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Messages - star seed 7

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 2569
He lied on the federal form you fill out prior to purchase (it's basically the honor system I guess)

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: travel thread
« on: Today at 08:14:13 PM »
My guess is all of you would be in middle seats in completely different rows and then you'd be the bad person asking if anyone in the aisle can switch so you can sit next to your child

And you laughed when I said culturally UT belongs in the sec....

I'm not sure I've ever seen lance outside of when he's yelling/whining at the officials so I didn't know this is what he looks like IRL.

Hey that's pretty cool! #neatdeal

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: mexican politics
« on: Today at 06:18:46 PM »
At least in legal regulated doses, yeah kinda sucks

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: mexican politics
« on: Today at 05:45:45 PM »
What are your thoughts sys? Good, bad, status quo?

Who is the "certain HOA beautification and fines committee co-chair that visits this blog frequently"?

If I ever posted on texags it would exclusively be dax copy pasta's

Trump 2024 Flag
357 Views | 12 Replies
To display or not to display, that is the question.

This is purely from a safety perspective on my behalf but I would like to hear other's opinions.

Do I/You fly a Trump 2024 flag?

All of you Trump haters can go post elsewhere, but is it worth it to fly a Trump 2024 flag on a flag pole on your house or property? I have no affiliation with this vendor. Simply searched and posted one for context.

Who do you bank with? Looking for a conservative bank...
1,999 Views | 30 Replies
Dill-Ag138:40p, 6/2/24
Looking in the woodlands area, curious if there are any resources to help determine how woke or unwoke a bank is. I need a local bank for regular change/$1s and so an online-only bank is out of the question
1 edit1

Hello fellow young people skibidi toilet, gyatt and rizz

You toss a salad, not a crank. The old man is trying to fit in with 30 year old slang again  :lol:

IRL means "In Real Life"

Interesting that dax doesn't even mention the thing hunter Biden is actually being changed with (IRL!!) and has actual evidence against him (IRL!!).

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Signs of getting old
« on: Today at 03:49:18 PM »
Bro two weeks ago I bent over to pick up something off the floor and I could barely walk for a week afterwards. Thankfully I'm basically retired and can stay in bed all day hopped up on opioids.

Iirc the house has also discussed numerous Hunter Biden male genitals pics  :th_twocents:

"discussed numerous financial transactions"

Not the epoch times, I refuse to believe it.

Just to summerize the evidence against the grifters biden (as confirmed by dax)

Pedophilia - none
Sex trafficking - none
Financial crimes - none
Many other things (?) - none

Full of humble male genitals pics from what I have gathered

You're right dax, I should have been more clear. Is there any evidence of illegallity by the grifters biden? As far as I know financial transactions aren't inherently illegal(?)

Is there any evidence of the grifters biden or are we going to have to fabricate some?

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Kc restaurant suggestions
« on: Today at 12:16:30 AM »
I always grab chicken fried chicken at Summit

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Supreme Court Cases Thread
« on: June 02, 2024, 10:35:48 AM »
Surprised turning point actually fired her

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