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Messages - Kat Kid

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I think the real question is what is going on with the Supreme Court’s wives?

Alito playing capture the flag with his wife is one thing, but Ginni Thomas is a different level.

Ginni works with someone named Crystal that declares they hate all black people (see text), gets fired for it and Ginni feels so strongly about how much this person has been wronged Ginni invites Crystal to live with her and Clarence Thomas. they? Ginni? Encourage Crystal to attend law school, and then get her a clerkship with her husband.

Is Clarence ok?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump 2024
« on: May 31, 2024, 12:30:17 PM »
Trump lost to Biden as the incumbent. Now, Biden is the incumbent. Plus, since then we've had January 6th, Roe v Wade, and now felony convictions.
Georgia and Michigan

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump 2024
« on: May 27, 2024, 08:37:07 AM »

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: F1
« on: May 23, 2024, 09:42:35 PM »
What about F1 is so appealing to young women?

My theory is it's a soap opera and the boys are very cute and charming and kind of daredevils. I'm sure the Netflix show exploded the number of female fans in the US

This was a very big moment in my household:
Rich people

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: F1
« on: May 23, 2024, 09:41:57 PM »
my daughter watched the F1 series and got super into it, so I started watching races and listened to some podcasts on roadtrips with her and kind of got hooked. It's such a silly sport! There are 10 teams of 2! Same 20 drivers every race! (more or less) They all do goofy promos for crap but all are ultra rich and live in monaco! The rules are stupid and arbirtrary! Max easily wins every race!

seriously it's very fun
Listen, I am self aware enough to say that my love of the premier league despite me playing soccer is at least a good bit determined by my social status and politics.  You should just realize that you don’t just like F1 because your daughter, it is an aspirational hobby buddy and you will go to Monaco in the next 10 years.

Congrats! You made it!

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Cool Sciencey Pictures
« on: May 21, 2024, 09:22:31 AM »
I will never forget trying to explain how light years worked and that we were looking further back in time as we looked deeper in to space to my sophomore roommate from De Soto and him not being able to get his head wrapped around it and thinking I was messing with him.

They finished sixth and trophyless. Some turnaround  :lol:   (Cole Palmer is a baller though)

Let me be clear, I don't like Chelsea, but they had a horrific season where they spent most of the time mid-table and they still will be going to Europe and Man U won't unless Man U pulls a rabbit out of their hat at Wembley.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Possible WW3 thread
« on: May 20, 2024, 04:13:06 PM »

I'm not sure she is the best person to a deliver a message condemning Iran, but I agree that the Iranian regime is a horrific one and that the women willing to resist it in Iran are some of the bravest people on Earth.

The totally symbolic act of standing up when someone died in a helicopter crash seems like maybe not the most important thing, but I agree, I would have preferred we didn't participate. I doubt me and this person would agree about much else in terms of what the UN should be doing right now.

It is crazy ho Chelsea turned it around. Cole Palmer is amazing. Nkunku playing instead of Nicholas Jackson is such an incredible upgrade he is worse than Antony.

Smoke and mirrors
They do have a positive goal difference…..

It is crazy ho Chelsea turned it around. Cole Palmer is amazing. Nkunku playing instead of Nicholas Jackson is such an incredible upgrade he is worse than Antony.

Why did they get it to start?
To get all the calls right? Did they achieve that and is it worth it?

My counter proposal would be to add a second on field official.
I think that would be worse than no VAR or just 1 ref.

I know they have 3 kind of co-equal refs in basketball and in football they have distinct responsibilities for parts of the field, but that would require a complete re-thinking of how authority is shared.  There are just way too many scenarios where they both would need to make a call, so what are they supposed to do, talk about it on the pitch while everyone at home watches the replay and they are surrounded by players? Insane.

In my mind, the biggest weakness in VAR is how to navigate the egos of the on field ref and most of the mistakes seem to be the VAR ref not wanting to hurt the feelings of the on field ref and have them take a look so there is some continuity to the game being called.

Why did they get it to start?

If they took away VAR, the next season everyone would be screaming to have it back.

I think we should increase government support for green industry but we mumped that up over the last decade and a half so some sanctions paired with government support is ok, but I would rather just play the same game as the Chinese and have a strategic national investment in R&D and manufacturing rather than trying to put tariffs on their superior/cheaper EVs only.

So let's see here. We've got Jake "Hillary's Piss Boy" Sullivan saying they still see no genocide in Gaza, we've got video out of Zionists attacking food supplies headed to Gaza, we've got an administration still supplying all kinds of weapons to the Israeli's except for a couple of types that are on temporary hold in a quid pro quo move to satiate the Hamas wing of #blueanon which covers hundreds of thousands of people . . . and apparently we've got an administration with Iranian spies as point people in dealing with Iran.

On the flip side, Mike Johnson as thrown the few reps in Congress complaining about aid to Israel to the Israeli lobbies and PAC's which is like putting a bleeding feral hog in a stream full of Piranhas. We've got a presidential candidate who is saying that Israel needs to finish the job and get things wrapped up and apparently one guy who Dug is fixated with who sounds kind of anti-Israel.
I’m less interested in whatever this is and more interested in what you think should happen in a perfect world where you were in charge and what the admin should do in our actual world.  I get the second part is pretty loaded because I am pretty skeptical about what the actual constraints are vs. what are just policy preferences so just the first one would be plenty edifying.

Once upon a time

"The idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous. It's just beyond my comprehension anyone would do that.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think it is evidence that the protests have moved the admin.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Israel - Hamas peace process
« on: May 09, 2024, 03:57:31 PM »
Buddy, protestors successfully kettled police because they practiced their tactics. The nihilistic frat boys have done nothing of note other than having to sacrifice one particularly racist Ole Miss student, that they promptly threw under the bus when there was even a hint that authority figures might bring some consequences their way.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: QuikTrip
« on: May 06, 2024, 01:31:57 PM »
Also, prepare for an ungodly number of Buc-ees billboards everywhere. Holy crap do they love billboards. They seem to have a decent ad agency, though. Some are pretty cheeky.
The number of people that wear branded merchandise from a rough ridin' gas station is a testament to their marketing.
Quiktrips merch is actually fire tho.

Very odd to me.

Again, I have seen people wear Top Ramen sweatsuits. I think I understand irony-wear, but this mostly seems different than that.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: QuikTrip
« on: May 04, 2024, 08:42:42 PM »
Also, prepare for an ungodly number of Buc-ees billboards everywhere. Holy crap do they love billboards. They seem to have a decent ad agency, though. Some are pretty cheeky.
The number of people that wear branded merchandise from a rough ridin' gas station is a testament to their marketing.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Kentucky Derby
« on: May 04, 2024, 08:25:59 PM »
Congrats man you both look great and happy!

It's been over a month since drinking booze of any kind and to be honest it is pretty awesome.  Changed up my diet as well and have dropped almost 30 lbs already.  Not saying I'm never going to have a drink again, but at this point I don't see why I would.  It is amazing to me how much more clear my head is on a daily basis not having to clear the fog from the night before.
Yeah I basically don’t drink unless I am on vacation now and no regrets other than how insanely hungover I get when I do go hard.

Which again, is not an argument in favor of drinking.

Congrats bro!

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Noah smith, liar or dumbass?
« on: April 30, 2024, 11:11:08 AM »
There are plenty of cheap houses in a lot of the flyover town that really thrived decades ago.  Fewer houses in the big metro areas.

Small town America kind of dying is an impact on the current housing situation that I don't see discussed very often.  A lot of our boomer parents that got these low cost homes lived in places like Norton, Kansas.  You too could buy a low cost home in Norton, Kansas!
my understanding from folks that grew up in Norton size towns in western KS is that only old & small houses are cheap and that the newer & larger homes are quite expensive as thre is a limited number of them and most come with a sizeable piece of property

the other thing to consider is nobody wants to live in Norton, KS
No doubt.  And I'm not saying they need to.  I'm saying citing the difference between Boomers' first home prices vs. millenials'/z's first home prices is apples and oranges when you consider the respective differences in location preference/requirements.

There's a higher proportion of the population now that demands/requires to live in the same place(s).

This does not seem true based on remote work alone.

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