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Offline chum1

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2010, 03:35:56 PM »
The really good part is the Catmatt vs. Mr. KK rivalry stuff.  Having the video in its entirety, though, gives you the full Catmatt experience.

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2010, 03:50:41 PM »
The really good part is the Catmatt vs. Mr. KK rivalry stuff.  Having the video in its entirety, though, gives you the full Catmatt experience.

yeah. i love the person that katpaked the head over kk, thus allowing the whole video to be viewed in interiety. seems weird on catmatts part though....... i was mad about something i saw after i got back from vacation, so i am choosing to put a year old video of kk on the internet. :dunno:

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #52 on: April 14, 2010, 03:57:14 PM »
Any more, it's hard to think of Mr. KK without also thinking of Catmatt.  This is a great rilvary indeed.

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #53 on: April 14, 2010, 04:29:29 PM »
Any more, it's hard to think of Mr. KK without also thinking of Catmatt.  This is a great rilvary indeed.

do you think kk and catmatt might actually be the same person and that he/they are setting up this rivalry to increase youtube hits?  :surprised:

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #54 on: April 14, 2010, 05:18:50 PM »
Any more, it's hard to think of Mr. KK without also thinking of Catmatt.  This is a great rilvary indeed.

do you think kk and catmatt might actually be the same person and that he/they are setting up this rivalry to increase youtube hits?  :surprised:
I have never seen them together at the same time....

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #55 on: April 14, 2010, 06:20:10 PM »
I would love to have a video made about me.

Hey CATMATT, your videos are dumb and you are a douchebag.  :crossfingers:
« Last Edit: April 14, 2010, 06:26:49 PM by _33 »

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #56 on: April 14, 2010, 06:39:59 PM »
Its funny, I don't think about catmatt for months until he posts a random video clip of me.  It is almost as if he has a backlog of imagined slights he is waiting to take people to task for.

I picture him carrying around a crap-list with the perfect insult for each individual should he run into them.  Get ready KK, you're about to find out about the jerk store.

Offline WillieWatanabe

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #57 on: April 14, 2010, 07:16:24 PM »
Its funny, I don't think about catmatt for months until he posts a random video clip of me.  It is almost as if he has a backlog of imagined slights he is waiting to take people to task for.

I picture him carrying around a crap-list with the perfect insult for each individual should he run into them.  Get ready KK, you're about to find out about the jerk store.

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Offline chum1

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #58 on: April 14, 2010, 07:51:49 PM »
Its funny, I don't think about catmatt for months until he posts a random video clip of me.  It is almost as if he has a backlog of imagined slights he is waiting to take people to task for.

Not your rival, huh?  More like your little bro, eh?

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2010, 08:08:21 PM »
Its funny, I don't think about catmatt for months until he posts a random video clip of me.  It is almost as if he has a backlog of imagined slights he is waiting to take people to task for.
ya sure, right.  funny, i don't believe you. 

Cheesy Mustache QB might make an appearance.

New warning: Don't get in a fight with someone who doesn't even need to bother to buy ink.

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #60 on: April 14, 2010, 09:23:08 PM »
Enjoy...  :users:

Quote from: Catmatt's blog
The following Blog was originially posted on Friday after I was suspended from one of the Kansas State University message boards.  However, in an effort to make peace with kougar24, the subject of this writing, I deleted this blog Saturday evening. 

This morning, I received an email from my mother, who had read the Blog on Saturday, agreed with my sentiments, but wanted to read it over more thoroughly on Sunday.  She also wanted my father to read it, as he likes to read my writings and offer input.  Mom was disappointed that the Blog was no longer here.  So without further adieu, brought back by popular demand, here is the infamous Blog about kougar24 on the K-State message boards.  Sorry, koug, but I can't disappoint my mama.  And while you, koug, like to spout that freedom of speech is not an issue on the message boards, it is certainly an issue in my little corner of the world wide web. 

Welcome, dear readers.  Except you, of course, koug.

*   *   *   *

When I was in the 6th Grade, I was bullied by a kid two years younger than me and half my size.  Some of you may be thinking, "Either this kid was really tough or Matt was really wimpy."  Neither statement is true.  This little punk--I will call him Bennie--got the better of me for many months because he was your ninja variety of bully.  Anyone who has seen the film Chinese Super Ninjas knows that ninja assassins move in the shadows, strike from the blindside, and make a hasty retreat.  That was pretty much Bennie's M.O. 

It was at the local movie theater, the Saturday matinee of The Land That Time Forgot, when Bennie first struck, stealing up behind me as I was taking a drink of water and smacking the back of my head, driving my face into the fountain and bloodying my lip.  He was gone before I could retaliate.  A few weeks later, when I was outside playing with the neighbor kids, Bennie rode up behind me on his bicycle and smacked me on the back of my head with a stick before riding off.  That same day, when I tried to go after him with a stick of my own and my mother stopped me, Bennie parked his bike across the street and told my mother she was an "ugly bitch," knowing full well that (a) I would not be able to get to him before he disappeared on his bike, and (b) my Mom was too much of a lady to let me try.

Bennie crossed the line a few months later in the ultimate display of covert cowardice.  As I was walking home from the swimming pool, I felt something stinging my arms and back.  There was Bennie, in the back of a moving car, shooting at me with a pellet gun (yes, I am the victim of a drive-by).  My father tracked down Bennie's father and reported the incident.  Bennie got in trouble, and I thought that was the end of it.  A few weeks later, a big kid with long hair whom I had never seen before came up to me at the swimming pool and clocked me in the temple so hard I almost blacked out.  The big kid got in trouble by the lifeguards, but I got a good look at him.  I realized he wasn't so big, not much bigger than me, and I knew it was time to stand up for myself.

A few days later, I saw the big kid at the pool again, sunning himself between a couple of girls.  I walked over to him, hovered above him, and demanded to know why he hit me.

"A friend of mine told me to," the kid said.

"Who?" I demanded.

"Nunya."  This is shorthand for Nun ya f---ing business.

I didn't like the answer, so I drove my foot down into his testicles as hard as I could.  "Who'd you say it was?" I asked.

"Bennie," the big kid sputtered.  "He's over there."

I am forever grateful for my good friends Ralph and Jeff (at least I think it was them; the whole day is a blur now).  Had it not been for them, I might have ended up in juvenile detention.  For I found Bennie that day.  Without a back seat to hide in, without a bike to escape upon, without the advantage of a blindside attack, he was no match for me.  I grabbed him by the hair, forced him to the bottom of the pool, and stood on him.  He was prone on his belly on the floor of the pool.  I had one foot on the back of his head, another on the small of his back, and I was fully prepared to stay there until he drowned.  Ralph and Jeff were the ones who stopped me … at least that is how I remember it.

*   *   *   *

Earlier, I used the term punk to describe Bennie.  In the Urban Dictionary, punk is defined as "an annoying young man who has not yet had the attitude beaten out of him by life."  That certainly describes young Bennie, who is probably someone's bitch in Leavenworth now.  It also describes another bully I know.  This new bully has never bloodied my lip on a fountain or smacked me on the back of the head.  Rather, he is a member of the new breed of thug, the anonymous Internet bully, a punk who hides like Bennie behind a screen name, says whatever he wants, and gets away with it because of his anonymity.

Normally, when writing about a punk, I will give him a pseudonym.  I will not use a pseudonym today for the punk I am going to describe.  I will use his real name, or at least the only name I have.  He goes by kougar24, and he is a moderator on the Kansas State University message boards.

For those of you who don't frequent message boards, let me give you a little background.  A message board is just a place on the Internet where you can write your thoughts and ideas and share them in a public forum.  Each message board consists of threads, which are topics started by a single writer, and everyone else registered on the board can respond on any of those threads.  The Kansas State message boards are broken into several separate boards, each based on a specific category.  There is K-State Football, where Wildcat fans can start threads about the football team; K-State Hoops, where we discuss the basketball team; K-State Women's Hoops, about the women's basketball team; Other K-State Sports, where we discuss baseball, volleyball, etc.; and my personal favorite, Aggieville, named after the popular bar district near the K-State campus, where K-State fans discuss everything from politics to religion to movies.

I have been posting on the K-State message boards for going on seven years now.  When I first signed on as Catmatt in October 2000, I was living in Los Angeles, had few local acquaintances, and was delighted to find a forum on-line where I could interact with fellow K-State fans and alumni.  Although I love Los Angeles, I was perpetually homesick for Kansas while there, especially during football season, a time when the leaves turn gold, the air gets sharper, and my father and I used to get tickets to some of K-State's home games.  Chatting on the K-State message boards gave me a connection with home.  It became my social life.  I began to think of these people as my brothers and sisters, and we fiercely defended each other whenever fans from rival schools came aboard.  The K-State message boards were also a place of solace and comfort after 9-11.  All of my faceless friends, known only by their screen names like catfan28, purplepower, and coloradomommacat, became my support system.  We spent many long hours together on the boards, offering each other comfort, sharing our stories of where we were when the attacks happened, and finally uniting with resolve by posting Photoshop mash-ups of Chuck Norris beating the snot out of Osama Bin Laden.  Outside of my marriage and AA, the K-State message boards were the next best thing to a family when so far away from home.

Then kougar24 came along.

I don't know much about kougar24.  I know he was born around 1983, making him 20 years my junior. I know he lived in Prague, Czech Republic, for awhile, and he thinks pretty highly of himself because of it.  I know he is a graduate student at K-State scheduled to graduate this May, I believe.  He has been on the boards awhile, perhaps even longer than me.  I never really noticed him before because he was just another Internet poster.  I think I even defended him a few times when he was under attack by Nebraska Cornhusker fans on the boards.  Our paths really did not cross until after he was promoted to moderator, a policeman of the message boards, and then not until the summer of 2006. 

It all started when Laurin and I became interested in Africa.  Granted, our initial interest pertained to the wildlife of the various West Africa regions, but as the months passed and we began to research the Continent more and more, we became equally concerned with the plight of the peoples as well.  Sometime in late June, I rented the film Hotel Rwanda.  I am ashamed to say that 12 years after the fact, I still had no idea what the Rwandan genocide was all about.  In April 1994, I was just beginning my recovery from alcoholism, pretty much avoiding the media and current events.  In the decade or so that followed, Rwanda was little more than a buzzword used whenever someone wanted to criticize Bill Clinton's foreign policy.  But in June 2006, I watched Hotel Rwanda, and I was stunned.  It compelled me to research the genocide.  I dug into the roots of the issues and how they stemmed from the Belgian occupation almost a century ago.  I watched some disturbing films, Ghosts of Rwanda, a PBS documentary, as well as Sometime In April, a terrifying HBO drama that makes Hotel Rwanda looked like a kid's movie.  Worst of all, I learned that genocides like the one in Rwanda were still going on in Africa, in Darfur, in the DRC, and now even bleeding over into Chad.

Because the vast majority of K-State fans are intelligent, sensitive people, I went to the boards--to my second family--to talk about Rwanda.  Most of the folks were open and insightful, but there was a small handful of punks who just couldn't resist the opportunity to be cruel.  One person made jokes.  One person posted a mock-up poster with the cast of the comedy A Fish Called Wanda and labeled it A Fish Called Rwanda.  But the absolute worst post, the one that filled me with rage, was from a particular punk with the screen name Driel5150.  I have posted this offensive piece of crap in another Blog, but for those of you who missed it, here it is again:

It is my sincere wish--with AK-47, machete, sharp stick, or pointy rock--that every person involved with a turd-world struggle simply off each other and the decendants that would continue the same fight.  I don't care, and I'm tired of the waste of resources from those that do care.  If it were a society or culture that would at some point contribute to the globe they would have done it by now ... not counting AIDS of course.  Would Nigerian tax dollars be flowing to America to help our deprived if the roles were reversed ... no, because they don't care about us.  When the last American homeless person has been given their own personal Mercedes, then we can look at throwing more money away in Africa.  Tutsi kills a Hutu ... meh. Hutu kills a Tutsi ... oh well.  I didn't know either of them and that's two less people to complain that America isn't doing enough to make their life better than it is.  So there you go, rest assured there is at least one person on the forum that doesn't care to give 10 cents to Unicef because you finally watched a movie that was an iffy DVD at best.

Naturally, I posted a response to Dreil5150's post.  It was an angry response, and in the course of my writing it, I intentionally changed the spelling of Dreil's name, referring to him as "Drivel."  Well, that's truthful, isn't it?  Given his hate-filled rhetoric, wouldn't you say "Drivel" is a pretty accurate description?  Later, when I went back and reread my comments, I found that my words had been considerably truncated.  At the end of my comments were the words in red: 

Personal Attack Removed

And at the bottom of the post, the epithet:

Edited by: kougar24   at: 7/3/06 3:31:36 pm

I was naturally a little perturbed at this.  He censors me because I call someone Drivel, but Drivel himself is not censored for his mean-spirited hate speech?  So I called kougar24 out on it.  He made no apologies.  He was highly critical of me for my rather passionate stance on the matter.  He told me in a private message that he actually agreed with Drivel (can you believe it?) and he went so far as to write: 

You are starting to take a little too much pride in this "stirring the pot" attitude of yours lately. It's like you want to make it your calling card.

After that, I got tag-teamed by both Drivel and kougar24, as well as a few other Internet punks.  The mildest of the comments came from Drivel himself, who wrote:

Good lord Matt ... someone needs to take away your Blockbuster card ...

But the worst one came from some teenage girl trying to show all the boys how tough she was:

The good news is, because of the rapes that occurred at the genocide, everyone in Rwanda has AIDS now, so it's only a matter of time before we won't have that stupid contry for Matt to keep crying about.

To this, one of my friends on the board suggested that maybe that particular comment was "out of bounds."  Kougar24's response:

Out of bounds, but not against the board rules. It is her opinion, and she's entitled to it.

That was the beginning of the war.  Now that you know kougar24's priorities, let me tell you all another bedtime story.

*   *   *   *

Earlier this week, another K-State fan named wildcatmatt2008 started a thread on the Aggieville board about reading the Bible in 365 days.  He asked who was with him, and a few other Christians on the site said they wanted to participate.  So wildcatmatt2008 went to a website that has the entire Bible online, and then following an outline in his own Bible, he cut and pasted the chapters and verses from the Day 1 reading into the thread.  A few people thought this was a cool idea, and they began to post comments about the verses, what the meanings of the words might be, and how the version wildcatmatt2008 posted differed from their own versions.

The next day, wildcatmatt2008 started a new thread entitled READ THE BIBLE IN A YEAR -- DAY 2.  Again, he cut and pasted the chapters and verses for that day's readings into the thread so that fellow Christians could follow along.  I have to admit, I admired wildcatmatt2008's discipline.  He was making it his personal mission to not only learn more about God by sticking to this schedule but also to honor God but helping others to follow along.

On the third day, when wildcatmatt2008 started a thread READ THE BIBLE IN A YEAR -- DAY 3, our old buddy kougar24, couldn't keep silent anymore:

I'm afraid I can't let you create 365 separate threads about this. If you plan on continuing posting for each day, make a single thread for it.

First of all, this is a ridiculous request.  Wildcatmatt2008, much classier than me, explained why it was ridiculous when he challenged the rule:

Why not koug?  If I don't [post separate threads each day], we will have a 200-300 page long thread by the time this is done that will never load, so people will stop reading it, and that will defeat the purpose.

As for me, I had had enough of kougar24.  My war with him had started with the Rwanda mess, but he had been throwing his weight around for the past few months, polluting these boards that I once called home with his fascist rules and arbitrary censorship.  And something else was bothering me about this mess.  If wildcatmatt2008's Bible posts were really a problem, why were they were a problem?  Usually, when restrictions are put in place they come with an explanation.  Were other posters on the board complaining?  Was there a problem with the Internet server?  Kougar did not say.  He simply laid down an order without cause and expected it to be followed.

But here is another thing that bothered me.  If this was really an issue, why was it addressed publicly in the thread?  Kougar24 had the option to send a private message to wildcatmatt2008.  He could have handled the whole issue discreetly, perhaps even persuaded wildcatmatt2008 to strike a compromise.  So why was he making a public issue of these Bible threads?  I think he knew it would stir things up.  I think he anticipated that Christians would be offended and non-Christians would rally against it.  He wanted controversy.  And he got it ... from me.

I suppose I should have been more reasonable, but I was angry.  Once again, kougar24 was throwing his weight around.  I decided to go all, whipping out the big guns in the following message:

All in favor of kougar's rules regarding what can be discussed on these boards and how often it can be discussed, raise your right hand:

In hindsight, perhaps I went a bit too far.  Whatever the case, I had broken kougar24's cardinal rule of "name-calling," and his response, of course, was a threat to ban me, to block me, to make it so I could no longer post on the boards.  That is his big gun, the only option he has--the threat of banishment.  Because face it; most punks are frightened little children who need control over others and are terrified of losing it. 

Granted, this is only a message board, not the most earth-shattering of public forums in the world, but kougar24's double-standard has disgusted me for awhile.  Hate-speech is within your rights, but name-calling is not.  Carte blanche is granted to jokes about the suffering of others, but try to discuss the Bible and we have to reign you in a bit. 

The end result is that I have now been banned by kougar24 from these message boards.  Part of my banishment is my fault.  I did take things a bit too far with kougar24 this time.  I implied that he was a Nazi, and later I outright told him that his obsession with control was fascist.  I called him a frightened, power-mad little boy who gets a bit of authority and has to throw his weight around.  I admit that I was not very kind.  But I don't think I should have to be kind to tyrants. 

But here is a scary thought.  None of this would disturb me much--it is, after all, only a message board--except that from all clues I can gather, kougar24 is a very smart young man with a pretty solid job waiting for him upon graduation.  This kid, who was still in diapers when I was his age, is one of our nation's future leaders.  How many more kougar24's are out there now, graduating in May, entering the private sector, men and women living by a set of rules that changes by the hour to suit them?  This isn't just about a message board.  This is about how this generation behaves when a little power is handed to them.  You can't even be fair and balanced as a message board moderator; how are you going to be as a supervisor or manager?  Do you plan on running for office?  Would I vote for a guy who is this arbitrary with the rules on a silly message board?  If he can't even manage that, how's he going to manage the country?  

My only saving grace is that my parents' generation, a proud people that made this country great, won't be around to see the punks of the world  come into power.  As for me and my own, I can only hope the world collapses ahead of schedule.  I shudder to think of the kougar24's running things … and it's scary to think I will be too old to do anything about it.

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #61 on: April 14, 2010, 10:05:42 PM »
THE WORLD IS GONNA END!!!  :runaway: :runaway: :runaway:
Sometimes I think of the Book of Job and how God likes to really eff with people.
- chunkles

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #62 on: April 14, 2010, 10:44:32 PM »
ZOMG!!! That was even better than promised.  I only hope I can someday inspire a post of that level.  Well done Kougz.  Now, as part of your generation, I say lets burn this fracking planet down!

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #63 on: April 15, 2010, 12:06:55 AM »
Enjoy...  :users:

Quote from: Catmatt's blog
Outside of my marriage and AA, the K-State message boards were the next best thing to a family when so far away from home.

 :cheers:   :drink:

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #64 on: April 15, 2010, 12:13:38 AM »
Good lord.  That guy takes the internet WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.

I remember when he stopped by the Funk Bus before the K-State/KU game last November.  I saw a weird-looking dude was walking toward us wielding a camera and then I saw him introduce himself to a bunch of people from Kstatefans.  I decided to lay low because A) I'm automatically leery of internet meetups, at least with unfunny KStatefans people, B) I didn't want to be in a video, and C) He's the worst.  Just....the worst.  So I bolted and got wasted with some friends 400 yards away for a while.  When I came back he was STILL THERE.  It was horrible.  I did catch a glimpse of initial awkwardness on the bus with him and KK though, it was beautiful.   :love:

CatMatt just makes me feel like whatever is the sum of  :blindfold::flush::facepalm:.
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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #65 on: April 15, 2010, 12:17:33 AM »
he stopped by the Funk Bus before the K-State/KU game last November

Rumblings that he didn't proceed to omeletpak because he was secretly worried he'd "get his ass beat" so he told people that he's forever given up alcohol and eggs.

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #66 on: April 15, 2010, 01:48:24 AM »
There should be a disclaimer posted somewhere on this board that states " is not responsible for what happens when message board posters becoming obsessive and take things too far."  A link to this thread should be posted with it.  Just a suggestion...

"Outside of my marriage and AA, the K-State message boards were the next best thing to a family when so far away from home."   I'm pretty  :facepalm: right now.

And whats the deal with his parents reading what he posts??? :confused:       Everything I've seen, heard and read makes me feel horrible...  Thanks guys.

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #67 on: April 15, 2010, 06:18:01 AM »
Catmatt Behavior Experts:  Do you think Catmatt started drinking to try to escape from himself?
« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 07:14:38 AM by chum1 »

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #68 on: April 15, 2010, 06:59:47 AM »
it sounds like some of you disagree with some of the details of catmatt's account.  all i can say is that, at least he has made the effort to compile a history of that fascinating, formative time period of  whether he got every single i dotted and every t crossed is hardly the point, as is the debate about whether this history could be best illustrated and preserved as blog, podcast or video.  about all i can say about it is, the historical narrative begins with a single word, a single paragraph, a single voice, and catmatt's distinctive voice is once again moving the emaw narrative forward, which is great for everyone (except kougs, in this case), which is about all i can say right now.
"a garden city man wondered in april if the theologians had not made a mistake in locating the garden of eden in asia rather than in the arkansas river valley."

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #69 on: April 15, 2010, 07:09:48 AM »
it sounds like some of you disagree with some of the details of catmatt's account.  all i can say is that, at least he has made the effort to compile a history of that fascinating, formative time period of  whether he got every single i dotted and every t crossed is hardly the point, as is the debate about whether this history could be best illustrated and preserved as blog, podcast or video.  about all i can say about it is, the historical narrative begins with a single word, a single paragraph, a single voice, and catmatt's distinctive voice is once again moving the emaw narrative forward, which is great for everyone (except kougs, in this case), which is about all i can say right now.

Make this about 79x longer and I might have to call you a sock.
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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #70 on: April 15, 2010, 07:23:06 AM »
Make this about 79x longer and I might have to call you a sock.

if dicks were feet, i might have to call your mom a sock.
"a garden city man wondered in april if the theologians had not made a mistake in locating the garden of eden in asia rather than in the arkansas river valley."

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #71 on: April 15, 2010, 07:37:26 AM »
sorry, that was over the top (though completely understandable and deserved).  i've deleted it now, and hope you'll do the same.
"a garden city man wondered in april if the theologians had not made a mistake in locating the garden of eden in asia rather than in the arkansas river valley."

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #72 on: April 15, 2010, 07:59:56 AM »
Make this about 79x longer and I might have to call you a sock.

if dicks were feet, i might have to call your mom a sock.


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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #73 on: April 15, 2010, 09:28:55 AM »
Big talking point oppy missed:  CattMatt kicks people in the balls during fights. 

what a pussy  :surprised:

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Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« Reply #74 on: April 15, 2010, 10:25:13 AM »
Dude needs to sign off the interwebs permanently.   :facepalm:
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