enforced staycations are nothing but wimps. After all, Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison.

Yeah, but he didn’t have cable TV.

I’m both addicted and repulsed.

It’s torture.

One minute you’re watching scientists warn that we’ll pay with our lives if we return to normal before testing and tracing are in place. The next minute you’re watching President Trump canonize people for demanding the return of their God-given right to eat at a Waffle House and infect everyone around them.

Monday night, sadly, was a no-alcohol night for me. I try to have a couple of those a week. Booze without TV is okay. TV without booze is a test of will and I may not have what it takes.

I watched 30 minutes of MSNBC’s merciless attacks on Trump and Fox News. Then I switched to Fox for 30 minutes of Sean Hannity’s militant defense of Trump, along with a volley of cannon shots at what he calls MSDNC.

This is who we are. A nation irrevocably divided, perhaps more than ever. We hate each other and I have proof. You wanna read some of the email I get?

We could do it the USSR way and divide into 15 self-governed countries. We could have the Republic of America First, the Commonwealth of God and Guns, the Federated Sanctuary of Huddled Masses (with California as its capital).

But splitting in half seems a little easier to pull off, especially since the president himself expresses such deep-seated contempt for blue states.

The Kingdom of Mar-a-Lago would for sure include the states now racing to reopen for business despite the risks that have been clearly laid out by one medical authority after another. Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. Some have said they’ll be cautious, but why hold back?

This weekend, to celebrate the birth of their new republic, they could hold a massive liberation party on all southeast Atlantic beaches. Social distancing would be abandoned. Anyone possessing, wearing or selling a mask — or wondering if the ocean water has gotten warmer — would be shot on sight by a citizen militia.

In Texas, suspended executions would not only be resumed, but death row inmates would be given lethal COVID-19 injections. And all houses of worship in the Kingdom of Mar-a-Lago would be required to reopen if they hadn’t already, with no restrictions on hugging and kissing.

All Mar-a-Lago immigrants except for Melania would be sent home on rubber rafts, all the king’s conversations with foreign allies and enemies would be “perfect,” nobody smart would pay taxes and journalists would be turned away at the border unless they worked for Fox News.

California, of course, has plenty of red, Trump-loving regions, the largest of which is the Central Valley. When the country splits, everything from Modesto to Bakersfield might want to become a territory of Mar-a-Lago. But once the labor force was deported, I’m not sure how they’d find anyone to work the fields.

I don’t mean to suggest, by the way, that California doesn’t have its own leadership challenges. It ain’t all milk and honey here, by a long shot.

We’ve got a housing crisis we’ve temporarily forgotten about, epic numbers of homeless people and great wealth alongside even greater poverty. The L.A. Unified School District budget is full of holes. L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti says there will be furloughs and even fewer of the basic services he promised. And let’s not forget Newsom’s secretive and suspicious deal to buy $1 billion worth of masks from a Chinese company with a sketchy track record.

But all things considered, we tend to trust science, and, while we’re eager to rediscover our groove, we’re cautious about moving too quickly.

Newsom, if you haven’t noticed, keeps calling us a nation state.

Let’s make it official.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on April 22, 2020, 02:35:22 PM
APRIL 22, 20205:10 AM
On Monday night, I was watching TV coverage of the pandemic, first on MSNBC then on Fox News, and a thought occurred.

We are so helplessly, irrevocably divided, it’s time to quit talking about coming together as one and do the only sensible thing.

Roughly 30 years ago, the USSR came to grips with its irreconcilable regional differences and broke apart, splitting into 15 independent republics.

Why can’t we do that here?

All those who love the man currently running the United States of America would become residents of the Kingdom of Mar-a-Lago.

Good luck to ye all.

If this sounds delusional, maybe it is. Maybe I’ve got a case of cabin fever and it’s eating at my brain. But we’re five weeks into this and it seems like an eternity.

Oh, how I long for the days when I could roam free and focus on more positive news than coronavirus, like the arrest of the L.A. City Councilman jammed up in a federal corruption probe or the rat infestation at City Hall.

I’ve seen people suggest that any of us who are complaining about our enforced staycations are nothing but wimps. After all, Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison.

Yeah, but he didn’t have cable TV.

I’m both addicted and repulsed.

It’s torture.

One minute you’re watching scientists warn that we’ll pay with our lives if we return to normal before testing and tracing are in place. The next minute you’re watching President Trump canonize people for demanding the return of their God-given right to eat at a Waffle House and infect everyone around them.

Monday night, sadly, was a no-alcohol night for me. I try to have a couple of those a week. Booze without TV is okay. TV without booze is a test of will and I may not have what it takes.

I watched 30 minutes of MSNBC’s merciless attacks on Trump and Fox News. Then I switched to Fox for 30 minutes of Sean Hannity’s militant defense of Trump, along with a volley of cannon shots at what he calls MSDNC.

This is who we are. A nation irrevocably divided, perhaps more than ever. We hate each other and I have proof. You wanna read some of the email I get?

We could do it the USSR way and divide into 15 self-governed countries. We could have the Republic of America First, the Commonwealth of God and Guns, the Federated Sanctuary of Huddled Masses (with California as its capital).

But splitting in half seems a little easier to pull off, especially since the president himself expresses such deep-seated contempt for blue states.

The Kingdom of Mar-a-Lago would for sure include the states now racing to reopen for business despite the risks that have been clearly laid out by one medical authority after another. Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. Some have said they’ll be cautious, but why hold back?

This weekend, to celebrate the birth of their new republic, they could hold a massive liberation party on all southeast Atlantic beaches. Social distancing would be abandoned. Anyone possessing, wearing or selling a mask — or wondering if the ocean water has gotten warmer — would be shot on sight by a citizen militia.

In Texas, suspended executions would not only be resumed, but death row inmates would be given lethal COVID-19 injections. And all houses of worship in the Kingdom of Mar-a-Lago would be required to reopen if they hadn’t already, with no restrictions on hugging and kissing.

All Mar-a-Lago immigrants except for Melania would be sent home on rubber rafts, all the king’s conversations with foreign allies and enemies would be “perfect,” nobody smart would pay taxes and journalists would be turned away at the border unless they worked for Fox News.

California, of course, has plenty of red, Trump-loving regions, the largest of which is the Central Valley. When the country splits, everything from Modesto to Bakersfield might want to become a territory of Mar-a-Lago. But once the labor force was deported, I’m not sure how they’d find anyone to work the fields.

I don’t mean to suggest, by the way, that California doesn’t have its own leadership challenges. It ain’t all milk and honey here, by a long shot.

We’ve got a housing crisis we’ve temporarily forgotten about, epic numbers of homeless people and great wealth alongside even greater poverty. The L.A. Unified School District budget is full of holes. L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti says there will be furloughs and even fewer of the basic services he promised. And let’s not forget Newsom’s secretive and suspicious deal to buy $1 billion worth of masks from a Chinese company with a sketchy track record.

But all things considered, we tend to trust science, and, while we’re eager to rediscover our groove, we’re cautious about moving too quickly.

Newsom, if you haven’t noticed, keeps calling us a nation state.

Let’s make it official.

I don't use this term lightly, but that was Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!).
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Phil Titola on April 22, 2020, 03:18:34 PM
You have a LA Times account? Imma pass on that, can you c & p the article?

I didn't.  The topic sounded right up Trim's alley.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on April 22, 2020, 03:49:46 PM
This thread pitches the idea better, but yes we should.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on April 22, 2020, 08:34:39 PM
Thanks RATM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on August 07, 2020, 07:21:40 AM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on August 07, 2020, 07:34:51 AM
well that's rude
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on August 07, 2020, 07:38:27 AM
Kansas is the center of a nation called Remainder? I'll take it.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on August 07, 2020, 09:27:02 AM
Kansas is the center of a nation called Remainder? I'll take it.

KC would obviously be the capital and we could mush the crap out of Omaha/STL/Tulsa/OKC/All those shitty towns in central IL that have like 50k people that are now under our thumb.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on August 07, 2020, 09:29:11 AM
why didn't that person just divide the 15M remainder equally into the other regions?

maybe we need a separate Breaking up the Remainder thread
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on August 07, 2020, 09:46:56 AM
That map hurt me deeply
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: kim carnes on August 07, 2020, 11:28:28 AM

That is perfect, I love it
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Phil Titola on August 07, 2020, 11:32:10 AM

That is perfect, I love it

Midwest Grey needs to at least get some water access at Lake Michigan.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on August 07, 2020, 11:42:58 AM

That is perfect, I love it

Midwest Grey needs to at least get some water access at Lake Michigan.

You got access to the Gulf via the mighty Missipp.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: cfbandyman on August 07, 2020, 12:45:58 PM
Calling the red "Barren Wasteland" is the dumbest crap I've seen. That is the best land, not wasted at all. SMDH
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sys on August 07, 2020, 12:47:25 PM
remainder must have an deep water port.  it is our destiny.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: chum1 on August 07, 2020, 12:51:21 PM
why didn't that person just divide the 15M remainder equally into the other regions?

maybe we need a separate Breaking up the Remainder thread

The original intent, whatever it was, had populations that equaled the population of Texas.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on August 07, 2020, 12:52:57 PM
You could add OK to texas and it would still be the same
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Phil Titola on August 07, 2020, 12:53:34 PM

That is perfect, I love it

Midwest Grey needs to at least get some water access at Lake Michigan.

You got access to the Gulf via the mighty Missipp.

Not good enough.  Grey will die quickly even with their fertile soil if they can't get their product out.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on August 07, 2020, 12:56:44 PM
The Carolina's:  The Megalopolis of RDU-Piedmont Triad-CTL-GVSP-ATL would be an economic powerhouse, with access to (2) deep water ports on the Coast.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on August 07, 2020, 01:10:02 PM
Kansas is the center of a nation called Remainder? I'll take it.

KC would obviously be the capital and we could mush the crap out of Omaha/STL/Tulsa/OKC/All those shitty towns in central IL that have like 50k people that are now under our thumb.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 8manpick on August 07, 2020, 01:42:54 PM
Why does it say 7 countries but its actually 12? :confused:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on August 07, 2020, 01:54:08 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on August 07, 2020, 03:32:04 PM
Wouldn’t severely limiting the power and influence of the federal government and letting the states interact with each other as they see fit do basically the same thing?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: cfbandyman on August 07, 2020, 03:40:48 PM
The Carolina's:  The Megalopolis of RDU-Piedmont Triad-CTL-GVSP-ATL would be an economic powerhouse, with access to (2) deep water ports on the Coast.

It totally would. Really out those divisions:

Carolina, Barren Wasteland (Just needs to be North and West but w/e), California

Not as Studly but Still Good:
New Canada, Newer Mexico, New Maine, New Delaware, Texas

Remainder, Mason-Dixon, Michigohio

Mississippi, Florida

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on August 07, 2020, 03:49:44 PM
Assuming free migration between these new states, the population movement would be fascinating.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on August 09, 2020, 09:33:40 AM
The Carolina's:  The Megalopolis of RDU-Piedmont Triad-CTL-GVSP-ATL would be an economic powerhouse, with access to (2) deep water ports on the Coast.

It totally would. Really out those divisions:

Carolina, Barren Wasteland (Just needs to be North and West but w/e), California

Not as Studly but Still Good:
New Canada, Newer Mexico, New Maine, New Delaware, Texas

Remainder, Mason-Dixon, Michigohio

Mississippi, Florida


I'll take New Canada and run, the most politically diverse country in the whole thing. Mississippi, as usual, is super gross.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on August 12, 2020, 02:08:02 PM
Kietz agrees that he and I should live in countries foreign from each other.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on August 12, 2020, 02:16:12 PM
Someone is campaigning for a job at Outkick. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: chum1 on August 12, 2020, 02:17:33 PM
"Go through with it" sounds a bit ominous.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on August 12, 2020, 03:01:20 PM
He's got the wrong impression of two Americas
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on October 01, 2021, 02:08:29 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on October 01, 2021, 02:10:47 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on October 01, 2021, 02:56:26 PM

level 1
I think seceding would actually be a dumb move. Like someone else said, there’s plenty of red counties in every state. More importantly though, you further create an us vs them divide, and all it takes is one false flag for Biden to go to war with the states that seceded.

Now imagine what China & Russia would be thinking. The US is the strongest country on the planet in large part due to where we’re positioned geologically. Imagine how much easier it is for a foreign country to invade the US when it’s broken in half.

Lone voice of reason right here. China and Russia fear our rocks and we have to keep them united.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on October 01, 2021, 03:33:29 PM

level 1
I think seceding would actually be a dumb move. Like someone else said, there’s plenty of red counties in every state. More importantly though, you further create an us vs them divide, and all it takes is one false flag for Biden to go to war with the states that seceded.

Now imagine what China & Russia would be thinking. The US is the strongest country on the planet in large part due to where we’re positioned geologically. Imagine how much easier it is for a foreign country to invade the US when it’s broken in half.

Lone voice of reason right here. China and Russia fear our rocks and we have to keep them united.

It is less absurd than you think, when one thinks about the raw materials needed to make war. Indeed, that was the thinking behind the European Coal and Steel Community created in the wake of WWII, which was created so that France and Germany could no longer start wars against each other and was, in fact, the predecessor of the European Union. You know, "Beautiful, clean coal," "Beautiful AMERICAN STEEL," etc.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on October 04, 2021, 01:53:35 PM
I've always loved this talking point.

Also the only reason a lot of the cities are blue is due liberals playing the racist card to scam minority votes.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on October 04, 2021, 04:08:19 PM
Some fantastic #blueanon vote mining operations out there.  That’s why you’ve turned election reform into lunatic rants about racism (while ignoring the highly restrictive laws in blue strongholds).
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on December 27, 2021, 12:59:04 PM
It’s worth the logistical difficulty to really do this.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on December 27, 2021, 04:04:46 PM
It’s worth the logistical difficulty to really do this.

In theory it would never work because the people we want to get away from would just follow us around, whining about the same bullshit. We can't even get them to stick to that piece of crap parler they invented to be a lunatic echo chamber. You think they'd let us have whole sections of the country? For as much as they cry about California and the west coast, could you imagine the bitching if they didn't get Pacific coastline?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on December 27, 2021, 04:06:22 PM
It’s worth the logistical difficulty to really do this.

In theory it would never work because the people we want to get away from would just follow us around, whining about the same bullshit. We can't even get them to stick to that piece of crap parler they invented to be a lunatic echo chamber. You think they'd let us have whole sections of the country? For as much as they cry about California and the west coast, could you imagine the bitching if they didn't get Pacific coastline?

Walls could be built.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on December 27, 2021, 08:17:34 PM
The Twittersphere is a massive Jupiter sized cauldron of #blueanon lunancy.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on December 27, 2021, 08:31:50 PM
The Twittersphere is a massive Jupiter sized cauldron of #blueanon lunancy.

That you and your other cult members can't quit, despite the availability of alternatives.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on December 27, 2021, 08:34:55 PM
The Twittersphere is a massive Jupiter sized cauldron of #blueanon lunancy.

That you and your other cult members can't quit, despite the availability of alternatives.

I rarely if ever comment on politics on Twitter.   

But I do agree that #blueanon of the world are a  :lol: :lol: :lol: to read in that environment, sadly there's 1000's of #blueanon thought leaders fueling the perpetual onslaught of lunacy.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on December 28, 2021, 03:40:03 PM
There was just some study released this past week that shows that conservatives have more influence on social media than the left.   it was in a bbc article or somewhere like that.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: LickNeckey on December 28, 2021, 04:53:51 PM
Dipshits and MLM housewives love Facebook so this makes sense
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on January 03, 2022, 09:24:12 PM
Simplistic but it works.  I'm with OUTLAW Country Rap WV Mini Thin on this idea.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on January 04, 2022, 09:24:38 AM
hard pass
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on January 04, 2022, 09:30:03 AM
If the great lakes aren't Canadian then what are we doing here.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on January 04, 2022, 09:53:29 AM
Tweak it however you want, but we gotta start somewhere.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on January 04, 2022, 09:58:54 AM
Divide rural vs urban with high-speed tunnels connecting the cities.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: DQ12 on January 04, 2022, 10:06:16 AM
north dakota seems like the canadianest state there is imo.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 8manpick on January 04, 2022, 10:08:29 AM
That was just someone who thinks Canada is a socialist country
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on January 04, 2022, 10:18:20 AM
That was just someone who thinks Canada is a socialist country

Yep, Mini Thin wants the west coast libtards to join their kind in canada, but I think he'll be surprised at the lack of pushback he gets from those he's evicting.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: wetwillie on January 04, 2022, 11:14:33 AM
Canada getting Vegas?  Be serious bro.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on January 04, 2022, 11:28:59 AM
Yeah, Nevada absolutely will not be in the cool conference
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: chum1 on January 04, 2022, 11:31:35 AM
The US does owe Canada something in return for Colorado, though.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: chum1 on January 04, 2022, 11:33:41 AM
The US does owe Canada something in return for Colorado, though.

If not Nevada, maybe Montana???
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on January 04, 2022, 11:43:41 AM
MT? Absofuckinglutely not. And don’t come with MAGA ID either.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on January 04, 2022, 11:44:06 AM
north dakota seems like the canadianest state there is imo.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on January 04, 2022, 11:52:20 AM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: wetwillie on January 04, 2022, 12:08:12 PM
US keeps NJ and Nevada and gives up Michigan and Minnesota. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: DQ12 on January 04, 2022, 02:01:44 PM
north dakota seems like the canadianest state there is imo.
'fraid so.  North Dakota may as well be Canada already.  That place is cold, desolate and indistinguishable from everywhere that isn't Vancouver/Toronto/Greater Quebec.  The numbers don't lie.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on January 04, 2022, 02:33:54 PM
Let's just split it up like this.  Blue U.S.  - Red Confederate

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on January 04, 2022, 04:24:55 PM
US keeps NJ and Nevada and gives up Michigan and Minnesota. 


Let's just split it up like this.  Blue U.S.  - Red Confederate


Ooh, this works too. I can be a liberal but still get to use plastic straws. I do think this has shifted a bit though, my lovely home, the midlands loses all of the land west of the Missouri River, and south florida is now part of the deep south.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on February 18, 2022, 02:06:13 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 18, 2022, 02:12:50 PM

I did this! I had a job opportunity in Manhattan/Junction City that I passed on to stay here in Ames.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 18, 2022, 02:18:45 PM

I did this! I had a job opportunity in Manhattan/Junction City that I passed on to stay here in Ames.

I wouldn't be looking to move to Manhattan right now either. It's become far too liberal.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on February 18, 2022, 02:19:26 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on February 18, 2022, 02:45:04 PM
Figured Ames and MHK would be quite similar politically. I know Iowa is more purpley overall. What sucks about KS in general is that we seem to be losing our old "Midlands" type moderate vibe, and replacing it with a more "Deep South," MAGA type republicanism. My grandpa and Bob Dole are probably rolling over in their graves seeing what we've become.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on February 18, 2022, 02:47:46 PM
I'm all for the breakup of the US by simply all but neutering the federal government. The political shifts and alliances that would spring forth would be a site to behold. We'd finally get to see things like ending the drug war and Medicare-4-All type health care spring up in certain states, as well as shifts in how and where small companies and large corporations alike choose to do business.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 19, 2022, 12:47:06 AM

I did this! I had a job opportunity in Manhattan/Junction City that I passed on to stay here in Ames.

I wouldn't be looking to move to Manhattan right now either. It's become far too liberal.

 :ROFL: the eff it has. Is justwin Joe Mathieu? Trumplicans won 3 of the 6 available school board and city commission seats in November's election. Three of these jokers.

In Ames my kid in middle school has a black principal, my wife's school has a black principal, we have a black superintendent. We have a black lives matter week in the district. We haven't banned books (who would have thought in 2022, that would be something to brag about?). One of those conservative PACs tried to buy three school board spots and they got beaten, badly.

There are no conservatives on the city council. My representative is a black lives matter advocate and secretary for the local NAACP chapter. My state senate rep, also black, and now is the chair of the Iowa Democratic Party after the old guy metaphorically tazed his own balls with the 2020 caucuses.

No Marvin Rodriguez's here, that'd be embarrassing
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 21, 2022, 09:37:24 AM

I did this! I had a job opportunity in Manhattan/Junction City that I passed on to stay here in Ames.

I wouldn't be looking to move to Manhattan right now either. It's become far too liberal.

 :ROFL: the eff it has. Is justwin Joe Mathieu? Trumplicans won 3 of the 6 available school board and city commission seats in November's election. Three of these jokers.

In Ames my kid in middle school has a black principal, my wife's school has a black principal, we have a black superintendent. We have a black lives matter week in the district. We haven't banned books (who would have thought in 2022, that would be something to brag about?). One of those conservative PACs tried to buy three school board spots and they got beaten, badly.

There are no conservatives on the city council. My representative is a black lives matter advocate and secretary for the local NAACP chapter. My state senate rep, also black, and now is the chair of the Iowa Democratic Party after the old guy metaphorically tazed his own balls with the 2020 caucuses.

No Marvin Rodriguez's here, that'd be embarrassing

I have no doubt that Ames is more liberal than Manhattan. My main point was emphasizing the premise of the article Trim linked. Manhattan is not liberal enough for you. Manhattan is too liberal for me. The chances of me living in Manhattan five years from now are probably like 5%. You and I are self sorting as indicated in the article.

A lot of the stuff the MAGA wing of the Republican party does is off putting to me. A lot of the stuff the progressive wing of the Democratic party is off putting to me. On balance, though, the stuff from the progressive wing of the Democratic party is more off putting to me and I don't want to live somewhere where progressive thinking is becoming more prevalent.

There is no doubt that Manhattan is more liberal/progressive than it was 25 years ago. The Riley County Commission district I live in was won by a Democrat last fall. The city commission is filled with people that think raising taxes and spending more money is the way to go. USD 383 was far more draconian with their COVID policies than surrounding districts. This kind of stuff seems to be what more people in Manhattan want and that's fine. I keep my kids out of the schools here and am looking to move away.

As a final note, Marvin Rodriguez got voted out in the primary of the last election.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CHONGS on February 21, 2022, 11:29:58 AM
White flight has been a real thing for a long time.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on February 21, 2022, 01:29:19 PM
Good synopsis by Justtakeyourballandgohome.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on February 21, 2022, 10:33:04 PM
Question...Its a 50 state battle royale civil war. Do you fight for Kansas? I'm a dyed in the wheat sunflower bro so obviously I'm in but I'm wondering about some of our sunflower brothers who live in other states.

Does SD come back from Omaha to wear a sunflower badge or does he wear the corn patch? Does MichiganCat take the first flight back from brooklyn to grab an AR and fight for the sunflower alliance? What about MIR, his kids are Idiots Out Wondering Around born and bred, can he convince them they should really move back to Kansas for the war? Is 8man gonna dump his Chicago wife to bring glory to the prairie? Would Trim move back to Ta Town to file an lawsuit about some silly legal topic? I can guarantee you Dax will be back in his homeland fighting for Kansas.

Obviously there would be alliances and most of these people (besides michcat) would fall inside of brownbackistan but it is worth thinking about.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on February 21, 2022, 11:02:34 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: OK_Cat on February 21, 2022, 11:15:34 PM
eff you, but I’m in

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on February 22, 2022, 12:43:46 AM
Sorry. Texas Forever.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on February 22, 2022, 04:07:30 AM
these Bears colors don't run
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on February 22, 2022, 06:13:39 AM
I only have two old shotguns, but sure I’ve only lived here my whole life.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on February 22, 2022, 08:38:45 AM
Multiple giant military bases,  massive capability to design, build and launch short range-intermediate range-ballistic rocket and missile/space systems,  a huge tactical air assault, tactical fighter and strategic bomber capability, and copious facilities to train war fighters of all types.   Not to mention ports equipped to service the ballistic missile and attack submarine fleet and a shipyard to build and maintain a highly nimble fast frigate naval force.   

Looks like the Deep South will have formidable military capabilities. 

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 22, 2022, 09:24:58 AM
Yeah, they would be North Korea with heavy nuclear capabilities.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on February 22, 2022, 10:33:02 AM
Given the attitudes of the cracker belt, coal belt and rust belt (even though they move here by the thousands upon thousands) it would seem a strong military would be advisable.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: catastrophe on February 22, 2022, 10:52:48 PM
At this point in my life Kansas means nothing to me other than acting like I’m basically diverse because I grew up in a wheat field.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on February 23, 2022, 08:23:39 AM
Ad Astra motherfuckers
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: bucket on February 23, 2022, 08:27:15 AM
For me, facing the Kansas regiment will feel like what brothers fighting against each other in the Civil War must have felt.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on February 23, 2022, 08:27:34 AM
One thing you wouldn't have to worry about in Bears is the constant Missouri/Kansas mixup
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: cfbandyman on February 23, 2022, 10:24:58 AM
Simplistic but it works.  I'm with OUTLAW Country Rap WV Mini Thin on this idea.


I know this is been posted for a bit but Quebec, Western half of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and anything outside a 50 mile radius of Vancouver in BC would like to have a talk.

If there is one country that could/should split first it's Canada.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 23, 2022, 12:32:20 PM
Simplistic but it works.  I'm with OUTLAW Country Rap WV Mini Thin on this idea.


I know this is been posted for a bit but Quebec, Western half of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and anything outside a 50 mile radius of Vancouver in BC would like to have a talk.

If there is one country that could/should split first it's Canada.

Outside of Quebec, I don't view Canadians as politically divided as we are here. At least now, they aren't really on the far left and far right, a lot of the culture war stuff that is so pervasive here isn't nearly as much of a thing there.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 8manpick on February 23, 2022, 12:45:51 PM
Good question Ben ji. I think I’m still fighting for Kansas, but self preservation may get me to stay in the more populous Illinois. I worry that My home state may be overrun and truly become Bleeding Kansas.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: BIG APPLE CAT on February 23, 2022, 01:10:20 PM
Simplistic but it works.  I'm with OUTLAW Country Rap WV Mini Thin on this idea.


I know this is been posted for a bit but Quebec, Western half of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and anything outside a 50 mile radius of Vancouver in BC would like to have a talk.

If there is one country that could/should split first it's Canada.

Outside of Quebec, I don't view Canadians as politically divided as we are here. At least now, they aren't really on the far left and far right, a lot of the culture war stuff that is so pervasive here isn't nearly as much of a thing there.

I think there is starting to be a pretty big rift between rural canada and major cities. I think a lot of the western part of canada thinks they are being completely ignored and given no representation. my opinion is that there is about as much merit to their point of view as how MAGAs feel about the libs, as in its mostly self deluded conspiracy theory pudding brain gobbledy gook, but that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on February 23, 2022, 01:11:58 PM
Good question Ben ji. I think I’m still fighting for Kansas, but self preservation may get me to stay in the more populous Illinois. I worry that My home state may be overrun and truly become Bleeding Kansas.

Valid point, my Kansas Strategy is pretty simple

1. Post a bunch of crap on sooner boards about how they are Texas's Little brother and get them real fired up...We need the okies worried about their southern flank and to wear down Texas enough to keep them from sweeping up the plains.

2. Incite a civil war inside of MO between the cities and the countryside. This should weaken MO and keep them from trying to cross state line while they deal with internal struggles.

3. Sign a treaty of non aggression with Nebraska because we are essentially the same state.

4. Claim all of Colorado's eastern half because they DGAF about it and it will give us more space to retreat from if they ever decide to attack (They won't because they DGAF about the plains and will be constantly harrassed by rebels from WY/UT on their Northern and Western Flank.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: cfbandyman on February 23, 2022, 02:13:52 PM
Simplistic but it works.  I'm with OUTLAW Country Rap WV Mini Thin on this idea.


I know this is been posted for a bit but Quebec, Western half of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and anything outside a 50 mile radius of Vancouver in BC would like to have a talk.

If there is one country that could/should split first it's Canada.

Outside of Quebec, I don't view Canadians as politically divided as we are here. At least now, they aren't really on the far left and far right, a lot of the culture war stuff that is so pervasive here isn't nearly as much of a thing there.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 23, 2022, 11:18:39 PM
Simplistic but it works.  I'm with OUTLAW Country Rap WV Mini Thin on this idea.


I know this is been posted for a bit but Quebec, Western half of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and anything outside a 50 mile radius of Vancouver in BC would like to have a talk.

If there is one country that could/should split first it's Canada.

Outside of Quebec, I don't view Canadians as politically divided as we are here. At least now, they aren't really on the far left and far right, a lot of the culture war stuff that is so pervasive here isn't nearly as much of a thing there.

I think there is starting to be a pretty big rift between rural canada and major cities. I think a lot of the western part of canada thinks they are being completely ignored and given no representation. my opinion is that there is about as much merit to their point of view as how MAGAs feel about the libs, as in its mostly self deluded conspiracy theory pudding brain gobbledy gook, but that's just my opinion.

There is a train of thought that this divide is less Canadians and more foreign interests, like the United States and Russia butting in. I'm sure there are some western Canadians who would love to only be in a country with Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, but I think they're significantly less of a presence than western separatists in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana are here.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on May 10, 2022, 12:13:08 PM
Happy Confederate Memorial Day for those who celebrate!

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on May 10, 2022, 12:46:29 PM
Happy Confederate Memorial Day for those who celebrate!


It's @ben ji
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on May 10, 2022, 12:52:57 PM
Sucks to suck
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on May 10, 2022, 01:03:38 PM
Happy Confederate Memorial Day for those who celebrate!


It's @ben ji

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on May 10, 2022, 05:02:22 PM
Happy Confederate Memorial Day for those who celebrate!


It's @ben ji

You make one comment mentioning that John Brown used violence to influence political change and next thing you know you are a card carrying confederate. SMDH
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on May 10, 2022, 10:42:51 PM
Simplistic but it works.  I'm with OUTLAW Country Rap WV Mini Thin on this idea.


If anything we should just annex Canada Putin Style but they are going to have to do some consolidation. Congratulations Alaska you now own the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavat.

BC/Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba/Ontario/Quebec are now US states.

All the maritime provinces like NB/Nova Scotia/Newfoundland etc will be consolidated into one state with a name decided by the trailer park boys.

Congratulations, the United States of America is now the largest country in the world.  :gocho:

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on May 10, 2022, 10:53:54 PM
Pro's -
1. Largest country in the world
2. We adopt boxing day as a national holiday and now the christmas/boxing day/new years week is a total party fest/national holiday.
3. More national parks (We could possibly make the mounties the official police of the national park system as a sign of good will?)
4. Mineral exploitation

1. Those pesky french Canadians probably wouldn't like it but they would be outnumbered like 30-1 so eff off and go watch terrance and phillip.
2. I would have to start following hockey since we would kick so much ass
3. Even more accents to deal with.
4. People would crap on the US for its terrible weather but they would really be talking about Edmonton or some stupid ex Canadian town. CAN YOU BELIEVE ITS -40 (FAHRENHEIT) IN AMERICA RIGHT NOW OMG
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on May 10, 2022, 10:56:09 PM
Yeah, the Pro's definitely outweigh the cons. Sorry Canadia but we are coming for you.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on May 10, 2022, 10:59:58 PM
eff, I just remembered the Mounties wear red coats like the British which isn't going to fly in the states if they plan on being the police in the national parks. They will definitely need a new outfit which kind of ruins their mystic...Maybe like the same outfit but in the states they wear a blue coat?

This is a crucial piece of keeping the canucks content so we need to solve this vexing issue.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on May 11, 2022, 01:51:16 AM
eff, I just remembered the Mounties wear red coats like the British which isn't going to fly in the states if they plan on being the police in the national parks. They will definitely need a new outfit which kind of ruins their mystic...Maybe like the same outfit but in the states they wear a blue coat?

This is a crucial piece of keeping the canucks content so we need to solve this vexing issue.

The war is over. We won. Britain knows we own their asses. We can keep the red coats.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on May 11, 2022, 11:21:11 AM
The New United States would be a global hegemon, keeping too cool for school/skid row/Shithead Trudeau (TCFSSRST)  world under our thumb at all times.

The only major loss would be the huge naval port in San Diego and a nuke sub base in Oregon.    All other bases/forts/camps l in TCFSSRST could easily be replaced.    New United States would have hundreds of active nuclear missile silos, copious ground forces, almost the whole of fixed wing and rotary assets, virtually all the armor, at least two major nuke sub bases along with Norfolk NSY.    All the Skunk Works operations could be moved to Nellis/Area 51.    The vast majority of defense production would lie with New United States.    Almost all missile/rocket development and production would stay with New United States slightly offset with the loss of the launch facility at Vandenberg.    Command-control-oversight assets would like almost exclusive with New United States.    All airborne capabilities would remain with New United States.   Amphibious capabilities would be about even. 

The migration of copious R&D technology development from Silicon valley to other points in New United States renders that area of TCFSSRST a non factor. 

The financial/economic epicenter and its subsidiaries (Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Houston and others)  would remain almost exclusively with New United States. 

The loss of the California coast ports would be troublesome, but there is substantial ocean access on the Gulf and the Atlantic.   

With some noted exceptions almost the whole as well as untapped natural resources would remain with New United States.    Some areas of Ag Production would certainly require some sort of trade agreement with TCFSSRST.   If the dominate political thought relative to the usage of natural resources for Ag production get their way in TCFSSRST then that could be a real problem.   Admittedly TCFSSRST could have copious grain production capabilities in the North, but that faces greater peril with colder temps.   Colder temps are the bane of modern grain production whereas dry and arid conditions can be overcome with science.    Otherwise NUS maintains a massive fruited plain for grain production, as well as copious and cheaper livestock production capabilities.    NUS states Texas/Florida and in general the Sun Belt offer substantial opportunity to further develop Citrus and Vegetable production.   

Geographically NUS has massive lands available to solidify diversification of energy production,   Outside of the Southern part of TCFSSRST, NUS would dominate in solar and probably breakeven with  wind.  Given the political headwinds for nuclear in TCFSSRST, NUS could if it choose to do so outproduce TCFSSRST substantially in that area.    Oil could be a breakeven situation depending on how known and available reserves in each country are developed.   The political nod for fossil fuels would most certainly favor NUS.    TCFSSRST could have an advantage in certain rare earth minerals area, as well as in certain precious metals/diamond (mainly for industrial use) production.   Overall that factor is TBD. 

TCFSSRST would almost certainly be best served by being best buds with NUS.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on May 25, 2022, 01:12:26 AM
What if we start by splitting the population between people dead set against infringing and those who are cool with some infringing?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: BIG APPLE CAT on May 25, 2022, 06:51:35 AM
I’ll take light infringement, every once in a while, as a treat
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on June 20, 2022, 01:50:02 PM
Looks like the Texas GOP wants to secede.  Should follow Putin’s playbook and strike now?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on June 20, 2022, 01:51:36 PM
It might be wise to just sell Texas to Mexico, and then make Texas pay for a wall around Texas.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on June 20, 2022, 01:51:47 PM
If we don't we will lose our land access to Matamoros.  It would be irresponsible to allow that. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on June 20, 2022, 01:54:18 PM
Texas leaving the USA would be overall pretty good for the rest of the USA I think.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on June 20, 2022, 01:55:01 PM
What would it do for my property value?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on June 20, 2022, 01:55:22 PM
As long as we set up a puppet regime and take their oil, I am fine with it.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on June 20, 2022, 01:56:18 PM
As long as we set up a puppet regime and take their oil, I am fine with it.
Of course. The CIA would basically run Texas.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on June 20, 2022, 02:18:52 PM
It would be like doing business with Saudi Arabia, very disgusting but sometimes you have to deal with gross theocratic cultures
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 20, 2022, 02:22:08 PM
It would be like doing business with Saudi Arabia, very disgusting but sometimes you have to deal with gross theocratic cultures

No reason to buy from Texas when Canadian crude would run downhill to us.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on June 20, 2022, 02:23:42 PM
It would be like doing business with Saudi Arabia, very disgusting but sometimes you have to deal with gross theocratic cultures

Probably more like Iraq and Isis.  Same oil and same caliphate, just different religion
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: BIG APPLE CAT on June 20, 2022, 02:30:18 PM
If there any good civil engineers on this board, really just need to figure out how to tilt Texas toward Mexico at about a 4% grade and you’ll never hear from Greg Abbott again
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on June 20, 2022, 02:32:01 PM
I’d be in favor of the Keystone pipeline if Texas left to become a Theocracy.  However, I’d run it to California and subsidize a huge inland refining infrastructure to undercut anything Texas could do.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on June 20, 2022, 02:33:35 PM
We could also probably move manufacturing to Texas and pay like $5 an hour.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on June 20, 2022, 02:52:11 PM
I think you're forgetting Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are Texans now.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on June 20, 2022, 04:20:01 PM
Will the SEC even allow this?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 20, 2022, 05:40:45 PM
We could also probably move manufacturing to Texas and pay like $5 an hour.

Brilliant plan.  Build a wall and make Texas pay
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on June 21, 2022, 12:52:44 PM
What do you think would happen if we just crap-canned DC and let the states form their own confederations?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on June 21, 2022, 12:56:06 PM
What do you think would happen if we just crap-canned DC and let the states form their own confederations?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ask our Brexit friends
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 21, 2022, 12:57:06 PM
If Texas is part of the South the dominance in space exploration and being able to weaponize space to terrorize the inferiors will be absolutely off the charts. 

It would leave only much smaller launch facilities in Cali and Virginia.   

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on June 21, 2022, 01:14:58 PM
Yes, the south. Where economic domination happens.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 21, 2022, 01:59:24 PM
Yes, there's literally nothing going on in the South (says resident of flat line population "growth" state)

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Cire on June 21, 2022, 03:59:46 PM
Yes, there's literally nothing going on in the South (says resident of flat line population "growth" state)
Can’t hear you. World Cup vavuzelas blasting everywhere up here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on June 21, 2022, 04:01:37 PM
The TX split sounds like the set up for Django 2.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 21, 2022, 04:55:47 PM
If Texas is part of the South the dominance in space exploration and being able to weaponize space to terrorize the inferiors will be absolutely off the charts. 

It would leave only much smaller launch facilities in Cali and Virginia.

Texas would not get to keep the Federal space program lmfao. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on June 21, 2022, 04:57:02 PM
If Texas is part of the South the dominance in space exploration and being able to weaponize space to terrorize the inferiors will be absolutely off the charts. 

It would leave only much smaller launch facilities in Cali and Virginia.

Texas would not get to keep the Federal space program lmfao.

But we've got Musk!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on June 21, 2022, 04:57:20 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 0.42 on June 21, 2022, 05:05:27 PM
texas would come crawling back the minute the hatch chile embargo hits obvs
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 21, 2022, 05:12:35 PM
If Texas is part of the South the dominance in space exploration and being able to weaponize space to terrorize the inferiors will be absolutely off the charts. 

It would leave only much smaller launch facilities in Cali and Virginia.

Texas would not get to keep the Federal space program lmfao.

The United States of America is broken up, dug.  There is no such thing as the Federal Government of the United States of America anymore.

OMG . . .  :lol:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 21, 2022, 05:22:59 PM
If Texas is part of the South the dominance in space exploration and being able to weaponize space to terrorize the inferiors will be absolutely off the charts. 

It would leave only much smaller launch facilities in Cali and Virginia.

Texas would not get to keep the Federal space program lmfao.

Not in the proposals I have seen.  The crappy states are allowed to secede.

The budget for NASA is $23 billion.  While Texas is pretty good (compared to deep south leech states Alabama/Mississippi/Louisiana) it couldn't fund 1/100th of the Federal space program so the facilities in Houston would quickly wither and become overgrown with weeds.  They can't funs it so it closes within a month.

The United States of America is broken up, dug.  There is no such thing as the Federal Government of the United States of America anymore.

OMG . . .  :lol:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 21, 2022, 05:32:37 PM
The entire NASA budget would be approximately .0004% of the South/Texas total GDP.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on June 21, 2022, 07:04:45 PM
If there any good civil engineers on this board, really just need to figure out how to tilt Texas toward Mexico at about a 4% grade and you’ll never hear from Greg Abbott again

 :surprised: :lol: :frown:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 22, 2022, 09:47:30 AM
Texas tax revenue is about $250 billion, NASA's budget is $23 billion.  Texas cannot keep their electricity on.  They don't have the money to spend 10% of their income on a space program
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on June 22, 2022, 10:17:34 AM
But how many nukes does Texas have?  That's the real question.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 22, 2022, 10:24:58 AM
But how many nukes does Texas have?  That's the real question.

Lol the lights go out when it gets over 95.  They can’t do that
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: chum1 on June 22, 2022, 10:36:55 AM
The Confederate States of America was a gigantic failure of a country even apart from losing the war. Super corrupt, stupid, and poor.

Same thing you'd get today in a MAGA run country imo.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 22, 2022, 10:42:18 AM
The Confederate States of America was a gigantic failure of a country even apart from losing the war. Super corrupt, stupid, and poor.

Same thing you'd get today in a MAGA run country imo.

They were very addicted to losing
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 22, 2022, 11:18:07 AM
Yes, Rust Belt and near Rest Belt states and cities, flat line population growth in many (some bordering on net population loss), substantial upper income egress in major population centers, but still the pinnacle of moral and ethical behavior.   :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 22, 2022, 11:20:18 AM
Texas tax revenue is about $250 billion, NASA's budget is $23 billion.  Texas cannot keep their electricity on.  They don't have the money to spend 10% of their income on a space program

Continually showing that you can't follow along with anything.   :thumbsup:

Texas GDP 2021:  $2 Trillion

So now you've unilaterally decided that Texas would be its own country?

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 22, 2022, 12:46:14 PM
You’re struggling pretty badly today.  Texas doesn’t have the $23 billion.  Plain and simple.  Sorry, sucks to suck
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on June 22, 2022, 02:16:38 PM
I'm going to take these affronts against my state personally and throw a huge fit.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 22, 2022, 02:49:39 PM
So just to be clear, #slowdug has taken the country of the South, which includes Texas and now just made it just Texas.

#slowdug has now taken the whole of NASA and made it only for Texas.

In breaking up the United States the new countries get the current Federal facilities and resources that lie within its borders.  Nothing more.  So in the case of NASA all NASA facilities outside of the New South go to other countries. 

The New South has a GDP of around $4 to $5 trillion.   Which would make it around 4th to 7th in the world depending how the other countries were broken up. 

Militarily the new South would only lack in two areas, land based ICBM's and global naval power projection.   Massive ground, airborne and armor forces, massive rotary assets, a strategic bomber force, nuclear subs, a substantial tactical air force, substantial logistics and support, a solid regional waters Navy and geographically diverse facilities. 

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 22, 2022, 02:56:46 PM
So just to be clear, #slowdug has taken the country of the South, which includes Texas and now just made it just Texas.

#slowdug has now taken the whole of NASA and made it only for Texas.

In breaking up the United States the new countries get the current Federal facilities and resources that lie within its borders.  Nothing more.  So in the case of NASA all NASA facilities outside of the New South go to other countries. 

The New South has a GDP of around $4 to $5 trillion.   Which would make it around 4th to 7th in the world depending how the other countries were broken up. 

Militarily the new South would only lack in two areas, land based ICBM's and global naval power projection.   Massive ground, airborne and armor forces, massive rotary assets, a strategic bomber force, nuclear subs, a substantial tactical air force, substantial logistics and support, a solid regional waters Navy and geographically diverse facilities.

List the states in this new country and lets see if they can fund NASA.  This will be very, very easy to calculate.  The vast majority of the deep south are significant net leeches from the fed so any budget adjustment will have to remove those handouts they get when they go begging with hat in hand in DC.

I guess we can play along with leaving the federal facilities that these losers couldn't build without BIG GOV.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on June 22, 2022, 02:57:52 PM
Texas is the only one that can legally secede.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 22, 2022, 02:58:54 PM
Texas is the only one that can legally secede.

It doesn't get to keep the NASA facilities then.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on June 22, 2022, 03:01:55 PM
NASA’s a US agency. No territory/country gets it based on geography. It’s an asset that would be dealt with in the amicable divorce.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 22, 2022, 03:14:01 PM
Oh there is not doubt that a non-idiot recognizes that.  But if you take Houston NASA facilities from Houston and FL those states a pud AF.  I suspect dax thinks Missouri gets to take Whiteman and its B-2's also. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 22, 2022, 03:40:30 PM
I think there would be a pretty substantial level of migration away from the new Confederacy before it would be able to ratify a constitution and prevent its people from leaving.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 22, 2022, 03:41:54 PM
 :lol: :lol:

You're breaking up the United States, chief.  What part of that is confusing to you?  That means the Federal Government of the United States of America and all of it's various agencies and mechanisms don't exist anymore.  Whomever gets the district of Columbia and Virginia can take all of NASA's beltway blot and make it part of their own budget if they want to. 

It's positively laughable that the new countries formed would allow some other entity to control the former United States of America facilities within it's own territory.

Trying to use a state budget analogy in this context is just  :lol: :lol:

The New South has a GDP of $4 to $5 Trillion Dollars. 

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 22, 2022, 03:43:51 PM
I think there would be a pretty substantial level of migration away from the new Confederacy before it would be able to ratify a constitution and prevent its people from leaving.

And move back to the regions they couldn't wait to get the hell out of, and in most cases have sworn they'll never go back to again??   :lol:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 22, 2022, 03:48:01 PM
:lol: :lol:

You're breaking up the United States, chief.  What part of that is confusing to you?  That means the Federal Government of the United States of America and all of it's various agencies and mechanisms don't exist anymore.  Whomever gets the district of Columbia and Virginia can take all of NASA's beltway blot and make it part of their own budget if they want to. 

It's positively laughable that the new countries formed would allow some other entity to control the former United States of America facilities within it's own territory.

Trying to use a state budget analogy in this context is just  :lol: :lol:

The New South has a GDP of $4 to $5 Trillion Dollars.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 22, 2022, 03:50:33 PM
:lol: :lol:

You're breaking up the United States, chief.  What part of that is confusing to you?  That means the Federal Government of the United States of America and all of it's various agencies and mechanisms don't exist anymore.  Whomever gets the district of Columbia and Virginia can take all of NASA's beltway blot and make it part of their own budget if they want to. 

It's positively laughable that the new countries formed would allow some other entity to control the former United States of America facilities within it's own territory.

Trying to use a state budget analogy in this context is just  :lol: :lol:

The New South has a GDP of $4 to $5 Trillion Dollars.


Only showing again that you can't follow along with anything.

Texas and Florida alone puts the New South over $3 Trillion, add in North Carolina and that's another $600 Billion in GDP right there.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 22, 2022, 03:57:35 PM
Talking to super old people gets kind of frustrating.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 22, 2022, 04:00:58 PM
Talking to super old people gets kind of frustrating.

Dealing with the #slowdugs of the world while frustrating is mostly filled  :lol: because of the level of derp
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on June 22, 2022, 06:55:41 PM
I think there would be a pretty substantial level of migration away from the new Confederacy before it would be able to ratify a constitution and prevent its people from leaving.

Yes. Sadly, I've spent some time the last few days planning my exit if this scenario happened.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on June 23, 2022, 11:22:51 AM
Can you imagine the constitution that Greg Abbott would write?  woof
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 23, 2022, 11:23:59 AM
 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Meanwhile the corporate egress from the Rust Belt/Near Rust Belt accelerates.

Citadel along with Illinois' wealthiest resident, out of Chicago and off to Florida.  Caterpillar moving Hdqtrs from Illinois to Texas.   Less interesting, Boeing moving out of Chicago and off to Arlington, VA.  I suppose they'll feel more comfortable being closer to the office parks full of fellow defense/intelligence/homeland security contractors that dominate the DC burbs. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on June 24, 2022, 10:31:43 AM
It's time.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on June 24, 2022, 10:35:21 AM
It's time.

can we move the SC to one of the loser states?  I am sure they would like Atlanta
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Stupid Fitz on June 24, 2022, 10:35:39 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Meanwhile the corporate egress from the Rust Belt/Near Rust Belt accelerates.

Citadel along with Illinois' wealthiest resident, out of Chicago and off to Florida.  Caterpillar moving Hdqtrs from Illinois to Texas.   Less interesting, Boeing moving out of Chicago and off to Arlington, VA.  I suppose they'll feel more comfortable being closer to the office parks full of fellow defense/intelligence/homeland security contractors that dominate the DC burbs.

I wonder if the Roe ruling today will have any affect on this. Prob not, but i'm sure some company will at least threaten a move from a conservative state for a bit or until Americans completely forget about it in 3 days.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: cfbandyman on June 24, 2022, 10:41:47 AM
It's time.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on June 24, 2022, 10:49:08 AM
This could be a great first step to see the geography of things between the states that ban abortion and the others.  Instead of throwing darts, that'd give us an idea of exactly how much relocating might need to take place and what sorts of things would need to be split and if there could be any partnerships still between the new countries.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 24, 2022, 10:58:55 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Meanwhile the corporate egress from the Rust Belt/Near Rust Belt accelerates.

Citadel along with Illinois' wealthiest resident, out of Chicago and off to Florida.  Caterpillar moving Hdqtrs from Illinois to Texas.   Less interesting, Boeing moving out of Chicago and off to Arlington, VA.  I suppose they'll feel more comfortable being closer to the office parks full of fellow defense/intelligence/homeland security contractors that dominate the DC burbs.

I wonder if the Roe ruling today will have any affect on this. Prob not, but i'm sure some company will at least threaten a move from a conservative state for a bit or until Americans completely forget about it in 3 days.

It will have little to no impact beyond #blueanon most favored megacorops and virtue signaling American oligarchs offering words words words. Otherwise it will be all about the tax situation and QOL.  In the case of Boeing they gave it a bunch of lip service about how they would still be vested in Chicag, but the Chicago officials were crushed.  Griffen and that crap bag Pritzker hate each other.   

Areas like Huntsville AL (rated best city in America this last year) and Austin, TX will continue to have unfettered growth driven by tech companies, defense contractors and huge R&D base.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Stupid Fitz on June 24, 2022, 11:06:54 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Meanwhile the corporate egress from the Rust Belt/Near Rust Belt accelerates.

Citadel along with Illinois' wealthiest resident, out of Chicago and off to Florida.  Caterpillar moving Hdqtrs from Illinois to Texas.   Less interesting, Boeing moving out of Chicago and off to Arlington, VA.  I suppose they'll feel more comfortable being closer to the office parks full of fellow defense/intelligence/homeland security contractors that dominate the DC burbs.

I wonder if the Roe ruling today will have any affect on this. Prob not, but i'm sure some company will at least threaten a move from a conservative state for a bit or until Americans completely forget about it in 3 days.

It will have little to no impact beyond #blueanon most favored megacorops and virtue signaling American oligarchs offering words words words. Otherwise it will be all about the tax situation and QOL.  In the case of Boeing they gave it a bunch of lip service about how they would still be vested in Chicag, but the Chicago officials were crushed.  Griffen and that crap bag Pritzker hate each other.   

Areas like Huntsville AL (rated best city in America this last year) and Austin, TX will continue to have unfettered growth driven by tech companies, defense contractors and huge R&D base.

Dax is awake.  :ohno: :ohno: :ohno:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on June 24, 2022, 11:07:58 AM
My only issue with this is that our states have really shitty weather in the winter.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: catastrophe on June 24, 2022, 11:38:04 AM
We’ll see how much the free market comes into play. I remember when artists and some businesses threatened to boycott states that passed bathroom bills. Will companies like Amazon and AT&T threaten to uproot over abortion laws? I’d like to see how that plays out.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on June 24, 2022, 11:44:37 AM
i feel like most of the people who will most need access to safe abortions are the ones who can't afford to move to Bears or Cool Kids or whatever
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 24, 2022, 11:50:25 AM
i feel like most of the people who will most need access to safe abortions are the ones who can't afford to move to Bears or Cool Kids or whatever

Those people overwhelmingly vote for what they get, though.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: DQ12 on June 24, 2022, 11:52:59 AM
i know this thread is tongue in cheek, but it's funny saying "we should break up the united states because i want to live where i like the rights and laws."  like, you can move to any abortion protecting state today, my dudes.  don't need secession for that.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 24, 2022, 11:59:41 AM
i know this thread is tongue in cheek, but it's funny saying "we should break up the united states because i want to live where i like the rights and laws."  like, you can move to any abortion protecting state today, my dudes.  don't need secession for that.

You can move to one today, but you don't have much assurance of what tomorrow brings without cutting the dead weight. And it's not like abortion is the only issue. Some people would prefer to not hear about school shootings every week.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: DQ12 on June 24, 2022, 12:05:15 PM
i know this thread is tongue in cheek, but it's funny saying "we should break up the united states because i want to live where i like the rights and laws."  like, you can move to any abortion protecting state today, my dudes.  don't need secession for that.

You can move to one today, but you don't have much assurance of what tomorrow brings without cutting the dead weight. And it's not like abortion is the only issue. Some people would prefer to not hear about school shootings every week.
fair enough re. guns.  break'em up.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 24, 2022, 01:48:54 PM
Needs to be cross posted in the life and times of #blueanon thread:

We don't like the outcome of the election:  Dissolve the Electoral College - Check

We don't like what the Supreme Court rules:  Nullify/Break-up the United States

We don't like that people have divergent views to our hyper-partisan/hyper-dogmatic political views:  Call them a name . . . then break-up the United States

developing . . .
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 24, 2022, 01:51:44 PM
Investment or more billionaire flight from a #blueanon stronghold?

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on June 24, 2022, 02:17:37 PM
i know this thread is tongue in cheek, but it's funny saying "we should break up the united states because i want to live where i like the rights and laws."  like, you can move to any abortion protecting state today, my dudes.  don't need secession for that.

I view it more as about the culture and people one wants to be around, and under what sort of leadership.  Even with being able to move from state to state, nearly half the people in the country lately are ultimately living under a president/government they loathe (not just you know, would prefer someone else but whatever).
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 24, 2022, 02:19:27 PM
There's quite literally nothing that prevents you from living and being around people you want to be around.

I do find it fascinating that people can't tolerate being around other people with divergent points of view.  But that's life in Joe Biden's America.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on June 24, 2022, 09:50:58 PM
i know this thread is tongue in cheek, but it's funny saying "we should break up the united states because i want to live where i like the rights and laws."  like, you can move to any abortion protecting state today, my dudes.  don't need secession for that.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: 8manpick on June 24, 2022, 10:02:31 PM
i know this thread is tongue in cheek, but it's funny saying "we should break up the united states because i want to live where i like the rights and laws."  like, you can move to any abortion protecting state today, my dudes.  don't need secession for that.

I view it more as about the culture and people one wants to be around, and under what sort of leadership.  Even with being able to move from state to state, nearly half the people in the country lately are ultimately living under a president/government they loathe (not just you know, would prefer someone else but whatever).
You know this would soon be true even if there were a full left / right split of the country, right? In NuLeft Country, the BernieBros would loathe the BidenMods the same way the larger left loathes MAGA now. It would take a few years but it would inevitably get there. The magnitude of difference is unimportant.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: DQ12 on June 24, 2022, 11:27:15 PM
i know this thread is tongue in cheek, but it's funny saying "we should break up the united states because i want to live where i like the rights and laws."  like, you can move to any abortion protecting state today, my dudes.  don't need secession for that.

Just pointing out the impracticality of it!  Breaking up the United States would be a hassle. The abortion issue doesn’t seem like breaking up makes sense.  But it makes sense for the gun issue (and maybe some others).
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 24, 2022, 11:55:47 PM
Man, it's just amazing watching people living at the pinnacle of first world problems who are in a perpetual state of being triggered by everything.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on June 25, 2022, 12:18:22 AM
i know this thread is tongue in cheek, but it's funny saying "we should break up the united states because i want to live where i like the rights and laws."  like, you can move to any abortion protecting state today, my dudes.  don't need secession for that.

I view it more as about the culture and people one wants to be around, and under what sort of leadership.  Even with being able to move from state to state, nearly half the people in the country lately are ultimately living under a president/government they loathe (not just you know, would prefer someone else but whatever).
You know this would soon be true even if there were a full left / right split of the country, right? In NuLeft Country, the BernieBros would loathe the BidenMods the same way the larger left loathes MAGA now. It would take a few years but it would inevitably get there. The magnitude of difference is unimportant.

It doesn't have to end at two.  Probably needs to be at least three.  But let's take one small step and giant leap.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on June 25, 2022, 12:37:34 AM
California would prolly get invaded by China, and the SEC wouldn’t do crap about it. Then Chinese Red Dawn for the entire continent after that.

Sorry guys, those are the facts.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on June 25, 2022, 04:41:31 PM
End of the empire? I’m here for it.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: SkinnyBenny on June 25, 2022, 10:06:12 PM
Man, it's just amazing watching people living at the pinnacle of first world problems who are in a perpetual state of being triggered by everything.

Rape victims being forced to carry their rapist’s baby to term is not a “first wold problem,” or someone being “triggered,”  fyi. It’s an egregious human rights violation happening in a supposed first world country.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on June 26, 2022, 10:37:03 AM
Man, it's just amazing watching people living at the pinnacle of first world problems who are in a perpetual state of being triggered by everything.

Rape victims being forced to carry their rapist’s baby to term is not a “first wold problem,” or someone being “triggered,”  fyi. It’s an egregious human rights violation happening in a supposed first world country.
Oh, thanks for your usual bullshit drive by directed only at me (as usual) Skinny.  Like @turnbull it’s super on brand that you never seem to show up in any thread to discuss the #shitshow presidency that we have now and it’s lunatic #blueanon enablers (like you).

If you’d paid any attention at all my comment was primarily aimed at the people who every time they don’t get their way want to eradicate the process entirely.  In this case the process is the United States. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on June 29, 2022, 04:38:45 PM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on November 23, 2022, 07:34:01 AM
I think trim should be barred from posting in this thread or from using the term brownbackistan ever again.

Is there a major city government as authoritarian and boot licky as Seattle? $1.5 million dollars for police advertising?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on November 23, 2022, 09:07:52 AM
I think trim should be barred from posting in this thread or from using the term brownbackistan ever again.

Is there a major city government as authoritarian and boot licky as Seattle? $1.5 million dollars for police advertising?

Ryan is apparently bad at watching videos and/or looking at the very available budget docs online. Or he’s fine at both but wanted to get that tweet off anyway. You have to do some bouncing around to see how the loads of amendments intertwine with each other, but it’s not that hard. And that’s even without knowing all the local politics/grift contexts.


Either way, neither his daxian-level spun tweet nor anything else that happens in the local pissing matches between the socialist side of city council and the still very democrat rest of council and the mayor are applicable to the populations of far-sprung areas of the country being so divergent on what they want that the country should amicably divorce in some manner that has people living in the societies they want.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on November 23, 2022, 11:28:08 AM
You're out of your goddamned mind if you think I'm reading that. All I know about this Ryan dude is that he seems to go to all of these meetings to report on city expenditures and not a single reply took exception to this or any other thing he reported from that meeting. You should take him on, I wanna see the tweet and replies.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: catastrophe on November 23, 2022, 11:32:10 AM
I think trim should be barred from posting in this thread or from using the term brownbackistan ever again.

Is there a major city government as authoritarian and boot licky as Seattle? $1.5 million dollars for police advertising?

Ryan is apparently bad at watching videos and/or looking at the very available budget docs online. Or he’s fine at both but wanted to get that tweet off anyway. You have to do some bouncing around to see how the loads of amendments intertwine with each other, but it’s not that hard. And that’s even without knowing all the local politics/grift contexts.


Either way, neither his daxian-level spun tweet nor anything else that happens in the local pissing matches between the socialist side of city council and the still very democrat rest of council and the mayor are applicable to the populations of far-sprung areas of the country being so divergent on what they want that the country should amicably divorce in some manner that has people living in the societies they want.
The irony here is you invoked the name of Dax to describe the other guy without offering anything of substance to contradict him.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on November 23, 2022, 11:37:57 AM
I think trim should be barred from posting in this thread or from using the term brownbackistan ever again.

Is there a major city government as authoritarian and boot licky as Seattle? $1.5 million dollars for police advertising?

Ryan is apparently bad at watching videos and/or looking at the very available budget docs online. Or he’s fine at both but wanted to get that tweet off anyway. You have to do some bouncing around to see how the loads of amendments intertwine with each other, but it’s not that hard. And that’s even without knowing all the local politics/grift contexts.


Either way, neither his daxian-level spun tweet nor anything else that happens in the local pissing matches between the socialist side of city council and the still very democrat rest of council and the mayor are applicable to the populations of far-sprung areas of the country being so divergent on what they want that the country should amicably divorce in some manner that has people living in the societies they want.
The irony here is you invoked the name of Dax to describe the other guy without offering anything of substance to contradict him.

page 1 of the dax playbook
page 2 would be that link contradicting the post, but like I said, hell naw, not reading it
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on November 23, 2022, 12:29:24 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on November 23, 2022, 12:31:23 PM
A more anti-federalist approach to federal governance would do wonders to cure our ills imo.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on November 23, 2022, 12:36:54 PM
A more anti-federalist approach to federal governance would do wonders to cure our ills imo.

Like leaving a woman's right to bodily autonomy up to our dumb-ass states? Uh...
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on November 23, 2022, 12:42:53 PM
A more anti-federalist approach to federal governance would do wonders to cure our ills imo.

Like leaving a woman's right to bodily autonomy up to our dumb-ass states? Uh...

Even in that cherry-picked case, yes.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on November 23, 2022, 12:45:32 PM
A more anti-federalist approach to federal governance would do wonders to cure our ills imo.

Like leaving a woman's right to bodily autonomy up to our dumb-ass states? Uh...

Even in that cherry-picked case, yes.

I've learned over the years that most states actually suck ass and are terrible at protecting individual rights.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on November 23, 2022, 12:47:30 PM
To find the most glaring mistakes, one only had to CTRL-F "Northwest" and click on the budget amendment doc.


Budget Action Description:
This Council Budget Action would reduce proposed funding for planned media purchases by $500,000 GF in 2023 (one-time) from the Seattle Police Department (SPD) and add $500,000 GF in 2023 (onetime) to the Office of Arts and Culture (ARTS) for organizations showcasing African American art, history and culture in the Pacific Northwest, such as the Northwest (NW) African American Museum. Many cultural organizations, including the Northwest (NW) African American Museum, were closed during the pandemic and are gradually reopening. The NW African American Museum anticipates reopening in February 2023.

The 2023-2024 Proposed Budget includes $1.5 million in 2023 for SPD's planned media expenditures in support of recruitment and retention. CBA 903-A-002-2023 in the initial balancing package scaled this amount to $750,000 to help address decreased City revenues and support other Council priorities. The remaining $750,000 in scaled funding was to fund a marketing consultant who would create a detailed marketing plan and manage remaining resources, building on $170,000 authorized in 2022 in ORD 126654 for literature, web design, and production. This CBA would reduce the remaining $750,000 by $500,000, leaving $250,000 of the initially proposed $1.5 million for SPD media expenditures.

1) The $500K in question was to go to the Office of Arts & Culture and in turn for organizations such as the museum, not the museum itself.
2) The museum is reopening in 3 months either way.
3) This $500K cut from the PD would've been after $750K was cut from $1.5m already for addressing City revenues and supporting other Council priorities.
4) This $500k cut would've then taken the allocated amount to $250K, not $1m.

You can go way deeper by looking at the referenced amendment in this one and then tracing it through to others to see the PD budget cuts.  You could go way, way, way deeper by delving into the battles among councilmember groupings and mayors and special interest groups.  But I think just comparing the particular amendment's budget doc to the tweet is sufficient for gE. 

Anytime I read or hear something that seems a bit outlandish on any side of an argument, I like to look it up and read the details myself.

Still don't know what any of this would have to do with splitting off the confederacy, etc.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: bucket on February 20, 2023, 11:27:22 AM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on February 20, 2023, 11:45:54 AM

I could get behind this idea. Seriously, the idea that an elected representative is calling for another Civil War or thinks that Civil War would be a good way to own the libs is insanity and a great example of how the political infotainment culture has broken peoples' brains.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 20, 2023, 11:50:35 AM
Is it even possible to do it without war?

I also think a bad way to shrink the federal government is to create two federal governments.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on February 20, 2023, 11:57:21 AM
Is it even possible to do it without war?

I also think a bad way to shrink the federal government is to create two federal governments.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on February 20, 2023, 12:00:25 PM
Is it even possible to do it without war?

I also think a bad way to shrink the federal government is to create two federal governments.

She has to be pretty stupid and ignorant about basic economics to not understand how bad and inefficient this would be for Americans in both "blue" and "red" areas. But the point is just for her to perform as an enemy of the people that her base hates: liberals, coastal elites, queers, minorities.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on February 20, 2023, 12:02:54 PM
I agree with her that she should be part of a different country than me and almost all of gE. It’s always been about the logistics of making that happen.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: BIG APPLE CAT on February 20, 2023, 12:11:00 PM
kinda crazy that pokemon go lasted longer than the confederacy. I guess that just goes to show how badly some people really want slavery to be legal again.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on February 20, 2023, 12:12:47 PM
Majorie thinks the division is among states but it's mostly between cities and rural areas. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on February 20, 2023, 12:18:35 PM
Majorie thinks the division is among states but it's mostly between cities and rural areas.

Exactly. A Pub looks at that map and thinks, "See! Most people think like me! Silent majority!" Forget the fact that those islands of blue are where, you know, the people live.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MadCat on February 20, 2023, 12:19:57 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on February 20, 2023, 03:31:10 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: cfbandyman on February 20, 2023, 08:58:40 PM
Majorie thinks the division is among states but it's mostly between cities and rural areas.

Exactly. A Pub looks at that map and thinks, "See! Most people think like me! Silent majority!" Forget the fact that those islands of blue are where, you know, the people live.

And it's not even close and expanding by the day
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on February 20, 2023, 09:14:29 PM
Sounds like most people really are getting on board with the idea of National Divorce:

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on February 21, 2023, 05:25:27 AM
Sounds like most people really are getting on board with the idea of National Divorce:


Brent Terhune is a comedian and this is satire.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on February 21, 2023, 08:57:13 AM
Sounds like most people really are getting on board with the idea of National Divorce:


Brent Terhune is a comedian and this is satire.
Brent Terhune is a national thought leader and if he says it is time for National Divorce, then it is time for National Divorce.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Brock Landers on February 21, 2023, 09:11:09 AM
Gee I wonder if there's any sort of historical precedent for a national divorce and if so how did it turn out?  That's a real brain buster Marge.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MadCat on February 21, 2023, 04:01:39 PM
The Bottom Half Will Rise Again
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on February 21, 2023, 04:04:38 PM
Gonna be a pickle for CrackerBelt Quadrangle Living gE'rs such as myself.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on February 21, 2023, 05:40:27 PM
The Bottom Half Will Rise Again

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Cartierfor3 on February 21, 2023, 08:14:15 PM
am i the only one who knows what "untied" means?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on February 21, 2023, 08:38:53 PM
am i the only one who knows what "untied" means?
I think it means not tied.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Cartierfor3 on February 22, 2023, 07:02:33 AM
Omg  :lol:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 22, 2023, 07:20:09 AM
losers lose
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Cartierfor3 on February 22, 2023, 08:16:48 AM
but for real lets keep it UNITED
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on February 23, 2023, 11:55:33 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on February 24, 2023, 12:15:28 AM
Nothing says we can sustain the status quo and prosper like $1.6 Trillion (edit-one state) in unfunded mandates.  One blue state - We're going to take away $168 billion in annual  expenditures from the central governemnt, but no doubt you'll be perfectly fine.   :thumbsup:

Not to mention the "gotta keep them down to get their votes" mentality of #blueanon political leadership

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on February 24, 2023, 12:47:42 AM
Dear California (just one blue state) we know that you would have been perfectly fine even if you had not received $319 billion in Federal Funds in your budget year 2021-2022. 

We also know that even with the reduction in Covid related funding, you're going to be perfectly fine in not receiving the estimated $180 billion in federal funding in the subsequent budget year, on top of the of hundreds of billions a year from federal sources that go to your residents and employees of the (former United States) federal government.

We also know that you'll have no problem at all in meeting your nearly $2 Trillion dollars in unfunded mandates.   :thumbsup:

Edit:  Dear California, please find a job for the 153,000 former U.S. Federal employees currently residing in your state, and please fund the retirement of the 210,000 former Federal employees in your state.  Looks like those unfounded mandates may have gone up a notch or two.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 24, 2023, 07:40:34 AM

All those poor whites in the South are going to be so, so mumped.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 24, 2023, 07:42:25 AM
Also, China should probably invade us the immediately after this happens.  Easy pickings.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Cartierfor3 on February 24, 2023, 08:39:51 AM

The periods after every word thing is the tip top of my pet peeve list
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on February 24, 2023, 08:41:46 AM
China can't even invade an island a few miles from their shore
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 24, 2023, 08:55:13 AM
Also, China should probably invade us the immediately after this happens.  Easy pickings.

They would invade Taiwan.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 24, 2023, 08:57:16 AM

The periods after every word thing is the tip top of my pet peeve list

Yeah but it helps idiots get the point I think.  red states really don't understand they would literally fail without blue states.  They would haver to sell literally every product they produce, especially commodities at bargain basement prices to blue states.  They would be a wasteland in a decade.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 24, 2023, 08:59:46 AM

The periods after every word thing is the tip top of my pet peeve list

Yeah but it helps idiots get the point I think.  red states really don't understand they would literally fail without blue states.  They would haver to sell literally every product they produce, especially commodities at bargain basement prices to blue states.  They would be a wasteland in a decade.

They wouldn't fail.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 24, 2023, 09:04:16 AM

The periods after every word thing is the tip top of my pet peeve list

Yeah but it helps idiots get the point I think.  red states really don't understand they would literally fail without blue states.  They would haver to sell literally every product they produce, especially commodities at bargain basement prices to blue states.  They would be a wasteland in a decade.

They wouldn't fail.

How would they replace the welfare/handouts?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on February 24, 2023, 09:05:52 AM

The periods after every word thing is the tip top of my pet peeve list

What’s worse is the clap emoji instead of periods.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: DQ12 on February 24, 2023, 09:07:22 AM
Everyone should stick together because the sum is greater than the parts, imo.  Divorce would hurt red states and blue states.  Red states probably more.  But I mean, the coalition of red states wouldn't become third world or something.  Pretty dumb notion.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 24, 2023, 09:18:04 AM
Everyone should stick together because the sum is greater than the parts, imo.  Divorce would hurt red states and blue states.  Red states probably more.  But I mean, the coalition of red states wouldn't become third world or something.  Pretty dumb notion.

I think thinking they wouldn't is ver dumb so it appears there is a difference of opinion.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: DQ12 on February 24, 2023, 09:23:22 AM
Everyone should stick together because the sum is greater than the parts, imo.  Divorce would hurt red states and blue states.  Red states probably more.  But I mean, the coalition of red states wouldn't become third world or something.  Pretty dumb notion.

I think thinking they wouldn't is ver dumb so it appears there is a difference of opinion.
I mean, Texas alone has a higher GDP than Canada.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on February 24, 2023, 09:27:32 AM
Everyone should stick together because the sum is greater than the parts, imo.  Divorce would hurt red states and blue states. Red states probably more.  But I mean, the coalition of red states wouldn't become third world or something.  Pretty dumb notion.
We are better together!

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on February 24, 2023, 09:55:51 AM
In just 3 core #blueanon states, they would have to absorb approx 300k Federal payroll positions and figure out a way to fund around 450k Federal retirees. 

Those 3 states combined calculate current and future unfunded state pension obligations and current state pension debt in the trillions. 

There would be extreme pain all around. Giant simp brained derps on both sides keep talking about this. But that's what giant simp brained derps do, talk about stupid things.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 24, 2023, 10:11:46 AM
Everyone should stick together because the sum is greater than the parts, imo.  Divorce would hurt red states and blue states.  Red states probably more.  But I mean, the coalition of red states wouldn't become third world or something.  Pretty dumb notion.

I think thinking they wouldn't is ver dumb so it appears there is a difference of opinion.
I mean, Texas alone has a higher GDP than Canada.

and they will happily support MS, LA, AL.  We know Texas is generous and happily supports those not from Texas
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 24, 2023, 10:14:27 AM
The southern states would be on par with Mexico, maybe a little weaker economically.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 24, 2023, 10:21:38 AM
The southern states would be on par with Mexico, maybe a little weaker economically.

People in Mississippi would be four times richer on average than people in Mexico.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on February 24, 2023, 10:26:50 AM
As usual, James Baldwin has the last word for us on this issue:

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 24, 2023, 10:55:33 AM
The southern states would be on par with Mexico, maybe a little weaker economically.

People in Mississippi would be four times richer on average than people in Mexico.

People in Mississippi would be at least four times poorer than they are today.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on February 24, 2023, 11:13:03 AM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on February 24, 2023, 11:14:50 AM
everybody would just have to bootstrap a little more bootstrappily
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: yoga-like_abana on February 24, 2023, 11:21:24 AM
As usual, James Baldwin has the last word for us on this issue:

I like it
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on February 24, 2023, 11:26:15 AM
everybody would just have to bootstrap a little more bootstrappily

Depends on where you would choose to live.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on February 24, 2023, 11:28:11 AM
The desire to control
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Brock Landers on February 24, 2023, 11:29:10 AM

The periods after every word thing is the tip top of my pet peeve list

What’s worse is the clap emoji instead of periods.

Somebody could text me the next set of winning Powerball numbers but if there was a clap emoji in between the numbers I wouldn't even look at it.  It's more than just a pet peeve for me.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on February 24, 2023, 11:42:51 AM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through

We already had some smart racists put their heads together and decide on a format. See the Constitution. You don't need to follow in their footsteps.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 24, 2023, 11:46:25 AM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through

Like the Articles of Confederation?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on February 24, 2023, 11:47:33 AM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through

We already had some smart racists put their heads together and decide on a format. See the Constitution. You don't need to follow in their footsteps.

Oh come on.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 24, 2023, 12:15:04 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through

Like the Articles of Confederation?

I'm guessing he's imagining something more like the European Union.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on February 24, 2023, 12:59:08 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 24, 2023, 01:32:32 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.

In what way?

I think the best argument against the non-aggression principle and libertarian thought is the idea that if we could save 30 million people by giving you a scratch on your finger, the non-aggression principle would say we shouldn't do it. I say this and consider myself pretty libertarian.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on February 24, 2023, 01:40:05 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.

In what way?

I think the best argument against the non-aggression principle and libertarian thought is the idea that if we could save 30 million people by giving you a scratch on your finger, the non-aggression principle would say we shouldn't do it. I say this and consider myself pretty libertarian.

Things don’t have to be taken to extremes. Just leave people alone. Don’t try to control or coerce at a federal level.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 24, 2023, 01:43:01 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.

In what way?

I think the best argument against the non-aggression principle and libertarian thought is the idea that if we could save 30 million people by giving you a scratch on your finger, the non-aggression principle would say we shouldn't do it. I say this and consider myself pretty libertarian.

Things don’t have to be taken to extremes. Just leave people alone. Don’t try to control or coerce at a federal level.

You will get zero argument from me on that.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 24, 2023, 01:43:20 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.

In what way?

I think the best argument against the non-aggression principle and libertarian thought is the idea that if we could save 30 million people by giving you a scratch on your finger, the non-aggression principle would say we shouldn't do it. I say this and consider myself pretty libertarian.

Things don’t have to be taken to extremes. Just leave people alone. Don’t try to control or coerce at a federal level.

Which groups of people would you say the federal government is controlling?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on February 24, 2023, 01:45:07 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.

In what way?

I think the best argument against the non-aggression principle and libertarian thought is the idea that if we could save 30 million people by giving you a scratch on your finger, the non-aggression principle would say we shouldn't do it. I say this and consider myself pretty libertarian.

Things don’t have to be taken to extremes. Just leave people alone. Don’t try to control or coerce at a federal level.

Which groups of people would you say the federal government is controlling?

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on February 24, 2023, 01:46:42 PM
What does the federal government do to control YOU, nic?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 24, 2023, 01:51:07 PM
Yeah, I pretty much do whatever I want, whenever I want to do it. Wouldn't say I feel very controlled. I'd agree that immigrants are excessively controlled.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on February 24, 2023, 01:57:30 PM
I much prefer my government control at the state level, personally  :party:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 24, 2023, 02:01:01 PM
I'd say women are pretty controlled in Texas and most southern states. Trans people are also very controlled in the south. But that's state control, not federal.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 24, 2023, 02:16:06 PM
I definitely have a good portion of my money that gets controlled by the federal government.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 24, 2023, 02:18:30 PM
I definitely have a good portion of my money that gets controlled by the federal government.

Have you looked into moving somewhere with lower federal taxes? Seems like there are more cons than pros everywhere I've looked.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 24, 2023, 02:20:20 PM
I definitely have a good portion of my money that gets controlled by the federal government.

Have you looked into moving somewhere with lower federal taxes? Seems like there are more cons than pros everywhere I've looked.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on February 24, 2023, 02:40:47 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.

In what way?

I think the best argument against the non-aggression principle and libertarian thought is the idea that if we could save 30 million people by giving you a scratch on your finger, the non-aggression principle would say we shouldn't do it. I say this and consider myself pretty libertarian.
Well where did the property come from?

All minerals, land, most factories and a lot of labor violates the principle.

The really kooky stuff is the libertarians that think parents don’t owe any obligations to children. It is just a rotten philosophy in general in my view.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 24, 2023, 03:13:19 PM
The southern states would be on par with Mexico, maybe a little weaker economically.

People in Mississippi would be four times richer on average than people in Mexico.

People in Mississippi would be at least four times poorer than they are today.


The states wouldn't fail but the poor people in those states would be in a horrible way and the non poor would absolutely thrive.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 24, 2023, 03:14:23 PM
As usual, James Baldwin has the last word for us on this issue:

I like it

You should read Baldwin
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 24, 2023, 03:16:16 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.

In what way?

I think the best argument against the non-aggression principle and libertarian thought is the idea that if we could save 30 million people by giving you a scratch on your finger, the non-aggression principle would say we shouldn't do it. I say this and consider myself pretty libertarian.

Things don’t have to be taken to extremes. Just leave people alone. Don’t try to control or coerce at a federal level.

Fantastic way for the rich and powerful to horde more money and power and that wouldn't just squeeze out the poor either.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: BIG APPLE CAT on February 24, 2023, 08:34:35 PM
Doesn’t the whole libertarian argument like completely crumble when you go through the thought experiment of “what happens if I have an accident and need to go to a hospital in a libertarian run society?”
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Kat Kid on February 25, 2023, 06:01:30 AM
Doesn’t the whole libertarian argument like completely crumble when you go through the thought experiment of “what happens if I have an accident and need to go to a hospital in a libertarian run society?”
Remember when Rand Paul’s argument against Obama care was that doctors would be forced to take patients which made it Slavery?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on February 25, 2023, 07:41:34 AM
The libertarian argument only works if your wildly rich and the rest of the country isn’t libertarian.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 25, 2023, 07:58:21 AM
The libertarian argument only works if your wildly rich and the rest of the country isn’t libertarian.

dream scenario right there
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: cfbandyman on February 25, 2023, 12:50:52 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.

All libertarian thought unravels at some point cause they always have a pet peeve/but to their "leave me alone" they would rather have the gubment do.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 25, 2023, 01:12:57 PM
You guys are too much.

Minimalist fed gov
Mutual defense (I prefer no standing army, just a bunch of state guard units)
Protect free trade among the states
States can form blocks to work together for various issues, social services
Protect the individual rights  (people not corps)
Non-aggression principle

A homogeneous culture is neither feasible or desirable imo

I’ve not thought this through
Non aggression principle and property rights don’t really play nicely together and is the thread that very quickly unravels libertarian thought once you tug on it.

All libertarian thought unravels at some point cause they always have a pet peeve/but to their "leave me alone" they would rather have the gubment do.

What political/moral philosophy doesn't unravel at some point?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 25, 2023, 02:01:35 PM
Yeah, it's better to not try to shoehorn yourself ideologically and take things issue by issue.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sys on February 25, 2023, 02:07:41 PM
Doesn’t the whole libertarian argument like completely crumble when you go through the thought experiment of “what happens if I have an accident and need to go to a hospital in a libertarian run society?”


i can think a lot of cases in which a pure libertarian ideology is wildly unrealistic or incompatible with modern society, but a person needing to contract with a willing provider for a desired service isn't one of them.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on February 25, 2023, 02:12:47 PM
Doesn’t the whole libertarian argument like completely crumble when you go through the thought experiment of “what happens if I have an accident and need to go to a hospital in a libertarian run society?”


i can think a lot of cases in which a pure libertarian ideology is wildly unrealistic or incompatible with modern society, but a person needing to contract with a willing provider for a desired service isn't one of them.

Yeah, there would be something like ambulance service for people who can afford it and some guy willing to transport people in the tailgate of his pickup truck for a whole lot cheaper.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 25, 2023, 11:44:40 PM
Everyone should stick together because the sum is greater than the parts, imo.  Divorce would hurt red states and blue states.  Red states probably more.  But I mean, the coalition of red states wouldn't become third world or something.  Pretty dumb notion.
What would happen to the dollar?  Who would back our debt?  Who is “our?”

I think the currencies of both would deflate at such a rate that we’d see Great Depression levels of unemployment. 

So, not third world, but pretty god damn bad.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 25, 2023, 11:47:13 PM
Most people you know would lose their jobs.
Title: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 25, 2023, 11:51:31 PM
Honestly, it would be better for everyone, to just overthrow the government and install an authoritarian fascist conservative government.  Or a super leftist progressive socialist regime.  Either of those would make everyone’s lives WAY less horrible than breaking the country apart.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: michigancat on February 26, 2023, 05:47:28 AM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 09:26:54 AM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: michigancat on February 26, 2023, 09:28:48 AM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

We could figure out something like the EU.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 09:29:03 AM
Our astounding debt is backed by our federal government having the power to run the world (e.g the petrodollar)
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 09:30:09 AM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

We could figure out something like the EU.
Two sides that hate each other would figure something out before they were forced to due to a catastrophe?  When in human history has this happened?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 09:30:30 AM
The catastrophe is required for collaboration
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 09:36:46 AM
I wish it would work, I just don’t see anyway that it can without causing a massive amount of suffering.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: michigancat on February 26, 2023, 09:43:58 AM

I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

We could figure out something like the EU.
Two sides that hate each other would figure something out before they were forced to due to a catastrophe?  When in human history has this happened?

I think hate is a strong word. and I think Brexit is a pretty decent comparison although there are many different details. It's sloppy but not going to lead to war or crazy suffering
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on February 26, 2023, 10:27:15 AM
The catastrophe is required for collaboration

Doesn’t work. We just had a pandemic and it didn’t work.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 11:00:26 AM
The catastrophe is required for collaboration

Doesn’t work. We just had a pandemic and it didn’t work.
Yep. Further evidence.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 11:01:58 AM
I mean, Google “what would happen if the USD collapsed.”
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 11:03:59 AM
Then, look at the mechanisms that we have in place to prevent a collapse and ask yourself if you believe that those mechanisms could remain effective if two nations could independently do what they wanted relative to those mechanisms.

We gotta keep this bitch together.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on February 26, 2023, 11:21:58 AM
this is all performative maga bs.  The US will not break up barring a total breakdown in society
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on February 26, 2023, 11:29:38 AM
It’s good to work through these practical considerations so that they can be overcome and everyone can live in their respective utopia.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 26, 2023, 11:48:02 AM
Our astounding debt is backed by our federal government having the power to run the world (e.g the petrodollar)

No, it is not. See Japan's 250%+ Debt-to-GDP ratio.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 26, 2023, 01:22:46 PM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

There are 11 other countries on 4 continents that use the USD. If we could make it work with Somalia, I'm sure we can work something out with the slave states.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on February 26, 2023, 01:35:29 PM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

There are 11 other countries on 4 continents that use the USD. If we could make it work with Somalia, I'm sure we can work something out with the slave states.

But the question is who controls monetary policy? Who mints currency? Belize, Somalia, etc. are totally reliant on our stewardship of the dollar. You think the New Confederacy would be cool with that?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 26, 2023, 02:34:49 PM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

There are 11 other countries on 4 continents that use the USD. If we could make it work with Somalia, I'm sure we can work something out with the slave states.

But the question is who controls monetary policy? Who mints currency? Belize, Somalia, etc. are totally reliant on our stewardship of the dollar. You think the New Confederacy would be cool with that?

They're are currently no mint locations in slave states.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Spracne on February 26, 2023, 03:00:15 PM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

There are 11 other countries on 4 continents that use the USD. If we could make it work with Somalia, I'm sure we can work something out with the slave states.

But the question is who controls monetary policy? Who mints currency? Belize, Somalia, etc. are totally reliant on our stewardship of the dollar. You think the New Confederacy would be cool with that?

They're are currently no mint locations in slave states.

What of Fort Knox? It's part of the mint system.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 03:30:53 PM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

There are 11 other countries on 4 continents that use the USD. If we could make it work with Somalia, I'm sure we can work something out with the slave states.
Using our currency and setting monetary policy of our currency are way different things.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 03:31:19 PM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

There are 11 other countries on 4 continents that use the USD. If we could make it work with Somalia, I'm sure we can work something out with the slave states.

But the question is who controls monetary policy? Who mints currency? Belize, Somalia, etc. are totally reliant on our stewardship of the dollar. You think the New Confederacy would be cool with that?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 26, 2023, 03:33:02 PM
It’s good to work through these practical considerations so that they can be overcome and everyone can live in their respective utopia.
Yes, agreed.  I came out of the gates strong on this thread, but the devil is in the details.  Like Jesus said tho, you gotta rise and grind.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Justwin on February 26, 2023, 03:54:24 PM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

There are 11 other countries on 4 continents that use the USD. If we could make it work with Somalia, I'm sure we can work something out with the slave states.

But the question is who controls monetary policy? Who mints currency? Belize, Somalia, etc. are totally reliant on our stewardship of the dollar. You think the New Confederacy would be cool with that?

They're are currently no mint locations in slave states.

There is a Bureau of Engraving and Printing location in Ft. Worth, TX.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on February 27, 2023, 12:39:53 AM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

There are 11 other countries on 4 continents that use the USD. If we could make it work with Somalia, I'm sure we can work something out with the slave states.

But the question is who controls monetary policy? Who mints currency? Belize, Somalia, etc. are totally reliant on our stewardship of the dollar. You think the New Confederacy would be cool with that?

They're are currently no mint locations in slave states.

There is a Bureau of Engraving and Printing location in Ft. Worth, TX.

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: mocat on February 27, 2023, 07:44:53 AM
I mean clearly both countries would keep the dollar and have robust trade and open border agreements. I don't think life would honestly be that different for most people economically unless they work in the federal government.

The social laws in the confederacy would be bad, but they are also pretty awful now already!
How could they both keep the dollar?  They couldn’t issue new money without impacting the other. I see no way they could keep the same currency.  I give them zero chance of being amicable on monetary policy, spending and taxation.

There are 11 other countries on 4 continents that use the USD. If we could make it work with Somalia, I'm sure we can work something out with the slave states.

But the question is who controls monetary policy? Who mints currency? Belize, Somalia, etc. are totally reliant on our stewardship of the dollar. You think the New Confederacy would be cool with that?

They're are currently no mint locations in slave states.

There is a Bureau of Engraving and Printing location in Ft. Worth, TX.
Very fitting that the South is home to the HQ of participation trophies
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: wetwillie on February 27, 2023, 08:30:57 AM
I haven’t followed this thread that closely but I am confident in the USA’s ability to successfully crush another rebellion if it becomes necessary.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 27, 2023, 08:44:01 AM
I haven’t followed this thread that closely but I am confident in the USA’s ability to successfully crush another rebellion if it becomes necessary.
Maybe we need a separate rebellion thread, but I agree with you. Tho, we were too soft of them last time. All politicians and officers from the rebellion should have been hanged.  I hope we learn from that.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: DQ12 on February 27, 2023, 09:28:46 AM
I haven’t followed this thread that closely but I am confident in the USA’s ability to successfully crush another rebellion if it becomes necessary.
Maybe we need a separate rebellion thread, but I agree with you. Tho, we were too soft of them last time. All politicians and officers from the rebellion should have been hanged.  I hope we learn from that.
Pete you were the one who started this thread advocating for the idea!  Now it's treason worthy of a noose!
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 27, 2023, 10:42:14 AM
I haven’t followed this thread that closely but I am confident in the USA’s ability to successfully crush another rebellion if it becomes necessary.
Maybe we need a separate rebellion thread, but I agree with you. Tho, we were too soft of them last time. All politicians and officers from the rebellion should have been hanged.  I hope we learn from that.
Pete you were the one who started this thread advocating for the idea!  Now it's treason worthy of a noose!

Whoa, divorce vs bloody rebellion, bro.  Like MTG I just wanted my space, but after I thought about the implications, I now favor marriage counseling
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on February 27, 2023, 10:43:55 AM
Fort Sumpter was not a therapists office.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: BIG APPLE CAT on February 27, 2023, 10:54:02 AM
if MAGAs really want to do this, i think they can achieve it pretty easily:
Step 0: As we all know, tazing-your-own-crank level ineptitude is foundational to MAGA
Step 1: identify where they want the border to be
Step 2: start building a wall along that border
Step 3: when/if confronted why they are building a wall, just take a copy of the border wall plans they have for texas and hold them upside down and be like "aw dag nabbit did we do this wrong?"

Step 4: Steps 1-3 are really kind of irrelevant b/c in order to do this they would have to raise money and inevitably some MAGA grifter will take up the task of fundraising to building the confederate border wall and then just pocket all the money while laughing their asses off from some tropical island

Step 5: anyone wanna go in w/ me on starting a non-profit fundraiser to build the confederate wall? Might need something a little more catchy. The State's Rights Wall? the Stem the Tide of Northern Aggression Wall? the SToNA Wall?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: DQ12 on February 27, 2023, 11:09:39 AM
I haven’t followed this thread that closely but I am confident in the USA’s ability to successfully crush another rebellion if it becomes necessary.
Maybe we need a separate rebellion thread, but I agree with you. Tho, we were too soft of them last time. All politicians and officers from the rebellion should have been hanged.  I hope we learn from that.
Pete you were the one who started this thread advocating for the idea!  Now it's treason worthy of a noose!

Whoa, divorce vs bloody rebellion, bro.  Like MTG I just wanted my space, but after I thought about the implications, I now favor marriage counseling
Fair enough, I misread.  I don't think anyone wants a bloody rebellion.  You and MTG just wanted to go your own ways.  Irreconcilable differences.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: bucket on March 31, 2023, 08:23:14 PM

Is this how Civil War 2 is born?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: steve dave on March 31, 2023, 08:33:15 PM
Honestly MAGA desantis, et al are really low energy right now so I doubt it he’s busy getting the living crap kicked out of himself by Disney lawyers

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: MakeItRain on April 01, 2023, 02:45:44 AM

Is this how Civil War 2 is born?

Trump is turning himself in because he can't avoid going to New York and turning himself in is a hell of a lot better than being dragged out of trump towers in cuffs.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on April 28, 2023, 05:09:00 PM
Good a place as any.

3/4 of the Cracker Belt Quadrangle affirms their ongoing net population egress status.   #blueanon strongholds taking hits, with one, possibly two losing higher income taxpayers at rates that are arguably not sustainable given their relative debt burden.   Would probably need to cross check against age numbers.


Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: ben ji on May 04, 2023, 11:10:41 PM

(sorry, new russia & 1/4 cool kids)

It's 2026 and the MAGTIFA collaboration has overturned the Status Quo that has existed since 2015. Former Legendary BBS poster SD has made it safely to the promised land of BEARS after a dangerous and body slamming trip through Nebraska and has lived there peacefully for 10 years.... but now that the Brownbackistan rebels have joined forces with ANTIFA he must leave the mountains of Colorado and undertake another dangerous journey back across Brownbackistan to his only hope....A Lakes Antonio territory once known as Minnesota and an old friend named pete who claims to have a pontoon boat fast enough to ferry them all up to Canada before MAGTIFA knows whats going on.

Will he make it safely across the plains or will he get captured and have to surrender all of his CC points to the MAGTIFA rebels?!?
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on May 04, 2023, 11:18:14 PM
Dork gonna dork
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on May 05, 2023, 07:25:39 AM

(sorry, new russia & 1/4 cool kids)

It's 2026 and the MAGTIFA collaboration has overturned the Status Quo that has existed since 2015. Former Legendary BBS poster SD has made it safely to the promised land of BEARS after a dangerous and body slamming trip through Nebraska and has lived there peacefully for 10 years.... but now that the Brownbackistan rebels have joined forces with ANTIFA he must leave the mountains of Colorado and undertake another dangerous journey back across Brownbackistan to his only hope....A Lakes Antonio territory once known as Minnesota and an old friend named pete who claims to have a pontoon boat fast enough to ferry them all up to Canada before MAGTIFA knows whats going on.

Will he make it safely across the plains or will he get captured and have to surrender all of his CC points to the MAGTIFA rebels?!?

Lol nice
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: star seed 7 on May 06, 2023, 12:54:49 AM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on May 06, 2023, 06:47:59 AM

(sorry, new russia & 1/4 cool kids)

It's 2026 and the MAGTIFA collaboration has overturned the Status Quo that has existed since 2015. Former Legendary BBS poster SD has made it safely to the promised land of BEARS after a dangerous and body slamming trip through Nebraska and has lived there peacefully for 10 years.... but now that the Brownbackistan rebels have joined forces with ANTIFA he must leave the mountains of Colorado and undertake another dangerous journey back across Brownbackistan to his only hope....A Lakes Antonio territory once known as Minnesota and an old friend named pete who claims to have a pontoon boat fast enough to ferry them all up to Canada before MAGTIFA knows whats going on.

Will he make it safely across the plains or will he get captured and have to surrender all of his CC points to the MAGTIFA rebels?!?

Lol nice

A LOT of people of have said that I am the Harriet Tubman of gE. A milder John Brown, even. Pete Tan.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on May 06, 2023, 07:15:46 AM
Maybe this sucker gets kicked off when Trump is imprisoned in Georgia on state charges (8 electors have accepted immunity so apparently something is brewing)....then gets elected president of the United States and the military has to decide whether to follow his orders (or his VP's orders) and bust him out. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on May 07, 2023, 09:39:18 AM
Maybe this sucker gets kicked off when Trump is imprisoned in Georgia on state charges (8 electors have accepted immunity so apparently something is brewing)....then gets elected president of the United States and the military has to decide whether to follow his orders (or his VP's orders) and bust him out.

maga hates the military and men and women in uniform in particular so I wouldn't expect that. 
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: CNS on May 07, 2023, 01:29:11 PM
Maybe this sucker gets kicked off when Trump is imprisoned in Georgia on state charges (8 electors have accepted immunity so apparently something is brewing)....then gets elected president of the United States and the military has to decide whether to follow his orders (or his VP's orders) and bust him out.

maga hates the military and men and women in uniform in particular so I wouldn't expect that.

This particular topic is interesting. I mean, no doubt that maga political leaders hate the crap out of them, but the maga voters have spent the last generation masturbating to the flag, the thin blue line flag, cammo, and stealth bomber flyovers. it will be the most amazing trick the maga leadership has pulled to date if they get the maga voters to 180 on that.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Institutional Control on January 30, 2024, 12:20:43 PM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Dugout DickStone on January 30, 2024, 01:08:51 PM
Maybe this sucker gets kicked off when Trump is imprisoned in Georgia on state charges (8 electors have accepted immunity so apparently something is brewing)....then gets elected president of the United States and the military has to decide whether to follow his orders (or his VP's orders) and bust him out.

maga hates the military and men and women in uniform in particular so I wouldn't expect that.

This particular topic is interesting. I mean, no doubt that maga political leaders hate the crap out of them, but the maga voters have spent the last generation masturbating to the flag, the thin blue line flag, cammo, and stealth bomber flyovers. it will be the most amazing trick the maga leadership has pulled to date if they get the maga voters to 180 on that.

Claim the military is woke.  Boom
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: sonofdaxjones on January 30, 2024, 01:38:11 PM
#blueanonneocon/#neocongE hates the every living eff out of the fact that they're not going to be able to roll out another dumbass war and get others to go fight it for them.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on November 06, 2024, 12:14:17 AM
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: I_have_purplewood on November 06, 2024, 12:43:25 AM

 :lol: :lol: (ftp://:lol: :lol:)
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: john "teach me how to" dougie on November 06, 2024, 01:11:08 AM
I'm OK if we move Washington state to Canada.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on November 10, 2024, 08:49:42 PM

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Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on November 10, 2024, 08:49:56 PM

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Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: catastrophe on November 10, 2024, 09:19:18 PM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Would be interested to see this vs a map of counties with major universities.
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Pete on November 11, 2024, 09:03:01 AM
Looks like the Reagan years
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Sandstone Outcropping on November 11, 2024, 10:04:14 AM
Breaking up the United States seems like a bad idea (didn't work out that great in the 1860s). I could envision a future where individual states / municipalities have more autonomy with regard to "culture war issues." The Dobbs decision might be the first major example of sending these things "back to the states."
Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: nicname on November 11, 2024, 10:05:49 AM
Breaking up the United States seems like a bad idea (didn't work out that great in the 1860s). I could envision a future where individual states / municipalities have more autonomy with regard to "culture war issues." The Dobbs decision might be the first major example of sending these things "back to the states."

Title: Re: Breaking up the United States
Post by: Trim on November 11, 2024, 10:24:33 AM
Breaking up the United States seems like a bad idea (didn't work out that great in the 1860s). I could envision a future where individual states / municipalities have more autonomy with regard to "culture war issues." The Dobbs decision might be the first major example of sending these things "back to the states."

It only seems like a bad idea because you’re so used to how things have been. Like college football, USA shouldn’t have expanded and merged so much to begin with.

It’s good that we allow people to get divorced.