
General Discussion => The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit => Topic started by: HeinBallz on June 06, 2012, 12:40:01 PM

Title: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 06, 2012, 12:40:01 PM
we all LOSE our 1st amendment right and arrest will be made because people share their opinion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5ausy98ERM&feature=youtu.be)

Mark. It. Down.

Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: AbeFroman on June 06, 2012, 01:03:58 PM
"This video compilation from the Alex Jones..."

I stopped watching.
Title: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 06, 2012, 01:16:05 PM
Whatever - go back to sleep.

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Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: 'taterblast on June 06, 2012, 02:13:02 PM
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: CNS on June 06, 2012, 02:57:34 PM
Hur Hur Hur
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 06, 2012, 05:35:36 PM
Considering no one here can make the connection between the video and my August prediction - this is what I'm talking about:

A "Ron Paul Festival" is being planned by "paul-ites" in tampa as a 3 day event before the national convention to show the fence sitter delegates that Ron Paul does have a strong following. They're already expecting upwards of 200,000 people to show up.  Not only is the media not covering this, but it's actually being blocked by the GOP who has been renting out all of the major venues in Tampa, including the Florida State fair-grounds. 

Knowing that, watch the video linked above... I honestly don't even know who Alex Jones is - but I'm calling it right now.  Romney Supporters, acting as "Rogue Ron Paul" supporters will riot & bring a bad light to the Liberty Movement.  You can hate on Alex Jones all you want, but there's a reason the Ron Paul campaign has been preaching for the last 5 years for this to be a peaceful revolution and begging their supporters to maintain a level head. 
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: john "teach me how to" dougie on June 06, 2012, 05:48:18 PM
Considering no one here can make the connection between the video and my August prediction - this is what I'm talking about:

A "Ron Paul Festival" is being planned by "paul-ites" in tampa as a 3 day event before the national convention to show the fence sitter delegates that Ron Paul does have a strong following. They're already expecting upwards of 200,000 people to show up.  Not only is the media not covering this, but it's actually being blocked by the GOP who has been renting out all of the major venues in Tampa, including the Florida State fair-grounds. 

Knowing that, watch the video linked above... I honestly don't even know who Alex Jones is - but I'm calling it right now.  Romney Supporters, acting as "Rogue Ron Paul" supporters will riot & bring a bad light to the Liberty Movement.  You can hate on Alex Jones all you want, but there's a reason the Ron Paul campaign has been preaching for the last 5 years for this to be a peaceful revolution and begging their supporters to maintain a level head.

LOL  :party:
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: star seed 7 on June 06, 2012, 05:54:20 PM
So the people getting aressted will deserve it then?

Im confused how faux paulites doing bad person things takes away my first amendment right.

Im also confused why anyone would take anything alex jones says seriously.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 07, 2012, 08:23:19 AM
Nobody from the Fred Phelps clan ever gets arrested. Maybe the Paulites can bring a few of those guys along and stay out of jail.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: p1k3 on June 07, 2012, 09:02:31 AM
So the people getting aressted will deserve it then?

Im confused how faux paulites doing bad person things takes away my first amendment right.

Im also confused why anyone would take anything alex jones says seriously.

They're taking away all of our rights. Not just the Paulites.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: john "teach me how to" dougie on June 07, 2012, 08:32:52 PM
Welp, I think we can put the Ron Paul candidacy away for another 4 years. Rand has officially endorsed Romney.  Who can rise as the new champion of liberty for 2016?
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on June 07, 2012, 08:45:00 PM
Throw rocks through windows, obstructing traffic and pushing people isn't protected speech.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: p1k3 on June 07, 2012, 08:50:21 PM
Welp, I think we can put the Ron Paul candidacy away for another 4 years. Rand has officially endorsed Romney.  Who can rise as the new champion of liberty for 2016?

Ron Paul isnt going anywhere, and Mittens isn't getting his votes.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on June 07, 2012, 08:57:01 PM
Welp, I think we can put the Ron Paul candidacy away for another 4 years. Rand has officially endorsed Romney.  Who can rise as the new champion of liberty for 2016?

Ron Paul isnt going anywhere, and Mittens isn't getting his votes.

Yes he is, yes he is.

Even bill Clinton is team #rominee
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 07, 2012, 11:24:59 PM
You guys are totally missing my point.   200,000 Paul supporters will be barred from a rally.  They will be arrested for partaking in a peaceful protest.  The nation will be told a story that this liberty movement is dangerous as it results in riots.  A line will be drawn in the sand and you'll either be an anarchist or a patriot.   This will all happen not because of 200,000 people holding a peaceful celebration of freedom in a state fair like environment, but BECAUSE of 300-400 anarchist who are not part of this movement. 

Answer this for me, If Romney IS the nominee and Ron Paul is done - why is he still a threat?   Why are delegates being thrown to the ground & arrested for conducting state convention business and following the rules? Why are Romney delegates resorting to violence towards Ron Paul supporters in Louisiana, Missouri, Nevada, Colorado, Massachusetts among others?

The answer is because this is a genuine movement.  This is a genuine revolution and it scares the crap out of the establishment that you may or may not believe exist.  If everything were to go as planned by the Paul people, the media would not be able to ignore Tampa in August.  The nation would see that everything they've been told by MSM about Ron Paul & their supporters was a Lie.  We are peaceful. We are not a minority. We are not crazy. The values we believe in are true to everyone.  Our message unifies all Americans through our own desires of liberty & freedom.  But the most important thing America will see is we are advocating for each others liberties through love, not violence.

Lied to by some unknown oppressor.  An oppressor that controls you through legislation like the Patriot Act, NDAA, SOPA,etc, a Fed induced crumbling economy necessitating welfare, which in turn creates non-thinking slaves.  Most importantly, an oppressor that controls with fear over War and Terrorism.   Exposing this is the goal of the Ron Paul festival.

The prediction I am making however, is failure. When you turn on your TV in August, you will see swat teams.  You will see Billy Clubs. You will see tear gas.  You will see violence surrounding the Ron Paul festival - because that is what an establishment would need to happen to kill this movement.  I'm not claiming that this is a media conspiracy theory - I'm claiming that anarchist, NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE FREEDOM MOVEMENT, will create a necessity for the SWAT teams, the tear gas & the violence.  The peaceful protest will not be tolerated because of the precedence set forth by the anarchist.   You could have ignored the commentary of the video I posted above.  The important points I wanted you to take from that video is: 1st amendment rights WERE taken away from individuals who were not part of the Riots.  They were not anarchist.  They were not breaking windows & rolling over cars.  You saw swat team members telling peaceful protestors: "YOU DO NOT HAVE 1st AMENDMENT RIGHTS, IF YOU ATTEMPT TO USE YOUR 1st AMENDMENT RIGHTS, YOU WILL BE ARRESTED" 

You will know there is an establishment scared shitless of this movement, when a group of people (who believe to the very core of their being,that they have a right to assemblage in the name of PEACE and LOVE) are painted in light as anarchist that need to be arrested & silenced.

How am I so sure this violence that will erupt are not Ron Paul people, suggesting a conspiracy?  Ron Paul people ARE NOT violent.  Remember, we are not the ones advocating for murder in the middle east.  We are not the ones who think Kill list's by any administration are a good thing.  We are a movement of Love, Life, & Liberty - NOT ANARCHY.   If Violence does not occur - my prediction was wrong and what we've seen in several state conventions including the police brutality that took place in Louisiana last Saturday were isolated incidents. 

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” - Mahatma Gandhi
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: p1k3 on June 07, 2012, 11:35:59 PM
Welp, I think we can put the Ron Paul candidacy away for another 4 years. Rand has officially endorsed Romney.  Who can rise as the new champion of liberty for 2016?

Ron Paul isnt going anywhere, and Mittens isn't getting his votes.

Yes he is, yes he is.

Even bill Clinton is team #rominee

Nay. The R party has done everything they can to promote tryanny and silence Ron Paul. They're crimes have not gone un noticed
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 07, 2012, 11:45:16 PM
It really isn't even about Ron Paul anymore.  When the smokescreens fail, the public sees through lame tactics of manipulation, & the movement continues on.  Even if the worst thing imaginable were to happen and Ron Paul were to be assassinated, this movement will not die.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Cire on June 08, 2012, 05:42:03 AM
Sometimes in life there are people that ruin it for everyone.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: steve dave on June 08, 2012, 07:47:46 AM
some of you guys are weird
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 08, 2012, 07:58:38 AM
some of you guys are weird

I used to filter my thoughts with concern of this very statement being made towards me, until I saw this quote:

"Speak up, speak often and don't worry about those that at this point can not understand as they can never un-hear what we tell them."    :comehere:
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: steve dave on June 08, 2012, 08:09:53 AM
I unhear tons of crap people tell me all the time
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: ben ji on June 08, 2012, 08:15:19 AM
You guys are totally missing my point.   200,000 Paul supporters will be barred from a rally.  They will be arrested for partaking in a peaceful protest.  The nation will be told a story that this liberty movement is dangerous as it results in riots. A line will be drawn in the sand and you'll either be an anarchist or a patriot.   This will all happen not because of 200,000 people holding a peaceful celebration of freedom in a state fair like environment, but BECAUSE of 300-400 anarchist who are not part of this movement.  Answer this for me, If Romney IS the nominee and Ron Paul is done - why is he still a threat?   Why are delegates being thrown to the ground & arrested for conducting state convention business and following the rules? Why are Romney delegates resorting to violence towards Ron Paul supporters in Louisiana, Missouri, Nevada, Colorado, Massachusetts among others?

The answer is because this is a genuine movement.  This is a genuine revolution and it scares the crap out of the establishment that you may or may not believe exist.  If everything were to go as planned by the Paul people, the media would not be able to ignore Tampa in August.  The nation would see that everything they've been told by MSM about Ron Paul & their supporters was a Lie.  We are peaceful. We are not a minority. We are not crazy. The values we believe in are true to everyone.  Our message unifies all Americans through our own desires of liberty & freedom.  But the most important thing America will see is we are advocating for each others liberties through love, not violence.

Lied to by some unknown oppressor.  An oppressor that controls you through legislation like the Patriot Act, NDAA, SOPA,etc, a Fed induced crumbling economy necessitating welfare, which in turn creates non-thinking slaves.  Most importantly, an oppressor that controls with fear over War and Terrorism.   Exposing this is the goal of the Ron Paul festival.

The prediction I am making however, is failure. When you turn on your TV in August, you will see swat teams.  You will see Billy Clubs. You will see tear gas.  You will see violence surrounding the Ron Paul festival - because that is what an establishment would need to happen to kill this movement.  I'm not claiming that this is a media conspiracy theory - I'm claiming that anarchist, NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE FREEDOM MOVEMENT, will create a necessity for the SWAT teams, the tear gas & the violence.  The peaceful protest will not be tolerated because of the precedence set forth by the anarchist.   You could have ignored the commentary of the video I posted above.  The important points I wanted you to take from that video is: 1st amendment rights WERE taken away from individuals who were not part of the Riots.  They were not anarchist.  They were not breaking windows & rolling over cars.  You saw swat team members telling peaceful protestors: "YOU DO NOT HAVE 1st AMENDMENT RIGHTS, IF YOU ATTEMPT TO USE YOUR 1st AMENDMENT RIGHTS, YOU WILL BE ARRESTED" 

You will know there is an establishment scared shitless of this movement, when a group of people (who believe to the very core of their being,that they have a right to assemblage in the name of PEACE and LOVE) are painted in light as anarchist that need to be arrested & silenced.

How am I so sure this violence that will erupt are not Ron Paul people, suggesting a conspiracy?  Ron Paul people ARE NOT violent.  Remember, we are not the ones advocating for murder in the middle east.  We are not the ones who think Kill list's by any administration are a good thing.  We are a movement of Love, Life, & Liberty - NOT ANARCHY.   If Violence does not occur - my prediction was wrong and what we've seen in several state conventions including the police brutality that took place in Louisiana last Saturday were isolated incidents. 

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Sounds just like what happened with the occupy movement  :dunno:
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: DQ12 on June 08, 2012, 06:06:39 PM
I like some of what Paul thinks.  However, the vast majority of his supporters are absolutely insufferable, paranoid, mongoloids.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: kstatefreak42 on June 08, 2012, 06:46:00 PM
haters gon hate ya'll
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: CNS on June 08, 2012, 08:04:29 PM

x a lot.

The fact that Marty isn't dancing above explains a lot about the pit these days.
Title: August Prediction
Post by: felix rex on June 08, 2012, 11:50:35 PM
This actually gets me more warmed up to Romney. Being able to pull off this type of crap should be a pre-req for president.  This is basically what we've been doing to discredit Islam and those guys are rough ridin' killing it. I mean, they really are the best.
Title: August Prediction
Post by: felix rex on June 08, 2012, 11:51:39 PM
I hope someone shows up with a booth next to their faggy convention with a sign that reads "free haircuts".
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: sys on June 09, 2012, 12:03:48 AM
johnson is a smarter, saner, more acomplished version of paul.  why don't the crazy paulites give up on paul and support him?
Title: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 09, 2012, 01:59:27 PM
It's pretty clear you guys know completely different Ron Paul supporters than I do.

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Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: hemmy on June 10, 2012, 10:00:32 AM
Why even bother with this election? Romney and Obama are the same person, it makes no difference who gets elected.
Title: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 10, 2012, 12:51:12 PM
It matters a little.  When Romney gets in, SOME people will understand the idiocy behind voting for the lesser of two evils.     Just another step in the process of waking up your average republican.

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Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Trim on June 10, 2012, 12:56:48 PM
The libertarian guy on daily show last week seemed alright.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: p1k3 on June 10, 2012, 03:05:27 PM
I like some of what Paul thinks.  However, the vast majority of his supporters are absolutely insufferable, paranoid, mongoloids.

This is ridiculous. Lay off the Glenn Beck for fucks sake. Paul supporters are no different than anyone else

johnson is a smarter, saner, more acomplished version of paul.  why don't the crazy paulites give up on paul and support him?

False. Paul started a movement to get people thinking, Gary Johnson was a governor. BFD.

Why even bother with this election? Romney and Obama are the same person, it makes no difference who gets elected.

^ this
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: sys on June 10, 2012, 04:44:59 PM
False. Paul started a movement to get people thinking.

gmafb.  co-opting parts of libertarian philosophy, mixing it with touches of southern bigotry, monetary insanity, small-town doctorey conservatism and a weird voice doesn't equal starting a movement.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: p1k3 on June 10, 2012, 04:50:23 PM
False. Paul started a movement to get people thinking.

gmafb.  co-opting parts of libertarian philosophy, mixing it with touches of southern bigotry, monetary insanity, small-town doctorey conservatism and a weird voice doesn't equal starting a movement.

Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: ednksu on June 10, 2012, 04:59:21 PM
have you guys noticed all the government provocateurs have the SAME BOOTS!!!!
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: sys on June 10, 2012, 08:33:12 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on June 10, 2012, 09:30:57 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I've always laughed at the fiat v. specie based money supply argument.  One side says money is worth something because the government says so, the other wants some collateral.  You tards can pick your side to that argument and call each other tards.

HOWEVER, to say gold is an "arbitrary metal" is beyond Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!).  goodness gracious Sys  :facepalm:

All those "crazy" gold hoarders are sitting on an "arbitrary metal" worth $1600 p/oz in useless/perfectly valuable currency. . .

Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: p1k3 on June 10, 2012, 10:44:02 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I really think Ron Paul is just trolling when he talks about the gold standard. I mean yeah it's pretty much not feasible, but then again we probably wouldn't owe $16,000,000,000,000 if we were on it.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: ednksu on June 10, 2012, 10:55:56 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I've always laughed at the fiat v. specie based money supply argument.  One side says money is worth something because the government says so, the other wants some collateral.  You tards can pick your side to that argument and call each other tards.

HOWEVER, to say gold is an "arbitrary metal" is beyond Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!).  goodness gracious Sys  :facepalm:

All those "crazy" gold hoarders are sitting on an "arbitrary metal" worth $1600 p/oz in useless/perfectly valuable currency. . .

wooooooosh thats the sound sys's post made as it went right over your head because you can't conceptualize what fiat currency actually means.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: mortons toe on June 10, 2012, 11:18:43 PM
here you go (http://www.google.com/search?q=china+gold+backed+yuan&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a), anti-paul/arbitrary metal choads...
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 10, 2012, 11:24:06 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I really think Ron Paul is just trolling when he talks about the gold standard. I mean yeah it's pretty much not feasible, but then again we probably wouldn't owe $16,000,000,000,000 if we were on it.

We also wouldn't have the luxury of enjoying the highest standard of living in the world if we were on it, either.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: p1k3 on June 10, 2012, 11:31:43 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I really think Ron Paul is just trolling when he talks about the gold standard. I mean yeah it's pretty much not feasible, but then again we probably wouldn't owe $16,000,000,000,000 if we were on it.

We also wouldn't have the luxury of enjoying the highest standard of living in the world if we were on it, either.

Perhaps. Fwiw I think parts of Europe have a higher standard of living than we do, and they're also on the brink of economic collapse.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: ednksu on June 10, 2012, 11:39:33 PM
here you go (http://www.google.com/search?q=china+gold+backed+yuan&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a), anti-paul/arbitrary metal choads...
lulz at comparing the USA to the house of cards
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 10, 2012, 11:45:36 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I really think Ron Paul is just trolling when he talks about the gold standard. I mean yeah it's pretty much not feasible, but then again we probably wouldn't owe $16,000,000,000,000 if we were on it.

We also wouldn't have the luxury of enjoying the highest standard of living in the world if we were on it, either.

Perhaps. Fwiw I think parts of Europe have a higher standard of living than we do, and they're also on the brink of economic collapse.

I'm just unclear about what happens after this economic collapse. Looking at debt as a percentage of GPD, the countries that fall under 10% are as follows:

Equatorial Guinea
North Korea
Saudi Arabia
Wallis and Futina

Almost all of those countries are crap holes, and I really don't think that economic collapse is going to make Greece less appealing to live than the countries on that list. I'm not saying that debt is not a serious issue, but I'd rather live high in debt and then face an economic collapse than spend my entire life in some third world country.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 11, 2012, 10:33:33 AM
I'm fine with Fiat $$ as long as there's an audit of the fed on a annual or quarterly basis and printing our way out of financial crisis is kept to a minimum. History has shown success in all forms of currency as long as there's a foundation of trust behind it.  I question whether the world will continue to trust our currency when we borrow/deflate/print at the pace we are.   My main concern is with the excessive printing of $$ - not that it isn't backed by anything. 

The desire behind a gold standard is ONLY to prevent the banking industries from lending more than they have on hand.   If you can't understand why that's a bad thing - then no wonder you think this is an idiotic topic.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: ednksu on June 11, 2012, 12:51:44 PM
I'm fine with Fiat $$ as long as there's an audit of the fed on a annual or quarterly basis and printing our way out of financial crisis is kept to a minimum. History has shown success in all forms of currency as long as there's a foundation of trust behind it.  I question whether the world will continue to trust our currency when we borrow/deflate/print at the pace we are.   My main concern is with the excessive printing of $$ - not that it isn't backed by anything. 

The desire behind a gold standard is ONLY to prevent the banking industries from lending more than they have on hand.   If you can't understand why that's a bad thing - then no wonder you think this is an idiotic topic.
when people turn away from the 10 year T-Bill (which the US govt basically gets free money for) than you have an issue. Right now those are in demand because of the presvieved safety.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 11, 2012, 03:46:19 PM
That doesn't mean we have a 10 year safety net - and I'm speaking more specifically to how the Federal Reserve Operates... not the Government.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 11, 2012, 04:11:00 PM
I like some of what Paul thinks.  However, the vast majority of his supporters are absolutely insufferable, paranoid, mongoloids.

It's pretty clear you guys know completely different Ron Paul supporters than I do.

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This is how most of the Ron Paul supporters I know feel about Dr. Paul.  If you think this guys is an "absolutely insufferable, paranoid, mongoloid" then who do you think is normal?
Title: August Prediction
Post by: felix rex on June 11, 2012, 07:18:40 PM
I've had a soft spot for Ron Paul ever since he cited a historical fact at a debate and got booed.

BOOOO facts! BOOOOO history! All the history I need to know is best country EVER. That means in aaaaaall history, rendering the rest obsolete.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 11, 2012, 07:26:42 PM
I've had a soft spot for Ron Paul ever since he cited a historical fact at a debate and got booed.

BOOOO facts! BOOOOO history! All the history I need to know is best country EVER. That means in aaaaaall history, rendering the rest obsolete.

Yeah, I can't help but like Ron Paul, either.
Title: August Prediction
Post by: LickNeckey on June 11, 2012, 08:56:53 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I've always laughed at the fiat v. specie based money supply argument.  One side says money is worth something because the government says so, the other wants some collateral.  You tards can pick your side to that argument and call each other tards.

HOWEVER, to say gold is an "arbitrary metal" is beyond Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!).  goodness gracious Sys  :facepalm:

All those "crazy" gold hoarders are sitting on an "arbitrary metal" worth $1600 p/oz in useless/perfectly valuable currency. . .

What do you do with the hoarded gold when the financial apocalypse hits???

Shave chunks off to trade for bread and cigs?
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 11, 2012, 09:06:56 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I've always laughed at the fiat v. specie based money supply argument.  One side says money is worth something because the government says so, the other wants some collateral.  You tards can pick your side to that argument and call each other tards.

HOWEVER, to say gold is an "arbitrary metal" is beyond Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!).  goodness gracious Sys  :facepalm:

All those "crazy" gold hoarders are sitting on an "arbitrary metal" worth $1600 p/oz in useless/perfectly valuable currency. . .

What do you do with the hoarded gold when the financial apocalypse hits???

Shave chunks off to trade for bread and cigs?

I would assume they plan on trading it for currency.
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) on June 11, 2012, 09:14:25 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I've always laughed at the fiat v. specie based money supply argument.  One side says money is worth something because the government says so, the other wants some collateral.  You tards can pick your side to that argument and call each other tards.

HOWEVER, to say gold is an "arbitrary metal" is beyond Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!).  goodness gracious Sys  :facepalm:

All those "crazy" gold hoarders are sitting on an "arbitrary metal" worth $1600 p/oz in useless/perfectly valuable currency. . .

What do you do with the hoarded gold when the financial apocalypse hits???

Shave chunks off to trade for bread and cigs?

While it couldn't be more obvious I didn't choose a side in this frivalous argument I did make a glib comment that clearly flew over everyones head.

To answer the question posed, probably yes. It's likely shavings of gold would fetch more bread than soiled pieces of paper stamped "legal tender".

Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: mortons toe on June 11, 2012, 10:48:56 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I've always laughed at the fiat v. specie based money supply argument.  One side says money is worth something because the government says so, the other wants some collateral.  You tards can pick your side to that argument and call each other tards.

HOWEVER, to say gold is an "arbitrary metal" is beyond Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!).  goodness gracious Sys  :facepalm:

All those "crazy" gold hoarders are sitting on an "arbitrary metal" worth $1600 p/oz in useless/perfectly valuable currency. . .

What do you do with the hoarded gold when the financial apocalypse hits???

Shave chunks off to trade for bread and cigs?

Gold for large purchases (home, car, etc...), and silver for small barter???  :dunno: That was hard to think 5 seconds about  :bang:
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: p1k3 on June 11, 2012, 11:45:42 PM
Monetary insanity. Right. It's not like we owe 16 trillion to a made up bank and China or anything.

yes, basing your monetary supply on how fast we can dig arbitrary metals out of the ground is insanity.  as i understand it, even paul acknowledges that.  still, you listen to him talk, and you can't help but think that right beneath the surface his goldbuggery is still lurking, ready to spew out in any moment of weakness.

I really think Ron Paul is just trolling when he talks about the gold standard. I mean yeah it's pretty much not feasible, but then again we probably wouldn't owe $16,000,000,000,000 if we were on it.

We also wouldn't have the luxury of enjoying the highest standard of living in the world if we were on it, either.

Perhaps. Fwiw I think parts of Europe have a higher standard of living than we do, and they're also on the brink of economic collapse.

I'm just unclear about what happens after this economic collapse. Looking at debt as a percentage of GPD, the countries that fall under 10% are as follows:

Equatorial Guinea
North Korea
Saudi Arabia
Wallis and Futina

Almost all of those countries are crap holes, and I really don't think that economic collapse is going to make Greece less appealing to live than the countries on that list. I'm not saying that debt is not a serious issue, but I'd rather live high in debt and then face an economic collapse than spend my entire life in some third world country.

Well yeah, I doubt Europe will become the new Africa. However Greece is electing Neo Nazis and Socialists while France elected a Socialist too. Who knows what will happen.

I've had a soft spot for Ron Paul ever since he cited a historical fact at a debate and got booed.

BOOOO facts! BOOOOO history! All the history I need to know is best country EVER. That means in aaaaaall history, rendering the rest obsolete.

Yeah, I can't help but like Ron Paul, either.

"Our bad relationship with Iran started when we overthrew the Shaw in 1953 and hence 9-11 is blowback from this and other..........."

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO America is the best! We've never made a foreign policy mistake in HISTORY!!!"
Title: August Prediction
Post by: felix rex on June 12, 2012, 01:48:39 PM
Did Ron Paul call 9/11 blowback from our 53 coup? I would boo that. The debate I'm thinking of was when he said our decision to protect our oil interests by ousting a democratically elected leader was the beginning of current Iranian animosity.

Booooo! Our actions have consequences? Boooooo!
Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: Rage Against the McKee on June 12, 2012, 01:55:00 PM
Did Ron Paul call 9/11 blowback from our 53 coup? I would boo that. The debate I'm thinking of was when he said our decision to protect our oil interests by ousting a democratically elected leader was the beginning of current Iranian animosity.

Booooo! Our actions have consequences? Boooooo!

He was also booed for referencing the golden rule.
Title: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 12, 2012, 02:15:42 PM
Did Ron Paul call 9/11 blowback from our 53 coup? I would boo that. The debate I'm thinking of was when he said our decision to protect our oil interests by ousting a democratically elected leader was the beginning of current Iranian animosity.

Booooo! Our actions have consequences? Boooooo!

Not '53 but middle east intervention in the mid '90s

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Title: Re: August Prediction
Post by: p1k3 on June 12, 2012, 06:04:44 PM
Did Ron Paul call 9/11 blowback from our 53 coup? I would boo that. The debate I'm thinking of was when he said our decision to protect our oil interests by ousting a democratically elected leader was the beginning of current Iranian animosity.

Booooo! Our actions have consequences? Boooooo!

Not '53 but middle east intervention in the mid '90s

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I think we're thinking of the same debate, im just mis remembering. Regardless the '53 coup is when the CIA coined Pauls favorite term: Blowback.
Title: August Prediction
Post by: HeinBallz on June 12, 2012, 06:41:12 PM
I think he's used 53 as an example for something but I'm pretty sure it wasn't 9/11

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