
General Discussion => The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit => Topic started by: 'taterblast on May 12, 2014, 02:51:58 PM

Title: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: 'taterblast on May 12, 2014, 02:51:58 PM
jfc, this might need to go to the pit, but kietz is running with the "people who support gay marriage act more bigoted to those who are against it, than the people who are against it acted in the first place" talking point
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: slobber on May 12, 2014, 02:54:52 PM
I don't think he is pandering to his audience. He probably believes this. But, he is BITB, so you never know, he may have a motive the gE doesn't yet understand.
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: EMAWzified on May 12, 2014, 08:07:35 PM
He's been awash in bigotry on this since two days after Sam came out. BITB, big imbecilic thumbsucking bigot.
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: Cire on May 12, 2014, 08:33:27 PM
Yeah he is a big time homophobe
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on May 12, 2014, 08:39:58 PM
The I hate everybody who doesn't want to see two guys kiss crowd is a pretty weird crowd to run in.
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: 'taterblast on May 12, 2014, 08:48:38 PM
The I hate everybody who doesn't want to see two guys kiss crowd is a pretty weird crowd to run in.

hate? no. enjoy laughing at the insecurity? YES!
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: EMAWesome on May 13, 2014, 12:01:23 AM
jfc, this might need to go to the pit, but kietz is running with the "people who support gay marriage act more bigoted to those who are against it, than the people who are against it acted in the first place" talking point

He's been BITB'ing his neo-nazi/Tea Party views more & more the past few weeks...doing his, "I don't want this show to get political or anything," bit, then saying something borderline insane right before a commercial break, or before starting an interview or something else that will ensure the subject is changed before Danny can interject liberal common sense into the mix...if 610 wasn't talking about fat chicks or rap, or how the whole world is surprised Carrington is black 75% of the time, I'd probably switch away from KK more often :shakesfist:
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: Panjandrum on May 13, 2014, 12:05:56 AM
jfc, this might need to go to the pit, but kietz is running with the "people who support gay marriage act more bigoted to those who are against it, than the people who are against it acted in the first place" talking point

He's been BITB'ing his neo-nazi/Tea Party views more & more the past few weeks...doing his, "I don't want this show to get political or anything," bit, then saying something borderline insane right before a commercial break, or before starting an interview or something else that will ensure the subject is changed before Danny can interject liberal common sense into the mix...if 610 wasn't talking about fat chicks or rap, or how the whole world is surprised Carrington is black 75% of the time, I'd probably switch away from KK more often :shakesfist:

Keitz is a big neocon.  That's not pandering; he's said crap like this for years.
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: Dugout DickStone on May 13, 2014, 12:08:12 AM
The I hate everybody who doesn't want to see two guys kiss crowd is a pretty weird crowd to run in.

Simple thoughts for simple minds.
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on May 13, 2014, 01:16:04 PM
jfc, this might need to go to the pit, but kietz is running with the "people who support gay marriage act more bigoted to those who are against it, than the people who are against it acted in the first place" talking point

He's been BITB'ing his neo-nazi/Tea Party views more & more the past few weeks...doing his, "I don't want this show to get political or anything," bit, then saying something borderline insane right before a commercial break, or before starting an interview or something else that will ensure the subject is changed before Danny can interject liberal common sense into the mix...if 610 wasn't talking about fat chicks or rap, or how the whole world is surprised Carrington is black 75% of the time, I'd probably switch away from KK more often :shakesfist:

This is fantastic Pit fodder. Nazi Tea, Party, Liberal Common Sense. The only thing missing is a KKK reference.
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: SPEmaw on May 13, 2014, 01:17:25 PM
jfc, this might need to go to the pit, but kietz is running with the "people who support gay marriage act more bigoted to those who are against it, than the people who are against it acted in the first place" talking point

He's been BITB'ing his neo-nazi/Tea Party views more & more the past few weeks...doing his, "I don't want this show to get political or anything," bit, then saying something borderline insane right before a commercial break, or before starting an interview or something else that will ensure the subject is changed before Danny can interject liberal common sense into the mix...if 610 wasn't talking about fat chicks or rap, or how the whole world is surprised Carrington is black 75% of the time, I'd probably switch away from KK more often :shakesfist:

oxymoron from a moron.  :D
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: 'taterblast on May 13, 2014, 01:18:20 PM
mods i am so sorry
Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: Stevesie60 on May 13, 2014, 01:59:22 PM
mods i am so sorry

Title: Re: Keep it in the Pit
Post by: Big Sam on May 13, 2014, 03:44:22 PM
jfc, this might need to go to the pit, but kietz is running with the "people who support gay marriage act more bigoted to those who are against it, than the people who are against it acted in the first place" talking point

He's been BITB'ing his neo-nazi/Tea Party views more & more the past few weeks...doing his, "I don't want this show to get political or anything," bit, then saying something borderline insane right before a commercial break, or before starting an interview or something else that will ensure the subject is changed before Danny can interject liberal common sense into the mix...if 610 wasn't talking about fat chicks or rap, or how the whole world is surprised Carrington is black 75% of the time, I'd probably switch away from KK more often :shakesfist:

This is fantastic Pit fodder. Nazi Tea, Party, Liberal Common Sense. The only thing missing is a KKK reference.

So, I did not know the Tea Party people hated like gays and stuff.  A vast number are libertarians and don't give an F what people do with their private lives.  They just don't want to pay for other peoples' stupidity (Taxed Enough Already).

Now, personally, I don't want to watch anyone making out at any level in public.  Well, unless it is two hot chicks....
Title: Re: BITB Today
Post by: michigancat on May 13, 2014, 04:02:57 PM
jfc, this might need to go to the pit, but kietz is running with the "people who support gay marriage act more bigoted to those who are against it, than the people who are against it acted in the first place" talking point

He's been BITB'ing his neo-nazi/Tea Party views more & more the past few weeks...doing his, "I don't want this show to get political or anything," bit, then saying something borderline insane right before a commercial break, or before starting an interview or something else that will ensure the subject is changed before Danny can interject liberal common sense into the mix...if 610 wasn't talking about fat chicks or rap, or how the whole world is surprised Carrington is black 75% of the time, I'd probably switch away from KK more often :shakesfist:

This is fantastic Pit fodder. Nazi Tea, Party, Liberal Common Sense. The only thing missing is a KKK reference.

So, I did not know the Tea Party people hated like gays and stuff.  A vast number are libertarians and don't give an F what people do with their private lives.  They just don't want to pay for other peoples' stupidity (Taxed Enough Already).

Now, personally, I don't want to watch anyone making out at any level in public.  Well, unless it is two hot chicks....
